From 0caa5a7014d9b3ed11a51af5531263ba023c23b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Wilkes <>
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 17:49:26 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] separate out index.js from index.html

 pd/nw/index.html | 514 +----------------------------------------------
 pd/nw/index.js   | 513 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 514 insertions(+), 513 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 pd/nw/index.js

diff --git a/pd/nw/index.html b/pd/nw/index.html
index 59cc09dbf..a7dbcc057 100644
--- a/pd/nw/index.html
+++ b/pd/nw/index.html
@@ -10,519 +10,7 @@
     <label><input type="checkbox" id="dsp_control" name="dsp_control" value="on"/>Compute Audio</label>
-    <script>
-        'use strict';
-        var nw = require('nw.gui');
-        console.log(nw.App.argv);
-        var pdgui = require('./pdgui.js');
-        var port_no = nw.App.argv[0]; // fed to us by the Pd process
-        var pwd = process.env.PWD;
-        pdgui.set_port(port_no);
-        pdgui.set_pwd(pwd);
-        pdgui.set_pd_window(this);
-        pdgui.set_app_quitfn(app_quit);
-        // gui preset
-        // For translations
-        var l = pdgui.get_local_string;
-        function app_quit () {
-            console.log("quitting Pd...");
-            nw.App.quit();
-        }
-        var chooser = document.querySelector("#fileDialog");
-        chooser.addEventListener("change", function(evt) {
-            var file_array = this.value;
-            // reset value so that we can open the same file twice
-            this.value = null;
-            pdgui.menu_open(file_array);
-            console.log("tried to open something");
-        }, false);
-        document.getElementById("dsp_control").addEventListener("click",
-            function(evt) {
-                var dsp_state = this.checked ? 1 : 0;
-                pdgui.pdsend("pd dsp", dsp_state);
-            }
-        );
-        // Invoke some functions to create main menus, etc.
-        nw.Window.get().on("close", function() {
-            pdgui.menu_quit();
-        });
-        console.log(nw.App.argv); 
-        document.getElementById("fileDialog").setAttribute("nwworkingdir", pwd);
-        document.getElementById("fileDialog").setAttribute("accept",
-            Object.keys(pdgui.pd_filetypes).toString());
-        nw_create_pd_window_menus();
-        pdgui.connect();
-        pdgui.init_socket_events();
-        // nw context callbacks (mostly just creating/destroying windows)
-        pdgui.set_new_window_fn(nw_create_window);
-        pdgui.set_close_window_fn(nw_close_window);
-        function pdmenu_copy () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_copy"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_selectall () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_selectall"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_preferences () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_next_win () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_previous_win () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_parent_win () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_console_win () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_audio_on () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_audio_off () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_test_audio () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_load_meter () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_about_pd () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_manual () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_help_browser () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_l2ork_mailinglist () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_pd_mailinglists () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_forums () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-        function pdmenu_irc () {
-            alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
-        }
-// Menus for the main Pd window
-function nw_create_pd_window_menus () {
-    // Window menu
-    var windowMenu = new nw.Menu({
-        type: 'menubar'
-    });
-    // File menu
-    var fileMenu = new nw.Menu();
-    // Add to window menu
-    windowMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.file'),
-        submenu: fileMenu
-    }));
-    // File sub-entries
-    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l(''),
-        click: pdgui.menu_new,
-        key: 'n',
-        modifiers: 'ctrl',
-        tooltip: l('')
-    }));
-    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l(''),
-        key: 'o',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l(''),
-        click: function (){
-            var chooser = document.querySelector('#fileDialog');
-  ;
-        }
-    }));
-    if (pdgui.k12_mode == 1) {
-        fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.k12.demos'),
-        tooltip: l('menu.k12.demos_tt'),
-        click: pdgui.menu_k12_open_demos
-        }));
-    }
-    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        type: 'separator'
-    }));
-    // Note: this must be different for the main Pd window
-    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l(''),
-            click: function () {},
-            enabled: false,
-        key: 's',
-        tooltip: l(''),
-        modifiers: "ctrl"
-    }));
-    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.saveas'),
-        click: function (){},
-        enabled: false,
-        key: 'S',
-        tooltip: l('menu.saveas_tt'),
-        modifiers: "ctrl"
-    }));
-    if (pdgui.k12_mode == 0) {
-        fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-            type: 'separator'
-        }));
-    }
-    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.message'),
-        click: pdgui.menu_send,
-        key: 'm',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.message_tt')
-    }));
-    if (pdgui.k12_mode == 0) {
-        fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-            type: 'separator'
-        }));
-    }
-    // recent files go here
-    // anther separator goes here if there are any recent files
-    // Note: there's no good reason to have this here
-    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.close'),
-        click: function () {},
-        enabled: false,
-    }));
-    // Quit Pd
-    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.quit'),
-        click: pdgui.menu_quit,
-        key: 'q',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.quit_tt')
-    }));
-    // Edit menu
-    var editMenu = new nw.Menu();
-    // Add to window menu
-    windowMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-    label: l('menu.edit'),
-    submenu: editMenu
-    }));
-    // Edit sub-entries
-    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.copy'),
-        click: pdmenu_copy,
-        key: 'c',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.copy_tt')
-    }));
-    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.selectall'),
-        click: function () {
-            document.selectAllChildren(document);
-        },
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.selectall_tt')
-    }));
-    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        type: 'separator'
-    }));
-    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.zoomin'),
-        click: function () {
-            nw.Window.get().zoomLevel += 1;
-            pdgui.gui_post("zoom level is " + nw.Window.get().zoomLevel);
-        },
-        key: '=',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.zoomin_tt')
-    }));
-    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.zoomout'),
-        click: function () {
-            nw.Window.get().zoomLevel -= 1;
-            pdgui.gui_post("zoom level is " + nw.Window.get().zoomLevel);
-        },
-        key: '-',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.zoomout_tt')
-    }));
-    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.preferences'),
-        click: pdgui.open_prefs,
-        key: 'p',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.preferences_tt')
-    }));
-    // Windows menu... call it "winman" (i.e., window management) to avoid confusion
-    var winmanMenu = new nw.Menu();
-    // Add to windows menu
-    windowMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-    label: l(''),
-    submenu: winmanMenu
-    }));
-    // Winman sub-entries
-    winmanMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.nextwin'),
-        click: pdmenu_next_win,
-        key: 'c',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.nextwin_tt')
-    }));
-    winmanMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.prevwin'),
-        click: pdmenu_previous_win,
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.prevwin_tt')
-    }));
-    winmanMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        type: 'separator'
-    }));
-    winmanMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.parentwin'),
-        click: pdmenu_parent_win,
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.parentwin_tt')
-    }));
-    winmanMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.pdwin'),
-        click: pdmenu_console_win,
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.pdwin_tt')
-    }));
-    // Media menu
-    var mediaMenu = new nw.Menu();
-    // Add to window menu
-    windowMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-    label: l(''),
-    submenu: mediaMenu
-    }));
-    // Media sub-entries
-    mediaMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.audio_on'),
-        click: function() {
-            pdgui.pdsend("pd dsp 1");
-        },
-        key: '/',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.audio_on_tt')
-    }));
-    mediaMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.audio_off'),
-        click: function() {
-            pdgui.pdsend("pd dsp 0");
-        },
-        key: '.',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.audio_off_tt')
-    }));
-    mediaMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        type: 'separator'
-    }));
-    mediaMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.test'),
-        click: pdmenu_test_audio,
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.test_tt')
-    }));
-    mediaMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.loadmeter'),
-        click: pdmenu_load_meter,
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.loadmeter_tt')
-    }));
-    // Help menu
-    var helpMenu = new nw.Menu();
-    // Add to window menu
-    windowMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-    label: l(''),
-    submenu: helpMenu
-    }));
-    // Help sub-entries
-    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.about'),
-        click: pdmenu_about_pd,
-        key: 'c',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.about_tt')
-    }));
-    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.manual'),
-        click: pdmenu_manual,
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.manual_tt')
-    }));
-    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.browser'),
-        click: pdmenu_help_browser,
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.browser_tt')
-    }));
-    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        type: 'separator'
-    }));
-    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.l2ork_list'),
-        click: pdmenu_l2ork_mailinglist,
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.l2ork_list_tt')
-    }));
-    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.pd_list'),
-        click: pdmenu_pd_mailinglists,
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.pd_list_tt')
-    }));
-    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.forums'),
-        click: pdmenu_forums,
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.forums_tt')
-    }));
-    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
-        label: l('menu.irc'),
-        click: pdmenu_irc,
-        key: 'a',
-        modifiers: "ctrl",
-        tooltip: l('menu.irc_tt')
-    }));
-    // Assign to window
-    nw.Window.get().menu = windowMenu;
-function nw_close_window(window) {
-    window.close(true);
-function nw_create_window(cid, type, width, height, xpos, ypos, menu_flag, resize, topmost, cnv_color,
-    canvas_string, dir, dirty_flag, cargs, attr_array) {
-        // todo: make a separate way to format the title for OSX
-    var my_title =  pdgui.format_window_title(canvas_string, dirty_flag, cargs, dir);
-    var my_file =
-        type === 'pd_canvas' ? 'pd_canvas.html' : 'dialog_' + type + '.html';
-    var new_win =, {
-        title: my_title,
-        position: "center",
-        toolbar: true,
-        focus: true,
-        width: width,
-        height: height,
-        x: xpos,
-        y: ypos
-    });
-    //pdgui.gui_post("attr_array is " + attr_array);
-    var eval_string = "register_canvas_id(" + JSON.stringify(cid) + ", " + JSON.stringify(attr_array) + ");";
-    //pdgui.gui_post("eval string is " + eval_string);
-    //if (attr_array !== null) {
-    //    pdgui.gui_post("attr_array is " + attr_array.toString());
-    //}
-    new_win.on("loaded", function() {
-        new_win.eval(null, eval_string);
-    });
-    return new_win;
-function canvasNew(args) {
-    console.log(args);
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="index.js">
     <input style="display:none;" id="saveDialog" type="file" nwsaveas />
     <div id = "console_bottom">
diff --git a/pd/nw/index.js b/pd/nw/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46cd11aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pd/nw/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+'use strict';
+var nw = require('nw.gui');
+var pdgui = require('./pdgui.js');
+var port_no = nw.App.argv[0]; // fed to us by the Pd process
+var pwd = process.env.PWD;
+// gui preset;
+// For translations
+var l = pdgui.get_local_string;
+function app_quit () {
+    console.log("quitting Pd...");
+    nw.App.quit();
+var chooser = document.querySelector("#fileDialog");
+chooser.addEventListener("change", function(evt) {
+    var file_array = this.value;
+    // reset value so that we can open the same file twice
+    this.value = null;
+    pdgui.menu_open(file_array);
+    console.log("tried to open something");
+}, false);
+    function(evt) {
+        var dsp_state = this.checked ? 1 : 0;
+        pdgui.pdsend("pd dsp", dsp_state);
+    }
+// Invoke some functions to create main menus, etc.
+nw.Window.get().on("close", function() {
+    pdgui.menu_quit();
+document.getElementById("fileDialog").setAttribute("nwworkingdir", pwd);
+    Object.keys(pdgui.pd_filetypes).toString());
+// nw context callbacks (mostly just creating/destroying windows)
+function pdmenu_copy () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_copy"); 
+function pdmenu_selectall () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_selectall"); 
+function pdmenu_preferences () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_next_win () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_previous_win () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_parent_win () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_console_win () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_audio_on () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_audio_off () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_test_audio () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_load_meter () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_about_pd () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_manual () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_help_browser () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_l2ork_mailinglist () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_pd_mailinglists () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_forums () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+function pdmenu_irc () {
+    alert("Please implement pdmenu_preferences"); 
+// Menus for the main Pd window
+function nw_create_pd_window_menus () {
+    // Window menu
+    var windowMenu = new nw.Menu({
+        type: 'menubar'
+    });
+    // File menu
+    var fileMenu = new nw.Menu();
+    // Add to window menu
+    windowMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.file'),
+        submenu: fileMenu
+    }));
+    // File sub-entries
+    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l(''),
+        click: pdgui.menu_new,
+        key: 'n',
+        modifiers: 'ctrl',
+        tooltip: l('')
+    }));
+    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l(''),
+        key: 'o',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l(''),
+        click: function (){
+            var chooser = document.querySelector('#fileDialog');
+  ;
+        }
+    }));
+    if (pdgui.k12_mode == 1) {
+        fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.k12.demos'),
+        tooltip: l('menu.k12.demos_tt'),
+        click: pdgui.menu_k12_open_demos
+        }));
+    }
+    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        type: 'separator'
+    }));
+    // Note: this must be different for the main Pd window
+    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l(''),
+            click: function () {},
+            enabled: false,
+        key: 's',
+        tooltip: l(''),
+        modifiers: "ctrl"
+    }));
+    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.saveas'),
+        click: function (){},
+        enabled: false,
+        key: 'S',
+        tooltip: l('menu.saveas_tt'),
+        modifiers: "ctrl"
+    }));
+    if (pdgui.k12_mode == 0) {
+        fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+            type: 'separator'
+        }));
+    }
+    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.message'),
+        click: pdgui.menu_send,
+        key: 'm',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.message_tt')
+    }));
+    if (pdgui.k12_mode == 0) {
+        fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+            type: 'separator'
+        }));
+    }
+    // recent files go here
+    // anther separator goes here if there are any recent files
+    // Note: there's no good reason to have this here
+    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.close'),
+        click: function () {},
+        enabled: false,
+    }));
+    // Quit Pd
+    fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.quit'),
+        click: pdgui.menu_quit,
+        key: 'q',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.quit_tt')
+    }));
+    // Edit menu
+    var editMenu = new nw.Menu();
+    // Add to window menu
+    windowMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+    label: l('menu.edit'),
+    submenu: editMenu
+    }));
+    // Edit sub-entries
+    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.copy'),
+        click: pdmenu_copy,
+        key: 'c',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.copy_tt')
+    }));
+    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.selectall'),
+        click: function () {
+            document.selectAllChildren(document);
+        },
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.selectall_tt')
+    }));
+    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        type: 'separator'
+    }));
+    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.zoomin'),
+        click: function () {
+            nw.Window.get().zoomLevel += 1;
+            pdgui.gui_post("zoom level is " + nw.Window.get().zoomLevel);
+        },
+        key: '=',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.zoomin_tt')
+    }));
+    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.zoomout'),
+        click: function () {
+            nw.Window.get().zoomLevel -= 1;
+            pdgui.gui_post("zoom level is " + nw.Window.get().zoomLevel);
+        },
+        key: '-',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.zoomout_tt')
+    }));
+    editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.preferences'),
+        click: pdgui.open_prefs,
+        key: 'p',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.preferences_tt')
+    }));
+    // Windows menu... call it "winman" (i.e., window management)
+    // to avoid confusion
+    var winmanMenu = new nw.Menu();
+    // Add to windows menu
+    windowMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+    label: l(''),
+    submenu: winmanMenu
+    }));
+    // Winman sub-entries
+    winmanMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.nextwin'),
+        click: pdmenu_next_win,
+        key: 'c',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.nextwin_tt')
+    }));
+    winmanMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.prevwin'),
+        click: pdmenu_previous_win,
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.prevwin_tt')
+    }));
+    winmanMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        type: 'separator'
+    }));
+    winmanMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.parentwin'),
+        click: pdmenu_parent_win,
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.parentwin_tt')
+    }));
+    winmanMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.pdwin'),
+        click: pdmenu_console_win,
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.pdwin_tt')
+    }));
+    // Media menu
+    var mediaMenu = new nw.Menu();
+    // Add to window menu
+    windowMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+    label: l(''),
+    submenu: mediaMenu
+    }));
+    // Media sub-entries
+    mediaMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.audio_on'),
+        click: function() {
+            pdgui.pdsend("pd dsp 1");
+        },
+        key: '/',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.audio_on_tt')
+    }));
+    mediaMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.audio_off'),
+        click: function() {
+            pdgui.pdsend("pd dsp 0");
+        },
+        key: '.',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.audio_off_tt')
+    }));
+    mediaMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        type: 'separator'
+    }));
+    mediaMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.test'),
+        click: pdmenu_test_audio,
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.test_tt')
+    }));
+    mediaMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.loadmeter'),
+        click: pdmenu_load_meter,
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.loadmeter_tt')
+    }));
+    // Help menu
+    var helpMenu = new nw.Menu();
+    // Add to window menu
+    windowMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+    label: l(''),
+    submenu: helpMenu
+    }));
+    // Help sub-entries
+    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.about'),
+        click: pdmenu_about_pd,
+        key: 'c',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.about_tt')
+    }));
+    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.manual'),
+        click: pdmenu_manual,
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.manual_tt')
+    }));
+    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.browser'),
+        click: pdmenu_help_browser,
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.browser_tt')
+    }));
+    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        type: 'separator'
+    }));
+    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.l2ork_list'),
+        click: pdmenu_l2ork_mailinglist,
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.l2ork_list_tt')
+    }));
+    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.pd_list'),
+        click: pdmenu_pd_mailinglists,
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.pd_list_tt')
+    }));
+    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.forums'),
+        click: pdmenu_forums,
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.forums_tt')
+    }));
+    helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({
+        label: l('menu.irc'),
+        click: pdmenu_irc,
+        key: 'a',
+        modifiers: "ctrl",
+        tooltip: l('menu.irc_tt')
+    }));
+    // Assign to window
+    nw.Window.get().menu = windowMenu;
+function nw_close_window(window) {
+    window.close(true);
+// Way too many arguments here-- rethink this interface
+function nw_create_window(cid, type, width, height, xpos, ypos, menu_flag,
+    resize, topmost, cnv_color, canvas_string, dir, dirty_flag, cargs,
+    attr_array) {
+        // todo: make a separate way to format the title for OSX
+    var my_title =  pdgui.format_window_title(canvas_string, dirty_flag,
+        cargs, dir);
+    var my_file =
+        type === 'pd_canvas' ? 'pd_canvas.html' : 'dialog_' + type + '.html';
+    var new_win =, {
+        title: my_title,
+        position: "center",
+        toolbar: true,
+        focus: true,
+        width: width,
+        height: height,
+        x: xpos,
+        y: ypos
+    });
+    //pdgui.gui_post("attr_array is " + attr_array);
+    var eval_string = "register_canvas_id(" +
+                      JSON.stringify(cid) + ", " +
+                      JSON.stringify(attr_array) + ");";
+    //pdgui.gui_post("eval string is " + eval_string);
+    //if (attr_array !== null) {
+    //    pdgui.gui_post("attr_array is " + attr_array.toString());
+    //}
+    new_win.on("loaded", function() {
+        new_win.eval(null, eval_string);
+    });
+    return new_win;
+function canvasNew(args) {
+    console.log(args);