diff --git a/pd/nw/index.js b/pd/nw/index.js
index e25c3a8885cb3cec9fcf33c29da2bd956407c754..7304cedb5cf56fd088440fea8cdff4179869d674 100644
--- a/pd/nw/index.js
+++ b/pd/nw/index.js
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ function have_args() {
 function set_vars(win) {
-    var port_no, gui_dir;
+    var port_no, gui_dir, font_engine_sanity;
     // If the GUI was started by Pd, our port number is going to be
     // the first argument. If the GUI is supposed to start Pd, we won't
     // have any arguments and need to set it here.
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ function set_vars(win) {
+    font_engine_sanity = pdgui.set_font_engine_sanity(win);
@@ -55,6 +56,11 @@ function set_vars(win) {
     // nw context callbacks (mostly just creating/destroying windows)
+    if (!font_engine_sanity) {
+        pdgui.post("warning: your system's font stack is maintained by troglodytes.");
+    } else {
+        pdgui.post("font stack check: using optimal font sizes.");
+    }
 function app_quit() {
diff --git a/pd/nw/pd_canvas.js b/pd/nw/pd_canvas.js
index b9ea297b8b0a4f602f379d071e49fc1c501aab80..40dfd2a9b60c21d900412be232318fe4c56be23f 100644
--- a/pd/nw/pd_canvas.js
+++ b/pd/nw/pd_canvas.js
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ var canvas_events = (function() {
                     // mention that it was non-trivial for me to do the math
                     // of inverting and multiplying the matrices from within
                     // a Pd patch. And I'm the author of this API. Make
-                    // of that what you will...
+                    // of that what you will...)
                     minv = draggable_elem.getCTM().inverse(),
                     tx = minv.a * dx + minv.c * dy,
                     ty = minv.b * dx + minv.d * dy;
diff --git a/pd/nw/pdgui.js b/pd/nw/pdgui.js
index ba198ad69071d0c7e51d79db6abcc4dbb462cfa0..951782ac92b7d041701fc9085a7a438f0dff6357 100644
--- a/pd/nw/pdgui.js
+++ b/pd/nw/pdgui.js
@@ -89,6 +89,47 @@ exports.set_pd_window = function(win) {
     exports.pd_window = win;
+var font_engine_sanity;
+// Here we use an HTML5 canvas hack to measure the width of
+// the text to check for a font rendering anomaly. Here's why:
+// It was reported that Ubuntu 16.04, Arch-- and probably most other Gnu/Linux
+// distros going forward-- all end up with text extending past the box border.
+// The test_text below is the string used in the bug report.
+// OSX, Windows, and older Gnu/Linux stacks (like Ubuntu 14.04) all render
+// this text with a width that is within half a pixel of each other (+- 217).
+// Newer versions of Ubuntu and Arch measured nearly 7 pixels wider.
+// I don't know what the new Gnu/Linux stack is up to (and I don't have the
+// time to spelunk) but it's out of whack with the rest of the desktop
+// rendering engines. Worse, there's some kind of quantization going on that
+// keeps the new Gnu/Linux stack from hitting anything close to the font
+// metrics of Pd Vanilla.
+// Anyhow, we check for the discrepancy and try our best not to make newer
+// versions of Gnu/Linux distros look too shitty...
+exports.set_font_engine_sanity = function(win) {
+    var canvas = win.document.createElement("canvas"),
+        ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"),
+        test_text = "struct theremin float x float y";
+    canvas.id = "font_sanity_checker_canvas";
+    win.document.body.appendChild(canvas);
+    ctx.font = "11.65px DejaVu Sans Mono";
+    if (Math.floor(ctx.measureText(test_text).width) <= 217) {
+        font_engine_sanity = true;
+    } else {
+        font_engine_sanity = false;
+    }
+    canvas.parentNode.removeChild(canvas);
+    return font_engine_sanity;
+function font_stack_is_maintained_by_troglodytes() {
+    return !font_engine_sanity;
 var nw_create_window;
 var nw_close_window;
 var nw_app_quit;
@@ -1694,24 +1735,46 @@ function text_to_tspans(canvasname, svg_text, text) {
 // we can revisit the issue. Even Pd-Vanilla's box sizing
 // changed at version 0.43, so we can break as well if
 // it comes to that.
+function font_map() {
+    return {
+        // pd_size: gui_size
+        8: 8.33,
+        12: 11.65,
+        16: 16.65,
+        24: 23.3,
+        36: 36.6
+    };
+// This is a suboptimal font map, necessary because some genius "improved"
+// the font stack on Gnu/Linux by delivering font metrics that don't match
+// at all with what you get in OSX, Windows, nor even the previous version
+// of the Gnu/Linux stack.
+function suboptimal_font_map() {
+    return {
+        // pd_size: gui_size
+        8: 8.45,
+        12: 11.4,
+        16: 16.45,
+        24: 23.3,
+        36: 36
+    }
 function gobj_fontsize_kludge(fontsize, return_type) {
     // These were tested on an X60 running Trisquel (based
     // on Ubuntu)
     var ret, prop,
-        fontmap = {
-            // pd_size: gui_size
-            8: 8.33,
-            12: 11.65,
-            16: 16.65,
-            24: 23.3,
-            36: 36.6 };
+        fmap = font_stack_is_maintained_by_troglodytes() ?
+            suboptimal_font_map() : font_map();
     if (return_type === "gui") {
-        ret = fontmap[fontsize];
+        ret = fmap[fontsize];
         return ret ? ret : fontsize;
     } else {
-        for (prop in fontmap) {
-            if (fontmap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
-                if (fontmap[prop] == fontsize) {
+        for (prop in fmap) {
+            if (fmap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
+                if (fmap[prop] == fontsize) {
                     return +prop;