diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 076a9bdad126d0989b39a27be2b8c94f03fcdf13..0ebcda102ad264500542e98c024f02b1369077c5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 ## Pd-L2Ork
-maintainer: Ivica Ico Bukvic <ico@vt.edu>
-maintainer: Albert Graef <aggraef@gmail.com>
+* Ivica Ico Bukvic <ico@vt.edu>
+* Albert Graef <aggraef@gmail.com>
+* Jonathan Wilkes <jancsika@yahoo.com>
-maintainer: Jonathan Wilkes <jancsika@yahoo.com>
 [Mailing List](http://disis.music.vt.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/l2ork-dev) (**2/7/18: the mailing list is currently down. The admins are working to get it back up.**)
@@ -92,22 +94,19 @@ Hard drive space required: *roughly 2.5 GB*
 1. Install the dependencies
-        sudo apt-get install bison flex automake qjackctl \
-             tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev tcl-dev tk-dev libasound2-dev \
+        sudo apt-get install bison flex automake libasound2-dev \
              libjack-jackd2-dev libtool libbluetooth-dev libgl1-mesa-dev \
              libglu1-mesa-dev libglew-dev libmagick++-dev libftgl-dev \
              libgmerlin-dev libgmerlin-avdec-dev libavifile-0.7-dev \
              libmpeg3-dev libquicktime-dev libv4l-dev libraw1394-dev \
              libdc1394-22-dev libfftw3-dev libvorbis-dev ladspa-sdk \
-             dssi-dev tap-plugins ladspa-foo-plugins \
-             invada-studio-plugins-ladspa blepvco swh-plugins mcp-plugins \
-             cmt blop slv2-jack omins ubuntustudio-audio-plugins rev-plugins \
+             dssi-dev tap-plugins invada-studio-plugins-ladspa blepvco \
+             swh-plugins mcp-plugins cmt blop slv2-jack omins rev-plugins \
              libslv2-dev dssi-utils vco-plugins wah-plugins fil-plugins \
              mda-lv2 libmp3lame-dev libspeex-dev libgsl0-dev \
-             portaudio19-dev python-dev libsmpeg0 libjpeg62 tkpng flite1-dev \
-             libgsm1-dev libfftw3-dev libgtk2.0-dev subversion git libstk0-dev \
-             libsndobj-dev libfluidsynth-dev tclxapian fluid-soundfont-gm \
-             python-tk byacc
+             portaudio19-dev python-dev libsmpeg0 libjpeg62-turbo \
+             flite1-dev libgsm1-dev libgtk2.0-dev git libstk0-dev \
+             libsndobj-dev libfluidsynth-dev fluid-soundfont-gm byacc
 2. Clone the Purr-Data repository *(10 minutes)*