From 34b6213a5331b1e838fb83136aba4833ea7999e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ivica Ico Bukvic <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 21:40:12 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] removed unnecessary help files (duplicates of existing

 .../miXed/doc/help/cyclone/Append-help.pd     | 33 ----------
 externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/abs~-help.pd | 44 --------------
 .../miXed/doc/help/cyclone/comment-help.pd    | 46 --------------
 .../miXed/doc/help/cyclone/prepend-help.pd    | 60 -------------------
 4 files changed, 183 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/Append-help.pd
 delete mode 100644 externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/abs~-help.pd
 delete mode 100644 externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/comment-help.pd
 delete mode 100644 externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/prepend-help.pd

diff --git a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/Append-help.pd b/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/Append-help.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index c57737833..000000000
--- a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/Append-help.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 0 26 570 317 10;
-#X obj 64 129 Append foo;
-#X obj 64 169 print;
-#X msg 64 77 foo;
-#X msg 94 77 foo bar;
-#X text 20 262 docs based on the MAX/MSP reference (c) cycling'74;
-#X text 19 276 ___________________________________________________
-#X obj 36 19 Append;
-#X text 250 102 set message changes value to append;
-#X text 143 131 creation arg sets initial value to append;
-#X text 162 76 message + stored value = output;
-#N canvas 430 169 494 344 META 0;
-#X text 12 165 HELP_PATCH_AUTHORS Christoph Kummerer. Revised by Jonathan
-Wilkes for Pd-extended 0.42 to conform to the PDDP template.;
-#X text 12 135 WEBSITE
-#X text 12 5 KEYWORDS control storage max_compatible anything_op needs_work
-(the term "list" is used incorrectly);
-#X text 12 95 OUTLET_0 anything;
-#X text 12 75 INLET_0 anything set;
-#X text 12 35 LICENSE SIBSD;
-#X text 12 55 DESCRIPTION append a message to an incoming message;
-#X text 12 115 AUTHOR Krzysztof Czaja;
-#X restore 519 296 pd META;
-#X msg 24 76 bang;
-#X msg 161 102 set foo bar;
-#X text 92 20 append a message to the incoming message;
-#X connect 0 0 1 0;
-#X connect 2 0 0 0;
-#X connect 3 0 0 0;
-#X connect 11 0 0 0;
-#X connect 12 0 0 0;
diff --git a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/abs~-help.pd b/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/abs~-help.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index 341f66ff9..000000000
--- a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/abs~-help.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 0 26 798 416 10;
-#X text 15 35 Absolute value of a signal;
-#X obj 323 215 *~ 0.2;
-#X obj 323 193 *~;
-#X obj 404 165 abs~;
-#X text -65 208 no arguments;
-#X text 0 388 absolute value of sine wave;
-#X obj 20 206 abs~;
-#X text 178 388 original sine wave;
-#X obj 323 257 dac~;
-#X text 14 63 The abs~ object converts negative signal values to their
-corresponding positive values. This can be used for a rough instantaneous
-measure of signal amplitude \, among other things.;
-#X text 367 197 Signal multiplication where the modulator wave is limited
-to a positive range produces amplitude modulation (as opposed to ring
-#X obj 403 137 cycle~ 220;
-#X obj 324 137 cycle~ 200;
-#X obj 20 250 Scope~ 130 130 256 3 128 -1 1 0 0 0 0 102 255 51 135
-135 135 0;
-#X obj 162 250 Scope~ 130 130 256 3 128 -1 1 0 0 0 0 102 255 51 135
-135 135 0;
-#X obj 20 160 cycle~ 1;
-#N canvas 430 169 494 344 META 0;
-#X text 12 155 HELP_PATCH_AUTHORS Christoph Kummerer. Revised by Jonathan
-Wilkes for Pd-extended 0.42 to conform to the PDDP template.;
-#X text 12 5 KEYWORDS signal max_compatible;
-#X text 12 125 WEBSITE
-#X text 12 45 DESCRIPTION absolute value of a signal;
-#X text 12 65 INLET_0 signal;
-#X text 12 85 OUTLET_0 signal;
-#X text 12 105 AUTHOR Krzysztof Czaja;
-#X text 12 25 LICENSE SIBSD;
-#X restore 680 387 pd META;
-#X connect 1 0 8 0;
-#X connect 1 0 8 1;
-#X connect 2 0 1 0;
-#X connect 3 0 2 1;
-#X connect 6 0 13 0;
-#X connect 11 0 3 0;
-#X connect 12 0 2 0;
-#X connect 15 0 6 0;
-#X connect 15 0 14 0;
diff --git a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/comment-help.pd b/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/comment-help.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3875f85cf..000000000
--- a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/comment-help.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 0 26 539 581 10;
-#X text 5 5 comment;
-#X text 64 492 docs based on the MAX/MSP reference (c) cycling'74;
-#X text 63 502 ___________________________________________________
-#X obj 9 23 comment 0 12 Courier ? 0 0 0 0 [comment];
-#X text 102 22 a text comment with some formatting options \, meant
-to be Max/MSP compatible;
-#X obj 14 205 comment 0 12 Courier ? 0 0 0 0 [comment 0 12 Courier]
-#X text 11 60 Comment accepts three arguments which define the basic
-formatting: width \, font-size \, font-face;
-#X obj 15 228 comment 0 20 Times ? 0 0 0 0 [comment 0 20 Times];
-#X text 13 181 Here are some examples:;
-#X text 27 114 - font-size: in pixels;
-#X obj 20 263 comment 0 20 Times ? 0 255 128 0 [comment 0 20 Times
-? 0 255 128 0];
-#X text 7 398 The arguments are:;
-#X obj 6 418 comment 550 12 Courier ? 0 0 0 0 [comment pixelWidth fontSize
-font encoding fontProperties red green blue];
-#X text 10 469 Colors are intergers between 0 and 255;
-#X obj 184 299 comment 329 14 Helvetica ? 0 0 128 128 [comment 0 14
-Helvetica ? 0 0 128 128];
-#N canvas 247 115 494 344 META 0;
-#X text 12 125 HELP_PATCH_AUTHORS Christoph Kummerer. Revised by Jonathan
-Wilkes for Pd-extended 0.42 to conform to the PDDP template.;
-#X text 12 95 WEBSITE
-#X text 12 5 KEYWORDS control max_compatible GUI;
-#X text 12 25 LICENSE SIBSD;
-#X text 12 45 DESCRIPTION a text comment with formatting options \,
-meant to be Max/MSP compatible;
-#X text 12 75 AUTHOR Krzysztof Czaja;
-#X restore 484 560 pd META;
-#X text 27 131 - font-face: one of the Pd standards (Courier \, Times
-\, or Helvetica) as well as any other single-word font available on
-your system.;
-#X text 9 529 * Note: Using the mouse you can click-drag the top right
-edge of the comment to change the width.;
-#X text 27 97 - width: in pixels \, wraps text to this width *;
-#X obj 323 178 comment 88 14 Helvetica ? 0 0 0 0 [comment 100 14 Helvetica]
-#X text 7 333 Click the object in edit mode \, then press <F4> to show
-the object name and arguments.;
-#X text 7 363 You can also press <F5> to duplicate the comment text
-into a new Pd text object.;
diff --git a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/prepend-help.pd b/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/prepend-help.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index 5108c17f3..000000000
--- a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/prepend-help.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 0 26 469 609 10;
-#X obj 26 16 prepend;
-#X text 94 17 prepend a message with another message:;
-#X msg 128 91 set a quick brown fox;
-#X msg 164 119 jumps;
-#X text 68 63 1;
-#X text 114 90 2;
-#X text 145 120 3;
-#X obj 139 175 prepend typewriters;
-#X msg 85 61 are boring;
-#X obj 139 205 prepend set;
-#X text 25 280 This object also has a non-Max/MSP behavior (although
-it is still compatible with the Max/MSP prepend). If [prepend] is created
-without an argument \, then it has a right inlet. This right inlet
-allows you to set what to prepend:;
-#X msg 90 382 set a quick brown fox;
-#X msg 134 408 jumps;
-#X text 32 359 1;
-#X text 74 382 2;
-#X text 115 409 3;
-#X msg 49 357 are boring;
-#X obj 140 536 prepend set;
-#X msg 140 563 typewriters asdf;
-#X msg 209 445 typewriters;
-#X obj 140 511 prepend;
-#X msg 179 445 234;
-#X msg 290 445 symbol people;
-#X msg 290 467 list this is a list;
-#X msg 290 491 this is not;
-#X text 235 381 now the "set" is passed thru;
-#X text 269 91 "set" changes what to prepend;
-#N canvas 247 115 494 404 META 0;
-#X text 12 175 HELP_PATCH_AUTHORS Christoph Kummerer. Revised by Jonathan
-Wilkes for Pd-extended 0.42 to conform to the PDDP template.;
-#X text 12 145 WEBSITE
-#X text 12 45 DESCRIPTION prepend a message with another message:;
-#X text 12 5 KEYWORDS control max_compatible anything_op;
-#X text 12 65 INLET_0 anything set;
-#X text 12 105 OUTLET_0 anything;
-#X text 12 85 INLET_1 anything;
-#X text 12 125 AUTHOR Krzysztof Czaja;
-#X text 12 25 LICENSE SIBSD;
-#X restore 420 589 pd META;
-#X msg 139 232 a quick brown fox;
-#X connect 2 0 7 0;
-#X connect 3 0 7 0;
-#X connect 7 0 9 0;
-#X connect 8 0 7 0;
-#X connect 9 0 28 0;
-#X connect 11 0 20 0;
-#X connect 12 0 20 0;
-#X connect 16 0 20 0;
-#X connect 17 0 18 0;
-#X connect 19 0 20 1;
-#X connect 20 0 17 0;
-#X connect 21 0 20 1;
-#X connect 22 0 20 1;
-#X connect 23 0 20 1;
-#X connect 24 0 20 1;