diff --git a/packages/Makefile b/packages/Makefile
index 9ffc982275774ef8c9881b6eb38d75e55d35e244..27359ebbb47484cbf7b0fd4222758ed2d9082033 100644
--- a/packages/Makefile
+++ b/packages/Makefile
@@ -258,9 +258,8 @@ welcome_install:
 	echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"http://puredata.org/ploneCustom.css\" />" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
 	echo "</head>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
 	echo "<body><p><p>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
-	echo "<center><img src=\"\">" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
-	echo "<h2>Version $(PD_VERSION)</h2>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
-	echo "<p>written by Miller S. Puckette</p></center>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
+	echo "<h2>Pd-l2ork version $(PD_L2ORK_VERSION) ($(PD_TEST_VERSION))</h2>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
+	echo "<p>Pd-l2ork was written by Ivica Bukvic and Jonathan Wilkes. It is a fork of Hans-Christoph Steiner's Pd-extended, which in turn is based on Miller S. Puckette's Pd. The included Pd abstractions and externals are the work of many people whose contributions are gratefully acknowledged.</p>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
 	echo "<font size=\"-1\">" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
 	echo "<p>`grep -A9 ACKNOWLEDG $(pd_src)/README.txt`</p>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
 	echo "</font>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
@@ -280,18 +279,19 @@ readme_install:
 	echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"http://puredata.org/plone.css\" />" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "</head>" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "<body>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "<h2>Pure Data $(PD_VERSION)</h2>" 	>> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "<p>Pd is a real-time, graphical programming language for media processing.  It provides an environment for audio analysis, synthesis, and processing, with a rich set of multimedia capabilities.  You can get Pd for Linux, Windows, MacOS X, BSD, or IRIX.</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "<p>For more information, go to: <a href=\"http://puredata.org\" target=\"pd\">http://puredata.org</a></p>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<h2>Pd-l2ork version $(PD_L2ORK_VERSION) ($(PD_TEST_VERSION))</h2>" 	>> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<p>Pd is a real-time, graphical programming language for media processing created by Miller S. Puckette.  It provides an environment for audio analysis, synthesis, and processing, with a rich set of multimedia capabilities.  You can get Pd for Linux, Windows, MacOS X, BSD, or IRIX.</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<p>Pd-l2ork is a version of Pd based on Hans-Christoph Steiner's Pd-extended which features many bugfixes and enhancements, especially in the user interface.  Pd-l2ork was created by Ivica Ico Bukvic and is maintained by a team of volunteers including Jonathan Wilkes who ported it to the Mac and Windows.  It is available for Linux, Windows and MacOS X.</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<p>For general information about Pd, go to: <a href=\"http://puredata.org\" target=\"pd\">http://puredata.org</a>.  More information about Pd-l2ork can be found on the <a href=\"http://l2ork.music.vt.edu/main/make-your-own-l2ork/software/\" target=\"pd-l2ork\">Pd-l2ork website</a>.</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "<h3>Installation</h3>" >> $(README_FILE)	
 ifeq ($(OS_NAME),linux)
-	echo "<p></p>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "<p></p>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<p>Links to Pd-l2ork packages for various Linux distributions are available on the <a href=\"http://l2ork.music.vt.edu/main/make-your-own-l2ork/software/\" target=\"pd-l2ork\">Pd-l2ork website</a>.</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<p>If you're running Ubuntu or Arch, you may also want to check out Albert Gräf's packages on Launchpad and the Arch User Repositories (AUR).  Please check his corresponding <a href=\"https://l2orkaur.bitbucket.io/\" target=\"l2orkaur\">Bitbucket</a> <a href=\"https://l2orkubuntu.bitbucket.io/\" target=\"l2orkubuntu\">pages</a> for details.</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
 ifeq ($(OS_NAME),darwin)
-	echo "<p>To install Pd, drag the $(PD_APP_NAME).app into your <b>/Applications</b> folder or to the shortcut in the disk image.  (<i>You might need to put the old one in the trash before copying this one to <b>/Applications</b></i>)</p>" >> $(README_FILE)	
-	echo "<p>By default, most of the included libraries are loaded at startup.  To change this, set your own preferences in the <b>Startup...</b> Preferences pane usings the <b>Save all settings</b> button.   If you want to start with the default preferences, throw away the Pd preferences file <strong>~/Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pdextended.plist</strong> (<code>~</code> <i>means your home folder</i>), or run this command in the Terminal.app: </p><p><code>rm ~/Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pdextended.plist</code></p><p>The Preferences panels in Pd are currently buggy, so you might have better luck with the Apple utilities: <code>defaults read org.puredata.pdextended</code>, or, <b>Property List Editor</b>, which is freely available as part of <a href=\"http://developer.apple.com/tools/xcode/download/\" target=\"_blank\">XCode</a> or the <a href=\"http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/serveradmintools104.html\" target=\"_blank\">Server Tools</a>.</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "If you want to use PDP on Mac OS X 10.4/Tiger or 10.3/Panther, you will need to install X11 (X11 comes installed with 10.5/Leopard).  It comes on the install CD/DVD that your computer came with.  For more detail, see <a href=\"http://www.simplehelp.net/2006/10/22/how-to-install-x11-in-os-x/\" target=\"_blank\">How to install X11 in OS X</a> or <a href=\"http://puredata.info/docs/faq/macosx\" target=\"_blank\">How do I install Pd on MacOS X?</a>." >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<p>To install Pd-l2ork, drag the $(APPLICATION_NAME).app into your <b>/Applications</b> folder or to the shortcut in the disk image.</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<p>By default, most of the included libraries are loaded at startup.  To change this, set your own preferences in the <b>Startup</b> tab of the Preferences dialog.  If you want to reset Pd-l2ork to the default preferences, remove the Pd-l2ork preferences file <strong>~/Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pd-l2ork.plist</strong> (<code>~</code> means your home folder), or run the following command in the Terminal.app: </p><p><code>rm ~/Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pd-l2ork.plist</code></p>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<p>If you want to use PDP on Mac OS X, you may have to install X11.  See <a href=\"http://puredata.info/docs/faq/macosx\" target=\"_blank\">How do I install Pd on MacOS X?</a> for details.</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
 ifeq ($(OS_NAME),windows)
 	echo "<p>To make sure that all of the included libraries are loaded when Pd runs, " >> $(README_FILE)
@@ -302,34 +302,31 @@ ifeq ($(OS_NAME),windows)
 	echo "<h3>Installing Externals, Objects, and Help files</h3>" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "<p>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "If you would like to install other externals, objects, help files, etc. there are special folders that Pd-extended uses, which are listed below.  If the folder does not exist, you should create it.  You can find out more details about this by reading that FAQ:  <a href=\"http://puredata.info/docs/faq/how-do-i-install-externals-and-help-files\" target=\"_blank\">How do I install externals and help files?</a>." >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "If you would like to install other externals, objects, help files, etc. there are special folders that Pd-l2ork uses, which are listed below.  If the folder does not exist, you should create it.  You can find out more details about this by reading this FAQ:  <a href=\"http://puredata.info/docs/faq/how-do-i-install-externals-and-help-files\" target=\"_blank\">How do I install externals and help files?</a>." >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "<dl>" >> $(README_FILE)
 ifeq ($(OS_NAME),darwin)
 	echo "<dt>Only for the current user account</dt>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "<dd>~/Library/Pd</dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<dd>~/Library/Pd-l2ork</dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "<dt>For all user accounts on the computer</dt>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "<dd>/Library/Pd</dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<dd>/Library/Pd-l2ork</dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
 ifeq ($(OS_NAME),linux)
 	echo "<dt>Only for the current user account</dt>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "<dd>~/pd-externals/</dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<dd>~/pd-l2ork-externals/</dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "<dt>For all user accounts on the computer</dt>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "<dd>/usr/local/lib/pd-externals</dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<dd>/usr/local/lib/pd-l2ork-externals</dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
 ifeq ($(OS_NAME),windows)
 	echo "<dt>Only for the current user account</dt>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "<dd><a href=\"file:///%UserProfile%/Application%20Data\">%UserProfile%\Application Data\Pd</a></dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<dd><a href=\"file:///%UserProfile%/Application%20Data\">%UserProfile%\Application Data\Pd-l2ork</a></dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "<dt>For all user accounts on the computer</dt>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "<dd><a href=\"file:///%CommonProgramFiles%/\">%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Pd</a></dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo "<dd><a href=\"file:///%CommonProgramFiles%/\">%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Pd-l2ork</a></dd>" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "</dl>" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "<h3>Flext Binaries have been removed from Pd-extended</h3>" >> $(README_FILE)	
-	echo "<p>As of release 0.41.4 of Pd-extended, the whole package is built from source every night.  That means that some objects have been removed from the package because they were not being built from source (objects like [pool], [msd], [flashserver], etc.).  You can download these objects from the original authors or <a href=\"http://puredata.info/docs/faq/how-do-i-download-the-flext-binaries-that-used-to-be-included-in-pd-extended\" target=\"_blank\">get the files from the 0.40.3 Pd-extended release</a>." >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo "</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "<h3>License</h3>" >> $(README_FILE)	
 	echo "<p>" >> $(README_FILE)
-	echo 'This package is released under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html" target="gpl">GNU GPL</a>.  The Pd core and some other included code is originally available with a <a href="http://pure-data.cvs.sourceforge.net/pure-data/pd/LICENSE.txt">BSD license</a> from the Pd CVS on SourceForge.' >> $(README_FILE)
+	echo 'This package is released under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html" target="gpl">GNU GPL</a>.  The Pd core and some other included code is available under a <a href="http://pure-data.cvs.sourceforge.net/pure-data/pd/LICENSE.txt">BSD license</a> from the Pd source code repository on SourceForge.' >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "</p>" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "<h3>Patented Algorithms</h3>" >> $(README_FILE)
 	echo "<p>" >> $(README_FILE)
diff --git a/pd/doc/1.manual/1.introduction.txt b/pd/doc/1.manual/1.introduction.txt
index 05c168b6c99d9ddc42d660dfdd3c7bd812d8c7fe..f4399458c1407fba91412924fe437fc9663a8a5e 100644
--- a/pd/doc/1.manual/1.introduction.txt
+++ b/pd/doc/1.manual/1.introduction.txt
@@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
 A real-time graphical programming environment for live interactive
-computer music, Pd-l2ork currently works only on Linux.
+computer music, Pd-l2ork works on Linux, Macintosh OSX, and Microsoft
 Pd is copyrighted, but is free for you to use for any reasonable purpose.
 See the file:
+     PD_BASEDIR/doc/manuals/Pd/Pd-LICENSE.txt
-L2Ork iteration offers rewrite of many of PD's core routines for the
-purpose of improving editor functionality and stability. It is
-distributed under the same license as base PD. For additional info see:
+Pd-l2ork offers a rewrite of many of Pd's core routines for the purpose
+of improving editor functionality and stability. It is distributed under
+the same license as Pd. For additional info see:
 Reference documentation for Pd lives in:
-    http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/index.htm
+    http://msp.ucsd.edu/Pd_documentation/
 Much more documentation and other resources live on:
 The Pd mailing list archive lives in:
-    http://iem.kug.ac.at/mailinglists/pd-list/
+    http://iem.at/mailinglists/pd-list/
 Many more useful links are listed in the HTML documentation, section 1.2.
diff --git a/pd/src/makefile.in b/pd/src/makefile.in
index 40e32b18eae24302bf55d0ee9d82a2903e72584a..79ca85d1070c4f9856a972db526262f5ac288429 100644
--- a/pd/src/makefile.in
+++ b/pd/src/makefile.in
 ifneq ($(PD_TEST_VERSION),)
+# AG: Pd-l2ork version number
+PD_L2ORK_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_L2ORK_VERSION m_pd.h.in | \
+	sed 's|^.define *PD_L2ORK_VERSION *"\(.*\)".*|\1|' )
 #  ------------------ targets ------------------------------------
@@ -200,7 +203,7 @@ install: all
                     $(DESTDIR)$(pddocdir)/7.stuff/$$dir ; \
 	mv $(ABOUT_FILE) $(ABOUT_FILE).tmp
-	cat $(ABOUT_FILE).tmp | sed 's|PD_VERSION|Pd-l2ork version $(PD_TEST_VERSION)|' \
+	cat $(ABOUT_FILE).tmp | sed 's|PD_VERSION|Pd-l2ork version $(PD_L2ORK_VERSION) ($(PD_TEST_VERSION))|' \
 		> $(ABOUT_FILE)
 	rm $(ABOUT_FILE).tmp
 	rsync -ax --exclude=.git --exclude=.svn ../extra $(DESTDIR)$(libpddir)/