From 9346b41f3eb4af139c03f7e1b32526eb3203d8e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Wilkes <>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 16:20:06 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] removed README.txt

 README.txt | 239 -----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 239 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 README.txt

diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a3bfc83f..000000000
--- a/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-# Pure Data L2ork Contributor's Guide
-maintainer: Ivica Bukvic <>
-maintainer: Jonathan Wilkes <>
-## One Paragraph Project Overview
-Pure Data (aka Pd) is a visual programming.  That means you can use it to
-create software graphically by drawing diagrams instead of writing lines of
-code.  These diagram shows how data flows through the software, displaying on
-the screen what text-based languages require you to piece together in your mind.
-## Three Paragraph Project Overview
-Pd has been designed with an emphasis on generating sound, video,
-2D/3D graphics, and connecting through sensors, input devices, and MIDI as well
-as OSC devices.
-Pd has a special emphasis on generating audio and/or video in real time, with
-low latency.  Much of its design focuses on receiving, manipulating, and
-delivering high-quality audio signals.  Specifically, the software addresses
-the problem of how to do this efficiently and reliably on general purpose
-operating systems like OSX, Windows, Debian, etc.-- i.e., systems designed
-mainly for multi-tasking.
-Pd can easily work over local and remote networks.  It can be used to integrate
-wearable technology, motor systems, lighting rigs, and other equipment. Pd is
-also suitable for learning basic multimedia processing and visual programming
-methods, as well as for realizing complex systems for large-scale projects.
-## Distributions of Pure Data
-There are currently three main distributions of Pure Data:
-1. Pd-l2ork.  Version used by Ivica Bukvic for his laptop orchestra.  This
-   contributor's guide is for Pd-l2ork.
-2. Pure Data "Vanilla".  Miller Puckette's personal version which he hosts on
-   his website and maintains.  It doesn't include external libraries like
-   objects for doing graphics, video, etc.
-2. Pure Data Extended.  A monolithic distribution which ships with lots of
-   external libraries.  At the moment it doesn't look to be maintained.
-## Pd-l2ork Goals
-Pd-l2ork has the following goals:
-0. Documentation.  We like documentation.  It's like code, except friendly.
-1. Be reliable.  Binary releases must be usable for performances and
-   installations.  The git repo must always be in a workable state that can be
-   compiled.  Regressions must be fixed quickly.
-2. Be discoverable.  Undocumented features are buggy.  Missing help files are
-   bugs.  Patches for new functionality that lack documentation are spam.
-3. Be consistent.  Consistent interfaces are themselves a kind of
-   documentation.  We like documentation, so it follows that we like consistent
-   interviews.
-## Installation Guide
-To install using a pre-compiled binary, follow these instructions:
-To set up a development environment, first make sure you have the following
-package dependencies listed here:
-Then follow the steps outlined here:
-## Contributor's Guide
-Contributing is easy:
-1. Join the development list:
-2. Tell us what you'd like to work on.  Unfortunately there are _lots_ of
-   externals and even core features that are poorly documented.  We can help 
-   make sure you aren't duplicating functionality (or that you at least know
-   what's already been implemented).
-3. Send us your patch and we'll try it out.  If it's well-documented and
-   there aren't any bugs we'll add it to the software.
-4. If you want to do regular development and have commit access, just request
-   it, then follow the Pd-l2ork goals above.
-Here are some pressing tasks:
-* porting Pd-l2ork's graphical user interface from Tcl/Tk to Qt.
-  skill requirements: knowledge about Qt5/QML, threading, and Pd's core design
-                      and deterministic message-dispatching and scheduling
-  status: under active development
-* designing/implementing regression test template
-  skill requirements: knowledge about... regression tests. :)  But also some
-                      expertise in using Pd so that the tests themselves can
-                      be written in Pure Data.  At the same time, they should
-                      be able to be run as part of the automated packaging
-                      process (i.e., in -nogui mode).
-  status: some externals have their own testing environments, but they are
-          limited as they require manual intervention to run and read the
-          results inside a graphical window.
-          Here's an email thread with Katja Vetter's design, which looks to
-          be automatable:
-          And Mathieu Bouchard's "pure unity" (not sure if this is the most
-          recent link...):
-* writing small audio/visual Pd games or demos to include in the next release
-  skill requirements: ability to write Pd programs
-  status: I wrote a little sprite-based game that will ship with the next
-          version of Pd-l2ork.  In it, the character walks around in an actual
-          Pd diagram shoots at the objects to progress, and to make realtime
-          changes to the music.
-          What I'd like is to include a new, smallish game with each release
-          that has a link in the Pd console.  It can be a little demo or game,
-          just something fun that shows off what can be done using Pure Data.
-## Project "Underview" (Implementation and Code Style)
-The following is adapted from Pd Vanilla's original source notes.  (There,
-they are found in CHANGELOG.txt for some reason...)
-Sections 2-3 below are quite old.  Someone needs to check whether they even
-hold true for Pd Vanilla any more.
-0.  structure definition roadmap.  First, the containment tree of things
-that can be sent messages ("pure data").  (note that t_object and t_text,
-and t_graph and t_canvas, should be unified...)
-BEFORE 0.35:
-    m_pd.h	    t_pd    	    	    anything with a class
-                    t_gobj	    	    "graphic object"
-                        t_text  	    text object
-    g_canvas.h  
-                        t_glist 	    list of graphic objects
-    g_canvas.c  	    	t_canvas    Pd "document"
-AFTER 0.35:
-    m_pd.h	    t_pd    	    	    anything with a class
-                    t_gobj	    	    "graphic object"
-                        t_text  	    patchable object, AKA t_object
-    g_canvas.h     	    	t_glist     list of graphic objects, AKA t_canvas
-Other structures:
-g_canvas.h  t_selection -- linked list of gobjs
-    	    t_editor -- editor state, allocated for visible glists
-m_imp.h     t_methodentry -- method handler
-    	    t_widgetbehavior -- class-dependent editing behavior for gobjs
-    	    t_parentwidgetbehavior -- objects' behavior on parent window
-    	    t_class -- method definitions, instance size, flags, etc.
-1.  C coding style.  The source should pass most "warnings" of C compilers
-(-Wall on linux, for instance; see the makefile.)  Some informalities
-are intentional, for instance the loose use of function prototypes (see
-below) and uncast conversions from longer to shorter numerical formats.
-The code doesn't respect "const" yet.
-1.1.  Prefixes in structure elements.  The names of structure elements always
-have a K&R-style prefix, as in ((t_atom)x)->a_type, where the "a_" prefix
-indicates "atom."  This is intended to enhance readability (although the
-convention arose from a limitation of early C compilers.)  Common prefixes are
-"w_" (word), "a_" (atom), "s_" (symbol), "ob_" (object), "te_" (text object),
-"g_" (graphical object), and "gl_" (glist, a list of graphical objects).  Also,
-global symbols sometimes get prefixes, as in "s_float" (the symbol whose string
-is "float).  Typedefs are prefixed by "t_".  Most _private_ structures, i.e.,
-structures whose definitions appear in a ".c" file, are prefixed by "x_".
-1.2.   Function arguments.  Many functions take as their first
-argument a pointer named "x", which is a pointer to a structure suggested
-by the function prefix; e.g., canvas_dirty(x, n) where "x" points to a canvas
-(t_canvas *x).
-1.3.  Function Prototypes.  Functions which are used in at least two different
-files (besides where they originate) are prototyped in the appropriate include
-file. Functions which are provided in one file and used in one other are
-prototyped right where they are used.  This is just to keep the size of the
-".h" files down for readability's sake.
-1.4.  Whacko private terminology.  Some terms are lifted from other historically
-relevant programs, notably "ugen" (which is just a tilde object; see d_ugen.c.)
-1.5.  Spacing.  Tabs are 8 spaces; indentation is 4 spaces.  Indenting
-curly brackets are by themselves on their own lines, as in:
-    if (x)
-    {
-	x = 0;
-    }
-Lines should fit within 80 spaces.
-2.  Max patch-level compatibility.  "Import" and "Export" functions are
-provided which aspire to strict compatibility with 0.26 patches (ISPW version),
-but which don't get anywhere close to that yet.  Where possible, features
-appearing on the Mac will someday also be provided; for instance, the connect
-message on the Mac offers segmented patch cords; these will devolve into
-straight lines in Pd.  Many, many UI objects in Opcode Max will not appear in
-Pd, at least at first.
-3.  Compatibility with Max 0.26 "externs", i.e., source-level compatibility. Pd
-objects follow the style of 0.26 objects as closely as possible, making
-exceptions in cases where the 0.26 model is clearly deficient.  These are:
-3.1.  Anything involving the MacIntosh "Handle" data type is changed to use
-char * or void * instead.
-3.2.  Pd passes true single-precision floating-point arguments to methods;
-Max uses double.
-Typedefs are provided:
-    t_floatarg, t_intarg for arguments passed by the message system
-    t_float, t_int for the "word" union (in atoms, for example.)
-3.3.  Badly-named entities got name changes:
-    w_long --> w_int (in the "union word" structure)
-3.4.  Many library functions are renamed and have different arguments;
-I hope to provide an include file to alias them when compiling Max externs.
-4.  Function name prefixes.
-Many function names have prefixes which indicate what "package" they belong
-to.  The exceptions are:
-    typedmess, vmess, getfn, gensym (m_class.c)
-    getbytes, freebytes, resizebytes (m_memory.c)
-    post, error, bug (s_print.c)
-which are all frequently called and which don't fit into simple categories.
-Important packages are:
-(pd-gui:)   pdgui -- everything
-(pd:)	    pd -- functions common to all "pd" objects
-    	    obj -- fuctions common to all "patchable" objects ala Max
-    	    sys -- "system" level functions
-    	    binbuf -- functions manipulating binbufs
-    	    class -- functions manipulating classes
-    	    (other) -- functions common to the named Pd class
-5. Source file prefixes. 
-s    system interface
-m    message system
-g    graphics stuff
-d    DSP objects
-x    control objects
-z    other
-t    TK front end