diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/arduino_connect-help.pd b/l2ork_addons/K12/arduino_connect-help.pd
index dafc38e16e0c551054567f284f616d8b66c75f01..da17dd586c6060c609a8dbbbfa92f98b149d1ee3 100644
--- a/l2ork_addons/K12/arduino_connect-help.pd
+++ b/l2ork_addons/K12/arduino_connect-help.pd
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-#N canvas 191 38 507 650 10;
+#N canvas 181 28 507 650 10;
 #X obj 348 51 cnv 15 250 117 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
 #X obj 366 -26 preset_hub k12 %hidden% %node% 2 7 18 %preset% 0 0 %node%
 2 9 4 %preset% 0 a0 %node% 2 9 4 %preset% 0 a0 %node% 2 10 4 %preset%
 0 2 %node% 2 11 4 %preset% 0 10 %node% 2 12 4 %preset% 0 4 %node% 2
 13 7 %node% 2 14 7 %node% 2 15 7 %node% 2 16 7 %node% 2 17 8;
-#X obj 124 218 cnv 15 474 194 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017
+#X obj 124 218 cnv 15 479 320 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017
 -66577 0;
 #X obj 112 -3 cnv 3 501 3 empty empty empty 5 14 0 20 -260097 -191407
@@ -20,32 +20,36 @@ device number to connect.;
 (Analog or Digital);
 #X text 6 57 INLET_0 Connect one of the Arduino output objects (Analog
 or Digital) to this inlet;
-#X restore 557 956 pd META;
+#X restore 557 1076 pd META;
 #X obj 131 225 K12/arduino_connect;
-#X obj 360 790 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/images/arduino_uno.png 0;
-#X obj 239 440 K12/arduino_analog_in;
-#X obj 131 440 K12/arduino_digital_in;
+#X obj 360 910 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/images/arduino_uno.png 0;
+#X obj 239 560 K12/arduino_analog_in;
+#X obj 131 560 K12/arduino_digital_in;
 #X obj 239 111 K12/arduino_analog_out;
 #X obj 131 111 K12/arduino_digital_out;
 #X obj 131 25 K12/math_number;
 #X obj 239 25 K12/math_number;
-#X obj 131 554 K12/math_number;
-#X obj 239 554 K12/math_number;
+#X obj 131 674 K12/math_number;
+#X obj 239 674 K12/math_number;
 #X obj 500 69 K12/preset;
 #X text 354 72 Recall leftmost preset to start the example. Please
 note you need to have Arduino Uno connected for the example to work.
 , f 23;
-#X text 226 230 The Arduino Connect object allows you to connect the
+#X obj 242 393 pddplink https://www.arduino.cc/;
+#X text 230 225 The Arduino Connect object allows you to connect the
 Arduino Uno board to pd-l2ork (Mega and other boards are accessible
 in regular \, non-K12 pd-l2ork mode). Simply plug in the USB cable
 for the Arduino and select the device number (-1 means off \, 0 is
-first device \, 1 is second \, etc.). The icon will turn green when
-the Arudino is connected. Connect the outlet to other Arduino digital
-and analog input objects. For digital and analog output \, connect
-Arduino Digital and Analog output objects to Arduino Connect's input.You
-can have more than one Arduino Connect object by specifying different
-device numbers. As usual \, all settings can be saved using the Preset
+first device \, 1 is second \, etc.). The icon will turn bluish-green
+when the Arudino board is connected.IMPORTANT! In order for connection
+to work \, you will need the Firmata (Standard) firmware uploaded to
+the Arduino Uno board. The firmware ships by default with the Arduino
+software IDE. For more info \, please consult the Arduino website:Connect
+the outlet to other Arduino digital and analog input objects. For digital
+and analog output \, connect Arduino Digital and Analog output objects
+to Arduino Connect's input.You can have more than one Arduino Connect
+object by specifying different device numbers. As usual \, all settings
+can be saved using the Preset object.;
 #X connect 7 0 10 0;
 #X connect 7 0 9 0;
 #X connect 9 0 16 0;