diff --git a/packages/darwin_app/Makefile b/packages/darwin_app/Makefile
index 4d34642d505e8f7375f9022880593b8d74e2be02..74b303ecf3a194f9ab1711c0673b4cc3e3f6eae1 100644
--- a/packages/darwin_app/Makefile
+++ b/packages/darwin_app/Makefile
@@ -149,6 +149,10 @@ darwin_app_wrapper: Info.plist
 	install -m0644 -p *.icns  "$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/Resources"
+	# Now change the localized app name in Resources/*.lproj from nwjs
+	# to "Purr Data". For some reason "CFBundleDisplayName" doesn't accept
+	# spaces so we give it "PurrData"
+	for file in $(BUILD_BASE)/*.app/Contents/Resources/*.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; do plutil -convert json "$$file"; cat "$$file" | LC_ALL=C sed 's/"CFBundleName":"nwjs"/"CFBundleName":"Purr Data"/g' > "$$file"; cat "$$file" | LC_ALL=C sed 's/"CFBundleDisplayName":"nwjs"/"CFBundleDisplayName":"PurrData"/g' > "$$file"; plutil -convert binary1 "$$file"; done
 # generate Info.plist using PD_APP_NAME and PD_VERSION