#!/bin/bash # super-simplistic installer for l2ork things by Ivica Ico Bukvic <ico@vt.edu> # for info on L2Ork visit http://l2ork.music.vt.edu if [ $# -eq 0 ] # should check for no arguments then echo echo " Usage: ./tar_em_up.sh -option1 -option2 ..." echo " Options:" echo " -a l2ork addon to the dev package" echo " -c core Pd" echo " -d whole dev folder" echo " -e everything" echo " -u full installer for end-users without sudo" echo echo " Options for devs only (please ignore):" echo " -b build a deb (incremental)" echo " -B build a deb (complete recompile)" echo " -f full installer (incremental)" echo " -F full installer (complete recompile)" echo " -w do not install cwiid system-wide" echo exit 1 fi addon=0 deb=0 core=0 dev=0 full=0 no_cwiid=0 inst_dir=/usr/local while getopts ":abBcdefFuw" Option do case $Option in a) addon=1;; b) deb=1 inst_dir=/usr;; B) deb=2 inst_dir=/usr;; c) core=1;; d) dev=1;; e) addon=1 core=1 dev=1 full=1;; f) full=1;; F) full=2;; u) full=3 echo " You've selected sudo-less version of the installer. Please note that this option, while not requiring sudo, may generate broken binaries if you are running other versions of pd on your system. To avoid this, you have two options: 1) Uninstall other versions of the software 2) Use -f or -F options for the devs instead that automatically guide you through sudo options and install Pd-l2ork in the /usr/local/ folder. Please note that you need to have sudo enabled on your system in order to use this option. You can use -f option if you've only made small changes to your build environment but have already built most of the binaries. This will be a lot faster. Otherwise use option -F. Press any key to continue or CTRL+C to cancel install..." read dummy ;; w) no_cwiid=1 ;; *) echo "Error: unknown option";; esac done cd ../ if [ $core -eq 1 ] then echo "core Pd..." rm -f ../Pd-l2ork-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.bz2 2> /dev/null cd pd/src/ make clean cd ../../ tar -jcf ../Pd-l2ork-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.bz2 pd fi if [ $dev -eq 1 ] then echo "Pd dev package..." cd doc/ svn checkout https://pure-data.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pure-data/trunk/doc . cd .. cd externals/miXed make clean cd ../ make distclean cd ../pd/src make distclean cd ../../Gem/src/ make distclean rm -rf ./.libs rm -rf ./*/.libs cd ../ make distclean rm gemglutwindow.pd_linux rm Gem.pd_linux cd ../packages/linux_make make distclean cd ../../../ rm -f pd-l2ork-dev-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.bz2 2> /dev/null echo "tar dev installer..." tar -jcf pd-l2ork-dev-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.bz2 pure-data cd pure-data/ fi if [ $full -gt 0 -o $deb -gt 0 ] then echo "Pd full installer..." # update the include files to be safe if [ ! -d "/usr/local/include/pdl2ork" ]; then sudo mkdir /usr/local/include/pdl2ork fi #if [ $full -eq 3 ] #then # echo "IMPORTANT! If you are already running vanilla Pd or Pd-extended, or have a custom installation of Pd-l2ork at a location other than /usr/local/lib/pd-l2ork, you will want to EITHER uninstall all older versions of Pd-l2ork and/or other versions of pd OR manually pre-install Pd-l2ork includes in order to ensure that any third-party externals that rely on the global Pd-l2ork includes reference the right versions of the said files. Failing to do so may result in incorrectly compiled externals that will definitely crash Pd-l2ork. You can install the includes into their default dir /usr/local/include by typing following commands:" # echo # echo "sudo cp -f -v pd/src/g_all_guis.h /usr/local/include/pdl2ork/" # echo "sudo cp -f -v pd/src/g_canvas.h /usr/local/include/pdl2ork/" # echo "sudo cp -f -v pd/src/m_imp.h /usr/local/include/pdl2ork/" # echo "sudo cp -f -v pd/src/m_pd.h /usr/local/include/pdl2ork/" # echo "sudo cp -f -v pd/src/s_stuff.h /usr/local/include/pdl2ork/" # echo # echo "If you don't have sudo enabled, replace sudo commands with the appropraite alternative before pasting aforesaid lines in the terminal. # #PLEASE NOTE that because both Pd and Pd-l2ork use the includes with the same name, depending on your system's setup, skipping this step may result in a failed build. Press any key to continue or CTRL+C to cancel install and manually copy the said files first (or use -f or -F options to have these steps performed automatically)..." # read dummy #else # echo "First we will copy updated includes... You may have to enter your sudo password..." # sudo mkdir $inst_dir/include/pdl2ork/ # sudo cp -f -v pd/src/g_all_guis.h $inst_dir/include/pdl2ork/ # sudo cp -f -v pd/src/g_canvas.h $inst_dir/include/pdl2ork/ # sudo cp -f -v pd/src/m_imp.h $inst_dir/include/pdl2ork/ # sudo cp -f -v pd/src/m_pd.h $inst_dir/include/pdl2ork/ # sudo cp -f -v pd/src/s_stuff.h $inst_dir/include/pdl2ork/ #fi # update docs cd doc/ svn checkout https://pure-data.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pure-data/trunk/doc . cd .. if [ $full -eq 2 -o $deb -eq 2 ] then # echo "Since we are doing a complete recompile we are assuming we will need to install l2ork version of the cwiid library. You will need to remove any existing cwiid libraries manually as they will clash with this one. L2Ork version is fully backwards compatible while also offering unique features like full extension support including the passthrough mode. YOU SHOULD REMOVE EXISTING CWIID LIBRARIES PRIOR TO RUNNING THIS INSTALL... You will also have to enter sudo password to install these... Press any key to continue or CTRL+C to cancel install..." # read dummy if [ $no_cwiid -eq 0 ] then cd l2ork_addons/cwiid/ # install cwiid aclocal autoconf ./configure make sudo make install cd ../../ fi # clean files that may remain stuck even after doing global make clean (if any) cd externals/miXed make clean cd ../../Gem/src/ make distclean rm -rf ./.libs rm -rf ./*/.libs cd ../ make distclean rm gemglutwindow.pd_linux rm Gem.pd_linux aclocal ./autogen.sh elif [ $full -eq 3 ] then echo "Since pd-l2ork relies on a unique version of cwiid library, we will need to install it to make disis_wiimote external work properly. YOU SHOULD REMOVE EXISTING CWIID LIBRARIES PRIOR TO RUNNING THIS INSTALL... No worries though, L2Ork version is fully backwards compatible while also offering unique features like full extension support including the passthrough mode. To install cwiid library go to pure-data/l2ork-addons/cwiid/ folder and install it using the usual:" echo echo "./configure" echo "make" echo "sudo make install" echo echo "As an alternative, you can also use the -f or -F options instead of an -u option to have this performed automatically. Please note that options -f and -F require that your system has sudo enabled. Press any key to continue or CTRL+C to cancel install..." read dummy # clean files that may remain stuck even after doing global make clean (if any) cd externals/miXed make clean cd ../../Gem/src/ make distclean rm -rf ./.libs rm -rf ./*/.libs cd ../ make distclean rm gemglutwindow.pd_linux rm Gem.pd_linux aclocal ./autogen.sh else cd Gem/ fi git pull cd ../packages/linux_make if [ $full -gt 1 -o $deb -eq 2 ] then make distclean ./runmebeforereinstalling.sh rm -rf build/ fi make install prefix=$inst_dir echo "copying l2ork-specific externals..." # patch_name cd ../../l2ork_addons/patch_name make clean make cp -f patch_name.pd_linux ../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra cp -f patch_name-help.pd ../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra # disis_wiimote cd ../disis_wiimote make clean make cp -f disis_wiimote.pd_linux ../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra cp -f disis_wiimote-help.pd ../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra # disis_netsend cd ../disis_netsend make clean make cp -f disis_netsend.pd_linux ../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra cp -f disis_netsend-help.pd ../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra # disis_netreceive cd ../disis_netreceive make clean make cp -f disis_netreceive.pd_linux ../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra cp -f disis_netreceive-help.pd ../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra # disis_phasor cd ../disis_phasor make clean make cp -f disis_phasor~.pd_linux ../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra cp -f disis_phasor~-help.pd ../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra # spectdelay cd ../spectdelay/spectdelay~ ./linux-install.sh cp -f spectdelay~.pd_linux ../../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra cp -f spectdelay~-help.pd ../../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra cp -f array* ../../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra # return to l2ork_addons folder cd ../../ # finish install cd ../packages/linux_make echo "tar full installer..." rm -f build/usr/local/lib/pd if [ $deb -gt 0 ] then cd build/ rm -rf DEBIAN/ etc/ cd ../ make deb prefix=$inst_dir else make tarbz2 prefix=$inst_dir fi echo "move full installer..." if [ $deb -gt 0 ] then mv *.deb ../../../ else #rm -f ../../../Pd-l2ork-full-`arch`-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.bz2 2> /dev/null #mv build/Pd*bz2 ../../../Pd-l2ork-full-`arch`-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.bz2 mv -f build/pd*bz2 ../../.. fi cd ../../ fi if [ $addon -eq 1 ] then echo "l2ork addons..." rm -f ../l2ork_addons-`arch`-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.bz2 2> /dev/null #cp -rf /usr/local/lib/pd/* l2ork_addons/externals/ tar -jcf ../l2ork_addons-`arch`-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.bz2 l2ork_addons fi cd l2ork_addons/ echo "done." exit 0