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  • Albert Gräf's avatar
    Replace the flatpak icon. · 3e116233
    Albert Gräf authored
    As vanilla, Pd-extended, Pd-l2ork, and Purr Data are all on Flathub, we
    need something that looks different from all the other flavors. This
    "small_cat within the Pd-extended icon" icon will do the trick for
    now. I believe it was @joe-rouen who originally came up with the idea,
    but I've since lost his design, and so I created my own svg instead.
    I'm obviously no graphic artist. If you are, and you don't like my
    design, send me yours in a PR on GitHub.
    Replace the flatpak icon.
    Albert Gräf authored
    As vanilla, Pd-extended, Pd-l2ork, and Purr Data are all on Flathub, we
    need something that looks different from all the other flavors. This
    "small_cat within the Pd-extended icon" icon will do the trick for
    now. I believe it was @joe-rouen who originally came up with the idea,
    but I've since lost his design, and so I created my own svg instead.
    I'm obviously no graphic artist. If you are, and you don't like my
    design, send me yours in a PR on GitHub.