diff --git a/pd/src/pd.tk b/pd/src/pd.tk
index a71b5b16fd3f2beeb6cd4a96c3462255aee19333..4a81db78f2b9baf16d0ec7780a377bd757e57592 100644
--- a/pd/src/pd.tk
+++ b/pd/src/pd.tk
@@ -8461,14 +8461,16 @@ proc pdtk_open_files_via_unique {filenames} {
 proc pdtk_check_unique {unique filenames} {
 	#puts stderr "pdtk_check_unique $unique $filenames"
 	global appname
+	set startup_dir [pwd]
 	if { $unique == 0 } {
 		foreach file $filenames {
-			#puts stderr $file
-			cd [file dirname $file]
+			#puts stderr "$file [file dirname $file] $startup_dir"
+			catch {cd [file dirname $file]}
 			set dir [pwd]
 			set name [file tail $file]
 			#puts stderr "********DIR:$dir FILE:$name COMBINED:[file join $dir $name]"
 			lappend final_filenames [file join $dir $name]
+			cd $startup_dir
 		#puts stderr "send pd-l2ork pdtk_open_files_via_unique $final_filenames"
 		set outcome [catch {send pd-l2ork pdtk_open_files_via_unique \{$final_filenames\}}]
diff --git a/pd/src/s_main.c b/pd/src/s_main.c
index 6ef5121d65d3e522edbcf00d37b464a6f82aeac2..85eaf34a72284997f03bd47e93d55c6a29ceb7a9 100644
--- a/pd/src/s_main.c
+++ b/pd/src/s_main.c
@@ -309,7 +309,11 @@ int sys_main(int argc, char **argv)
         int length = 0;
         t_namelist *nl;
         for (nl = sys_openlist; nl; nl = nl->nl_next)
-            length = length + strlen(nl->nl_string) + 1;
+        {
+            // for starting and ending quotes plus a space or null terminating
+            // character, we add 3 additional characters per entry
+            length = length + strlen(nl->nl_string) + 3;
+        }
         if((filenames = malloc(length)) != NULL)
             filenames[0] = '\0';   // ensures the memory is an empty string
@@ -321,7 +325,7 @@ int sys_main(int argc, char **argv)
                     if (nl->nl_next)
                         strcat(filenames,"\" \"");
-                    else strcat(filenames,"\"");
+                    else strcat(filenames,"\"\0"); // ensures proper termination
             //fprintf(stderr,"final list: <%s>\n", filenames);