diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index a69ffb297c6a122aecb03753e2f98db03036de83..5334d23bb1f9ffd12fee2a3e7cf19365a895abf0 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+  - apt-get update -qq && apt-get upgrade -qq
+  - apt-get purge -y -qq pd-l2ork
-    - sh ./scripts/test.sh
+    - echo `pwd`
+    - cd l2ork_addons
+    - ./tar_em_up.sh -B
diff --git a/scripts/load_all_binaries.pd b/scripts/load_all_binaries.pd
index 05492e30833017bb2b594083141b25bfc55f97ad..0b08daf47327d5c18d6d1eda880e526821c62267 100644
--- a/scripts/load_all_binaries.pd
+++ b/scripts/load_all_binaries.pd
@@ -1,12 +1,522 @@
-#N canvas 206 59 658 577 10;
-#X obj 155 103 loadbang;
-#X obj 155 125 t b b;
-#X msg 155 227 quit;
-#X obj 155 249 s pd;
-#X msg 182 175 b;
-#X obj 182 197 print 0;
+#N canvas 212 25 658 577 10;
+#X obj 195 61 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1
+#X obj 224 449 pdinfo;
+#X obj 224 470 list length;
+#X floatatom 224 491 5 0 0 0 - - -, f 5;
+#X msg 224 428 classlist;
+#X obj 91 189 f;
+#X obj 121 189 + 1;
+#X obj 121 213 t b a;
+#X msg 121 287 set symbol \$1184 \, bang;
+#X msg 121 310 symbol zexy/||~;
+#X msg 148 262 set set symbol \, adddollar \$1 \, addcomma \, add2
+#X obj 121 332 t a a;
+#X obj 72 59 t b b b;
+#X obj 91 161 until;
+#X obj 91 140 float;
+#X obj 118 116 list length;
+#X obj 32 10 bng 31 250 50 0 empty empty Go! 38 6 0 14 -204786 -1 -1
+#X obj 121 379 select iemguts/autoabstraction;
+#X text 318 378 <-- filter this out \, otherwise it will wreak havoc
+on us;
+#X floatatom 137 137 5 0 0 0 - - -, f 5;
+#X obj 121 237 list append;
+#X obj 298 403 list prepend \$0;
+#X msg 298 425 \; pd-\$1-staging-area clear \; pd-\$1-staging-area
+obj 20 20 \$2;
+#N canvas 164 45 450 261 \$0-staging-area 0;
+#X obj 20 20 0;
+#X restore 397 85 pd \$0-staging-area;
+#X obj 147 497 pack;
+#X text 276 108 This patch attempts to load all binaries in the extra
+directory (and its subdirectories). Libdir prefixes are used for each
+#X text 276 158 Currently \, each loaded object (or broken object)
+is deleted before the next one is loaded. It might also be useful to
+try to load them all without deleting. (When I tried I got a crash.
+#X text 276 216 Issues: There's no way to automatically know whether
+an object loaded properly or not. You just have to read the output.
+#X text 264 10 suggested flags: -nogui -nrt -noaudio;
+#N canvas 112 72 450 485 get_all_binary_names 0;
+#X obj 146 18 inlet;
+#X msg 251 96 rewind;
+#X msg 187 121 bang;
+#X obj 187 140 classpath;
+#X obj 187 221 folder_list;
+#X obj 187 96 until;
+#X obj 267 138 bang;
+#X obj 187 337 bang;
+#X obj 187 368 f;
+#X obj 227 368 + 1;
+#X obj 187 65 trigger bang bang bang;
+#X obj 366 236 bang;
+#X msg 333 295 set;
+#X msg 207 311 add2 \$1;
+#X obj 366 295 f 0;
+#X obj 146 407 f;
+#N canvas 433 184 450 300 creator-list 0;
+#X obj 98 32 inlet;
+#X obj 98 564 outlet;
+#X msg 98 53 disis_gpio disis_netreceive disis_netsend disis_phasor~
+disis_spi disis_wiimote expr expr~ fexpr~ gem2pdp patch_name pdp2gem
+pix_2pdp spectdelay~ Gem/Gem Gem/gemglxwindow adaptive/lms2~ adaptive/lms~
+adaptive/nlms2~ adaptive/nlms3~ adaptive/nlms~ arraysize/arraysize
+bassemu~/bassemu~ boids/boids2d boids/boids3d bonk~/bonk~ bsaylor/aenv~
+bsaylor/partconv~ bsaylor/pvoc~ bsaylor/susloop~ bsaylor/svf~ bsaylor/zhzxh~
+choice/choice comport/comport creb/abs~ creb/bdiag~ creb/bfft~ creb/biquadseries~
+creb/bitsplit~ creb/blocknorm~ creb/blosc~ creb/bmatrix~ creb/bwin~
+creb/cexp~ creb/cheby~ creb/clog~ creb/cmath~ creb/diag~ creb/dist~
+creb/dwt~ creb/dynwav~ creb/eadsr~ creb/ead~ creb/ear~ creb/eblosc~
+creb/fdn~ creb/ffpoly creb/filterortho~ creb/fwarp creb/junction~ creb/lattice~
+creb/permut~ creb/qmult~ creb/qnorm~ creb/ramp~ creb/ratio creb/resofilt~
+creb/sbosc~ creb/scrollgrid1D~ creb/statwav~ creb/tabreadmix~ creb/xfm~
+cxc/ENV cxc/ascseq cxc/ascwave cxc/bfilt cxc/bfilt2 cxc/cxavgdev cxc/cxc_counter
+cxc/cxc_prepend cxc/cxc_split cxc/cxmean cxc/cxstddev cxc/delta~ cxc/dist_normal
+cxc/hex2dec cxc/ixprint cxc/mean~ cxc/proc cxc/random1 cxc/random1~
+cxc/random_fl cxc/random_fl~ cxc/random_icg cxc/random_icg~ cxc/random_tw
+cxc/reson~ cxc/utime cyclone/Borax cyclone/Bucket cyclone/Clip cyclone/Clip~
+cyclone/Decode cyclone/Histo cyclone/Line~ cyclone/MouseState cyclone/Peak
+cyclone/Scope~ cyclone/Snapshot~ cyclone/Table cyclone/TogEdge cyclone/Trough
+cyclone/Uzi cyclone/accum cyclone/acos cyclone/acosh~ cyclone/acos~
+cyclone/active cyclone/allpass~ cyclone/anal cyclone/asin cyclone/asinh~
+cyclone/asin~ cyclone/atan2~ cyclone/atanh~ cyclone/atan~ cyclone/average~
+cyclone/avg~ cyclone/bangbang cyclone/bitand~ cyclone/bitnot~ cyclone/bitor~
+cyclone/bitshift~ cyclone/bitxor~ cyclone/bondo cyclone/buddy cyclone/buffir~
+cyclone/capture cyclone/capture~ cyclone/cartopol cyclone/cartopol~
+cyclone/change~ cyclone/click~ cyclone/coll cyclone/comb~ cyclone/cosh
+cyclone/cosh~ cyclone/cosx~ cyclone/counter cyclone/count~ cyclone/curve~
+cyclone/cycle cyclone/cycle~ cyclone/decide cyclone/delay~ cyclone/deltaclip~
+cyclone/delta~ cyclone/drunk cyclone/edge~ cyclone/flush cyclone/forward
+cyclone/frameaccum~ cyclone/framedelta~ cyclone/fromsymbol cyclone/funbuff
+cyclone/funnel cyclone/gate cyclone/grab cyclone/index~ cyclone/iter
+cyclone/kink~ cyclone/linedrive cyclone/lookup~ cyclone/lores~ cyclone/match
+cyclone/matrix~ cyclone/maximum cyclone/maximum~ cyclone/mean cyclone/midiflush
+cyclone/midiformat cyclone/midiparse cyclone/minimum cyclone/minimum~
+cyclone/minmax~ cyclone/mousefilter cyclone/mstosamps~ cyclone/mtr
+cyclone/next cyclone/offer cyclone/onebang cyclone/onepole~ cyclone/overdrive~
+cyclone/past cyclone/peakamp~ cyclone/peek~ cyclone/phasewrap~ cyclone/pink~
+cyclone/play~ cyclone/poke~ cyclone/poltocar cyclone/poltocar~ cyclone/pong~
+cyclone/pow~ cyclone/prob cyclone/pv cyclone/rampsmooth~ cyclone/rand~
+cyclone/record~ cyclone/reson~ cyclone/sah~ cyclone/sampstoms~ cyclone/seq
+cyclone/sinh cyclone/sinh~ cyclone/sinx~ cyclone/slide~ cyclone/speedlim
+cyclone/spell cyclone/spike~ cyclone/split cyclone/spray cyclone/sprintf
+cyclone/substitute cyclone/sustain cyclone/svf~ cyclone/switch cyclone/tanh
+cyclone/tanh~ cyclone/tanx~ cyclone/testmess cyclone/thresh cyclone/tosymbol
+cyclone/train~ cyclone/trapezoid~ cyclone/triangle~ cyclone/universal
+cyclone/urn cyclone/vectral~ cyclone/wave~ cyclone/xbendin cyclone/xbendin2
+cyclone/xbendout cyclone/xbendout2 cyclone/xnotein cyclone/xnoteout
+cyclone/zerox~ cyclone/zl earplug~/earplug~ ekext/cup ekext/cupd ekext/doubledelta
+ekext/framescore~ ekext/framespect~ ekext/hasc~ ekext/hssc~ ekext/list_sum
+ekext/listmoses ekext/lpc~ ekext/lpreson~ ekext/maskxor ekext/peakit~
+ekext/polymap ekext/polystat ekext/sieve ekext/simile ekext/simile~
+ekext/steady ekext/valve ekext/voicing_detector~ ekext/weightonset
+ekext/zeroxpos~ expr~/expr expr~/expr~ expr~/fexpr~ ext13/catch13~
+ext13/cdplayer ext13/filesize ext13/ftos ext13/kalashnikov ext13/mandelbrot
+ext13/mandelbrot~ ext13/messages ext13/openpatch ext13/ossmixer ext13/piperead~
+ext13/pipewrite~ ext13/promiscous~ ext13/receive13 ext13/receive13~
+ext13/scramble~ ext13/send13 ext13/send13~ ext13/sfwrite13~ ext13/streamin13~
+ext13/streamout13~ ext13/strippath ext13/throw13~ ext13/wavinfo fiddle~/fiddle~
+flext/disis_munger~ flext/fluid~ freeverb~/freeverb~ ggee/atan2~ ggee/bandpass
+ggee/constant ggee/envgen ggee/equalizer ggee/fofsynth~ ggee/getdir
+ggee/highpass ggee/highshelf ggee/hlshelf ggee/image ggee/inv ggee/lowpass
+ggee/lowshelf ggee/mixer~ ggee/moog~ ggee/notch ggee/pvocfreq ggee/qread
+ggee/rl ggee/rtout ggee/serial_bird ggee/serial_ms ggee/serial_mt ggee/serialize
+ggee/sfwrite~ ggee/shell ggee/sinh ggee/sl ggee/streamin~ ggee/streamout~
+ggee/stripdir ggee/tabwrite4~ ggee/unserialize ggee/unwonk hcs/canvas_name
+hcs/ce_path hcs/classpath hcs/colorpanel hcs/cursor hcs/folder_list
+hcs/group hcs/helppath hcs/ifeel hcs/passwd hcs/screensize hcs/setenv
+hcs/split_path hcs/sql_query hcs/stat hcs/sys_gui hcs/uname hcs/unsetenv
+hcs/version hcs/window_name hexloader/hexloader hid/hid iem16/del16read~
+iem16/del16write~ iem16/tab16play~ iem16/tab16read iem16/tab16read4
+iem16/tab16read4~ iem16/tab16read~ iem16/tab16receive~ iem16/tab16send~
+iem16/tab16write iem16/tab16write~ iem16/table16 iem16/vd16~ iem_adaptfilt/NLMSCC~
+iem_adaptfilt/NLMS~ iem_adaptfilt/n_CLNLMS~ iem_adaptfilt/n_CNLMS~
+iem_ambi/ambi_decode iem_ambi/ambi_decode2 iem_ambi/ambi_decode3 iem_ambi/ambi_decode_cube
+iem_ambi/ambi_encode iem_ambi/ambi_rot iem_bin_ambi/bin_ambi_calc_HRTF
+iem_bin_ambi/bin_ambi_reduced_decode iem_bin_ambi/bin_ambi_reduced_decode2
+iem_bin_ambi/bin_ambi_reduced_decode_fft iem_bin_ambi/bin_ambi_reduced_decode_fft2
+iem_bin_ambi/bin_ambi_reduced_decode_fir iem_bin_ambi/bin_ambi_reduced_decode_fir2
+iem_delay/block_delay~ iem_delay/n_delay1p_line~ iem_delay/n_delay2p_line~
+iem_delay/nz~ iem_roomsim/cart2del_damp_2d iem_roomsim/cart2del_damp_3d
+iem_roomsim/early_reflections_2d iem_roomsim/early_reflections_3d iem_spec2/spec2_1p1z_freq~
+iem_spec2/spec2_1p1z_time~ iem_spec2/spec2_abs~ iem_spec2/spec2_add_scalar~
+iem_spec2/spec2_add~ iem_spec2/spec2_block_delay~ iem_spec2/spec2_clip_max~
+iem_spec2/spec2_clip_min~ iem_spec2/spec2_dbtopow~ iem_spec2/spec2_dbtorms~
+iem_spec2/spec2_matrix_bundle_stat~ iem_spec2/spec2_mul_scalar~ iem_spec2/spec2_mul~
+iem_spec2/spec2_powtodb~ iem_spec2/spec2_rmstodb~ iem_spec2/spec2_shift~
+iem_spec2/spec2_sqrt~ iem_spec2/spec2_stretch~ iem_spec2/spec2_sub~
+iem_spec2/spec2_sum~ iem_spec2/spec2_tab_conv~ iem_spec2/spec2_tabreceive_enable~
+iem_spec2/spec2_tabreceive~ iem_tab/tab_abs iem_tab/tab_add iem_tab/tab_add_scalar
+iem_tab/tab_carth2polar iem_tab/tab_complex_inv iem_tab/tab_complex_mul
+iem_tab/tab_const iem_tab/tab_conv iem_tab/tab_copy iem_tab/tab_counter
+iem_tab/tab_cross_corr iem_tab/tab_div iem_tab/tab_eq iem_tab/tab_eq_scalar
+iem_tab/tab_fft iem_tab/tab_find_exact_peaks iem_tab/tab_find_peaks
+iem_tab/tab_ge iem_tab/tab_ge_scalar iem_tab/tab_get_size iem_tab/tab_gt
+iem_tab/tab_gt_scalar iem_tab/tab_ifft iem_tab/tab_le iem_tab/tab_le_scalar
+iem_tab/tab_lt iem_tab/tab_lt_scalar iem_tab/tab_max_index iem_tab/tab_min_index
+iem_tab/tab_min_max iem_tab/tab_mls iem_tab/tab_mul iem_tab/tab_mul_scalar
+iem_tab/tab_ne iem_tab/tab_ne_scalar iem_tab/tab_reverse iem_tab/tab_rfft
+iem_tab/tab_rifft iem_tab/tab_sqrt iem_tab/tab_sub iem_tab/tab_sum
+iemgui/cube_sphere iemgui/hfadl_scale iemgui/hfadr_scale iemgui/iem_event
+iemgui/iem_image iemgui/iem_vu iemgui/numberbox_matrix iemgui/room_sim_2d
+iemgui/room_sim_3d iemgui/sym_dial iemgui/vfad_scale iemguts/autoabstraction
+iemguts/canvasargs iemguts/canvasconnections iemguts/canvasdelete iemguts/canvasdollarzero
+iemguts/canvaserror iemguts/canvasindex iemguts/canvasname iemguts/canvasobjectposition
+iemguts/canvasposition iemguts/canvasselect iemguts/classtest iemguts/oreceive
+iemguts/propertybang iemguts/receivecanvas iemguts/savebangs iemguts/sendcanvas
+iemguts/try iemlib/FIR~ iemlib/LFO_noise~ iemlib/add2_comma iemlib/any
+iemlib/aspeedlim iemlib/biquad_freq_resp iemlib/bpe iemlib/db2v iemlib/dollarg
+iemlib/exp_inc iemlib/f2note iemlib/fade~ iemlib/filter~ iemlib/float24
+iemlib/for++ iemlib/for_pp iemlib/gate iemlib/hml_shelf~ iemlib/iem_alisttosym
+iemlib/iem_anything iemlib/iem_append iemlib/iem_blocksize~ iemlib/iem_cot4~
+iemlib/iem_delay~ iemlib/iem_i_route iemlib/iem_pbank_csv iemlib/iem_pow4~
+iemlib/iem_prepend iemlib/iem_receive iemlib/iem_route iemlib/iem_samplerate~
+iemlib/iem_sel_any iemlib/iem_send iemlib/iem_sqrt4~ iemlib/iem_symtoalist
+iemlib/ii iemlib/init iemlib/list2send iemlib/lp1_t~ iemlib/m2f~ iemlib/mergefilename
+iemlib/modulo_counter iemlib/mov_avrg_kern~ iemlib/para_bp2~ iemlib/parentdollarzero
+iemlib/peakenv_hold~ iemlib/peakenv~ iemlib/post_netreceive iemlib/pp
+iemlib/pre_inlet iemlib/prepend_ascii iemlib/protect_against_open iemlib/prvu~
+iemlib/pvu~ iemlib/receive2list iemlib/round_zero iemlib/rvu~ iemlib/sin_freq~
+iemlib/sin_phase~ iemlib/soundfile_info iemlib/sparse_FIR~ iemlib/speedlim
+iemlib/split iemlib/splitfilename iemlib/stripfilename iemlib/t3_bpe
+iemlib/t3_delay iemlib/t3_line~ iemlib/t3_metro iemlib/t3_sig~ iemlib/t3_timer
+iemlib/tm iemlib/toggle_mess iemlib/transf_fader iemlib/unsym iemlib/unsymbol
+iemlib/v2db iemlib/vcf_filter~ iemlib/wrap iemmatrix/matrix iemmatrix/matrix_mul_line~
+iemmatrix/matrix_mul~ iemmatrix/matrix~ iemmatrix/mtx iemmatrix/mtx_0x21
+iemmatrix/mtx_0x210x3d iemmatrix/mtx_0x26 iemmatrix/mtx_0x260x26 iemmatrix/mtx_0x2a
+iemmatrix/mtx_0x2a0x7e iemmatrix/mtx_0x2b iemmatrix/mtx_0x2d iemmatrix/mtx_0x2e0x2a
+iemmatrix/mtx_0x2e0x2f iemmatrix/mtx_0x2e0x5e iemmatrix/mtx_0x2f iemmatrix/mtx_0x3a
+iemmatrix/mtx_0x3c iemmatrix/mtx_0x3c0x3c iemmatrix/mtx_0x3c0x3d iemmatrix/mtx_0x3d0x3d
+iemmatrix/mtx_0x3e iemmatrix/mtx_0x3e0x3d iemmatrix/mtx_0x3e0x3e iemmatrix/mtx_0x7c
+iemmatrix/mtx_0x7c0x7c iemmatrix/mtx_abs iemmatrix/mtx_add iemmatrix/mtx_and
+iemmatrix/mtx_atan iemmatrix/mtx_bitand iemmatrix/mtx_bitleft iemmatrix/mtx_bitor
+iemmatrix/mtx_bitright iemmatrix/mtx_bspline iemmatrix/mtx_check iemmatrix/mtx_cholesky
+iemmatrix/mtx_col iemmatrix/mtx_colon iemmatrix/mtx_concat iemmatrix/mtx_conv
+iemmatrix/mtx_cos iemmatrix/mtx_cumprod iemmatrix/mtx_cumsum iemmatrix/mtx_dbtopow
+iemmatrix/mtx_dbtorms iemmatrix/mtx_decay iemmatrix/mtx_diag iemmatrix/mtx_diegg
+iemmatrix/mtx_diff iemmatrix/mtx_dispersive_dline iemmatrix/mtx_distance2
+iemmatrix/mtx_div iemmatrix/mtx_egg iemmatrix/mtx_eig iemmatrix/mtx_element
+iemmatrix/mtx_eq iemmatrix/mtx_exp iemmatrix/mtx_eye iemmatrix/mtx_fft
+iemmatrix/mtx_fill iemmatrix/mtx_find iemmatrix/mtx_gauss iemmatrix/mtx_ge
+iemmatrix/mtx_gt iemmatrix/mtx_ifft iemmatrix/mtx_index iemmatrix/mtx_int
+iemmatrix/mtx_inverse iemmatrix/mtx_isequal iemmatrix/mtx_le iemmatrix/mtx_log
+iemmatrix/mtx_lt iemmatrix/mtx_max2 iemmatrix/mtx_mean iemmatrix/mtx_min2
+iemmatrix/mtx_minmax iemmatrix/mtx_mul iemmatrix/mtx_mul~ iemmatrix/mtx_neq
+iemmatrix/mtx_not iemmatrix/mtx_ones iemmatrix/mtx_or iemmatrix/mtx_pack~
+iemmatrix/mtx_pivot iemmatrix/mtx_pow iemmatrix/mtx_powtodb iemmatrix/mtx_print
+iemmatrix/mtx_prod iemmatrix/mtx_qr iemmatrix/mtx_rand iemmatrix/mtx_repmat
+iemmatrix/mtx_resize iemmatrix/mtx_reverse iemmatrix/mtx_rfft iemmatrix/mtx_rifft
+iemmatrix/mtx_rmstodb iemmatrix/mtx_roll iemmatrix/mtx_row iemmatrix/mtx_scroll
+iemmatrix/mtx_sin iemmatrix/mtx_size iemmatrix/mtx_slice iemmatrix/mtx_sndfileread
+iemmatrix/mtx_sort iemmatrix/mtx_spherical_harmonics iemmatrix/mtx_spherical_radial
+iemmatrix/mtx_sub iemmatrix/mtx_sum iemmatrix/mtx_svd iemmatrix/mtx_trace
+iemmatrix/mtx_transpose iemmatrix/mtx_unpack~ iemmatrix/mtx_zeros iemxmlrpc/xmlrpc
+jasch_lib/_ jasch_lib/detox jasch_lib/memchr jasch_lib/strchr jasch_lib/strcut
+jasch_lib/strlen jasch_lib/strtok libdir/libdir loop~/loop~ lrshift~/lrshift~
+markex/abs~ markex/alternate markex/average markex/counter markex/hsv2rgb
+markex/invert markex/multiselect markex/oneshot markex/randomF markex/reson~
+markex/rgb2hsv markex/strcat markex/tripleLine markex/tripleRand markex/vector+
+markex/vector- markex/vector0x2a markex/vector0x2f markex/vectorabs
+markex/vectorpack maxlib/allow maxlib/arbran maxlib/arraycopy maxlib/average
+maxlib/beat maxlib/beta maxlib/bilex maxlib/borax maxlib/cauchy maxlib/chord
+maxlib/delta maxlib/deny maxlib/dist maxlib/divide maxlib/divmod maxlib/edge
+maxlib/expo maxlib/fifo maxlib/gauss maxlib/gestalt maxlib/history
+maxlib/ignore maxlib/iso maxlib/lifo maxlib/limit maxlib/linear maxlib/listfifo
+maxlib/listfunnel maxlib/match maxlib/minus maxlib/mlife maxlib/multi
+maxlib/nchange maxlib/netclient maxlib/netdist maxlib/netrec maxlib/netserver
+maxlib/nroute maxlib/pitch maxlib/plus maxlib/poisson maxlib/pong maxlib/pulse
+maxlib/remote maxlib/rewrap maxlib/rhythm maxlib/scale maxlib/score
+maxlib/speedlim maxlib/split maxlib/step maxlib/subst maxlib/sync maxlib/temperature
+maxlib/tilt maxlib/timebang maxlib/triang maxlib/unroute maxlib/urn
+maxlib/velocity maxlib/weibull maxlib/wrap mjlib/about mjlib/convolve~
+mjlib/metroplus mjlib/monorhythm mjlib/morse mjlib/n2m mjlib/pin~ mjlib/prob
+mjlib/synapseA~ moocow/any2bytes moocow/bytes2any moocow/bytes2wchars
+moocow/deque moocow/locale moocow/pdstring moocow/printbytes moocow/printwchars
+moocow/readdir moocow/sprinkler moocow/uselocale moocow/wchars2bytes
+moocow/weightmap moonlib/absolutepath moonlib/basedir moonlib/char2f
+moonlib/comma moonlib/dinlet~ moonlib/dispatch moonlib/dripchar moonlib/f2char
+moonlib/gamme moonlib/image moonlib/mknob moonlib/panvol~ moonlib/popen
+moonlib/readsfv~ moonlib/relativepath moonlib/s2f moonlib/sarray moonlib/sfread2~
+moonlib/slist moonlib/ssaw~ moonlib/tabdump2 moonlib/tabenv moonlib/tabreadl
+moonlib/tabsort moonlib/tabsort2 moonlib/wac motex/getenv motex/ln~
+motex/pansig~ motex/pan~ motex/pol2rec~ motex/polygate~ motex/rec2pol~
+motex/shuffle motex/system mrpeach/binfile mrpeach/cd4000 mrpeach/cd4001
+mrpeach/cd4002 mrpeach/cd4008 mrpeach/cd4011 mrpeach/cd4012 mrpeach/cd4013
+mrpeach/cd4014 mrpeach/cd4015 mrpeach/cd4017 mrpeach/cd40193 mrpeach/cd4023
+mrpeach/cd4024 mrpeach/cd4025 mrpeach/cd4027 mrpeach/cd4070 mrpeach/cd4071
+mrpeach/cd4072 mrpeach/cd4073 mrpeach/cd4075 mrpeach/cd4076 mrpeach/cd4081
+mrpeach/cd4082 mrpeach/cd4094 mrpeach/cd4516 mrpeach/flist2tab mrpeach/httpreceive
+mrpeach/httpreq mrpeach/life2x mrpeach/midifile mrpeach/op~ mrpeach/packOSC
+mrpeach/packxbee mrpeach/pipelist mrpeach/rcosc~ mrpeach/rc~ mrpeach/rojo~
+mrpeach/routeOSC mrpeach/runningmean mrpeach/slipdec mrpeach/slipenc
+mrpeach/sqosc~ mrpeach/str mrpeach/tab2flist mrpeach/tabfind mrpeach/tcpclient
+mrpeach/tcpreceive mrpeach/tcpsend mrpeach/tcpserver mrpeach/udpreceive
+mrpeach/udpreceive~ mrpeach/udpsend mrpeach/udpsend~ mrpeach/unpackOSC
+mrpeach/unpackxbee mrpeach/which oscx/OSCroute oscx/dumpOSC oscx/sendOSC
+pdcontainer/h_deque pdcontainer/h_list pdcontainer/h_map pdcontainer/h_multimap
+pdcontainer/h_multiset pdcontainer/h_prioqueue pdcontainer/h_queue
+pdcontainer/h_set pdcontainer/h_stack pdcontainer/h_vector pddp/helplink
+pddp/pddplink pdogg/oggamp~ pdogg/oggcast~ pdogg/oggread~ pdogg/oggwrite~
+pdp/pdp pd~/pdsched pd~/pd~ pique/pique pix_drum/pix_drum pix_fiducialtrack/pix_fiducialtrack
+pix_hit/pix_hit pix_mano/pix_mano plugin~/plugin~ pmpd/iAmbient2D pmpd/iAmbient3D
+pmpd/iCircle2D pmpd/iCircle3D pmpd/iCylinder3D pmpd/iLine2D pmpd/iPlane3D
+pmpd/iSeg2D pmpd/iSphere3D pmpd/link pmpd/link2D pmpd/link3D pmpd/mass
+pmpd/mass2D pmpd/mass3D pmpd/pmpd~ pmpd/tCircle2D pmpd/tCircle3D pmpd/tCube3D
+pmpd/tCylinder3D pmpd/tLine2D pmpd/tLink2D pmpd/tLink3D pmpd/tPlane3D
+pmpd/tSeg2D pmpd/tSphere3D pmpd/tSquare2D sigmund~/sigmund~ sigpack/chop~
+sigpack/decimate~ sigpack/diode~ sigpack/foldback~ sigpack/foldover~
+sigpack/freqdiv~ sigpack/freqshift~ sigpack/hardlimit~ sigpack/harmgen~
+sigpack/impulse~ sigpack/rectify~ sigpack/round~ sigpack/saturate~
+sigpack/shape~ sigpack/sieve~ sigpack/split~ sigpack/transient~ sigpack/ustep~
+sigpack/valverect~ sigpack/vowel~ sigpack/wavewrap~ smlib/bp smlib/decimator
+smlib/deltas smlib/hip smlib/hist smlib/itov smlib/lavg smlib/lhist
+smlib/lhisti smlib/linspace smlib/lmax smlib/lmin smlib/lrange smlib/lstd
+smlib/prevl smlib/threshold smlib/vabs smlib/vclip smlib/vcog smlib/vdbtorms
+smlib/vdelta smlib/vfmod smlib/vftom smlib/vlavg smlib/vlmax smlib/vlmin
+smlib/vlrange smlib/vmax smlib/vmin smlib/vmtof smlib/vnmax smlib/vpow
+smlib/vrms smlib/vrmstodb smlib/vstd smlib/vsum smlib/vthreshold smlib/vvconv
+smlib/vvminus smlib/vvplus stdout/stdout tof/argument tof/arguments
+tof/breakpoints tof/breakpoints~ tof/common~ tof/crossfade~ tof/folderpanel
+tof/from_ascii_code tof/getdollarzero tof/imagebang tof/increment tof/iterate
+tof/listUnfold tof/list_accum tof/list_unfold tof/menubutton tof/onlyone
+tof/openHelp tof/open_help tof/param tof/path tof/phasorshot~ tof/pmenu
+tof/streamMinMax tof/to_ascii_code unauthorized/audience~ unauthorized/beatify~
+unauthorized/blinkenlights unauthorized/compressor~ unauthorized/cooled~
+unauthorized/countund unauthorized/disto~ unauthorized/exciter unauthorized/filterbank~
+unauthorized/filters unauthorized/formant~ unauthorized/grid unauthorized/lpc
+unauthorized/mp3amp~ unauthorized/mp3cast~ unauthorized/mp3fileout~
+unauthorized/mp3streamin~ unauthorized/mp3streamout~ unauthorized/mp3write~
+unauthorized/pianoroll unauthorized/playlist unauthorized/probalizer
+unauthorized/randomblock~ unauthorized/samplebox~ unauthorized/scratcher~
+unauthorized/scrolllist unauthorized/sonogram~-joge unauthorized/sonogram~-yves
+unauthorized/sonogram~ unauthorized/speexin~ unauthorized/speexout~
+unauthorized/spigot~ unauthorized/tables unauthorized/vocoder~ unauthorized/wahwah~
+vbap/define_loudspeakers vbap/rvbap vbap/vbap windowing/bartlett~ windowing/blackman~
+windowing/connes~ windowing/cosine~ windowing/gaussian~ windowing/hamming~
+windowing/hanning~ windowing/kaiser~ windowing/lanczos~ windowing/welch~
+zexy/&&~ zexy/0x260x260x7e zexy/0x2e zexy/0x3c0x7e zexy/0x3d0x3d0x7e
+zexy/0x3e0x7e zexy/0x7c0x7c0x7e zexy/<~ zexy/==~ zexy/>~ zexy/a2l zexy/absgn~
+zexy/abs~ zexy/any2list zexy/atof zexy/atoi zexy/avg~ zexy/blockmirror~
+zexy/blockshuffle~ zexy/blockswap~ zexy/date zexy/demultiplex zexy/demultiplex~
+zexy/demux zexy/demux~ zexy/dfreq~ zexy/dirac~ zexy/drip zexy/envrms~
+zexy/fifop zexy/freadln zexy/fwriteln zexy/glue zexy/index zexy/l zexy/l2i
+zexy/l2s zexy/length zexy/lifop zexy/limiter~ zexy/list2int zexy/list2lists
+zexy/list2symbol zexy/lister zexy/listfind zexy/liststorage zexy/longload
+zexy/lp zexy/lpt zexy/makesymbol zexy/matchbox zexy/mavg zexy/minmax
+zexy/msgfile zexy/multiline~ zexy/multiplex zexy/multiplex~ zexy/multireceive
+zexy/mux zexy/mux~ zexy/niagara zexy/noish~ zexy/noisi~ zexy/operating_system
+zexy/pack zexy/packel zexy/pack~ zexy/pdf~ zexy/prime zexy/quantize~
+zexy/rawprint zexy/regex zexy/relay zexy/repack zexy/repeat zexy/route~
+zexy/s2l zexy/sfplay zexy/sfrecord zexy/sgn~ zexy/sigzero~ zexy/sleepgrain
+zexy/sort zexy/step~ zexy/strcmp zexy/sum zexy/swap~ zexy/symbol2list
+zexy/tabdump zexy/tabminmax zexy/tabread4~~ zexy/tabset zexy/tavg~
+zexy/time zexy/unfold zexy/unpack zexy/unpack~ zexy/urn zexy/wrap zexy/z~
+#X connect 0 0 2 0;
+#X connect 2 0 1 0;
+#X restore 333 428 pd creator-list;
+#X obj 333 453 outlet;
+#X obj 146 368 t b b;
+#N canvas 433 184 450 300 spigot 0;
+#X obj 92 40 inlet;
+#X obj 92 61 t a a;
+#X obj 92 209 spigot;
+#X obj 119 86 hcs/split_path;
+#X obj 200 117 select extra;
+#X msg 200 138 1;
+#X msg 248 165 0;
+#X obj 92 230 outlet;
 #X connect 0 0 1 0;
 #X connect 1 0 2 0;
-#X connect 1 1 4 0;
+#X connect 1 1 3 0;
+#X connect 2 0 7 0;
+#X connect 3 1 4 0;
+#X connect 4 0 5 0;
+#X connect 4 1 6 0;
+#X connect 5 0 2 1;
+#X connect 6 0 2 1;
+#X restore 187 161 pd spigot;
+#X msg 187 202 symbol \$1/*;
+#N canvas 462 116 450 300 search_libdirs 0;
+#X obj 85 27 inlet;
+#X obj 130 86 hcs/file_type;
+#X obj 85 48 t a a;
+#X obj 130 107 select folder;
+#X obj 85 159 spigot;
+#X msg 130 128 1;
+#X msg 200 129 0;
+#X obj 85 221 folder_list;
+#X obj 85 242 outlet;
+#X obj 85 201 symbol;
+#X msg 85 180 \$1/*pd_linux \, \$1/*l_ia64 \, \$1/*l_i386;
+#X connect 0 0 2 0;
+#X connect 1 0 3 0;
+#X connect 2 0 4 0;
+#X connect 2 1 1 0;
+#X connect 3 0 5 0;
+#X connect 3 1 6 0;
+#X connect 4 0 10 0;
+#X connect 5 0 4 1;
+#X connect 6 0 4 1;
+#X connect 7 0 8 0;
+#X connect 9 0 7 0;
+#X connect 10 0 9 0;
+#X restore 187 242 pd search_libdirs;
+#X obj 187 182 trigger anything anything;
+#X obj 146 39 trigger bang bang;
+#N canvas 595 159 450 300 remove_file_suffix 0;
+#X obj 110 25 inlet;
+#X obj 110 85 list split 1;
+#X obj 110 115 symbol2list .l_ia64;
+#X obj 110 136 list split 1;
+#X obj 110 207 outlet;
+#X obj 110 64 symbol2list .pd_linux;
+#X obj 110 157 symbol2list .l_i386;
+#X obj 110 178 list split 1;
+#X connect 0 0 5 0;
+#X connect 1 0 2 0;
 #X connect 2 0 3 0;
+#X connect 3 0 6 0;
+#X connect 5 0 1 0;
+#X connect 6 0 7 0;
+#X connect 7 0 4 0;
+#X restore 187 282 pd remove_file_suffix;
+#N canvas 595 159 450 363 convert-to-libdir-prefix 0;
+#X obj 110 25 inlet;
+#X obj 141 245 outlet;
+#X obj 110 50 hcs/split_path;
+#X obj 110 81 hcs/split_path;
+#X obj 141 155 symbol;
+#X obj 141 202 pack s s;
+#X obj 229 134 t a;
+#X msg 141 110 symbol \$1/;
+#X msg 141 223 symbol \$1\$2;
+#X obj 141 134 select extra/;
+#X connect 0 0 2 0;
+#X connect 2 0 3 0;
+#X connect 2 1 6 0;
+#X connect 3 1 7 0;
 #X connect 4 0 5 0;
+#X connect 5 0 8 0;
+#X connect 6 0 5 1;
+#X connect 7 0 9 0;
+#X connect 8 0 1 0;
+#X connect 9 0 4 0;
+#X connect 9 1 5 0;
+#X restore 187 262 pd convert-to-libdir-prefix;
+#X connect 0 0 23 0;
+#X connect 1 0 3 0;
+#X connect 2 0 3 0;
+#X connect 3 0 19 0;
+#X connect 3 1 6 0;
+#X connect 4 0 21 0;
+#X connect 5 0 2 0;
+#X connect 6 0 5 1;
+#X connect 7 0 8 0;
+#X connect 8 0 9 0;
+#X connect 8 0 15 1;
+#X connect 9 0 8 1;
+#X connect 10 0 5 0;
+#X connect 10 1 1 0;
+#X connect 10 2 11 0;
+#X connect 11 0 12 0;
+#X connect 11 0 14 0;
+#X connect 12 0 16 0;
+#X connect 13 0 16 0;
+#X connect 14 0 8 1;
+#X connect 16 0 17 0;
+#X connect 18 0 15 0;
+#X connect 18 1 16 0;
+#X connect 19 0 22 0;
+#X connect 20 0 4 0;
+#X connect 21 0 25 0;
+#X connect 22 0 20 0;
+#X connect 22 1 21 0;
+#X connect 23 0 18 0;
+#X connect 23 1 10 0;
+#X connect 24 0 7 0;
+#X connect 24 0 13 0;
+#X connect 25 0 24 0;
+#X coords 0 0 1 1 185 22 0;
+#X restore 195 85 pd get_all_binary_names;
+#N canvas 433 184 450 300 nogui-loadbang 0;
+#X obj 43 21 loadbang;
+#X msg 43 42 gui;
+#X obj 43 63 pdinfo;
+#X obj 43 84 select 0;
+#X obj 43 105 outlet;
+#X connect 0 0 1 0;
+#X connect 1 0 2 0;
+#X connect 2 0 3 0;
+#X connect 3 0 4 0;
+#X restore 72 32 pd nogui-loadbang;
+#X obj 137 158 v \$0-n;
+#X obj 71 384 v \$0-n;
+#X obj 148 357 print load_all_binaries:;
+#N canvas 433 184 450 300 print_results 0;
+#X obj 41 15 inlet;
+#X msg 41 37 *************** Finished **************** \, * .....................................
+* \, * . \$1 attempts at loading binaries . * \, * . \$2 classes registered
+........... * \, * ..................................... * \, *****************************************
+\, ......................................... \, ........ Press <ctrl-c>
+to exit ......... \, .........................................;
+#X obj 41 152 print load_all_binaries;
+#X connect 0 0 1 0;
+#X connect 1 0 2 0;
+#X restore 147 518 pd print_results;
+#X obj 71 405 trigger bang anything bang;
+#N canvas 0 0 450 300 nogui-quit 0;
+#X obj 108 19 inlet;
+#X obj 108 41 bang;
+#X msg 108 63 gui;
+#X obj 108 85 pdinfo;
+#X obj 108 107 select 0;
+#X msg 108 129 quit;
+#X obj 108 151 send pd;
+#X connect 0 0 1 0;
+#X connect 1 0 2 0;
+#X connect 2 0 3 0;
+#X connect 3 0 4 0;
+#X connect 4 0 5 0;
+#X connect 5 0 6 0;
+#X restore 71 541 pd nogui-quit;
+#X connect 0 0 29 0;
+#X connect 1 0 2 0;
+#X connect 2 0 3 0;
+#X connect 2 0 24 1;
+#X connect 4 0 1 0;
+#X connect 5 0 6 0;
+#X connect 6 0 5 1;
+#X connect 6 0 7 0;
+#X connect 7 0 20 0;
+#X connect 7 1 10 0;
+#X connect 8 0 9 0;
+#X connect 9 0 11 0;
+#X connect 10 0 8 0;
+#X connect 11 0 17 0;
+#X connect 11 1 33 0;
+#X connect 12 0 32 0;
+#X connect 12 1 14 0;
+#X connect 12 2 29 0;
+#X connect 13 0 5 0;
+#X connect 14 0 13 0;
+#X connect 15 0 14 1;
+#X connect 15 0 19 0;
+#X connect 16 0 12 0;
+#X connect 17 1 21 0;
+#X connect 19 0 31 0;
+#X connect 20 0 8 0;
+#X connect 21 0 22 0;
+#X connect 24 0 34 0;
+#X connect 29 0 15 0;
+#X connect 29 0 20 1;
+#X connect 30 0 12 0;
+#X connect 32 0 35 0;
+#X connect 35 0 36 0;
+#X connect 35 1 24 0;
+#X connect 35 2 4 0;