diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/data-sound.xcf b/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/data-sound.xcf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b4e9866212d81c7b8709259a76e21286ae5b834
Binary files /dev/null and b/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/data-sound.xcf differ
diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/data.png b/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/data.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a25fa64a04577c123c989d7195bdfdaf2f11adbd
Binary files /dev/null and b/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/data.png differ
diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/data_on.png b/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/data_on.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c283677b4ef6e520397bed527aa24aae1bfe46ec
Binary files /dev/null and b/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/data_on.png differ
diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/sound.png b/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/sound.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a90a95cd9480455153b64085326a6493e1809eb1
Binary files /dev/null and b/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/sound.png differ
diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/sound_on.png b/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/sound_on.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a0f8a597f453bb4d725a90bb02b5456fbf830fa2
Binary files /dev/null and b/l2ork_addons/K12/icons/sound_on.png differ
diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_mapper-help.pd b/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_mapper-help.pd
index 5552c22c607a5d431ecafefb334e7c0836a04649..db620fa5ddccb3083196ed35a803f0124b5d7c2c 100755
--- a/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_mapper-help.pd
+++ b/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_mapper-help.pd
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #N canvas 110 24 503 501 10;
-#X obj 20 293 cnv 15 486 220 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
+#X obj 20 313 cnv 15 486 220 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
 #X obj 25 184 K12/wii_speed;
-#X obj 123 530 K12/instr_sustained2;
-#X obj 25 755 output;
+#X obj 123 550 K12/instr_sustained2;
+#X obj 25 795 output;
 #N canvas 521 27 450 514 META 0;
 #X text 9 66 OUTLET_0 Connect this to an instrument or another math
@@ -12,28 +12,29 @@ object;
 each other;
 #X text 9 104 OUTLET_1 Connect this to an instrument or another math
-#X restore 458 819 pd META;
+#X restore 458 871 pd META;
 #X obj 13 43 cnv 3 501 3 empty empty empty 5 14 0 20 -260097 -191407
 #X obj 13 14 cnv 15 501 28 empty empty Mapper 5 14 0 20 -139274 -262144
 #X obj 484 46 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png;
 #X obj 25 69 K12/wii_connect;
-#X text 133 339 With the top toggle option selected \, the outlets
+#X text 133 359 With the top toggle option selected \, the outlets
 will always be zero.;
-#X text 133 305 There are four different functions that the Mapper
+#X text 133 325 There are four different functions that the Mapper
 object will do.;
-#X text 133 373 With the second toggle option selected \, the right
+#X text 133 393 With the second toggle option selected \, the right
 outlet will be the opposite of the left outlet (in other words \, when
 one is 0 the other is 1).;
-#X text 134 457 With the fourth toggle option selected \, as the left
+#X text 134 477 With the fourth toggle option selected \, as the left
 slider increases from 0 to 1 the right slider increases slowly at first
 and then quickly \, also from 0 to 1;
-#X text 133 420 With the third toggle option selected \, the left slider
+#X text 133 440 With the third toggle option selected \, the left slider
 ranges from 0 to 1 and the right slider ranges from 0 to 0.5;
-#X obj 25 298 K12/logic_mapper;
-#X obj 25 530 K12/instr_sustained1;
-#X obj 124 640 K12/fx_reverb;
+#X obj 25 318 K12/logic_mapper;
+#X obj 25 550 K12/instr_sustained1;
+#X obj 124 660 K12/fx_reverb;
+#X obj 133 213 K12/math_number;
 #X connect 1 0 14 0;
 #X connect 2 0 16 0;
 #X connect 8 0 1 0;
@@ -41,3 +42,4 @@ ranges from 0 to 1 and the right slider ranges from 0 to 0.5;
 #X connect 14 1 2 0;
 #X connect 15 0 3 0;
 #X connect 16 0 3 0;
+#X connect 17 0 14 0;
diff --git a/pd/src/pd.tk b/pd/src/pd.tk
index aefb3c5c46379b5ff054c1de5768f6f443fd5bf7..47cbd7eada97c9b19e27540a842c7dd89ac7fd33 100644
--- a/pd/src/pd.tk
+++ b/pd/src/pd.tk
@@ -347,45 +347,49 @@ proc pdtk_enable_k12_mode {extra_dir} {
 	image create photo i.wii_buttons -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/wii_buttons.png
 	image create photo i.wii_speed -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/wii_speed.png
 	image create photo i.wii_hit -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/wii_hit.png
-	image create photo i.sarcduino -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/sarcduino_on.png
+	image create photo i.sarcduino -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/sarcduino_on.png
 	image create photo i.sarcduino_digital -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/sarcduino_digital.png
 	image create photo i.sarcduino_analog -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/sarcduino_analog.png
 	image create photo i.sarcduino_hit -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/sarcduino_hit.png
 	image create photo i.sarcduino_piezo -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/sarcduino_piezo.png
 	#image create photo i.sarcduino_net -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/sarcduino_net.png
-	image create photo i.math_number -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_number.png
+	image create photo i.math_number -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_number.png
 	image create photo i.math_netsend -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_netsend.png
 	image create photo i.math_netreceive -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_netreceive.png
 	image create photo i.math_tag -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_tag.png
 	image create photo i.math_routebytag -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_routebytag.png
-	image create photo i.math_average -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_average.png
+	image create photo i.math_average -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_average.png
 	image create photo i.math_random -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_random.png
 	image create photo i.math_add -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_add.png
 	image create photo i.math_subtract -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_subtract.png
 	image create photo i.math_multiply -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_multiply.png
-	image create photo i.math_divide -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_divide.png
+	image create photo i.math_divide -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_divide.png
 	image create photo i.math_scale -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/math_scale.png
 	image create photo i.logic_compare -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/logic_compare.png
-	#image create photo i.logic_mapper -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/logic_mapper.png
+	image create photo i.logic_mapper -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/logic_mapper.png
 	image create photo i.logic_metronome -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/logic_metronome.png
 	image create photo i.logic_counter -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/logic_counter.png
 	image create photo i.logic_sequencer -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/logic_sequencer.png
+	image create photo i.preset -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/preset.png
+	image create photo i.comment -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/comment.png
 	image create photo i.signal_microphone -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_microphone.png
 	image create photo i.signal_netsend -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_netsend.png
 	image create photo i.signal_netreceive -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_netreceive.png	
 	image create photo i.signal_sampler -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_sampler.png
 	image create photo i.signal_player -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_player.png
-	image create photo i.signal_envelope -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_envelope.png
 	image create photo i.signal_sine -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_sine.png
 	image create photo i.signal_saw -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_saw.png
 	image create photo i.signal_square -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_square.png
 	image create photo i.signal_triangle -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_triangle.png
+	image create photo i.signal_envelope -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_envelope.png
 	image create photo i.signal_noise -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_noise.png
 	image create photo i.signal_pink -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/signal_pink.png
@@ -402,12 +406,15 @@ proc pdtk_enable_k12_mode {extra_dir} {
 	image create photo i.fx_reverb -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/fx_reverb.png
 	image create photo i.output -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/audio_on.png
-	image create photo i.preset -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/preset.png
-	image create photo i.comment -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/comment.png
 	image create photo i.edit -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/edit.png
 	image create photo i.perform -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/perform.png
+	image create photo i.data -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/data.png
+	image create photo i.sound -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/sound.png
+	image create photo i.data_on -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/data_on.png
+	image create photo i.sound_on -file $extra_dir/K12/icons/sound_on.png
 	#pack forget .controls.switches.audiobutton
 	#pack forget .controls.inout
 	#.mbar.audio delete 0 2
@@ -2260,6 +2267,24 @@ proc put_K12_objects {name object} {
+proc pdtk_k12_show_data_icons {name} {
+	$name.k12frame.datasound.data configure -image i.data_on
+	$name.k12frame.datasound.sound configure -image i.sound
+	catch {
+		pack forget $name.k12frame.signal_1 $name.k12frame.signal_2 $name.k12frame.signal_3 $name.k12frame.instr $name.k12frame.fx $name.k12frame.output
+		pack $name.k12frame.wii $name.k12frame.arduino $name.k12frame.math_1 $name.k12frame.math_2 $name.k12frame.math_3 $name.k12frame.logic $name.k12frame.other -side top -expand 0 -fill x
+	}
+proc pdtk_k12_show_sound_icons {name} {
+	$name.k12frame.datasound.data configure -image i.data
+	$name.k12frame.datasound.sound configure -image i.sound_on
+	catch {
+		pack forget $name.k12frame.wii $name.k12frame.arduino $name.k12frame.math_1 $name.k12frame.math_2 $name.k12frame.math_3 $name.k12frame.logic $name.k12frame.other
+		pack $name.k12frame.signal_1 $name.k12frame.signal_2 $name.k12frame.signal_3 $name.k12frame.instr $name.k12frame.fx $name.k12frame.output -side top -expand 0 -fill x
+	}
 ############# pdtk_canvas_new -- create a new canvas ###############
 proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
     global pd_tearoff put_tearoff
@@ -2376,11 +2401,23 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
 		pack $name.k12frame.edit.b -side left -expand 1 -padx 1 -pady 0
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.edit.b "Toggle between building and playing an instrument"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.edit.b
+		# ---------------------------------- DATA VS SOUND BUTTONS ----------------------------------
+		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.datasound -relief flat]
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.datasound.data -text "DATA" -image i.data_on -command [concat pdtk_k12_show_data_icons $name]]
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.datasound.sound -text "SOUND" -image i.sound -command [concat pdtk_k12_show_sound_icons $name]]
+		pack $name.k12frame.datasound.data $name.k12frame.datasound.sound -side left -pady 1 -padx 1 -expand 0
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.datasound.data "Show DATA objects"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.datasound.sound "Show SOUND objects"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.datasound.data
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.datasound.sound
 		# ---------------------------------- MESSAGES LABEL -----------------------------------------
-		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.msgs -relief flat]
-		match_linux_wm [list label $name.k12frame.msgs.label -relief flat -text "MESSAGES"]
-		pack $name.k12frame.msgs.label -fill x -pady 0 -padx 1
+		#match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.msgs -relief flat]
+		#match_linux_wm [list label $name.k12frame.msgs.label -relief flat -text "MESSAGES"]
+		#pack $name.k12frame.msgs.label -fill x -pady 0 -padx 1
 		# ---------------------------------- WII -----------------------------------------
 		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.wii -relief flat]
@@ -2397,6 +2434,10 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.wii.b_wii_buttons "Wiimote Buttons: Use this to select which Wiimote button should activate objects connected to this object"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.wii.b_wii_hit "Wiimote Hit: Use this to detect when the wiimote has been shaken"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.wii.b_wii_speed "Wiimote Speed: Use this to detect how quickly is Wiimote moving"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.wii.b_wii_connect
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.wii.b_wii_buttons
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.wii.b_wii_speed
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.wii.b_wii_hit
 		# ---------------------------------- ARDUINO -----------------------------------------
 		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.arduino -relief flat]
@@ -2416,25 +2457,38 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.arduino.b_sarcduino_analog "Arduino Analog: Use this to monitor analog sensor speed"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.arduino.b_sarcduino_hit "Arduino Hit: Use this to detect when the arduino analog sensor data has rapidly changed"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.arduino.b_sarcduino_piezo "Arduino Piezo: Use this to analyze data coming from a piezo microphone sensor"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.arduino.b_sarcduino
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.arduino.b_sarcduino_digital
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.arduino.b_sarcduino_analog
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.arduino.b_sarcduino_hit
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.arduino.b_sarcduino_piezo
 		# ---------------------------------- MATH ROW 1 -----------------------------------------
 		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.math_1 -relief flat]
 		#match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_1.b_sarcduino_net -image i.sarcduino_net \
 		#	-command [concat put_K12_objects $name sarcduino_net]]
-		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_1.b_preset -image i.preset \
-			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name preset]] 
 		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_number -image i.math_number \
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_number]]
-		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_average -image i.math_average \
-			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_average]]
-		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_random -image i.math_random \
-			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_random]]
-		pack $name.k12frame.math_1.b_preset $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_number $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_average $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_random -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_netsend -image i.math_netsend \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_netsend]]
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_netreceive -image i.math_netreceive \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_netreceive]]
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_tag -image i.math_tag \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_tag]]
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_routebytag -image i.math_routebytag \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_routebytag]]
+		pack $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_number $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_netsend $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_netreceive $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_tag $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_routebytag -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
 		#setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_1.b_sarcduino_net "Arduino Net: Use this to retrieve data from arduino devices connected via network"
-		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_1.b_preset "Preset: Use this to store and recall up to four different states of your instrument"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_number "Number: Use this to assign a value to other objects"
-		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_average "Average: Use this to calculate average from a stream of numbers"
-		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_random "Random: Use this to generate random numbers"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_netsend "Netsend: Use this to send data over network to another computer"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_netreceive "Netreceive: Use this to receive data from another computer over network"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_tag "Tag: Use this to tag data to be sent over network"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_routebytag "Route By Tag: Use this to filter incoming network data by tag"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_number
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_netsend
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_netreceive
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_tag
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_1.b_math_routebytag
 		# ---------------------------------- MATH ROW 2 -----------------------------------------
 		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.math_2 -relief flat]
@@ -2446,51 +2500,98 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_multiply]]
 		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_divide -image i.math_divide \
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_divide]]
-		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_scale -image i.math_scale \
-			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_scale]]
-		pack $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_add $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_subtract $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_multiply $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_divide $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_scale -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_random -image i.math_random \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_random]]
+		pack $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_add $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_subtract $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_multiply $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_divide $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_random -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_add "Add: Use this to add two values"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_subtract "Subtract: Use this to subtract two values"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_multiply "Multiply: Use this to multiply two values"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_divide "Divide: Use this to divide two values"
-		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_scale "Scale: Use this to scale incoming values to a new range and direction"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_random "Random: Use this to generate random numbers"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_add
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_subtract
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_multiply
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_divide
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_2.b_math_random
+		# ---------------------------------- MATH ROW 3 -----------------------------------------
+		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.math_3 -relief flat]
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_3.b_math_average -image i.math_average \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_average]]
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.math_3.b_math_scale -image i.math_scale \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name math_scale]]
+		pack $name.k12frame.math_3.b_math_average $name.k12frame.math_3.b_math_scale -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_3.b_math_average "Average: Use this to calculate average from a stream of numbers"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.math_3.b_math_scale "Scale: Use this to scale incoming values to a new range and direction"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_3.b_math_average
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.math_3.b_math_scale
 		# ---------------------------------- LOGIC -----------------------------------------
 		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.logic -relief flat]
 		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_compare -image i.logic_compare \
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name logic_compare]]
-		#match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_mapper -image i.logic_mapper \
-		#	-command [concat put_K12_objects $name logic_mapper]]
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_mapper -image i.logic_mapper \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name logic_mapper]]
 		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_metronome -image i.logic_metronome \
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name logic_metronome]]
 		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_counter -image i.logic_counter \
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name logic_counter]]
 		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_sequencer -image i.logic_sequencer \
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name logic_sequencer]]
-		pack $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_compare $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_metronome $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_counter $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_sequencer -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
+		pack $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_compare $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_mapper $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_metronome $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_counter $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_sequencer -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_compare "Compare: Use this to compare two values"
-		#setTooltip $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_mapper "Mapper: Use this to map one value to two different but related values"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_mapper "Mapper: Use this to map one value to two different but related values"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_metronome "Metronome: Use this to create a steady pulse"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_counter "Counter: Use this to count events"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_sequencer "Sequencer: Use this to map values to MIDI pitches"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_compare
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_mapper
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_metronome
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_counter
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_sequencer
+		# ---------------------------------- OTHER -----------------------------------------
+		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.other -relief flat]
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.other.b_preset -image i.preset \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name preset]] 
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.other.b_comment -image i.comment \
+			-command [concat menu_comment $name 1]]
+		pack $name.k12frame.other.b_preset $name.k12frame.other.b_comment -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.other.b_preset "Preset: Use this to store and recall up to four different states of your instrument"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.other.b_comment "Comment: Use this to post comments inside your patch"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.other.b_preset
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.other.b_comment
 		# ---------------------------------- SOUND LABEL -----------------------------------------
-		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.sound -relief flat]
-		match_linux_wm [list label $name.k12frame.sound.label -relief flat -text "SOUND"]
-		pack $name.k12frame.sound.label -fill x -pady 0 -padx 1
+		#match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.sound -relief flat]
+		#match_linux_wm [list label $name.k12frame.sound.label -relief flat -text "SOUND"]
+		#pack $name.k12frame.sound.label -fill x -pady 0 -padx 1
 		# ---------------------------------- SIGNAL ROW 1 -----------------------------------------
 		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.signal_1 -relief flat]
 		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_microphone -image i.signal_microphone \
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name signal_microphone]]
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_netsend -image i.signal_netsend \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name signal_netsend]]
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_netreceive -image i.signal_netreceive \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name signal_netreceive]]
 		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_sampler -image i.signal_sampler \
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name signal_sampler]]
-		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_envelope -image i.signal_envelope \
-			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name signal_envelope]]
-		pack $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_microphone $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_sampler $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_envelope -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_player -image i.signal_player \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name signal_player]]
+		pack $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_microphone $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_netsend $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_netreceive $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_sampler $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_player -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_microphone "Microphone: Use this to capture and monitor microphone input"
-		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_sampler "Sampler: Use this to record audio from microphone and plaly it back in various ways"
-		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_envelope "Envelope: Use this to shape sound loudness"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_netsend "Netsend Sound: Use this to send your sound over network to another computer"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_netreceive "Netreceive Sound: Use this to receive sound from another computer over network"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_sampler "Sampler: Use this to record audio from microphone and play it back in various ways"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_player "Player: Use this to play WAV files in various ways"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_microphone
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_netsend
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_netreceive
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_sampler
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_1.b_signal_player
 		# ---------------------------------- SIGNAL ROW 2 -----------------------------------------
 		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.signal_2 -relief flat]
@@ -2502,11 +2603,19 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name signal_square]]
 		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_triangle -image i.signal_triangle \
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name signal_triangle]]
-		pack $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_sine $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_saw $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_square $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_triangle -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
+		match_linux_wm [list button $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_envelope -image i.signal_envelope \
+			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name signal_envelope]]
+		pack $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_sine $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_saw $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_square $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_triangle $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_envelope -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_sine "Sine: Use this to generate sine tone"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_saw "Sawtooth: Use this to generate sawtooth tone"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_square "Square: Use this to generate square tone"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_triangle "Triangle: Use this to generate triangle tone"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_envelope "Envelope: Use this to shape sound loudness"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_sine
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_saw
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_square
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_triangle
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_2.b_signal_envelope
 		# ---------------------------------- SIGNAL ROW 3 -----------------------------------------
 		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.signal_3 -relief flat]
@@ -2523,6 +2632,10 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_3.b_signal_pink "Pink: Use this to generate pink (softer) noise"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_3.b_signal_add "Signal Add: Use this to add two sounds (signals)"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.signal_3.b_signal_multiply "Signal Multiply: Use this to multiply two sounds (signals)"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_3.b_signal_noise 
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_3.b_signal_pink
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_3.b_signal_add
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.signal_3.b_signal_multiply
 		# ---------------------------------- INSTRUMENTS -----------------------------------------
 		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.instr -relief flat]
@@ -2539,6 +2652,10 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.instr.b_instr_short2 "Short Sound 2: Use this to produce short sounds like a single snare drum hit"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.instr.b_instr_sustained1 "Sustained Sound 1: Use this to produce long sustained sound like a sound of a woodwind instrument"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.instr.b_instr_sustained2 "Sustained Sound 2: Use this to produce long sustained sound like a sound of brass instrument"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.instr.b_instr_short1
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.instr.b_instr_short2
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.instr.b_instr_sustained1
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.instr.b_instr_sustained2
 		# ---------------------------------- F/X -----------------------------------------
 		match_linux_wm [list frame $name.k12frame.fx -relief flat]
@@ -2552,6 +2669,9 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.fx.b_fx_filter "Filter: Use this to make sound appear muffled or brighter"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.fx.b_fx_multitap "Echo: Use this to make sound echo"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.fx.b_fx_reverb "Reverb: Use this to make sound appear as if it is being played in a large space"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.fx.b_fx_filter
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.fx.b_fx_multitap
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.fx.b_fx_reverb
 		# ---------------------------------- OUTPUT/OTHER -----------------------------------------
@@ -2560,9 +2680,10 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
 			-command [concat put_K12_objects $name output]] 	
 		pack $name.k12frame.output.b_output -side left -expand 0 -padx 1 -pady 1
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.output.b_output "Output: Use this to send audio from computer into speakers"
+		pdtk_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.output.b_output
 		# ---------------------------------------- NOW PACK THEM ALL -----------------------------------------
-		pack $name.k12frame.edit $name.k12frame.msgs $name.k12frame.wii $name.k12frame.arduino $name.k12frame.math_1 $name.k12frame.arduino $name.k12frame.math_2 $name.k12frame.logic $name.k12frame.sound $name.k12frame.signal_1 $name.k12frame.signal_2 $name.k12frame.signal_3 $name.k12frame.instr $name.k12frame.fx $name.k12frame.output -side top -expand 0 -fill x 
+		pack $name.k12frame.edit $name.k12frame.datasound $name.k12frame.wii $name.k12frame.arduino $name.k12frame.math_1 $name.k12frame.math_2 $name.k12frame.math_3 $name.k12frame.logic $name.k12frame.other -side top -expand 0 -fill x
     canvas $name.c -width $width -height $height -background $::canvas_color($name) \
@@ -2590,7 +2711,7 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
 	if { $k12_mode == 0 } {
     	wm minsize $name 50 20
 	} else {
-		wm minsize $name 580 532
+		wm minsize $name 580 372
     wm geometry $name $geometry
     # the file menu