diff --git a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/gate-help.pd b/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/gate-help.pd
index 1903870591ce6c3c7bbfe659d0a29825f490d37a..992e32e13b950c4094780b271b99420aee6ecf69 100644
--- a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/gate-help.pd
+++ b/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/gate-help.pd
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ for Pd-l2ork version 2013.05.28;
 #X text 185 66 send data to which outlet? 0 = closed;
 #X obj 12 435 pddp/pddplink all_about_help_patches.pd -text Usage Guide
-#X text 31 174 comment;
 #X text 187 366 - data from inlet 1 \, for only the open outlet;
 #X connect 11 0 15 0;
 #X connect 11 0 28 0;
diff --git a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/switch-help.pd b/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/switch-help.pd
index 1b8ba345b62d7333edef790c7f4f9c749a0688eb..ed0f17160f3041173b3dec909f46e4ccca19d5ed 100644
--- a/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/switch-help.pd
+++ b/externals/miXed/doc/help/cyclone/switch-help.pd
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ for Pd-l2ork version 2013.05.28;
 #X text 187 380 - any message to pass through;
 #X text 117 417 message;
 #X text 187 417 - passed message \, from open inlet;
-#X text 99 459 1) float;
-#X text 187 460 - set the number of inlets;
+#X text 99 451 1) float;
+#X text 187 451 - set the number of inlets;
 #X text 117 330 float;
 #X text 117 350 bang;
 #X text 187 351 - output open outlet number;
@@ -48,20 +48,22 @@ for Pd-l2ork version 2013.05.28;
 #X text 187 330 - set which inlet is open;
 #X obj 178 253 switch 4;
 #X obj 178 281 print;
-#X floatatom 178 64 5 0 0 0 - - -, f 5;
+#X floatatom 177 64 5 0 0 0 - - -, f 5;
 #X msg 192 157 one;
 #X msg 206 179 two;
 #X msg 220 205 three;
 #X msg 234 230 four;
 #X text 244 254 arg is nr of inlets;
 #X msg 187 101 bang;
-#X text 219 98 which one's open ?;
-#X obj 231 134 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
+#X text 220 100 which one's open ?;
+#X obj 243 129 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
-#X text 216 65 set which inlet is open;
-#X text 254 125 bang all inlets \; open inlet passes message;
+#X text 215 65 set which inlet is open;
 #X obj 6 490 pddp/pddplink all_about_help_patches.pd -text Usage Guide
+#X text 262 129 bang all inlets \; open inlet passes message;
+#X text 187 464 - optionally open an inlet at creation time;
+#X text 99 464 2) float;
 #X connect 22 0 23 0;
 #X connect 24 0 22 0;
 #X connect 25 0 22 1;