diff --git a/externals/Makefile b/externals/Makefile
index 61dd01b3f0e5648f8424c5ce0b0fe043cbd46252..c3de5540c30ca2fbf9d0d316408568cd46c5739f 100644
--- a/externals/Makefile
+++ b/externals/Makefile
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ CXXFLAGS = $(CFLAGS)
 # WARNING!  this MUST be all on one line because the automatic package
 # building scripts rely on it being that way.
-LIB_TARGETS = adaptive arraysize autotune bassemu boids bsaylor comport creb cxc cyclone disis earplug ekext ext13 fftease fluid freeverb ggee hcs iem_ambi iem_bin_ambi iemlib iemgui iemguts iem_adaptfilt iemmatrix iemxmlrpc iem_delay iem_roomsim iem_spec2 iem_tab jasch_lib loaders-hexloader loaders-libdir lyonpotpourri mapping markex maxlib mjlib moocow moonlib motex mrpeach oscx pan pdcontainer pddp pdogg plugin pmpd rjlib rtcmix sigpack smlib tof unauthorized vbap windowing zexy flext
+LIB_TARGETS = adaptive arraysize autotune bassemu boids bsaylor comport creb cxc cyclone disis earplug ekext ext13 fftease fluid freeverb ggee hcs iem_ambi iem_bin_ambi iemlib iemgui iemguts iem_adaptfilt iemmatrix iemxmlrpc iem_delay iem_roomsim iem_spec2 iem_tab jasch_lib loaders-hexloader loaders-libdir lyonpotpourri mapping markex maxlib mjlib moocow moonlib motex mrpeach oscx pan pdcontainer pddp pdogg plugin pmpd rjlib sigpack smlib tof unauthorized vbap windowing zexy
 # DISABLED: flatgui
@@ -448,9 +448,11 @@ cyclone_clean:
+ifneq ($(OS_NAME),windows)
 	cd $(externals_src)/disis/cwiid && aclocal && autoconf && \
 		./configure --with-python=python2 && make
-	make -C $(externals_src)/disis PD_PATH=$(pd_src)
+	make -C $(externals_src)/disis PD_PATH=$(pd_src) pdbinpath=$(pd_src)/src
 	make -C $(externals_src)/disis \
@@ -603,7 +605,8 @@ flib_clean:
-	make -C $(externals_src)/fluid~ PD_PATH=$(pd_src)
+	make -C $(externals_src)/fluid~ PD_PATH=$(pd_src) \
+		pdbinpath=$(pd_src)/src
 	make -C $(externals_src)/fluid~ DESTDIR="$(DESTDIR)" \
diff --git a/externals/disis/makefile b/externals/disis/makefile
index 3220315845ac53f9fccd54f4363a38f2e0f66eed..ebac23f23636f3ef5c1f2b00aed4aaae408d207f 100755
--- a/externals/disis/makefile
+++ b/externals/disis/makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,13 @@
 lib.name = disis
-class.sources = disis_phasor~.c disis_netsend.c disis_netreceive.c
+class.sources = disis_phasor~.c
+define forLinux
+    class.sources += disis_netsend.c disis_netreceive.c
+define forDarwin
+    class.sources += disis_netsend.c disis_netreceive.c
 datafiles = disis_phasor~-help.pd disis_netsend-help.pd disis_netreceive-help.pd disis_wiimote-help.pd disis_wiimote_legacy.pd README patch_name-help.pd patch_name.pd
@@ -16,8 +22,13 @@ CWIID_LIB_STATIC= $(CWIID_PATH)/libcwiid/libcwiid.a
 cflags = $(CWIID_INCLUDE)
-disis_wiimote.class.sources = disis_wiimote.c
-disis_wiimote.class.ldlibs = $(CWIID_LIB_STATIC) -lbluetooth -lpthread
+define forDarwin
+    disis_wiimote.class.sources = disis_wiimote.c
+    disis_wiimote.class.ldlibs = $(CWIID_LIB_STATIC) -lbluetooth -lpthread
+define forLinux
+    disis_wiimote.class.sources = disis_wiimote.c
+    disis_wiimote.class.ldlibs = $(CWIID_LIB_STATIC) -lbluetooth -lpthread
 include Makefile.pdlibbuilder
diff --git a/l2ork_addons/tar_em_up.sh b/l2ork_addons/tar_em_up.sh
index 44ea5fad28fb462b50d821d5a4c5bcd39ca2563b..9f465dab41d1d40c967e3ac2ed104c8fae256f8d 100755
--- a/l2ork_addons/tar_em_up.sh
+++ b/l2ork_addons/tar_em_up.sh
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ then
 		cd ../../
 	# install raspberry pi externals (if applicable)
-	if [ $inno -eq 0]; then
+	if [ $inno -eq 0 ]; then
 		cd raspberry_pi
 		cp -f disis_gpio/disis_gpio.pd_linux ../../packages/linux_make/build$inst_dir/lib/pd-l2ork/extra
diff --git a/packages/win32_inno/Makefile b/packages/win32_inno/Makefile
index 91616aa06fc2c69b9fe3af8f8621f866864e0b43..c60f45536bcfe0dc9489268c5b1f6ade71eccb3d 100755
--- a/packages/win32_inno/Makefile
+++ b/packages/win32_inno/Makefile
@@ -32,8 +32,13 @@ PD_INNO_SETUP = pd-inno.iss
 package:  $(PD_INNO_SETUP)
 ## this pops up the GUI app
 #	start $(PD_INNO_SETUP)
-## this compiles the package on the command line
+## this compiles the package on the command line. On 64-bit Windows
+#  we have to look in a different path, hence the ugly ifeq below...
+ifeq (,$(wildcard /c/Program\ Files/Inno\ Setup\ 5/ISCC.exe))
+	/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Inno\ Setup\ 5/ISCC.exe $(PD_INNO_SETUP)
 	/c/Program\ Files/Inno\ Setup\ 5/ISCC.exe $(PD_INNO_SETUP)
 	@echo " "
 	@echo "win32_inno install succeeded!"