diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/demos/demo_sequencer_simple.pd b/l2ork_addons/K12/demos/demo_sequencer_simple.pd
index 50a36d317cb29cb551916beda0afceee8b9efe53..4fff203e34b6f7c7e6f5cf912658e7d928b38c89 100644
--- a/l2ork_addons/K12/demos/demo_sequencer_simple.pd
+++ b/l2ork_addons/K12/demos/demo_sequencer_simple.pd
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 #X obj 168 -420 K12/logic_metronome 0;
 #X obj 168 -306 K12/logic_counter 0;
 #X obj -12 354 K12/fx_multitap 0;
-#X text 14 -331 press leftmost presetto begin;
 #X text 14 -291 by Ivica Ico Bukvic<ico@vt.edu>;
+#X text 14 -331 recall preset #1to begin;
 #X connect 1 0 2 1;
 #X connect 1 0 7 1;
 #X connect 2 0 6 0;
diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_counter-help.pd b/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_counter-help.pd
index f85238a32614690d54feab7863689a0b67a2cfd8..7b31ca4e417105f82b8bdb109e321c966694cc25 100755
--- a/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_counter-help.pd
+++ b/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_counter-help.pd
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
 7 %node% 2 12 3 %preset% 0 1 %node% 2 12 19 %preset% 0 16 %node% 2
 12 3 %node% 2 12 11 %node% 2 8 7 %preset% 0 60 %node% 2 10 3 %node%
 2 10 19 %node% 2 12 8 %node% 2 12 0 %preset% 0 60 %node% 2 12 4 %preset%
-0 1;
+0 1 %node% 2 10 8 %node% 2 11 0 %node% 2 11 4;
 #X obj 65 -10 cnv 3 501 3 empty empty empty 5 14 0 20 -260097 -191407
 #X obj 65 -38 cnv 15 501 28 empty empty Logic/Counter 5 14 0 20 -139274
 -262144 0;
-#X obj 535 -6 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png;
-#N canvas 382 107 450 300 META 0;
+#X obj 535 -6 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png 0;
+#N canvas 169 405 382 106 META 0;
 #X text 13 6 DESCRIPTION This counts from the start number to the end
 #X text 10 38 INLET_0 Send a 1 to output the next number in the count
diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_metronome-help.pd b/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_metronome-help.pd
index 9cbfbd8fa93da903da816855052996bb23dc1d15..de19b260ef930b0b268ff862f2dcf08dc9582281 100755
--- a/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_metronome-help.pd
+++ b/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_metronome-help.pd
@@ -10,19 +10,20 @@
 7 %node% 2 12 3 %preset% 0 1 %node% 2 12 19 %preset% 0 16 %node% 2
 12 3 %node% 2 12 11 %node% 2 8 7 %preset% 0 120 %node% 2 10 3 %node%
 2 10 19 %node% 2 11 3 %node% 2 11 11 %node% 2 12 8 %node% 2 12 0 %preset%
-0 120 %node% 2 12 4 %preset% 0 1;
+0 120 %node% 2 12 4 %preset% 0 1 %node% 2 10 8 %node% 2 11 0 %node%
+2 11 4;
 #X obj 65 -10 cnv 3 501 3 empty empty empty 5 14 0 20 -260097 -191407
 #X obj 65 -38 cnv 15 501 28 empty empty Logic/Metronome 5 14 0 20 -139274
 -262144 0;
-#X obj 535 -6 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png;
-#N canvas 342 125 450 300 META 0;
-#X text 9 69 INLET_1 Send the tempo in BPM here;
-#X text 10 38 INLET_0 Send a 1 to turn the metro on and a 0 to turn
+#X obj 535 -6 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png 0;
+#N canvas 168 371 378 128 META 0;
+#X text 13 69 INLET_1 Send the tempo in BPM here;
+#X text 13 38 INLET_0 Send a 1 to turn the metro on and a 0 to turn
 the metro off;
+#X text 13 91 OUTLET_0 Outputs 1 when the metronome fires;
 #X text 13 6 DESCRIPTION The metronome outputs a number 1 at the specified
 time interval when the toggle is on;
-#X text 17 107 OUTLET_0 Outputs 1 when the metronome fires;
 #X restore 510 436 pd META;
 #X obj 86 18 K12/math_number;
 #X obj 86 373 K12/math_number;
diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/math_number-help.pd b/l2ork_addons/K12/math_number-help.pd
index 884c4ffe42aaf3bd8d310d16ce50dd7abd93214c..1d901f415664fe50f32a29c9350f499be2d616f4 100755
--- a/l2ork_addons/K12/math_number-help.pd
+++ b/l2ork_addons/K12/math_number-help.pd
@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@
 #X obj 123 -35 cnv 15 501 28 empty empty Math/Number 5 14 0 20 -139274
 -262144 0;
-#X obj 594 -4 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png;
+#X obj 594 -4 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png 0;
 #N canvas 71 83 450 514 META 0;
-#X text 6 5 DESCRIPTION This shows you the numbers that are passing
-through this object.;
 #X text 7 40 INLET_0 Connect any non-signal object here to monitor
 its value;
 #X text 6 99 OUTLET_0 Connect this to any math or instrument objects
@@ -18,6 +16,8 @@ its value;
 #X text 6 115 OUTLET_1 Connect this to any signal object;
 #X text 5 69 INLET_1 Connect any non-signal object here to push value
 set inside the object whenever a non-zero value is sent;
+#X text 6 5 DESCRIPTION This shows you the numbers that are passing
+through this object;
 #X restore 566 439 pd META;
 #X obj 138 135 K12/sarcduino_analog;
 #X obj 138 244 K12/math_number;