From c4dce717d37b069b19e7d013eaa8cbf207aedf6c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ivica Ico Bukvic <>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2014 01:23:27 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] *improved K12 help files

 .../K12/raspberrypi_analog_in-help.pd         | 19 +++++++-------
 .../K12/raspberrypi_analog_out-help.pd        | 20 +++++++-------
 l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_digital-help.pd  | 26 +++++++++----------
 3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_analog_in-help.pd b/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_analog_in-help.pd
index 1d15488ad..6684a96f8 100755
--- a/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_analog_in-help.pd
+++ b/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_analog_in-help.pd
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ converter. Specify channel (0-7) to connect. Use channel -1 to disconnect.
 #X restore 571 535 pd META;
 #X obj 143 353 K12/math_number;
 #X obj 144 47 K12/raspberrypi_analog_in;
+#X obj 370 421 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/images/lop_board.png 0;
+#X obj 149 497 pddplink
 #X text 240 44 The Raspberry Pi Analog Input object allows for receiving
 analog data. It achieves this by leveraging Modern Device Lots of Pots'
 (LOP) onboard MCP3008 digital-to-analog converter.Channel -1 is reserved
@@ -25,14 +28,12 @@ for "off" position. The remaining 8 channels (0-7) correspond to analog
 inputs (in order found on Modern Device's Lots-of-Pots shield). To
 change channel \, click on the channel number and enter new one (between
 0 and 7) or click on the number and while holding the mouse button
-down \, drag it up and down. If the object has successfuly connected
-to the desired analog channel \, the logo will light up.Once connected
-\, the object will output captured analog sensor data up to one hundred
-times per second with values ranging between 0 and 1023 (a total range
-of 1024).NB: Modern Device LOP board comes in two flavors \, equipped
-with 8 pan pots (one assigned to each analog channel) \, or as a "naked"
-(NOP) board that allows for easier access to pins.;
-#X obj 370 421 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/images/lop_board.png 0;
-#X obj 149 497 pddplink
+down \, drag mouse up and down. If the object has successfuly connected
+to the desired analog channel \, the object logo will light up.Once
+connected \, the object will output captured analog sensor data up
+to one hundred times per second with values ranging between 0 and 1023
+(a total range of 1024).NB: Modern Device LOP board comes in two
+flavors \, equipped with 8 pan pots (one assigned to each analog channel)
+\, or as a "naked" (NOP) board that allows for easier access to pins.
 #X connect 7 0 6 0;
diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_analog_out-help.pd b/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_analog_out-help.pd
index 8251935e4..417e0e79b 100755
--- a/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_analog_out-help.pd
+++ b/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_analog_out-help.pd
@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ channel (1-10).;
 #X obj 149 527 pddplink
 #X text 240 104 The Raspberry Pi Analog Output object allows for sending
-analog data using GPIOs in combination with Pulse Width Modulation
-(PWM) algorithm. PWM produces values between on and off states by quickly
-switching on and off up to 1000 times a second. This is particularly
-effective when using the object in combination with an LED.Channel
+analog data using GPIOs using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) algorithm.
+PWM produces values between on and off states by quickly switching
+on and off up to 1000 times a second. This is particularly effective
+when using the object in combination with an LED (Light Emitting Diode).Channel
 0 is reserved for "off" position. The remaining 10 channels (1-10)
 correspond to GPIO pins (in order found on Modern Device's Lots of
 Pots shield). To change channel \, click on the channel number and
-enter new one (between 0 and 10) or click on the number and while holding
-the mouse button down \, drag it up and down. If the object has successfuly
-connected to the desired analog channel \, the logo will light up.Once
-connected \, the object will be capable of sendin voltage to its output
-up to a thousand times per second with values ranging between 0 and
-1023 (a total range of 1024).;
+enter a new one (between 0 and 10) or click on the number and while
+holding the mouse button down \, drag the mouse up and down. If the
+object has successfuly connected to the desired analog channel \, the
+object logo will light up.Once connected \, the object will be capable
+of sending voltage to its output up to a thousand times per second
+with values ranging between 0 and 1023 (a total range of 1024).;
 #X connect 6 0 7 0;
diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_digital-help.pd b/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_digital-help.pd
index fafbb3b0e..badcebc71 100755
--- a/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_digital-help.pd
+++ b/l2ork_addons/K12/raspberrypi_digital-help.pd
@@ -19,21 +19,21 @@ Pi GPIO pin.;
 #X obj 146 393 K12/math_number;
 #X obj 147 117 K12/raspberrypi_digital;
 #X obj 147 26 K12/math_number;
-#X text 240 114 The Raspberry Pi Digital object allows for both sending
-and receiving digital data. The object can do either one or the other
-but not both at the same time.To set the input/output preference
-\, click on the "i" or "o" box. The highlighted box will be the one
-currently active.Channel 0 is reserved for "off" position. The remaining
-10 channels have corresponding GPIO pins (in order found on Modern
-Device's Lots of Pots shield). To change channel \, click on the channel
-number and enter new one (between 1 and 10) or click on the number
-and while holding the mouse button down \, drag it up and down. If
-the object has successfuly connected to the desired GPIO pin \, the
-logo will light up.Depending on the direction \, the object will
-either await user input (0 or a 1) or will output 0 or a 1 up to one
-hundred times per second.;
 #X obj 370 460 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/images/lop_board.png 0;
 #X obj 149 536 pddplink
+#X text 240 114 The Raspberry Pi Digital object allows for both sending
+and receiving digital data. The object can do either one or the other
+but not both at the same time. This is a limitation of GPIO design.
+To set the input/output preference \, click on the "i" or "o" box.
+The highlighted box will be the one currently active.Channel 0 is
+reserved for "off" position. The remaining 10 channels have corresponding
+GPIO pins (in order found on Modern Device's Lots of Pots shield).
+To change channel \, click on the channel number and enter new one
+(between 1 and 10) or click on the number and while holding the mouse
+button down \, drag the mouse up and down. If the object has successfuly
+connected to the desired GPIO pin \, the object logo will light up.Depending
+on the direction \, the object will either await user input (0 or a
+1) or will output 0 or a 1 up to one hundred times per second.;
 #X connect 7 0 6 0;
 #X connect 8 0 7 0;