diff --git a/src/g_canvas.c b/src/g_canvas.c
index 5a5970812ad6020f6a03b298ce96e22a7a6023e0..665a6b17690a4aee98e0838cc2c5b1f04de03be4 100644
--- a/src/g_canvas.c
+++ b/src/g_canvas.c
@@ -328,11 +328,6 @@ void linetraverser_skipobject(t_linetraverser *t)
 /* -------------------- the canvas object -------------------------- */
 int glist_valid = 10000;
-//static void canvas_manual_pd_free(t_canvas *x) {
-//	sys_flushtogui();
-//	pd_free(&x->gl_pd);
 void glist_init(t_glist *x)
         /* zero out everyone except "pd" field */
@@ -343,44 +338,12 @@ void glist_init(t_glist *x)
     x->gl_ylabel = (t_symbol **)t_getbytes(0);
-/* global var used by pd_new() to work with redundant memory, originally defined in m_pd.c */
-//extern int canvas_check_duplicate;
     /* make a new glist.  It will either be a "root" canvas or else
     it appears as a "text" object in another window (canvas_getcurrent() 
     tells us which.) */
 t_canvas *canvas_new(void *dummy, t_symbol *sel, int argc, t_atom *argv)
-	/*	first alloc one byte or redundant memory to prevent creation of objects with the same "name"
-		which leads to double-action invoked from every single action and eventually possible crashes
-		we keep a list of these redundant allocations and destroy them when pd quits */
-	//if (x->gl_owner && x->gl_env) {
-	t_redundant_mem *new_rm = (t_redundant_mem *)t_getbytes(sizeof(*new_rm));
-	//new_rm->rm_what = (int)getbytes(1);
-	if (rm_start == NULL) {
-		//fprintf(stderr,"first allocation\n");
-		rm_start = new_rm;
-		rm_end = new_rm;
-	}
-	else if (rm_start == rm_end) {
-		//fprintf(stderr,"second allocation\n");
-		rm_end = new_rm;
-		rm_start->rm_next = rm_end;
-	}
-	else {
-		//fprintf(stderr,"allocation\n");
-		rm_end->rm_next = new_rm;
-		rm_end = new_rm;
-	}
-	//}
-	canvas_check_duplicate = -1;*/
     t_canvas *x = (t_canvas *)pd_new(canvas_class);
-	//rm_end->rm_canvas = x;
     t_canvas *owner = canvas_getcurrent();
     t_symbol *s = &s_;
     int vis = 0, width = GLIST_DEFCANVASWIDTH, height = GLIST_DEFCANVASHEIGHT;
diff --git a/src/g_editor.c b/src/g_editor.c
index 5a3eb4b9ba649bdcc954209bc6b4b326fdb4527e..048889fa74968760734e7c136e80293d7ec4dd4a 100644
--- a/src/g_editor.c
+++ b/src/g_editor.c
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ static void canvas_dofont(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg font, t_floatarg xresize,
 extern void canvas_setbounds(t_canvas *x, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
 int canvas_apply_restore_original_position(t_canvas *x, int orig_pos);
 extern void canvas_draw_gop_resize_hooks(t_canvas *x);
+static void canvas_font(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg font, t_floatarg resize,
+    t_floatarg oldfont, t_floatarg preview);
 struct _outlet
@@ -68,20 +70,6 @@ struct _outlet
     t_symbol *o_sym;
-/* ----------- ??. selection -------------- */
-/*typedef struct _undo_sel
-    int u_index;
-    struct _undo_sel *sel_next;
-} t_undo_sel;
-typedef struct _undo_redo_sel
-    t_undo_sel *u_undo;
-    t_undo_sel *u_redo;
-} t_undo_redo_sel;*/
-/* ---------------------------------------- */
 /* used for new duplicate behavior where we can "duplicate" into new window */
 static t_canvas *c_selection;
@@ -1744,14 +1732,10 @@ void canvas_undo_font(t_canvas *x, void *z, int action)
     if (action == UNDO_UNDO || action == UNDO_REDO) 
-		int tmp_font = sys_defaultfont;
 		t_canvas *x2 = canvas_getrootfor(x);
+		int tmp_font = x2->gl_font;
 		t_float resize = (t_float)sys_fontwidth(u_f->font)/(t_float)sys_fontwidth(x2->gl_font);
-		canvas_dofont(x2, u_f->font, resize, resize, 1);
-		sys_defaultfont = u_f->font;
+		canvas_font(x2, u_f->font, 100.0, (t_floatarg)x2->gl_font, -1);
 		u_f->font = tmp_font;
     else if (action == UNDO_FREE)
@@ -1761,73 +1745,6 @@ void canvas_undo_font(t_canvas *x, void *z, int action)
-/* ----------- ??. selection -------------- */
-//structs are defined at the top of the file due to unusual undo/redo design of the selection
-/*void *canvas_undo_set_selection(t_canvas *x)
-	t_undo_sel *u_sel = (t_undo_sel *)getbytes(sizeof(*u_sel));
-	u_sel->u_index = -1;
-	if (x->gl_editor->e_selection) {
-		t_gobj *g = x->gl_list;
-		int index = 0;
-		t_undo_sel *tmp = u_sel;
-		while (g) {
-			if (glist_isselected(x, g)) {
-				tmp->u_index = index;
-				if (g->g_next) {
-					t_undo_sel *u_sel_next = (t_undo_sel *)getbytes(sizeof(*u_sel_next));
-					u_sel_next->u_index = -1;
-					tmp->sel_next = u_sel_next;
-					tmp = u_sel_next;
-				}
-			}
-			index++;
-			g = g->g_next;
-		}
-	}
-    return (u_sel);
-void canvas_undo_selection(t_canvas *x, void *z, int action)
-    t_undo_redo_sel *u_main = z;
-	t_undo_sel *u_sel;
-    if (action == UNDO_UNDO || action == UNDO_REDO) 
-    {
-		if (action == UNDO_UNDO) u_sel = u_main->u_undo;
-		else u_sel = u_main->u_redo;
-		glist_noselect(x);
-		while(u_sel) {
-			if (u_sel->u_index > -1)
-				glist_select(x, glist_nth(x, u_sel->u_index));
-			u_sel = u_sel->sel_next;
-		}
-    }
-    else if (action == UNDO_FREE)
-    {
-		u_sel = u_main->u_undo;
-		while (u_sel) {
-			t_undo_sel *destroy = u_sel;
-			u_sel = u_sel->sel_next;
-		    freebytes(destroy, sizeof(*destroy));
-		}
-		u_sel = u_main->u_redo;
-		while (u_sel) {
-			t_undo_sel *destroy = u_sel;
-			u_sel = u_sel->sel_next;
-		    freebytes(destroy, sizeof(*destroy));
-		}
-		freebytes(u_main, sizeof(*u_main));
-    }
 /* ------------------------ event handling ------------------------ */
 static char *cursorlist[] = {
@@ -4788,8 +4705,8 @@ static void canvas_dofont(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg font, t_floatarg xresize,
         //canvas_setundo(x, canvas_undo_move, canvas_undo_set_move(x, 0),
         //    "motion");
-		if (!preview)
-			canvas_undo_add(x, 4, "motion", canvas_undo_set_move(x, 0));
+		//if (!preview)
+		//	canvas_undo_add(x, 4, "motion", canvas_undo_set_move(x, 0));
         for (y = x->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next)
             int x1, x2, y1, y2, nx1, ny1;
@@ -4809,31 +4726,32 @@ static void canvas_dofont(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg font, t_floatarg xresize,
 	sys_vgui("pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x%lx.c\n", x);
-    /* canvas_menufont calls up a TK dialog which calls this back */
+    /* canvas_menufont calls up a TK dialog which calls this back (0 for apply, 1 for preview)
+		this is also called by ctrl+mousewheel (0) for faux zoom, as well as undo_font (-1) */
 static void canvas_font(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg font, t_floatarg resize,
-    t_floatarg whichresize, t_floatarg preview)
+    t_floatarg oldfont, t_floatarg preview)
     t_float realresize, realresx = 1, realresy = 1;
     t_canvas *x2 = canvas_getrootfor(x);
     if (!resize) realresize = 1;
-    {
-		//fprintf(stderr,"%d %d %d\n", sys_fontwidth(font), sys_fontwidth(x->gl_font), x->gl_font);
-		realresize = (t_float)sys_fontwidth(font)/(t_float)sys_fontwidth(x2->gl_font); //*100.0;
-        //if (resize < 20) resize = 20;
-        //if (resize > 500) resize = 500;
-        //realresize = resize * 0.01;
-    }
-    if (whichresize != 3) realresx = realresize;
-    if (whichresize != 2) realresy = realresize;
+		realresize = (t_float)sys_fontwidth(font)/(t_float)sys_fontwidth(oldfont);
+    realresx = realresize;
+    realresy = realresize;
-	if (!preview) {
-		if (sys_defaultfont != font)
-			canvas_undo_add(x, 11, "font", canvas_undo_set_font(x, sys_defaultfont));
-		sys_defaultfont = font;
+	if (!preview && font != oldfont) {
+		canvas_undo_add(x, 11, "font", canvas_undo_set_font(x, oldfont));
 		canvas_dirty(x2, 1);
-    canvas_dofont(x2, font, realresx, realresy, preview);
+	t_int properties = gfxstub_haveproperties((void *)x2);
+	if (preview <= 0 && properties)
+			gfxstub_deleteforkey(x2);
+	if (x2->gl_font != (int)font) {
+    	canvas_dofont(x2, font, realresx, realresy, preview);
+	}
 static t_glist *canvas_last_glist;
diff --git a/src/pd.tk b/src/pd.tk
index 30d94c7eefd9dec804c7b467b53d9e91f4d25ac3..363870e7677e5ddd08c59ae2a5d10af70ac23788 100644
--- a/src/pd.tk
+++ b/src/pd.tk
@@ -1676,10 +1676,12 @@ proc menu_duplicate {name} {
 proc menu_selectall {name} {
-	if {![string match .gfxstub* $name] && ![string match *entry $name]} {
+	if {![string match .gfxstub* $name] && ![string match *ent* $name]} {
     	pd [concat $name selectall \;]
 	} else {
-		$name selection range 0 end
+		if { [string match *ent* $name] } {
+			$name selection range 0 end
+		}
@@ -3288,7 +3290,7 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_ctrlkey {name key shift} {
 		if {$key == "c" || $key == "C"} {pdtk_canvas_edit_menu_actions $topname Copy}
         #if {$key == "v" || $key == "V"} {menu_paste $topname}
         if {$key == "v" || $key == "V"} {pdtk_canvas_edit_menu_actions $topname Paste}
-        if {$key == "a" || $key == "A"} {menu_selectall $topname}
+		if {$key == "a" || $key == "A"} {menu_selectall $topname}
 		if {!$ignore} {
         	if {$key == "w" || $key == "W"} {menu_close $topname}
 	        if {$key == "s" || $key == "S"} {menu_save $topname}
@@ -3394,6 +3396,8 @@ set font_array { 8 10 12 16 24 36 }
 proc pdtk_zoom {name direction} {
 	#puts stderr "pdtk_zoom $name $direction"
 	global font_array
+	global fontsize
+	set fontsize $::font($name)
 	set index [lsearch $font_array $::font($name)]
 	if { $index == 5 && $direction == 1 || $index == 0 && $direction == -1 } {
@@ -3468,17 +3472,14 @@ set stretchval 100
 set whichstretch 1
 proc dofont_apply {name myfontsize preview} {
-	#puts stderr "dofont_apply $name $myfontsize $preview"
     global stretchval
-    global whichstretch
-    set cmd [concat $name font $myfontsize $stretchval $whichstretch $preview \;]
-    #    puts stderr $cmd
+	global fontsize
+    set cmd [concat $name font $myfontsize $stretchval $fontsize $preview \;]
     pd $cmd
 proc dofont_close {name} {
     set cmd [concat $name cancel \;]
-    #    puts stderr $cmd
     pd $cmd
@@ -3486,14 +3487,12 @@ proc dofont_cancel {name} {
     global fontsize
     dofont_apply $name $fontsize 1
     set cmd [concat $name cancel \;]
-    #    puts stderr $cmd
     pd $cmd
 proc dofont_ok {name} {
     global fontsize dofont_fontsize
-    set fontsize $dofont_fontsize
-    dofont_apply $name $fontsize 0
+    dofont_apply $name $dofont_fontsize 0
     dofont_close $name