diff --git a/externals/Makefile b/externals/Makefile
index 3ed6d201d23583c5b6f9f2ebf4da55a4a06f5009..9f55395a6671438e34894d3cde921d908c494202 100644
--- a/externals/Makefile
+++ b/externals/Makefile
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ ifeq ($(LIGHT),yes)
 lib_targets = loaders-libdir pddp
-lib_targets = adaptive arraysize autotune bassemu boids bsaylor comport creb cxc cyclone disis earplug ekext ext13 fftease flatgui fluid freeverb ggee hcs iem_ambi iem_bin_ambi iemlib iemgui iemguts iem_adaptfilt iemmatrix iemxmlrpc iem_delay iem_roomsim iem_spec2 iem_tab jasch_lib loaders-libdir lyonpotpourri mapping markex maxlib mjlib moocow moonlib motex mrpeach oscx pan pdcontainer pddp pdlua pdogg plugin pmpd rjlib sigpack smlib tof unauthorized vbap windowing zexy
+lib_targets = adaptive arraysize autotune bassemu bendinfix boids bsaylor comport creb cxc cyclone disis earplug ekext ext13 fftease flatgui fluid freeverb ggee hcs iem_ambi iem_bin_ambi iemlib iemgui iemguts iem_adaptfilt iemmatrix iemxmlrpc iem_delay iem_roomsim iem_spec2 iem_tab jasch_lib loaders-libdir lyonpotpourri mapping markex maxlib mjlib moocow moonlib motex mrpeach oscx pan pdcontainer pddp pdlua pdogg plugin pmpd rjlib sigpack smlib tof unauthorized vbap windowing zexy
 # NEW (IN-PROGRESS): flext
@@ -358,6 +358,21 @@ bassemu_clean:
 	make -C $(externals_src)/bassemu~ clean
+	make -C $(externals_src)/bendinfix PD_PATH=$(pd_src) \
+		pdbinpath=$(pd_src)/src CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_ADD)"
+	make -C $(externals_src)/bendinfix DESTDIR="$(DESTDIR)" \
+		objectsdir="$(objectsdir)" install
+	make -C $(externals_src)/bendinfix clean
diff --git a/externals/bendinfix/LICENSE b/externals/bendinfix/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da48c4f142060537638223b6d3afedc2a629e1ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/bendinfix/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2020 Albert Gräf
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/externals/bendinfix/Makefile b/externals/bendinfix/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e0519376ef5ce444708fa39f73279c61a5a5ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/bendinfix/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+lib.name = bendinfix
+class.sources = bendinfix.c
+datafiles = bendinfix-help.pd LICENSE README.md
+include Makefile.pdlibbuilder.revised
diff --git a/externals/bendinfix/Makefile.pdlibbuilder.revised b/externals/bendinfix/Makefile.pdlibbuilder.revised
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2da4e48d8390f5eb0324f874d76e95f33d4949a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/bendinfix/Makefile.pdlibbuilder.revised
@@ -0,0 +1,1210 @@
+# Makefile.pdlibbuilder dated 2016-06-26
+version = 0.2.5
+# Helper makefile for Pure Data external libraries.
+# Written by Katja Vetter March-June 2015 for the public domain. No warranties.
+# Inspired by Hans Christoph Steiner's Makefile Template and Stephan Beal's
+# ShakeNMake.
+# GNU make version >= 3.81 required.
+#=== characteristics ===========================================================
+# - defines build settings based on autodetected OS and architecture
+# - defines rules to build Pd class- or lib executables from C or C++ sources
+# - defines rules for libdir installation
+# - defines convenience targets for developer and user
+# - evaluates implicit dependencies for non-clean builds
+#=== basic usage ===============================================================
+# In your Makefile, define your Pd lib name and class files, and include
+# Makefile.pdlibbuilder at the end of the Makefile. Like so:
+#    ________________________________________________________________________
+#     # Makefile for mylib
+#     lib.name = mylib
+#     class.sources = myclass1.c myclass2.c
+#     datafiles = myclass1-help.pd myclass2-help.pd README.txt LICENSE.txt
+#     include Makefile.pdlibbuilder
+#    ________________________________________________________________________
+# For files in class.sources it is assumed that class basename == source file
+# basename. The default target builds all classes as individual executables
+# with Pd's default extension for the platform. For anything more than the
+# most basic usage, continue reading.
+#=== list of Makefile.pdlibbuilder API variables ===============================
+# Variables available for definition in your library Makefile:
+# - lib.name
+# - lib.setup.sources
+# - class.sources
+# - common.sources
+# - shared.sources
+# - <classname>.class.sources
+# - <classname>.class.ldflags
+# - <classname>.class.ldlibs
+# - cflags
+# - ldflags
+# - ldlibs
+# - datafiles
+# - datadirs
+# - makefiles
+# - makefiledirs
+# - externalsdir
+# Optional multiline defines evaluated per operating system:
+# - forLinux
+# - forDarwin
+# - forWindows
+# Variables avaialable for (re)definition via command arguments:
+# - pdbinpath (Windows only)
+# - pdincludepath
+# - prefix
+# - libdir
+# - pkglibdir
+# - CC
+# - CXX
+# Variables available for your makefile or as command argument:
+# - objectsdir
+# - make-lib-executable
+# - suppress-wunused
+#=== descriptions of Makefile.pdlibbuilder API variables =======================
+# lib.name: 
+# Name of the library directory as it will be installed / distributed. Also the
+# name of the lib executable in the case where all classes are linked into
+# a single binary.
+# lib.setup.sources:
+# Source file(s) (C or C++) which must be compiled only when linking all classes
+# into a single lib binary.
+# class.sources:
+# All sources files (C or C++) for which the condition holds that 
+# class name == source file basename.
+# <classname>.class.sources:
+# Source file(s) (C or C++) specific to class <classname>. Use this for
+# multiple-source classes or when class name != source file basename.
+# common.sources:
+# Source file(s) which must be statically linked to each class in the library.
+# shared.sources:
+# Source file(s) (C or C++) to build a shared dynamic link lib, to be linked
+# with all class executables.
+# cflags, ldflags, ldlibs:
+# Define cflags (preprocessor&compiler), ldflags (linker) and ldlibs (dynamic
+# link libs) for the whole library. These flags are added to platform-specific
+# flags defined by Makefile.pdlibbuilder.
+# <classname>.class.ldflags and <classname>.class.ldlibs: 
+# Define ldflags resp. ldlibs specific to class <classname>. These flags are
+# added to platform-specific flags defined by Makefile.pdlibbuilder, and flags
+# defined in your Makefile for the whole library. Note: cflags can not be
+# defined per class in the current implementation.
+# datafiles and datadirs: 
+# All extra files you want to include in binary distributions of the
+# library: abstractions and help patches, example patches, meta patch, readme
+# and license texts, manuals, sound files, etcetera. Use 'datafiles' for all
+# files that should go into your lib rootdir and 'datadirs' for complete
+# directories you want to copy from source to distribution.
+# externalsdir: 
+# Relative path to directory 'externals' in the context of pd-extended SVN, or
+# any other centralized build layout for multiple libraries. Default value
+# is '..', meaning the direct parent. The value is used in search paths for 
+# pd core components (header files, and executable in the case of Windows).
+# forLinux, forDarwin, forWindows:
+# Shorthand for 'variable definitions for Linux only' etc. Use like:
+#    define forLinux
+#      cflags += -DLINUX
+#      class.sources += linuxthing.c
+#    endef
+# makefiles and makefiledirs: 
+# Extra makefiles or directories with makefiles that should be made in sub-make
+# processes.
+# pdbinpath:
+# For Windows only. Directory where pd.dll can be found for linking.
+# pdincludepath:
+# Directory where Pd API m_pd.h can be found, and other Pd header files.
+# DESTDIR, prefix, libdir:
+# Components of the path for installation as conventionally used on Linux.
+# pkglibdir:
+# Base path for installation of Pd library directories. Default is specified
+# per OS, see section about paths below.
+# objectsdir:
+# Alias of pkglibdir. Can be defined in your makefile to enable project-
+# dependent relative install locations.
+# Preprocessor flags which are not strictly required for building.
+# Compiler flags which are not strictly required for building. Compiler flags
+# defined by Makefile.pdlibbuilder for warning, optimization and architecture
+# specification are overriden by CFLAGS.
+# Linker flags which are not strictly required for building. Linker flags
+# defined by Makefile.pdlibbuilder for architecture specification are overriden
+# by LDFLAGS.
+# CC and CXX:
+# C and C++ compiler programs as defined in your build environment.
+# Definitions of install program, may be overriden via command argument.
+# make-lib-executable:
+# When this variable is defined 'yes' in your makefile or as command argument,
+# Makefile.pdlibbuilder will try to build all classes into a single library
+# executable (but it will force exit if lib.setup.sources is undefined).
+# If your makefile defines 'make-lib-executable=yes' as the library default,
+# this can still be overriden with 'make-lib-executable=no' as command argument 
+# to build individual class executables (the Makefile.pdlibbuilder default.)
+# suppress-wunused:
+# When this variable is defined ('yes' or any other value), -Wunused-variable,
+# -Wunused-parameter, -Wunused-value and -Wunused-function are suppressed,
+# but the other warnings from -Wall are retained.
+#=== paths =====================================================================
+# Source files in directories other than current working directory must be
+# prefixed with their relative path. Do not rely on VPATH or vpath.
+# Object (.o) files are built in the directory of their source files.
+# Executables are built in current working directory. 
+# Variable 'pdincludepath' stores a location where m_pd.h is expected to reside.
+# Locations where Makefile.pdlibbuilder tries to find it, in order of priority:
+# any OS:   $(externalsdir)../pd/src
+# Linux:    /usr/include/pdextended
+#           /usr/include/pd
+# OSX:      /Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources/include/pdextended
+#           /Applications/Pd.app/Contents/Resources/src
+# Windows:  %PROGRAMFILES%/pd/include/pdextended
+#           %PROGRAMFILES%/pd/src
+# The path for installation of all library components is constructed as:
+# installpath := $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(lib.name)
+# Default for 'objectsdir' is defined per platform and follows this convention:
+# https://puredata.info/docs/faq/how-do-i-install-externals-and-help-files
+# Linux:    /usr/local/lib/pd-externals
+# OSX:      ~/Library/Pd
+# Windows:  %APPDATA%/Pd
+# The rationale for not installing to ~/pd-externals by default on Linux
+# is that some people share the home dir between 32 and 64 bit installations.
+#=== targets ===================================================================
+# all: build $(executables) plus optional post target
+# post: target to build after $(executables)
+# alldebug: build all with -g option turned on for debug symbols
+# <classname>: force clean build of an individual class
+# <sourcefile>.pre: make preprocessor output file in current working directory
+# <sourcefile>.lst: make asm/source output file in current working directory
+# install: install executables and data files
+# clean: remove build products from source tree
+# help: print help text
+# vars: print makefile variables
+# allvars: print all variables
+# depend: print generated prerequisites
+# coffee: dummy target
+# Variable $(executables) expands to class executables plus optional shared lib,
+# or alternatively to single lib executable when make-lib-executable=true.
+# Targets pre and post can be defined by library makefile. Make sure to include
+# Makefile.pdlibbuilder first so default target all will not be redefined.
+#=== Pd-extended libdir concept ================================================
+# For libdir layout as conceived by Hans-Christoph Steiner, see:
+# https://puredata.info/docs/developer/Libdir
+# Files README.txt, LICENSE.txt and <lib.name>-meta.pd are part of the libdir
+# convention. Help patches for each class and abstraction are supposed to be
+# available. Makefile.pdlibbuilder does not force the presence of these files
+# however. It does not automatically include such files in libdir installations.
+# Data files you want to include in distributions must be defined explicitly in
+# your Makefile.
+#=== Makefile.pdlibbuilder syntax conventions ==================================
+# Makefile.pdlibbuilder variable names are lower case. Default make variables,
+# environment variables, and standard user variables (CC, CXX, CFLAGS, DESTDIR)
+# are upper case. Use target 'allvars' to print all variables and their values.
+# 'Fields' in data variables are separated by dots, like in 'foo.class.sources'.
+# Words in variables expressing a function or command are separated by dashes, 
+# like in 'make-lib-executable'.
+#=== useful make options =======================================================
+# Use 'make -d <target>' to print debug details of the make process.
+# Use 'make -p <target>' to print make's database.
+#=== TODO ======================================================================
+# - decide whether to use -static-libgcc or shared dll in MinGW
+# - cygwin support
+# - android support
+# - Windows 64 bit support
+# - figure out how to handle '$' in filenames
+# - add makefile template targets dpkg-source dist libdir distclean tags?
+#=== end of documentation sections =============================================
+# GNU make version 3.81 (2006) or higher is required because of the following:
+# - function 'info'
+# - variable '.DEFAULT_GOAL'
+# force exit when make version is < 3.81
+ifneq ($(firstword $(sort 3.81 $(MAKE_VERSION))), 3.81)
+  $(error GNU make version 3.81 or higher is required)
+# Relative path to externals root dir in multi-lib source tree like 
+# pd-extended SVN. Default is parent of current working directory. May be
+# defined differently in including makefile. This variable is used to probe for
+# paths.
+externalsdir ?= ..
+# variable you can use to check if Makefile.pdlibbuilder is already included
+Makefile.pdlibbuilder = true
+### variables: library name and version ########################################
+# strip possibles spaces from lib.name, they mess up calculated file names
+lib.name := $(strip $(lib.name))
+# if meta file exists, check library version 
+metafile := $(wildcard $(lib.name)-meta.pd)
+ifdef metafile
+  lib.version := $(shell sed -n \
+    's|^\#X text [0-9][0-9]* [0-9][0-9]* VERSION \(.*\);|\1|p' \
+    $(metafile))
+### variables: files ###########################################################
+#=== sources ===================================================================
+# (re)define <classname>.class.sources using file names in class.sources
+define add-class-source
+$(notdir $(basename $v)).class.sources += $v
+$(foreach v, $(class.sources), $(eval $(add-class-source)))
+# derive class names from <classname>.class.sources variables
+sourcevariables := $(filter %.class.sources, $(.VARIABLES))
+classes := $(basename $(basename $(sourcevariables)))
+# accumulate all source files specified in makefile
+classes.sources := $(sort $(foreach v, $(sourcevariables), $($v)))
+all.sources := $(classes.sources) $(lib.setup.sources) \
+  $(shared.sources) $(common.sources)
+#=== object files ==============================================================
+# construct object filenames from all C and C++ source file names
+classes.objects := $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(classes.sources)))
+common.objects := $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(common.sources)))
+shared.objects := $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(shared.sources)))
+lib.setup.objects := $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(lib.setup.sources)))
+all.objects = $(classes.objects) $(common.objects) $(shared.objects) \
+  $(lib.setup.objects)
+#=== executables ===============================================================
+# use recursive variables here because executable extension is not yet known
+# construct class executable names from class names
+classes.executables = $(addsuffix .$(extension), $(classes))
+# construct shared lib executable name if shared sources are defined
+ifdef shared.sources
+  shared.lib = lib$(lib.name).$(shared.extension)
+  shared.lib =
+### variables per platform #####################################################
+#=== flags per architecture ====================================================
+# Set architecture-dependent cflags, mainly for Linux. For Mac and Windows, 
+# arch.c.flags are overriden below.
+machine := $(shell uname -m)
+# Raspberry Pi 1st generation
+ifeq ($(machine), armv6l)
+  arch.c.flags = -march=armv6 -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard
+# Beagle, Udoo, RPi2 etc.
+ifeq ($(machine), armv7l)
+  arch.c.flags = -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3 -mfloat-abi=hard
+# Intel 32 bit, build with SSE and SSE2 instructions
+ifeq ($(findstring $(machine), i386 i686), $(machine))
+  arch.c.flags = -march=pentium4 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2
+# Intel/AMD 64 bit, build with SSE, SSE2 and SSE3 instructions
+ifeq ($(findstring $(machine), ia64 x86_64), $(machine))
+  arch.c.flags = -march=core2 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -msse3 
+#=== operating system ==========================================================
+# The following systems are defined: Linux, Darwin, Windows. GNU and
+# GNU/kFreeBSD are treated as Linux to get the same options. System-specific
+# multiline defines (optionally set in library makefile) are conditionally
+# evaluated here.
+uname := $(shell uname)
+ifeq ($(findstring $(uname), Linux GNU GNU/kFreeBSD), $(uname))
+  system = Linux
+  $(eval $(forLinux))
+ifeq ($(uname), Darwin)
+  system = Darwin
+  $(eval $(forDarwin))
+ifeq ($(findstring MINGW, $(uname)), MINGW)
+  system = Windows
+  $(eval $(forWindows))
+# TODO: Cygwin, Android
+#=== flags and paths for Linux =================================================
+ifeq ($(system), Linux)
+  prefix = /usr/local
+  libdir := $(prefix)/lib
+  pkglibdir = $(libdir)/pd-externals
+  pdincludepath := $(firstword $(wildcard \
+    $(externalsdir)/../pd/src \
+    /usr/include/pdextended \
+    /usr/include/pd))
+  extension = pd_linux
+  cpp.flags := -DUNIX
+  c.flags := -fpic
+  c.ldflags := -rdynamic -shared -fpic -Wl,-rpath,"\$$ORIGIN",--enable-new-dtags
+  c.ldlibs := -lc -lm
+  cxx.flags := -fpic -fcheck-new
+  cxx.ldflags := -rdynamic -shared -fpic -Wl,-rpath,"\$$ORIGIN",--enable-new-dtags
+  cxx.ldlibs := -lc -lm -lstdc++
+  shared.extension = so
+  shared.ldflags := -rdynamic -fpic -shared -Wl,-soname,$(shared.lib)
+  stripflags = --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment
+#=== flags and paths for Darwin ================================================
+# On OSX we try to build fat binaries by default. It is assumed that OSX i386
+# can build for ppc and OSX x86_64 can't. TODO: try to refine this condition.
+# LLVM-clang doesn't support -fcheck-new, therefore this flag is omitted for
+# OSX x86_64.
+ifeq ($(system), Darwin)
+  ifeq ($(macos_target),)
+  macos_target = 10.9
+  endif
+  pkglibdir = $(HOME)/Library/Pd
+  pdincludepath := $(firstword $(wildcard \
+    $(externalsdir)/../pd/src \
+    /Applications/Pd-extended*.app/Contents/Resources/include/pdextended \
+    /Applications/Pd*.app/Contents/Resources/src))
+  extension = pd_darwin
+  cpp.flags := -DUNIX -DMACOSX -I /sw/include
+  c.flags := 
+  c.ldflags := -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -bundle
+  c.ldlibs := -lc
+  cxx.ldflags := -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -bundle
+  cxx.ldlibs := -lc
+  shared.extension = dylib
+  shared.ldflags = -dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup \
+    -install_name @loader_path/$(shared.lib) \
+    -compatibility_version 1 -current_version 1.0
+  stripflags = -x
+  ifeq ($(machine), i386)
+    cxx.flags := -fcheck-new
+    arch.c.flags := -arch ppc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=$(macos_target)
+    arch.ld.flags := -arch ppc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=$(macos_target)
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(machine), x86_64)
+    arch.c.flags := -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=$(macos_target)
+    arch.ld.flags := -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=$(macos_target)
+  endif
+#=== flags and paths for Windows ===============================================
+# Standard paths on Windows contain spaces, and GNU make functions treat such
+# paths as lists, with unintended effects. Therefore we must use shell function
+# ls instead of make's wildcard, and probe for each standard path individually.
+# Using double quotes around paths with spaces is obligatory. Since some path
+# variables are assembled or re-expanded later, great care must be taken to put
+# quotes at appropriate points throughout the makefile. Thanks, Bill.
+# paths for 32-bit executables on 64-bit Windows aren't yet defined here (TODO)
+ifeq ($(system), Windows)
+  pkglibdir := $(APPDATA)/Pd
+  pdbinpath := $(wildcard $(externalsdir)/../pd/bin)
+  pdincludepath := $(wildcard $(externalsdir)/../pd/src)
+  ifndef pdbinpath
+    pdbinpath := $(shell ls -d "$(PROGRAMFILES)/pd/bin")
+  endif
+  ifndef pdincludepath
+    pdincludepath := $(shell ls -d "$(PROGRAMFILES)/pd/include/pdextended")
+  endif
+  ifndef pdincludepath
+    pdincludepath := $(shell ls -d "$(PROGRAMFILES)/pd/src")
+  endif
+# On Windows we build 32 bit by default to match Pd(-extended) binary 
+# distributions. This may change in the future.
+# TODO: decide whether -mms-bitfields should be specified.
+ifeq ($(system), Windows)
+  extension = dll
+  CC = gcc
+  CXX = g++
+  arch.c.flags := -march=pentium4 -msse -msse2 -mfpmath=sse
+  cpp.flags := -DMSW -DNT
+  c.flags :=
+  c.ldflags := -static-libgcc -shared \
+    -Wl,--enable-auto-import "$(pdbinpath)/pd.dll"
+  c.ldlibs :=
+  cxx.flags := -fcheck-new
+  cxx.ldflags := -static-libstdc++ -shared \
+    -Wl,--enable-auto-import "$(pdbinpath)/pd.dll"
+  cxx.ldlibs :=
+  shared.extension = dll
+  shared.ldflags := -static-libgcc -shared "$(pdbinpath)/pd.dll"
+  stripflags = --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment
+#=== paths =====================================================================
+# Default pkglibdir is specified above per operating system. It is aliased as 
+# 'objectsdir' to retain compatibility with pd-extended template. Assignment
+# operator '?=' is used to enable a project-relative path definition in the
+# including makefile.
+objectsdir ?= $(pkglibdir)
+# base path where all components of the lib will be installed by default
+installpath := $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(lib.name)
+# check if pdincludepath contains spaces (as is often the case on Windows)
+# if so, store the path so we can later do checks with it
+pdincludepathwithspaces := $(if $(word 2, $(pdincludepath)), $(pdincludepath))
+#=== accumulated build flags ===================================================
+# From GNU make docs: 'Users expect to be able to specify CFLAGS freely
+# themselves.' So we use CFLAGS to define options which  are not strictly
+# required for compilation: optimizations, architecture specifications, and 
+# warnings. CFLAGS can be safely overriden using a make command argument.
+# Variables cflags, ldflags and ldlibs may be defined in including makefile.
+optimization.flags = -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer
+warn.flags = -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Winline -Wstrict-aliasing
+# suppress -Wunused-variable & Co if you don't want to clutter a build log
+ifdef suppress-wunused
+  warn.flags += $(addprefix -Wno-unused-, function parameter value variable)
+CFLAGS = $(warn.flags) $(optimization.flags) $(arch.c.flags)
+# preprocessor flags
+cpp.flags += -DPD -I "$(pdincludepath)" $(CPPFLAGS)
+# architecture specifications for linker are overridable by LDFLAGS
+LDFLAGS := $(arch.ld.flags)
+# now add the same ld flags to shared dynamic lib
+shared.ldflags := $(shared.ldflags) $(LDFLAGS)
+# accumulated flags for C compiler / linker
+c.flags := $(cpp.flags) $(c.flags) $(cflags) $(CFLAGS)
+c.ldflags := $(c.ldflags) $(ldflags) $(LDFLAGS)
+c.ldlibs := $(c.ldlibs) $(ldlibs)
+# accumulated flags for C++ compiler / linker
+cxx.flags := $(cpp.flags) $(cxx.flags) $(cflags) $(CFLAGS)
+cxx.ldflags := $(cxx.ldflags) $(ldflags) $(LDFLAGS)
+cxx.ldlibs := $(cxx.ldlibs) $(ldlibs)
+### variables: tools ###########################################################
+# aliases so we can later define 'compile-$1' and set 'c' or 'cxx' as argument
+compile-c := $(CC)
+compile-cxx := $(CXX)
+### checks #####################################################################
+# At this point most variables are defined. Now do some checks and info's
+# before rules begin.
+# 'forward declaration' of default target, needed to do checks
+# To avoid unpredictable results, make sure the default target is not redefined
+# by including makefile. 
+ifneq ($(.DEFAULT_GOAL), all)
+  $(error Default target must be 'all'.)
+# find out which target(s) will be made
+  goals := $(MAKECMDGOALS)
+  goals := all
+# store path to Pd API m_pd.h if it is found
+ifdef pdincludepath
+  mpdh := $(shell ls "$(pdincludepath)/m_pd.h")
+# print Makefile.pdlibbuilder version
+$(info ++++ info: using Makefile.pdlibbuilder version $(version))
+# when making target all, check if m_pd.h is found and print info about it
+ifeq ($(goals), all)
+  $(if $(mpdh), \
+    $(info ++++ info: using Pd API $(mpdh)), \
+    $(warning Where is Pd API m_pd.h? Do 'make help' for info.))
+# print target info
+$(info ++++ info: making target $(goals) $(if $(lib.name),in lib $(lib.name)))
+# when installing, print installpath info
+$(if $(filter install install-lib, $(goals)), $(info ++++ info: \
+  installpath is '$(installpath)'))
+#=== define executables ========================================================
+# By default we build class executables, and optionally a shared dynamic link
+# lib. When make-lib-executable=yes we build all classes into a single lib
+# executable, on the condition that variable lib.setup.sources is defined.
+ifeq ($(make-lib-executable),yes)
+  $(if $(lib.setup.sources), ,\
+    $(error Can not build library blob because lib.setup.sources is undefined))
+  executables := $(lib.name).$(extension)
+  executables := $(classes.executables) $(shared.lib)
+### rules: special targets #####################################################
+# Disable built-in rules. If some target can't be built with the specified
+# rules, it should not be built at all.
+MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules
+.PHONY: all post build-lib \
+        $(classes) $(makefiledirs) $(makefiles) \
+        install install-executables install-datafiles install-datadirs \
+        force clean vars allvars depend help
+### rules: build targets #######################################################
+# Target all forces the build of targets [$(executables) post] in
+# deterministic order. Target $(executables) builds class executables plus 
+# optional shared lib or alternatively a single lib executable when 
+# make-lib-executable=true. Target post is optionally defined by
+# library makefile.
+all: post
+post: $(executables)
+	$(info ++++info: target all in lib $(lib.name) completed)
+# build all with -g option turned on for debug symbols
+alldebug: c.flags += -g
+alldebug: cxx.flags += -g
+alldebug: all
+#=== class executable ==========================================================
+# recipe for linking objects in class executable
+# argument $1 = compiler type (c or cxx)
+# argument $2 = class basename
+define link-class
+  $(compile-$1) \
+  $($1.ldflags) $($2.class.ldflags) \
+  -o $2.$(extension) \
+  $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $($2.class.sources))) \
+  $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(common.sources))) \
+  $($1.ldlibs) $($2.class.ldlibs) $(shared.lib)
+# general rule for linking object files in class executable
+%.$(extension): $(shared.lib)
+	$(info ++++ info: linking objects in $@ for lib $(lib.name))
+	$(if $(filter %.cc %.cpp, $($*.class.sources)), \
+        $(call link-class,cxx,$*), \
+        $(call link-class,c,$*))
+#=== library blob ==============================================================
+# build all classes into single executable
+build-lib: $(lib.name).$(extension)
+	$(info ++++ info: library blob $(lib.name).$(extension) completed)
+# recipe for linking objects in lib executable
+# argument $1 = compiler type (c or cxx)
+define link-lib
+  $(compile-$1) \
+  $($1.ldflags) $(lib.ldflags) \
+  -o $(lib.name).$(extension) $(all.objects) \
+  $($1.ldlibs) $(lib.ldlibs)
+# rule for linking objects in lib executable
+# declared conditionally to avoid name clashes
+ifeq ($(make-lib-executable),yes)
+$(lib.name).$(extension): $(all.objects)
+	$(if $(filter %.cc %.cpp, $(all.sources)), \
+        $(call link-lib,cxx), \
+        $(call link-lib,c))
+#=== shared dynamic lib ========================================================
+# recipe for linking objects in shared executable
+# argument $1 = compiler type (c or cxx)
+define link-shared
+  $(compile-$1) \
+  $(shared.ldflags) \
+  -o lib$(lib.name).$(shared.extension) $(shared.objects) \
+  $($1.ldlibs) $(shared.ldlibs)
+# rule for linking objects in shared executable
+# build recipe is in macro 'link-shared'
+lib$(lib.name).$(shared.extension): $(shared.objects)
+	$(info ++++ info: linking objects in shared lib $@)
+	$(if $(filter %.cc %.cpp, $(shared.sources)), \
+        $(call link-shared,cxx), \
+        $(call link-shared,c))
+#=== object files ==============================================================
+# recipe to make .o file from source
+# argument $1 is compiler type (c or cxx)
+define make-object-file
+  $(info ++++ info: making $@ in lib $(lib.name))
+  $(compile-$1) \
+  $($1.flags) \
+  -o $@ -c $<
+# Three rules to create .o files. These are double colon 'terminal' rules,
+# meaning they are the last in a rules chain.
+%.o:: %.c
+	$(call make-object-file,c)
+%.o:: %.cc
+	$(call make-object-file,cxx)
+%.o:: %.cpp
+	$(call make-object-file,cxx)
+#=== explicit prerequisites for class executables ==============================
+# For class executables, prerequisite rules are declared in run time. Target
+# 'depend' prints these rules for debugging purposes.
+# declare explicit prerequisites rule like 'class: class.extension'
+# argument $v is class basename
+define declare-class-target
+$v: $v.$(extension)
+# declare explicit prerequisites rule like 'class.extension: object1.o object2.o'
+# argument $v is class basename
+define declare-class-executable-target
+$v.$(extension): $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $($v.class.sources))) \
+  $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(common.sources)))
+# evaluate explicit prerequisite rules for all classes
+$(foreach v, $(classes), $(eval $(declare-class-target)))
+$(foreach v, $(classes), $(eval $(declare-class-executable-target)))
+#=== implicit prerequisites for class executables ==============================
+# Evaluating implicit prerequisites (header files) with help from the
+# preprocessor is 'expensive' so this is done conditionally and selectively.
+# Note that it is also possible to trigger a build via install targets, in
+# which case implicit prerequisites are not checked.
+# When the Pd include path contains spaces it will mess up the implicit
+# prerequisites rules. Also it is known that multiple arch flags are
+# incompatible with preprocessor option -MM on OSX <= 10.5. Dependency
+# tracking must be disabled in those cases.
+oldfat := $(and $(filter ppc i386, $(machine)), \
+          $(filter-out 0 1, $(words $(filter -arch, $(c.flags)))))
+disable-dependency-tracking := $(strip $(pdincludepathwithspaces) $(oldfat))
+ifndef disable-dependency-tracking
+  must-build-everything := $(filter all, $(goals))
+  must-build-class := $(filter $(classes), $(goals))
+  must-build-sources := $(foreach v, $(must-build-class), $($v.class.sources))
+# declare implicit prerequisites rule like 'object.o: header1.h header2.h ...'
+# argument $1 is input source file(s)
+# dir is explicitly added because option -MM strips it by default
+define declare-object-target
+$(dir $1)$(filter %.o: %.h, $(shell $(CPP) $(c.flags) -MM $1)) $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
+# evaluate implicit prerequisite rules when rebuilding everything
+ifdef must-build-everything
+  $(if $(wildcard $(all.objects)), \
+  $(info ++++ info: evaluating implicit prerequisites in lib $(lib.name).....) \
+  $(foreach v, $(all.sources), $(eval $(call declare-object-target, $v))))
+# evaluate implicit prerequisite rules when selectively building classes
+ifdef must-build-class
+  $(foreach v, $(must-build-sources), \
+  $(eval $(call declare-object-target, $v)))
+  $(foreach v, $(shared.sources), \
+  $(eval $(call declare-object-target, $v)))
+### rules: preprocessor and assembly files #####################################
+# Preprocessor and assembly output files for bug tracing etc. They are not part
+# of the build processes for executables. By default these files are created in
+# the current working directory. Dependency tracking is not performed, the build
+# is forced instead to make sure it's up to date.
+#=== preprocessor file =========================================================
+# make preprocessor output file with extension .pre
+# argument $1 = compiler type (c or cxx)
+define make-preprocessor-file
+  $(info ++++ info: making preprocessor output file $(notdir $*.pre) \
+  in current working directory)
+  $(compile-$1) -E $< $(c.flags) $($1.flags) -o $(notdir $*.pre)
+%.pre:: %.c force
+	$(call make-preprocessor-file,c)
+%.pre:: %.cc force
+	$(call make-preprocessor-file,cxx)
+%.pre:: %.cpp force 
+	$(call make-preprocessor-file,cxx)
+#=== assembly file =============================================================
+# make C / assembly interleaved output file with extension .lst
+# argument $1 = compiler type (c or cxx)
+define make-assembly-file
+  $(info ++++ info: making assembly output file $(notdir $*.lst) \
+  in current working directory)
+  $(compile-$1) \
+  -c -Wa,-a,-ad -fverbose-asm \
+  $($1.flags) \
+  $< > $(notdir $*.lst)
+%.lst:: %.c force
+	$(call make-assembly-file,c)
+%.lst:: %.cc force
+	$(call make-assembly-file,cxx)
+%.lst:: %.cpp force
+	$(call make-assembly-file,cxx)
+### rules: installation targets ################################################
+# Install targets depend on successful exit status of target all because nothing
+# must be installed in case of a build error.
+# -p = preserve time stamps
+# -m = set permission mode (as in chmod)
+# -d = create all components of specified directories
+INSTALL = install
+INSTALL_DATA := $(INSTALL) -p -m 644
+INSTALL_DIR := $(INSTALL) -m 755 -d
+# strip spaces from file names
+executables := $(strip $(executables))
+datafiles := $(strip $(datafiles))
+datadirs := $(strip $(datadirs))
+# Do not make any install sub-target with empty variable definition because the
+# install program would exit with an error.
+install: $(if $(executables), install-executables)
+install: $(if $(datafiles), install-datafiles)
+install: $(if $(datadirs), install-datadirs)
+install-executables: all
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) -v "$(installpath)"
+	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(executables) "$(installpath)"
+	$(info ++++ info: executables of lib $(lib.name) installed \
+        from $(CURDIR) to $(installpath))
+install-datafiles: all
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) -v "$(installpath)"
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(datafiles) "$(installpath)"
+	$(info ++++ info: data files of lib $(lib.name) installed \
+        from $(CURDIR) to $(installpath))
+install-datadirs: all
+	$(foreach v, $(datadirs), $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(installpath)/$v";)
+	$(foreach v, $(datadirs), \
+        $(INSTALL_DATA) $(wildcard $v/*) "$(installpath)/$v";)
+	$(info ++++ info: data directories of lib $(lib.name) installed \
+        from $(CURDIR) to $(installpath))
+### rules: distribution targets ################################################
+# These targets are implemented in Makefile Template, but I have to figure out
+# how to do it under the not-so-strict conditions of Makefile.pdlibbuilder.
+# make source package
+	@echo "target dist not yet implemented"
+# make Debian source package
+	@echo "target dpkg-source not yet implemented"
+### rules: clean targets #######################################################
+# delete build products from build tree
+	rm -f $(all.objects)
+	rm -f $(classes.executables) $(lib.name).$(extension) $(shared.lib)
+	rm -f *.pre *.lst
+# remove distribution directories and tarballs from build tree
+distclean: clean
+	@echo "target distclean not yet implemented"
+### rules: submake targets #####################################################
+# Iterate over sub-makefiles or makefiles in other directories.
+# When 'continue-make=yes' is set, sub-makes will report 'true' to the parent
+# process regardless of their real exit status. This prevents the parent make
+# from being aborted by a sub-make error. Useful when you want to quickly find
+# out which sub-makes from a large set will succeed.
+ifeq ($(continue-make),yes)
+  continue = || true
+# These targets will trigger sub-make processes for entries in 'makefiledirs'
+# and 'makefiles'.
+all alldebug install clean distclean dist dkpg-source: \
+        $(makefiledirs) $(makefiles)
+# this expands to identical rules for each entry in 'makefiledirs'
+	$(MAKE) --directory=$@ $(MAKECMDGOALS) $(continue)
+# this expands to identical rules for each entry in 'makefiles'
+	$(MAKE) --directory=$(dir $@) --makefile=$(notdir $@) $(MAKECMDGOALS) $(continue)
+### rules: convenience targets #################################################
+#=== show variables ============================================================
+# Several 'function' macro's cause errors when expanded within a rule or without
+# proper arguments. Variables which are set with the define directive are only
+# shown by name for that reason.
+functions = \
+add-class-source \
+declare-class-target \
+declare-class-executable-target \
+declare-object-target \
+link-class \
+link-lib \
+link-shared \
+make-object-file \
+make-preprocessor-file \
+# show variables from makefiles
+	$(info ++++ info: showing makefile variables:)
+	$(foreach v,\
+        $(sort $(filter-out $(functions) functions, $(.VARIABLES))),\
+        $(if $(filter file, $(origin $v)),\
+        $(info variable $v = $($v))))
+	$(foreach v, $(functions), $(info 'function' name: $v))
+	@echo
+# show all variables
+	$(info ++++ info: showing default, automatic and makefile variables:)
+	$(foreach v, \
+        $(sort $(filter-out $(functions) functions, $(.VARIABLES))), \
+        $(info variable ($(origin $v)) $v = $($v)))
+	$(foreach v, $(functions), $(info 'function' name: $v))
+	@echo
+#=== show dependencies =========================================================
+# show generated prerequisites rules
+	$(info ++++ info: generated prerequisite rules)
+	$(foreach v, $(classes), $(info $(declare-class-target)))
+	$(foreach v, $(classes), $(info $(declare-class-executable-target)))
+	$(foreach v, $(all.sources), $(info $(call declare-object-target, $v)))
+	@echo
+#=== show help text ============================================================
+# brief info about targets and paths
+ifdef mpdh
+  mpdhinfo := $(mpdh)
+  mpdhinfo := m_pd.h was not found. Is Pd(-extended) installed?
+	@echo
+	@echo "  Main targets:"
+	@echo "    all:     build executables (default target)"
+	@echo "    install: install all components of the library"
+	@echo "    vars:    print makefile variables for troubleshooting"
+	@echo "    allvars: print all variables for troubleshooting"
+	@echo "    help:    print this help text"
+	@echo
+	@echo "  Pd API m_pd.h:"
+	@echo "    $(mpdhinfo)"
+	@echo "  You may specify your preferred Pd include path as argument to"
+	@echo "  the make command, like 'pdincludepath=path/to/pd/src'."
+	@echo
+	@echo "  Path for installation of your libdir(s):"
+	@echo "    $(objectsdir)"
+	@echo "  Alternatively you may specify your path for installation as argument"
+	@echo "  to the make command, like 'objectsdir=path/to/pd-externals'."
+	@echo
+	@echo "  Default paths are listed in the doc sections in Makefile.pdlibbuilder."
+	@echo
+#=== dummy target ==============================================================
+	@echo "Makefile.pdlibbuilder: Can not make coffee. Sorry."
+### end of rules sections ######################################################
+# for syntax highlighting in vim and github
+# vim: set filetype=make:
diff --git a/externals/bendinfix/README.md b/externals/bendinfix/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..215fdaacb5b242bd3a236a61d3a02e1d4e3f9eb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/bendinfix/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# bendinfix
+This external provides a helper object to maintain compatibility between the bendin value ranges of different Pd flavors (specifically, vanilla Pd, pd-l2ork version 1, and purr-data a.k.a. pd-l2ork version 2+).
+Pd has a long-standing [bug](https://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/bugs/1262/) in that its bendin object produces an unsigned value range of 0 thru 16383, while the bendout object expects a signed range of -8192 thru +8191. Which means that you have to translate the values when routing pitch bends from MIDI input to MIDI output. It also makes it harder to translate pitch bend input to frequency offsets. This bug has been there for such a long time that it now can't be fixed any more, to maintain backwards compatibility.
+However, other Pd flavors have in fact fixed this bug, specifically pd-l2ork and its successor purr-data. This actually made matters worse, though, since now Pd programmers have to cope with a variety of bendin implementations, which makes it hard to maintain interoperability between the different flavors if you need to process MIDI pitch bend events.
+The bendinfix external provides a solution that (1) provides a quick way to check which bendin implementation you have, (2) takes the output of the bendin object and translates it to the correct (signed) range, and (3) is binary-compatible with all modern Pd flavors.
+## Synopsis
+`[bendin]` takes signed or unsigned pitch bend values and translates them to signed values.
+- inlet #1: signed or unsigned pitch bend values, depending on your Pd flavor
+- outlet #1: output values are always signed, in the -8192 ... 8191 range
+- arguments: none
+## Usage
+(1) Passing 0 to bendinfix yields the value -8192 for a vanilla-compatible bendin, and 0 otherwise. Thus comparing the result against 0 gives you a flag determining whether you have a signed implementation:
+  `[0( --- [bendinfix] --- [== 0]` yields 1 if signed, 0 if unsigned bendin implementation
+You can then use the computed flag in a patch to set it up for the pitch bend implementation at hand.
+(2) Simply routing the output of bendin into bendinfix yields the correct signed pitch bend values:
+  `[bendin] --- [bendinfix]` yields signed bendin values in the -8192 ... 8191 range
+These can then be routed to bendout without further translation, or you can divide, e.g., by 4096, add a MIDI note number, and route the result through mtof to get a pitch bend range of +/- 2 semitones.
+Or, if you prefer to work with unsigned values, just add 8192 to the result of bendinfix. This will always give you unsigned values, even if your Pd flavor has a signed bendin implementation.
+## See Also
+- the infamous [bug #1262](https://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/bugs/1262/)
+- doc/5.reference, midi (and bendin) help patches
diff --git a/externals/bendinfix/bendinfix-help.pd b/externals/bendinfix/bendinfix-help.pd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..323774ce2f25bdf013d24bb960e189c1a9ffaf94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/bendinfix/bendinfix-help.pd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#N canvas 696 372 460 365 12;
+#X obj 22 263 bendinfix;
+#X floatatom 22 292 5 0 0 0 - - -, f 5;
+#X msg 78 233 0;
+#X obj 22 233 bendin;
+#X text 21 321 corrected pitch bend value (-8192 - 8191 range);
+#X text 22 206 pitch bend input;
+#X text 113 234 Passing 0 as input gives the amount by which the result
+is shifted. This will be -8192 for a vanilla-compatible bendin implementation
+\, 0 otherwise., f 46;
+#N canvas 477 282 494 344 META 0;
+#X text 12 5 KEYWORDS control MIDI;
+#X text 12 25 LICENSE MIT;
+#X text 12 85 INLET_0 float;
+#X text 12 105 OUTLET_0 float;
+#X text 12 129 AUTHOR Albert Gräf;
+#X text 12 149 WEBSITE https://agraef.github.io/purr-data/;
+#X text 12 169 RELEASE_DATE 2020;
+#X text 12 192 HELP_PATCH_AUTHORS Albert Gräf;
+#X text 12 45 DESCRIPTION translate bendin output to signed values
+for all Pd flavors;
+#X restore 380 335 pd META;
+#X text 18 2 bendinfix - correct bendin values for all Pd flavors;
+#X text 17 41 Background: Pd has a long-standing bug (which won't be
+fixed due to backward compatibility concerns) in that its bendin range
+(0 - 16383) doesn't match its bendout range (-8192 - 8191). The former
+is what MIDI readily yields \, while the latter is more convenient
+for translating pitch bends into frequency offsets. The bendinfix object
+translates bendin's output to the correct (signed) range \, and works
+across all Pd flavors \, including Pd-L2ork and Purr Data where bendin
+returns a signed result by default.;
+#X connect 0 0 1 0;
+#X connect 2 0 0 0;
+#X connect 3 0 0 0;
diff --git a/externals/bendinfix/bendinfix.c b/externals/bendinfix/bendinfix.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..943ca87ea4e065de5c125f7db4889196589c0c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/bendinfix/bendinfix.c
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// To compile on Linux: gcc --shared -fPIC -o bendinfix.pd_linux bendinfix.c
+#include <m_pd.h>
+static t_class *bendinfix_class;
+static int *legacy, *legacy_bendin;
+static void (*nw_gui_vmess)(const char *sel, char *fmt, ...);
+typedef struct _bendinfix {
+  t_object  x_obj;
+} t_bendinfix;
+void bendinfix_float(t_bendinfix *x, t_floatarg f)
+  // vanilla default:
+  t_float g = 8192;
+  // exported symbols by the different Pd flavors:
+  // nw_gui_vmess => purr-data only
+  // legacy => pd-l2ork and purr-data
+  // legacy_bendin => purr-data with revised bendin implementation
+  if (legacy_bendin)
+    // signed bendin unless legacy_bendin is set
+    g = *legacy_bendin?8192:0;
+  else if (legacy)
+    // we always have a signed bendin with classic pd-l2ork (!nw_gui_vmess),
+    // whereas for purr-data without the revised bendin implementation
+    // (!legacy_bendin) bendin is signed, unless legacy is set
+    g = !nw_gui_vmess?0:*legacy?8192:0;
+  outlet_float(x->x_obj.ob_outlet, f-g);
+void *bendinfix_new(void)
+  t_bendinfix *x = (t_bendinfix *)pd_new(bendinfix_class);
+  outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
+  return (void *)x;
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+#define __USE_GNU // to get RTLD_DEFAULT
+#include <dlfcn.h> // for dlsym
+/* If RTLD_DEFAULT still isn't defined then just passing NULL will hopefully
+   do the trick. */
+void bendinfix_setup(void) {
+  bendinfix_class = class_new(gensym("bendinfix"),
+        (t_newmethod)bendinfix_new,
+        0, sizeof(t_bendinfix),
+        CLASS_DEFAULT, 0);
+  class_addfloat(bendinfix_class, bendinfix_float);
+#ifdef WIN32
+  legacy = (void*)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("pd.dll"), "sys_legacy");
+  legacy_bendin = (void*)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("pd.dll"), "sys_legacy_bendin");
+  nw_gui_vmess = (void*)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("pd.dll"), "gui_vmess");
+  legacy = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "sys_legacy");
+  legacy_bendin = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "sys_legacy_bendin");
+  nw_gui_vmess = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "gui_vmess");