From f74b6d4223f8b8827e7fa83391f93eaba8981a75 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Albert Graef <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 00:37:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add some comments and a few more useful desktop action
 examples to the main desktop file, so that the user understands how to adjust
 these if needed.

 packages/linux_make/pd-l2ork.desktop | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+)

diff --git a/packages/linux_make/pd-l2ork.desktop b/packages/linux_make/pd-l2ork.desktop
index 9a5f6efe4..d1104155c 100755
--- a/packages/linux_make/pd-l2ork.desktop
+++ b/packages/linux_make/pd-l2ork.desktop
@@ -9,17 +9,45 @@ Actions=ALSA;JACK;ForceQuit
+# These actions will be shown if you right-click on the application icon in
+# your compliant DE. See:
 [Desktop Action ALSA]
+# Force ALSA audio.
 Exec=/bin/sh -c "pd-l2ork -rt -alsa -audiobuf 20"
 [Desktop Action JACK]
+# Force JACK audio.
 Exec=/bin/sh -c "pd-l2ork -rt -jack -audiobuf 20"
 [Desktop Action ForceQuit]
+# Kill all running instances of Purr Data and the corresponding nw.js
+# processes. Useful as a last resort if the application seems to hang for some
+# reason. You might want to add the -9 option to kill the application even if
+# it's completely locked up.
 Name=Force Quit Pd-L2Ork
 Exec=/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/killall pd-l2ork nw"
+# Here are some more examples of actions that you may find useful. To enable
+# these, add them to the Actions= line above.
+[Desktop Action Unique]
+# Launch a new instance of Purr Data each time this action is invoked.
+Exec=/bin/sh -c "purr-data -unique -rt -audiobuf 20"
+[Desktop Action Verbose]
+# Launch Purr Data in verbose mode (lots of messages useful for debugging).
+Exec=/bin/sh -c "purr-data -verbose -rt -audiobuf 20"
+[Desktop Action NoPrefs]
+# Launch Purr Data without reading its configuration file (useful if the
+# program won't launch because the preferences got messed up very badly).
+Name=No Prefs
+Exec=/bin/sh -c "purr-data -noprefs -rt -audiobuf 20"