#include "m_pd.h" #include "g_canvas.h" #include <stdio.h> #include "g_undo.h" /* used for canvas_objtext to differentiate between objects being created by user vs. those (re)created by the undo/redo actions */ int we_are_undoing = 0; extern const char *canvas_undo_name; extern void glob_preset_node_list_seek_hub(void); extern void glob_preset_node_list_check_loc_and_update(void); extern void text_checkvalidwidth(t_glist *glist); t_undo_action *canvas_undo_init(t_canvas *x) { t_undo_action *a = (t_undo_action *)getbytes(sizeof(*a)); a->type = 0; a->x = x; a->next = NULL; if (!x->u_queue) { //this is the first init x->u_queue = a; x->u_last = a; a->prev = NULL; a->name = "no"; gui_vmess("gui_undo_menu", "xss", (t_int)a->x, "no", "no"); } else { if (x->u_last->next) { //we need to rebranch first then add the new action canvas_undo_rebranch(x); } x->u_last->next = a; a->prev = x->u_last; x->u_last = a; } //fprintf(stderr,"canvas_undo_init\n"); return(a); } t_undo_action *canvas_undo_add(t_canvas *x, int type, const char *name, void *data) { //fprintf(stderr,"canvas_undo_add %d\n", type); /* Check for empty sequences? */ t_undo_action *a = canvas_undo_init(x); a->type = type; a->data = (void *)data; a->name = (char *)name; canvas_undo_name = name; gui_vmess("gui_undo_menu", "xss", x, a->name, "no"); return(a); } static void canvas_undo_doit(t_canvas *x, t_undo_action *udo, int action) { switch(udo->type) { case UNDO_CONNECT: canvas_undo_connect(x, udo->data, action); break; //connect case UNDO_DISCONNECT: canvas_undo_disconnect(x, udo->data, action); break; //disconnect case UNDO_CUT: canvas_undo_cut(x, udo->data, action); break; //cut case UNDO_MOTION: canvas_undo_move(x, udo->data, action); break; //move case UNDO_PASTE: canvas_undo_paste(x, udo->data, action); break; //paste case UNDO_APPLY: canvas_undo_apply(x, udo->data, action); break; //apply case UNDO_ARRANGE: canvas_undo_arrange(x, udo->data, action); break; //arrange case UNDO_CANVAS_APPLY: canvas_undo_canvas_apply(x, udo->data, action); break;//canvas apply case UNDO_CREATE: canvas_undo_create(x, udo->data, action); break; //create case UNDO_RECREATE: canvas_undo_recreate(x, udo->data, action); break; //recreate case UNDO_FONT: canvas_undo_font(x, udo->data, action); break; //font /* undo sequences are handled in canvas_undo_undo resp canvas_undo_redo */ case UNDO_SEQUENCE_START: break; //start undo sequence case UNDO_SEQUENCE_END: break; //end undo sequence case UNDO_INIT: /* catch whether is called with a non FREE action */ break; //init default: error("canvas_undo: unsupported command %d", udo->type); } } void canvas_undo_undo(t_canvas *x) { int dspwas = canvas_suspend_dsp(); if (x->u_queue && x->u_last != x->u_queue) { we_are_undoing = 1; //fprintf(stderr,"canvas_undo_undo %d\n", x->u_last->type); canvas_editmode(x, 1); glist_noselect(x); canvas_undo_name = x->u_last->name; if(UNDO_SEQUENCE_END == x->u_last->type) { int sequence_depth = 1; while((x->u_last = x->u_last->prev) && (UNDO_INIT != x->u_last->type)) { switch(x->u_last->type) { case UNDO_SEQUENCE_START: sequence_depth--; break; case UNDO_SEQUENCE_END: sequence_depth++; break; default: canvas_undo_doit(x, x->u_last, UNDO_UNDO); } if (sequence_depth < 1) break; } if (sequence_depth < 0) bug("undo sequence missing end"); else if (sequence_depth > 0) bug("undo sequence missing start"); } canvas_undo_doit(x, x->u_last, UNDO_UNDO); x->u_last = x->u_last->prev; char *undo_action = x->u_last->name; char *redo_action = x->u_last->next->name; we_are_undoing = 0; /* here we call updating of all unpaired hubs and nodes since their regular call will fail in case their position needed to be updated by undo/redo first to reflect the old one */ glob_preset_node_list_seek_hub(); glob_preset_node_list_check_loc_and_update(); if (glist_isvisible(x) && glist_istoplevel(x)) { gui_vmess("gui_undo_menu", "xss", x, undo_action, redo_action); text_checkvalidwidth(x); canvas_getscroll(x); } canvas_dirty(x, 1); } canvas_resume_dsp(dspwas); } void canvas_undo_redo(t_canvas *x) { int dspwas = canvas_suspend_dsp(); if (x->u_queue && x->u_last->next) { we_are_undoing = 1; x->u_last = x->u_last->next; //fprintf(stderr,"canvas_undo_redo %d\n", x->u_last->type); canvas_editmode(x, 1); glist_noselect(x); canvas_undo_name = x->u_last->name; if(UNDO_SEQUENCE_START == x->u_last->type) { int sequence_depth = 1; while(x->u_last->next && (x->u_last = x->u_last->next)) { switch(x->u_last->type) { case UNDO_SEQUENCE_END: sequence_depth--; break; case UNDO_SEQUENCE_START: sequence_depth++; break; default: canvas_undo_doit(x, x->u_last, UNDO_REDO); } if (sequence_depth < 1) break; } if (sequence_depth < 0) bug("undo sequence end without start"); else if (sequence_depth > 0) bug("undo sequence start without end"); } canvas_undo_doit(x, x->u_last, UNDO_REDO); char *undo_action = x->u_last->name; char *redo_action = (x->u_last->next ? x->u_last->next->name : "no"); we_are_undoing = 0; /* here we call updating of all unpaired hubs and nodes since their regular call will fail in case their position needed to be updated by undo/redo first to reflect the old one */ glob_preset_node_list_seek_hub(); glob_preset_node_list_check_loc_and_update(); if (glist_isvisible(x) && glist_istoplevel(x)) { gui_vmess("gui_undo_menu", "xss", x, undo_action, redo_action); text_checkvalidwidth(x); canvas_getscroll(x); } canvas_dirty(x, 1); } canvas_resume_dsp(dspwas); } void canvas_undo_rebranch(t_canvas *x) { int dspwas = canvas_suspend_dsp(); t_undo_action *a1, *a2; //fprintf(stderr,"canvas_undo_rebranch"); if (x->u_last->next) { a1 = x->u_last->next; while(a1) { //fprintf(stderr,"."); canvas_undo_doit(x, a1, UNDO_FREE); a2 = a1->next; freebytes(a1, sizeof(*a1)); a1 = a2; } //x->u_last->next = 0; /* ??? */ } //gui_vmess("gui_undo_menu", "xss", x, x->u_last->name, "no"); /* ??? */ canvas_resume_dsp(dspwas); //fprintf(stderr,"done!\n"); } void canvas_undo_check_canvas_pointers(t_canvas *x) { /* currently unnecessary unless we decide to implement one central undo for all patchers */ } void canvas_undo_purge_abstraction_actions(t_canvas *x) { /* currently unnecessary unless we decide to implement one central undo for all patchers */ } void canvas_undo_free(t_canvas *x) { int dspwas = canvas_suspend_dsp(); t_undo_action *a1, *a2; //fprintf(stderr,"canvas_undo_free"); if (x->u_queue) { a1 = x->u_queue; while(a1) { //fprintf(stderr,"."); canvas_undo_doit(x, a1, UNDO_FREE); a2 = a1->next; freebytes(a1, sizeof(*a1)); a1 = a2; } } canvas_resume_dsp(dspwas); //fprintf(stderr,"done!\n"); }