diff --git a/pd/nw/pdgui.js b/pd/nw/pdgui.js
index bcfa379d2222fe3bfab0ad8b51fdb312f3b99022..ce4ed4feb9f76c8d9d48968a96cfb5c38ed96cfc 100644
--- a/pd/nw/pdgui.js
+++ b/pd/nw/pdgui.js
@@ -151,7 +151,6 @@ var font_fixed_metrics = "\
 30 18 37 \
 36 22 44";
 // Utility Functions
 // originally used to enquote a string to send it to a tcl function
@@ -2740,13 +2739,71 @@ function gui_iemgui_move_and_resize(cid, tag, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
-function gui_iemgui_label_new(cid, tag, x, y, color, text, font) {
+function iemgui_font_height(name, size) {
+    return size;
+    var dejaVuSansMono = {
+        6: [3, 4], 7: [4, 5], 8: [5, 7], 9: [5, 7], 10: [6, 8],
+        11: [7, 8], 12: [7, 9], 13: [8, 9], 14: [8, 10], 15: [9, 12],
+        16: [9, 12], 17: [10, 13], 18: [10, 13], 19: [11, 14], 20: [12, 14],
+        21: [12, 16], 22: [13, 16], 23: [13, 17], 24: [14, 18], 25: [14, 18],
+        26: [15, 20], 27: [16, 20], 28: [16, 21], 29: [17, 21], 30: [17, 22],
+        31: [18, 22], 32: [18, 23], 33: [19, 25], 34: [19, 25], 35: [20, 26],
+        36: [21, 26], 37: [21, 27], 38: [22, 27], 39: [22, 29], 40: [23, 30],
+        41: [23, 30], 42: [24, 31], 43: [24, 31], 44: [25, 33], 45: [26, 33],
+        46: [25, 34], 47: [26, 34], 48: [26, 35], 49: [27, 36], 50: [26, 36],
+        51: [28, 37], 52: [29, 38], 53: [29, 39], 54: [30, 39], 55: [30, 41],
+        56: [31, 41], 57: [31, 42], 58: [32, 43], 59: [32, 43], 60: [32, 45],
+        61: [34, 45], 62: [34, 46], 63: [35, 46], 64: [35, 47], 65: [36, 49],
+        66: [36, 49], 67: [36, 50], 68: [37, 50], 69: [38, 51], 70: [38, 51],
+        71: [38, 52], 72: [39, 52]
+    };
+    // We use these heights for both the monotype and iemgui's "Helvetica"
+    // which, at least on linux, has the same height
+    if (name === 'DejaVu Sans Mono' || name == 'helvetica') {
+        return dejaVuSansMono[size][1];
+    } else {
+        return size;
+    }
+function iemgui_fontfamily(name) {
+    var family;
+    if (name === "DejaVu Sans Mono") {
+        family = "DejaVu Sans Mono"; // probably should add some fallbacks here 
+    }
+    else if (name === "helvetica") {
+        family = "Helvetica, 'DejaVu Sans'";
+    }
+    else if (name === "times") {
+        family = "'Times New Roman', 'DejaVu Serif', 'FreeSerif', serif";
+    }
+function gui_iemgui_label_new(cid, tag, x, y, color, text, fontname, fontweight,
+    fontsize) {
     var g = get_gobj(cid, tag);
+    gui_post("fontname is " + fontname);
+//    var fontheight = 
     var svg_text = create_item(cid, 'text', {
         // x and y need to be relative to baseline instead of nw anchor
         x: x,
         y: y,
         //'font-size': font + 'px',
+        'font-family': iemgui_fontfamily(fontname),
+        // for some reason the font looks bold in Pd-Vanilla-- not sure why
+        'font-weight': fontweight,
+        'font-size': fontsize + 'px',
+        // Iemgui labels are anchored "w" (left-aligned to non-tclers).
+        // For no good reason, they are also centered vertically, unlike
+        // object box text. Since svg text uses the baseline as a reference
+        // by default, we just take half the pixel font size and use that
+        // as an additional offset.
+        //
+        // There is an alignment-baseline property in svg that
+        // is supposed to do this for us. However, when I tried choosing
+        // "hanging" to get tcl's equivalent of "n", I ran into a bug
+        // where the text gets positioned incorrectly when zooming.
+        transform: 'translate(0,' + iemgui_font_height(fontname, fontsize) / 2 + ')',
         id: tag + 'label'
     var text_node = patchwin[cid].window.document.createTextNode(text);
diff --git a/pd/src/g_all_guis.c b/pd/src/g_all_guis.c
index 526123a44e98633f5b4299b89df67499b0a79393..712ebdd39b2cc128a9641cbc1bb9b989fa29a69e 100644
--- a/pd/src/g_all_guis.c
+++ b/pd/src/g_all_guis.c
@@ -979,14 +979,16 @@ void iemgui_label_draw_new(t_iemgui *x) {
     //     x->x_lab!=s_empty?x->x_lab->s_name:"",
     //     iemgui_font(x), x->x_lcol, x, x);
     sprintf(col, "#%6.6x", x->x_lcol);
-    gui_vmess("gui_iemgui_label_new", "xxiisss",
+    gui_vmess("gui_iemgui_label_new", "xxiissssi",
         x->x_lab != s_empty ? x->x_lab->s_name : "",
-        iemgui_font(x));
+        iemgui_typeface(x),
+        sys_fontweight,
+        x->x_fontsize);
 void iemgui_label_draw_move(t_iemgui *x) {
@@ -1314,6 +1316,10 @@ const char *iemgui_typeface(t_iemgui *x) {
 // this uses a static buffer, so don't use it twice in the same sys_vgui.
 // the static buffer could be replaced by a malloc when sys_vgui is replaced
 // by something that frees that memory.
+/* this is probably obsolete now-- we want to just send each one as a
+   separate arg so we don't have to parse on the gui side.
+   Once we check to make sure all iemguis work without it we can safely
+   remove it */
 const char *iemgui_font(t_iemgui *x) {
     static char buf[64];
     sprintf(buf, "{{%s} -%d %s}", iemgui_typeface(x), x->x_fontsize, sys_fontweight);