From a041729da2857f61f0fc4a34ee41f2dcbe43d23d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Wilkes <>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 18:33:07 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] ported "*more cosmetic fixes" from pd-l2ork:

 l2ork_addons/K12/logic_hit-help.pd | 12 ++++++------
 pd/src/                       |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_hit-help.pd b/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_hit-help.pd
index bd89f6269..547e11ab6 100644
--- a/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_hit-help.pd
+++ b/l2ork_addons/K12/logic_hit-help.pd
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#N canvas 315 92 502 525 10;
+#N canvas 305 82 502 525 10;
 #X obj 348 -28 preset_hub k12 %hidden% %node% 2 5 5 %node% 2 6 7 %node%
 2 6 7 %node% 2 7 10 %node% 2 7 11 %node% 2 7 9 %node% 2 7 10 %node%
 2 8 18 %node% 2 10 4;
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
 #X obj 123 -35 cnv 15 501 28 empty empty Logic/Hit 5 14 0 20 -139274
 -262144 0;
 #X obj 594 -4 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png 0;
-#N canvas 587 449 373 126 META 0;
-#X text 6 5 DESCRIPTION This is used to detect sudden changes in a
-data stream;
-#X text 6 38 INLET_0 Connect any non audio data stream to this inlet
+#N canvas 577 439 373 126 META 0;
 #X text 6 58 OUTLET_0 This outputs a 1 if a hit is detected and a 0
 once the detected hit has ended;
+#X text 6 5 DESCRIPTION This is used to detect sudden changes in a
+control data stream;
+#X text 6 38 INLET_0 Connect any control data stream to this inlet
 #X restore 570 458 pd META;
 #X obj 140 364 K12/math_number;
 #X obj 140 231 K12/logic_hit;
diff --git a/pd/src/ b/pd/src/
index b68a58cff..6c4aebd30 100644
--- a/pd/src/
+++ b/pd/src/
@@ -2832,7 +2832,7 @@ proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_mapper "Mapper: Use this to map one value to two different but related values"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_metronome "Metronome: Use this to create a steady pulse"
 		setTooltip $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_counter "Counter: Use this to count events"
-		setTooltip $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_hit "Hit: Use this to detect a hit on a non-audio data stream"
+		setTooltip $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_hit "Hit: Use this to detect a hit on a control data stream"
 		pdtk_k12panel_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_compare
 		pdtk_k12panel_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_mapper
 		pdtk_k12panel_standardkeybindings $name.k12frame.logic.b_logic_metronome