# pkgIndex.tcl. Generated from pkgIndex.tcl.in by configure. # package ifneeded helpbrowser 0.1 [list source [file join $dir helpbrowser.tcl]] package ifneeded pd_guiprefs 0.1 [list source [file join $dir pd_guiprefs.tcl]] package ifneeded pd_menus 0.1 [list source [file join $dir pd_menus_SHORT.tcl]] namespace eval ::tkpath { proc load_package {dir} { load [file join $dir libtkpath0.3.3.so] # Allow optional redirect of library components. # Only necessary for testing, but could be used elsewhere. if {[info exists ::env(TKPATH_LIBRARY)]} { set dir $::env(TKPATH_LIBRARY) } source $dir/tkpath.tcl };# load_package } package ifneeded tkpath 0.3.3 [list ::tkpath::load_package $dir] package ifneeded tkdnd 2.6 \ "source \{$dir/tkdnd.tcl\} ; \ tkdnd::initialise \{$dir\} libtkdnd2.6.so tkdnd" #*EOF*