#==============================================================================# # # Centralized cross-platform build system Makefile.buildsystem # # this file contains all the common locations and targets # <hans@at.or.at> # #==============================================================================# # This file should be exactly the same in each section of the CVS. A copy is # kept in each section of the CVS so that each section will be self-contained. # To use it, you need to include it in your Makefile (i.e. "include # Makefile.buildlayout") and then define $(prefix) and $(cvs_root_dir). # # $(cvs_root_dir) is the base directory of src tree, equivalent to the root # level of the pure-data CVS. # # $(prefix) is the base directory to where all of the resulting files # will be copied. # # This file is currently located in these places: # abstractions # extensions # externals # packages # doc # # it will be going here too: # gem # pd # # <hans@at.or.at> #==============================================================================# # ## PLATFORM-SPECIFIC SETTINGS # #==============================================================================# # which OS to compile for UNAME := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux) OS_NAME = linux EXTENSION = pd_linux DYLIB_EXTENSION = so endif ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) OS_NAME = darwin EXTENSION = pd_darwin DYLIB_EXTENSION = dylib endif ifeq (MINGW,$(findstring MINGW,$(UNAME))) OS_NAME = windows EXTENSION = dll DYLIB_EXTENSION = dll endif ifeq (CYGWIN,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(UNAME))) OS_NAME = windows EXTENSION = dll DYLIB_EXTENSION = dll endif # which CPU to compile for UNAME_MACHINE := $(shell uname -m) ifeq ($(UNAME_MACHINE),i386) ARCH = i386 endif ifeq ($(UNAME_MACHINE),i686) ARCH = i386 endif ifeq ($(UNAME_MACHINE),ppc) ARCH = powerpc endif #==============================================================================# # ## CFLAGS # #==============================================================================# # base level optimizations OPT_CFLAGS = -O2 DEBUG_CFLAGS = -ggdb #==============================================================================# # # DIRECTORY STRUCTURE # #==============================================================================# # sources abstractions_src = $(cvs_root_dir)/abstractions doc_src = $(cvs_root_dir)/doc extensions_src = $(cvs_root_dir)/extensions externals_src = $(cvs_root_dir)/externals flext_src = $(cvs_root_dir)/externals/grill/flext gem_src = $(cvs_root_dir)/Gem packages_src = $(cvs_root_dir)/packages pd_src = $(cvs_root_dir)/pd scripts_src = $(cvs_root_dir)/scripts # destinations bindir = $(prefix)/bin includedir = $(prefix)/include mandir = $(prefix)/man libdir = $(prefix)/lib ifeq ($(OS_NAME),darwin) libpddir = $(prefix) libpdbindir = $(bindir) else ifeq ($(OS_NAME),windows) libpddir = $(prefix) libpdbindir = $(bindir) else libpddir = $(libdir)/pd-l2ork libpdbindir = $(libpddir)/bin endif endif objectsdir = $(libpddir)/extra pddocdir = $(libpddir)/doc examplesdir = $(pddocdir)/examples helpdir = $(pddocdir)/5.reference manualsdir = $(pddocdir)/manuals readmesdir = $(manualsdir)/READMEs #==============================================================================# # # DIRECTORY STRUCTURE TARGETS # #==============================================================================# # first make sure that the directory structure is setup $(DESTDIR): install -d $(DESTDIR) $(bindir): $(DESTDIR) install -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) $(examplesdir): $(DESTDIR) install -d $(DESTDIR)$(examplesdir) $(includedir): $(DESTDIR) install -d $(DESTDIR)$(includedir) $(pddocdir): $(DESTDIR) install -d $(DESTDIR)$(pddocdir) $(helpdir): $(DESTDIR) install -d $(DESTDIR)$(helpdir) $(manualsdir): $(DESTDIR) install -d $(DESTDIR)$(manualsdir) $(objectsdir): $(DESTDIR) install -d $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir) $(readmesdir): $(manualsdir) install -d $(DESTDIR)$(readmesdir) installdirs: $(DESTDIR) $(bindir) $(examplesdir) $(pddocdir) $(includedir) $(helpdir) $(manualsdir) $(objectsdir) $(readmesdir) #==============================================================================# # # PD VERSION AND PACKAGE NAMING # #==============================================================================# # AG: "Abandon hope all ye who enter here." Past this point lies madness. Most # of Pd's version information is kept in m_pd.h, but some of it needs to be # generated at build time to keep in sync with git sources. Since we don't # want to have files in the repo which get updated with every build, we use a # template m_pd.h.in for m_pd.h instead. The stable version parts (only # updated by editing m_pd.h.in manually) can be read from there. PD_MAJOR_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_MAJOR_VERSION $(pd_src)/src/m_pd.h.in | \ sed 's|^.define *PD_MAJOR_VERSION *\([0-9]*\).*|\1|' ) PD_MINOR_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_MINOR_VERSION $(pd_src)/src/m_pd.h.in | \ sed 's|^.define *PD_MINOR_VERSION *\([0-9]*\).*|\1|' ) PD_BUGFIX_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_BUGFIX_VERSION $(pd_src)/src/m_pd.h.in | \ sed 's|^.define *PD_BUGFIX_VERSION *\([0-9]*\).*|\1|' ) #PD_TEST_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_TEST_VERSION $(pd_src)/src/m_pd.h | \ # sed 's|^.define *PD_TEST_VERSION *"\(.*\)".*|\1|' ) #PD_VERSION = $(PD_MAJOR_VERSION).$(PD_MINOR_VERSION).$(PD_BUGFIX_VERSION) #ifneq ($(PD_TEST_VERSION),) # PD_VERSION := $(PD_VERSION)-$(PD_TEST_VERSION) #endif # AG: Pd-l2ork version number. This becomes part of the PD_VERSION. # It comes from the m_pd.h.in file and will be something like 1.x for # "classic" Pd-l2ork and 2.x for the new nw.js version. PD_L2ORK_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_L2ORK_VERSION $(pd_src)/src/m_pd.h.in | \ sed 's|^.define *PD_L2ORK_VERSION *"\(.*\)".*|\1|' ) # AG: version number based on the actual git revision and date. We use this # both for the PD_TEST_VERSION and for the package name and accompanying # materials (ReadMe files and such). Note that this will only work when # building directly from a clone of the git repo, and of course you'll need to # have git installed. GIT_VERSION := $(shell git log -1 --format=%cd --date=short | sed -e 's/-//g')-rev.$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) # AG: Untangle the hall of mirrors that is PD_TEST_VERSION. m_pd.h won't exist # or will at least be outdated when the build starts, so we can't simply read # it from there. Since we always use the package version (git revision and # date, see GIT_VERSION below), we just set it directly instead. PD_TEST_VERSION := $(GIT_VERSION) # AG: This is being used for the package name and accompanying materials. For # Pd-l2ork the vanilla Pd version numbers are rather meaningless (they are # mainly kept around so that 3rd party externals and abstractions know what # iteration of the vanilla API they have available). Instead, we use a version # number derived from PD_L2ORK_VERSION and PD_TEST_VERSION. PD_VERSION := $(PD_L2ORK_VERSION)-$(PD_TEST_VERSION) VERSION_DATE := $(shell date +%Y%m%d) APPLICATION_NAME = Pd-l2ork PACKAGE_NAME = $(APPLICATION_NAME)-$(PD_VERSION)-`uname -m` #==============================================================================# # # CLEAN TARGETS # #==============================================================================# applications_clean: -rm -f -- $(DESTDIR)$(examplesdir)/*/*/*/*/*.* -rm -f -- $(DESTDIR)$(examplesdir)/*/*/*/*.* -rm -f -- $(DESTDIR)$(examplesdir)/*/*/*.* -rm -f -- $(DESTDIR)$(examplesdir)/*/*.* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(examplesdir)/*/*/*/* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(examplesdir)/*/*/* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(examplesdir)/*/* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(examplesdir)/* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(examplesdir) help_clean: -rm -f -- $(DESTDIR)$(helpdir)/*/*/*.* -rm -f -- $(DESTDIR)$(helpdir)/*/*.* -rm -f -- $(DESTDIR)$(helpdir)/*.* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(helpdir)/*/* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(helpdir)/* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(helpdir) manuals_clean: -rm -f -- $(DESTDIR)$(manualsdir)/*/*/*.* -rm -f -- $(DESTDIR)$(manualsdir)/*/*.* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(manualsdir)/*/* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(manualsdir)/* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(manualsdir) objects_clean: -rm $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/*/*/*.pd -rm $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/*/*.pd -rm $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/*.pd -rm $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/*/*/*.$(EXTENSION) -rm $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/*/*.$(EXTENSION) -rm $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/*.$(EXTENSION) -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/*/* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/* -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir) install_clean: applications_clean help_clean manuals_clean objects_clean -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(pddocdir) -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(prefix) -rmdir $(DESTDIR) @echo " " @echo "Build destination cleaned: $(DESTDIR)" cruft_clean: # emacs litter -rm -f -- */*/*/*/*.*~ -rm -f -- */*/*/*.*~ -rm -f -- */*/*.*~ -rm -f -- */*.*~ -rm -f -- *.*~ -rm -f -- Makefile~ Makefile.buildlayout~ # sed replace litter -rm -f -- */*/*/*/*.bak -rm -f -- */*/*/*.bak -rm -f -- */*/*.bak -rm -f -- */*.bak -rm -f -- *.bak # patching replace litter -rm -f -- */*/*/*/*.rej -rm -f -- */*/*/*.rej -rm -f -- */*/*.rej -rm -f -- */*.rej -rm -f -- *.rej # autoconf cache -rm -rf -- */*/*/*/autom4te.cache -rm -rf -- */*/*/autom4te.cache -rm -rf -- */*/autom4te.cache -rm -rf -- */autom4te.cache -rm -rf -- autom4te.cache