diff --git a/pd/src/g_all_guis.c b/pd/src/g_all_guis.c
index 912b37e8b74b3322863ff2d1b04b6029e8cfbb94..83391e2960a3849d9ed63609af76a179bfacced9 100644
--- a/pd/src/g_all_guis.c
+++ b/pd/src/g_all_guis.c
@@ -406,37 +406,40 @@ void iemgui_label(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui, t_symbol *s)
     int pargc, tail_len, nth_arg;
     t_atom *pargv;
-        /* tb: fix for empty label { */
-        if (s == gensym(""))
-                s = gensym("empty");
-        /* tb } */
+    /* tb: fix for empty label { */
+    if (s == gensym(""))
+        s = gensym("empty");
+    /* tb } */
     lab = iemgui_raute2dollar(s);
     iemgui->x_lab_unexpanded = lab;
     iemgui->x_lab = lab = canvas_realizedollar(iemgui->x_glist, lab);
-    if(glist_isvisible(iemgui->x_glist)) {
+    if(glist_isvisible(iemgui->x_glist))
+    {
         sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxLABEL -text {%s} \n",
-                 glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist), x,
-                 strcmp(s->s_name, "empty")?iemgui->x_lab->s_name:"");
-		iemgui_shouldvis(x, iemgui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_CONFIG);
-	}
+            glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist), x,
+            strcmp(s->s_name, "empty")?iemgui->x_lab->s_name:"");
+        iemgui_shouldvis(x, iemgui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_CONFIG);
+    }
 void iemgui_label_pos(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)
     iemgui->x_ldx = (int)atom_getintarg(0, ac, av);
     iemgui->x_ldy = (int)atom_getintarg(1, ac, av);
-    if(glist_isvisible(iemgui->x_glist)) {
-	    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxLABEL %d %d\n",
-	             glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist), x,
-                 text_xpix((t_object *)x,iemgui->x_glist)+iemgui->x_ldx,
-                 text_ypix((t_object *)x,iemgui->x_glist)+iemgui->x_ldy);
-		iemgui_shouldvis(x, iemgui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_CONFIG);
-	}
+    if(glist_isvisible(iemgui->x_glist))
+    {
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxLABEL %d %d\n",
+            glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist), x,
+            text_xpix((t_object *)x,iemgui->x_glist)+iemgui->x_ldx,
+            text_ypix((t_object *)x,iemgui->x_glist)+iemgui->x_ldy);
+        iemgui_shouldvis(x, iemgui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_CONFIG);
+    }
-void iemgui_label_font(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)
+void iemgui_label_font(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui,
+    t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)
     int f = (int)atom_getintarg(0, ac, av);
@@ -452,12 +455,13 @@ void iemgui_label_font(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *a
     if(f < 4)
         f = 4;
     iemgui->x_fontsize = f;
-    if(glist_isvisible(iemgui->x_glist)) {
+    if(glist_isvisible(iemgui->x_glist))
+    {
         sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxLABEL -font {{%s} -%d %s}\n",
-                 glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist), x, iemgui->x_font, 
-				 iemgui->x_fontsize, sys_fontweight);
-		iemgui_shouldvis(x, iemgui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_CONFIG);
-	}
+            glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist), x, iemgui->x_font, 
+            iemgui->x_fontsize, sys_fontweight);
+            iemgui_shouldvis(x, iemgui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_CONFIG);
+    }
 //Sans: 84 x 10 (14) -> 6 x 10 -> 1.0
@@ -470,148 +474,187 @@ void iemgui_label_font(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *a
 // misinterpreted as part of the "hot" area of a widget (e.g. toggle)
 extern int gop_redraw;
-void iemgui_label_getrect(t_iemgui x_gui, t_glist *x, int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2)
-	//fprintf(stderr,"gop_redraw = %d\n", gop_redraw);
-	if (!gop_redraw) {
-		//fprintf(stderr,"ignoring label\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	t_float width_multiplier;
-	int label_length;	
-	int label_x1;
-	int label_y1;
-	int label_x2;
-	int label_y2;
-	int actual_fontsize; //seems tk does its own thing when it comes to rendering
-	int actual_height;
-	if (x->gl_isgraph && !glist_istoplevel(x)) {
-		//fprintf(stderr,"iemgui_label_getrect\n");
-		if (strcmp(x_gui.x_lab->s_name, "empty")) {
-			switch(x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style) {
-				case 1:
-					width_multiplier = 0.83333;
-					break;
-				case 2:
-					width_multiplier = 0.735;
-					break;
-				default:
-					width_multiplier = 1.0;
-					break;
-			}
-			if (x_gui.x_fontsize % 2 == 0) {
-				actual_fontsize = x_gui.x_fontsize;
-			} else {
-				actual_fontsize = x_gui.x_fontsize;
-			}
-			actual_height = actual_fontsize;
-			//exceptions
-			if (x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style == 0 && (actual_fontsize == 8 || actual_fontsize == 13 || actual_fontsize % 10 == 1 || actual_fontsize % 10 == 6 || (actual_fontsize > 48 && actual_fontsize < 100 && (actual_fontsize %10 == 4 || actual_fontsize %10 == 9))) ) {
-				actual_fontsize += 1;
-			}
-			else if (x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style == 1 && actual_fontsize >= 5 && actual_fontsize < 13 && actual_fontsize % 2 == 1)
-				actual_fontsize += 1;
-			else if (x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style == 2 && actual_fontsize >= 5 && actual_fontsize % 2 == 1)
-				actual_fontsize += 1;
-			if (actual_height == 9)
-				actual_height += 1;
-			//done with exceptions
-			width_multiplier = width_multiplier * (actual_fontsize * 0.6);
-			label_length = strlen(x_gui.x_lab->s_name);
-			label_x1 = *xp1 + x_gui.x_ldx;
-			label_y1 = *yp1 + x_gui.x_ldy - actual_height/2;
-			label_x2 = label_x1 + (label_length * width_multiplier);
-			label_y2 = label_y1 + actual_height*1.1;
-			//DEBUG
-			//fprintf(stderr,"%f %d %d\n", width_multiplier, label_length, x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style);
-			//sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete iemguiDEBUG\n", x);
-			//sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -tags iemguiDEBUG\n", x, label_x1, label_y1, label_x2, label_y2);
-			if (label_x1 < *xp1) *xp1 = label_x1;
-			if (label_x2 > *xp2) *xp2 = label_x2;
-			if (label_y1 < *yp1) *yp1 = label_y1;
-			if (label_y2 > *yp2) *yp2 = label_y2;
-			//DEBUG
-			//sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete iemguiDEBUG\n", x);
-			//sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -tags iemguiDEBUG\n", x, *xp1, *yp1, *xp2, *yp2);
-		}
-	}
+void iemgui_label_getrect(t_iemgui x_gui, t_glist *x,
+    int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2)
+    //fprintf(stderr,"gop_redraw = %d\n", gop_redraw);
+    if (!gop_redraw)
+    {
+        //fprintf(stderr,"ignoring label\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    t_float width_multiplier;
+    int label_length;	
+    int label_x1;
+    int label_y1;
+    int label_x2;
+    int label_y2;
+    int actual_fontsize; //seems tk does its own thing when it comes to rendering
+    int actual_height;
+    if (x->gl_isgraph && !glist_istoplevel(x))
+    {
+        //fprintf(stderr,"iemgui_label_getrect\n");
+        if (strcmp(x_gui.x_lab->s_name, "empty"))
+        {
+            switch(x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style)
+            {
+                case 1:
+                    width_multiplier = 0.83333;
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    width_multiplier = 0.735;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    width_multiplier = 1.0;
+                    break;
+            }
+            if (x_gui.x_fontsize % 2 == 0)
+            {
+                actual_fontsize = x_gui.x_fontsize;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                actual_fontsize = x_gui.x_fontsize;
+            }
+            actual_height = actual_fontsize;
+	    //exceptions
+            if (x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style == 0 &&
+                (actual_fontsize == 8 || actual_fontsize == 13 ||
+                actual_fontsize % 10 == 1 || actual_fontsize % 10 == 6 ||
+                    (actual_fontsize > 48 && actual_fontsize < 100 &&
+                    (actual_fontsize %10 == 4 || actual_fontsize %10 == 9))))
+            {
+                actual_fontsize += 1;
+            }
+            else if (x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style == 1 && actual_fontsize >= 5 &&
+                actual_fontsize < 13 && actual_fontsize % 2 == 1)
+                actual_fontsize += 1;
+            else if (x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style == 2 && actual_fontsize >= 5 &&
+                actual_fontsize % 2 == 1)
+                actual_fontsize += 1;
+            if (actual_height == 9)
+                actual_height += 1;
+            //done with exceptions
+            width_multiplier = width_multiplier * (actual_fontsize * 0.6);
+            label_length = strlen(x_gui.x_lab->s_name);
+            label_x1 = *xp1 + x_gui.x_ldx;
+            label_y1 = *yp1 + x_gui.x_ldy - actual_height/2;
+            label_x2 = label_x1 + (label_length * width_multiplier);
+            label_y2 = label_y1 + actual_height*1.1;
+            //DEBUG
+            //fprintf(stderr,"%f %d %d\n", width_multiplier,
+            //    label_length, x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style);
+            //sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete iemguiDEBUG\n", x);
+            //sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d "
+            //    "-tags iemguiDEBUG\n",
+            //    x, label_x1, label_y1, label_x2, label_y2);
+            if (label_x1 < *xp1) *xp1 = label_x1;
+            if (label_x2 > *xp2) *xp2 = label_x2;
+            if (label_y1 < *yp1) *yp1 = label_y1;
+            if (label_y2 > *yp2) *yp2 = label_y2;
+            //DEBUG
+            //sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete iemguiDEBUG\n", x);
+            //sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d "
+            //    "-tags iemguiDEBUG\n", x, *xp1, *yp1, *xp2, *yp2);
+        }
+    }
 void iemgui_shouldvis(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui, int mode)
-	gop_redraw = 1;
-	if(gobj_shouldvis(x, iemgui->x_glist)) {
-		if (!iemgui->x_vis) {
-			//fprintf(stderr,"draw new %d\n", mode);
-    		(*iemgui->x_draw)(x, iemgui->x_glist, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_NEW);
-    		canvas_fixlinesfor(glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist), (t_text*)x);
-			iemgui->x_vis = 1;
-			if (iemgui->x_glist != glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist)) {
-				// if we are inside gop and just have had our object's properties changed
-				// we'll adjust our layer position to ensure that ordering is honored
-				t_canvas *canvas = glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist);
-				t_gobj *y = (t_gobj *)iemgui->x_glist;
-				gobj_vis(y, canvas, 0);
-				gobj_vis(y, canvas, 1);
-				// reorder it visually
-				glist_redraw(canvas);
-				/* some day when the object tagging is properly done for all GUI objects
-				glist_noselect(canvas);
-				glist_select(canvas, y);
-				t_gobj *yy = canvas->gl_list;
-				if (yy != y) {
-					fprintf(stderr,"not bottom\n");
-					while (yy && yy->g_next != y) {
-						fprintf(stderr,"+\n");
-						yy = yy->g_next;
-					}
-					// now we have yy which is right before our y graph
-					t_object *ob = NULL;
-					t_rtext *yr = NULL;
-					if (yy) {
-						yr = glist_findrtext(canvas, (t_text *)yy);
-					}
-					if (yr) {
-						fprintf(stderr,"lower\n");
-						sys_vgui(".x%lx.c lower selected %s\n", canvas, rtext_gettag(yr));
-						sys_vgui(".x%lx.c raise selected %s\n", canvas, rtext_gettag(yr));
-						//sys_vgui(".x%lx.c raise all_cords\n", canvas);
-					} else {
-						// fall back to legacy redraw for objects that are not patchable
-						fprintf(stderr,"lower fallback redraw\n");
-						canvas_redraw(canvas);
-					}
-				} else {
-					// we get here if we are supposed to go all the way to the bottom
-					fprintf(stderr,"lower to the bottom\n");
-					sys_vgui(".x%lx.c lower selected\n", canvas);
-				}
-				glist_noselect(canvas);*/
-			}
-		}
-		//fprintf(stderr,"draw move iemgui->x_w=%d\n", iemgui->x_w);
-	    (*iemgui->x_draw)(x, iemgui->x_glist, mode);
-	    canvas_fixlinesfor(glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist), (t_text*)x);
-	} else if (iemgui->x_vis) {
-		//fprintf(stderr,"draw erase %d\n", mode);
-		(*iemgui->x_draw)(x, iemgui->x_glist, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_ERASE);
-		iemgui->x_vis = 0;
-	}
-	gop_redraw = 0;
+    gop_redraw = 1;
+    if(gobj_shouldvis(x, iemgui->x_glist))
+    {
+        if (!iemgui->x_vis)
+        {
+            //fprintf(stderr,"draw new %d\n", mode);
+            (*iemgui->x_draw)(x, iemgui->x_glist, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_NEW);
+            canvas_fixlinesfor(glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist), (t_text*)x);
+            iemgui->x_vis = 1;
+            if (iemgui->x_glist != glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist))
+            {
+                /* if we are inside gop and just have had our object's
+                   properties changed we'll adjust our layer position
+                   to ensure that ordering is honored */
+                t_canvas *canvas = glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist);
+                t_gobj *y = (t_gobj *)iemgui->x_glist;
+                gobj_vis(y, canvas, 0);
+                gobj_vis(y, canvas, 1);
+                // reorder it visually
+                glist_redraw(canvas);
+                /*
+                    // some day when the object tagging is
+                    // properly done for all GUI objects
+                glist_noselect(canvas);
+                glist_select(canvas, y);
+                t_gobj *yy = canvas->gl_list;
+                if (yy != y)
+                {
+                    fprintf(stderr,"not bottom\n");
+                    while (yy && yy->g_next != y)
+                    {
+                        fprintf(stderr,"+\n");
+                        yy = yy->g_next;
+                    }
+                    // now we have yy which is right before our y graph
+                    t_object *ob = NULL;
+                    t_rtext *yr = NULL;
+                    if (yy)
+                    {
+                        yr = glist_findrtext(canvas, (t_text *)yy);
+                    }
+                    if (yr)
+                    {
+                        fprintf(stderr,"lower\n");
+                        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c lower selected %s\n",
+                            canvas, rtext_gettag(yr));
+                        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c raise selected %s\n",
+                            canvas, rtext_gettag(yr));
+                        //sys_vgui(".x%lx.c raise all_cords\n", canvas);
+		    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        // fall back to legacy redraw for objects
+                        //   that are not patchable
+                        fprintf(stderr,"lower fallback redraw\n");
+                        canvas_redraw(canvas);
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // we get here if we are supposed to go
+                    //   all the way to the bottom
+                    fprintf(stderr,"lower to the bottom\n");
+                    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c lower selected\n", canvas);
+                }
+                glist_noselect(canvas);
+                */
+            }
+        }
+        //fprintf(stderr,"draw move iemgui->x_w=%d\n", iemgui->x_w);
+        (*iemgui->x_draw)(x, iemgui->x_glist, mode);
+        canvas_fixlinesfor(glist_getcanvas(iemgui->x_glist), (t_text*)x);
+    }
+    else if (iemgui->x_vis)
+    {
+        //fprintf(stderr,"draw erase %d\n", mode);
+        (*iemgui->x_draw)(x, iemgui->x_glist, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_ERASE);
+        iemgui->x_vis = 0;
+    }
+    gop_redraw = 0;
 void iemgui_size(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui)
-    {
-		iemgui_shouldvis(x, iemgui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_MOVE);		
-    }
+        iemgui_shouldvis(x, iemgui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_MOVE);		
 void iemgui_delta(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)
@@ -620,7 +663,7 @@ void iemgui_delta(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)
     iemgui->x_obj.te_ypix += (int)atom_getintarg(1, ac, av);
-		//fprintf(stderr,"iemgui_delta->shouldvis\n");
+        //fprintf(stderr,"iemgui_delta->shouldvis\n");
         iemgui_shouldvis(x, iemgui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_MOVE);
@@ -630,7 +673,7 @@ void iemgui_pos(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)
     iemgui->x_obj.te_xpix = (int)atom_getintarg(0, ac, av);
     iemgui->x_obj.te_ypix = (int)atom_getintarg(1, ac, av);
-		iemgui_shouldvis(x, iemgui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_MOVE);
+        iemgui_shouldvis(x, iemgui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_MOVE);
 void iemgui_color(void *x, t_iemgui *iemgui, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)
@@ -681,18 +724,20 @@ void iemgui_delete(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist)
 void iemgui_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int vis)
     t_iemguidummy *x = (t_iemguidummy *)z;
-	if (gobj_shouldvis(z, glist)) {
-		if (vis) {
-		    (*x->x_gui.x_draw)((void *)z, glist, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_NEW);
-			x->x_gui.x_vis = 1;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    (*x->x_gui.x_draw)((void *)z, glist, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_ERASE);
-		    sys_unqueuegui(z);
-			x->x_gui.x_vis = 0;
-		}
-	}
+    if (gobj_shouldvis(z, glist))
+    {
+        if (vis)
+        {
+            (*x->x_gui.x_draw)((void *)z, glist, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_NEW);
+            x->x_gui.x_vis = 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            (*x->x_gui.x_draw)((void *)z, glist, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_ERASE);
+            sys_unqueuegui(z);
+            x->x_gui.x_vis = 0;
+        }
+    }
 void iemgui_save(t_iemgui *iemgui, t_symbol **srl, int *bflcol)
@@ -837,16 +882,17 @@ int iem_fstyletoint(t_iem_fstyle_flags *fstylep)
 char *iem_get_tag(t_canvas *glist, t_iemgui *iem_obj)
-	t_gobj *y = (t_gobj *)iem_obj;
-	t_object *ob = pd_checkobject(&y->g_pd);
+    t_gobj *y = (t_gobj *)iem_obj;
+    t_object *ob = pd_checkobject(&y->g_pd);
-	/* GOP objects are unable to call findrtext triggering consistency check error */
-	t_rtext *yyyy = NULL;
-	if (!glist->gl_isgraph || glist_istoplevel(glist))
-		yyyy = glist_findrtext(glist_getcanvas(glist), (t_text *)&ob->ob_g);
+    /* GOP objects are unable to call findrtext
+       triggering consistency check error */
+    t_rtext *yyyy = NULL;
+    if (!glist->gl_isgraph || glist_istoplevel(glist))
+        yyyy = glist_findrtext(glist_getcanvas(glist), (t_text *)&ob->ob_g);
-	/* on GOP we cause segfault as text_gettag() returns bogus data */
-	if (yyyy) return(rtext_gettag(yyyy));
-	else return("bogus");
+    /* on GOP we cause segfault as text_gettag() returns bogus data */
+    if (yyyy) return(rtext_gettag(yyyy));
+    else return("bogus");
diff --git a/pd/src/g_array.c b/pd/src/g_array.c
index 4aeadbc33815960fe4be74e40fa005f7f61d35c6..23f4c89fe176660a4e53fa80d2c40aac1f1556c8 100644
--- a/pd/src/g_array.c
+++ b/pd/src/g_array.c
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ void garray_arrayviewlist_close(t_garray *x);
 void array_resize(t_array *x, int n)
-	//fprintf(stderr,"array_resize\n");
+    //fprintf(stderr,"array_resize\n");
     int elemsize, oldn;
     t_gpointer *gp;
     t_template *template = template_findbyname(x->a_templatesym);
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void array_resize(t_array *x, int n)
 static void array_resize_and_redraw(t_array *array, t_glist *glist, int n)
-	//fprintf(stderr,"array_resize_and_redraw\n");
+    //fprintf(stderr,"array_resize_and_redraw\n");
     t_array *a2 = array;
     int vis = glist_isvisible(glist);
     while (a2->a_gp.gp_stub->gs_which == GP_ARRAY)
@@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ static t_garray *graph_scalar(t_glist *gl, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *templatesym,
         outline, 1);
     glist_add(gl, &x->x_gobj);
     x->x_glist = gl;
-	char buf[MAXPDSTRING];
-	sprintf(buf, "%s_changed", x->x_realname->s_name);
-	x->x_send = gensym(buf);
+    char buf[MAXPDSTRING];
+    sprintf(buf, "%s_changed", x->x_realname->s_name);
+    x->x_send = gensym(buf);
     return (x);
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ int garray_joc(t_garray *x)
             to fit a new size and style for the garray */
 void garray_fittograph(t_garray *x, int n)
-	//fprintf(stderr,"garray_fittoraph %d\n", n);
+    //fprintf(stderr,"garray_fittoraph %d\n", n);
     t_array *array = garray_getarray(x);
     t_glist *gl = x->x_glist;
     if (gl->gl_list == &x->x_gobj && !x->x_gobj.g_next)
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ t_garray *graph_array(t_glist *gl, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
     int flags = fflags;
     t_gpointer gp;
     int filestyle = ((flags & 6) >> 1);
-	//fprintf(stderr,"filestyle = %d\n", filestyle);
+    //fprintf(stderr,"filestyle = %d\n", filestyle);
     int style = (filestyle == 0 ? PLOTSTYLE_POINTS :
         (filestyle == 1 ? PLOTSTYLE_POLY : filestyle));
     if (templateargsym != &s_float)
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ void canvas_menuarray(t_glist *canvas)
     if (canvas_hasarray(canvas)) return;
     t_glist *x = (t_glist *)canvas;
-	pd_vmess(&x->gl_pd, gensym("editmode"), "i", 1);
+    pd_vmess(&x->gl_pd, gensym("editmode"), "i", 1);
     char cmdbuf[200];
     sprintf(cmdbuf, "pdtk_array_dialog %%s array%d 100 3 1 .x%lx black black\n",
         ++gcount, (long unsigned int)canvas);
@@ -448,9 +448,11 @@ void glist_arraydialog(t_glist *parent, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
     int flags = fflags;
     if (size < 1)
         size = 1;
-    if (otherflag == 0 || (!(gl = glist_findgraph(parent)))) {
+    if (otherflag == 0 || (!(gl = glist_findgraph(parent))))
+    {
         gl = glist_addglist(parent, &s_, 0, 1,
-            (size > 1 ? size-1 : size), -1, xdraw+30, ydraw+30, xdraw+30+GLIST_DEFGRAPHWIDTH, ydraw+30+GLIST_DEFGRAPHHEIGHT);
+            (size > 1 ? size-1 : size), -1, xdraw+30, ydraw+30,
+            xdraw+30+GLIST_DEFGRAPHWIDTH, ydraw+30+GLIST_DEFGRAPHHEIGHT);
         gl->gl_hidetext = 1;
     //a = graph_array(gl, sharptodollar(name), &s_float, size, flags);
@@ -470,9 +472,10 @@ void glist_arraydialog(t_glist *parent, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
     a = graph_array(gl, gensym("array"), 8, at);
     canvas_dirty(parent, 1);
-	//canvas_redraw(glist_getcanvas(parent));
-	garray_fittograph(a, (int)size);
-	sys_vgui("pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x%lx.c\n", (long unsigned int)glist_getcanvas(parent));
+    //canvas_redraw(glist_getcanvas(parent));
+    garray_fittograph(a, (int)size);
+    sys_vgui("pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x%lx.c\n",
+        (long unsigned int)glist_getcanvas(parent));
 extern void canvas_apply_setundo(t_canvas *x, t_gobj *y);
@@ -485,14 +488,14 @@ void garray_arraydialog(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
     int deleteit = atom_getfloatarg(3, argc, argv);
     if (deleteit != 0)
-	//fprintf(stderr,"deleteit\n");
-	//glist_select(x->x_glist, &x->x_gobj);
-	//canvas_undo_add(x->x_glist, 3, "delete", canvas_undo_set_cut(x->x_glist, 2)); // 2 = UCUT_CLEAR (from g_editor.c)
-	//currently cannot be undo'd until we do a new kind of undo
-	int dspwas = canvas_suspend_dsp();
+        //fprintf(stderr,"deleteit\n");
+        //glist_select(x->x_glist, &x->x_gobj);
+        //canvas_undo_add(x->x_glist, 3, "delete", canvas_undo_set_cut(x->x_glist, 2)); // 2 = UCUT_CLEAR (from g_editor.c)
+//currently cannot be undo'd until we do a new kind of undo
+        int dspwas = canvas_suspend_dsp();
         glist_delete(x->x_glist, &x->x_gobj);
-	canvas_resume_dsp(dspwas);
-	canvas_redraw(glist_getcanvas(x->x_glist));
+        canvas_resume_dsp(dspwas);
+        canvas_redraw(glist_getcanvas(x->x_glist));
@@ -508,16 +511,20 @@ void garray_arraydialog(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
         int flags = atom_getfloatarg(2, argc, argv);
         t_symbol *fill = atom_getsymbolarg(6, argc, argv);
         t_symbol *outline = atom_getsymbolarg(7, argc, argv);
-	int saveit = ((flags & 1) != 0);
-	int style = ((flags & 6) >> 1);
+        int saveit = ((flags & 1) != 0);
+        int style = ((flags & 6) >> 1);
         /* todo: revisit this filestyle business
         if (style < 2) style = !style;
         int hidename = ((flags & 8) >> 3);
         int joc = ((flags & 16) >> 4);
-	/*t_float stylewas = template_getfloat(
-	    template_findbyname(x->x_scalar->sc_template),
-	    gensym("style"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec, 1);*/
+        /*t_float stylewas = template_getfloat(
+        template_findbyname(x->x_scalar->sc_template),
+        gensym("style"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec, 1);*/
         int size;
         int styleonset, styletype;
         t_symbol *stylearraytype;
@@ -549,32 +556,34 @@ void garray_arraydialog(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
             pd_bind(&x->x_gobj.g_pd, x->x_realname);
             /* redraw the whole glist, just so the name change shows up */
-        if (x->x_glist->gl_havewindow) {
+        if (x->x_glist->gl_havewindow)
+        {
-			//fprintf(stderr,"================REDRAW\n");
-		}
+            //fprintf(stderr,"================REDRAW\n");
+        }
         size = fsize;
         if (size < 1)
             size = 1;
         if (size != a->a_n)
             garray_resize(x, size);
-        if (style != x->x_style) {
-	    x->x_style = style;
+        if (style != x->x_style)
+        {
+            x->x_style = style;
             garray_fittograph(x, size);
-	}
-	//fprintf(stderr,"style=%d %f\n", style, (t_float)x->x_style);
+        }
+        //fprintf(stderr,"style=%d %f\n", style, (t_float)x->x_style);
         template_setfloat(scalartemplate, gensym("style"),
             x->x_scalar->sc_vec, (t_float)x->x_style, 0);
-    	template_setfloat(scalartemplate, gensym("linewidth"),
-	    x->x_scalar->sc_vec, ((x->x_style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS) ? 2 : 1), 1);
+        template_setfloat(scalartemplate, gensym("linewidth"),
+            x->x_scalar->sc_vec, ((x->x_style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS) ? 2 : 1), 1);
         template_setsymbol(scalartemplate, gensym("fillcolor"),
             x->x_scalar->sc_vec, fill, 0);
         template_setsymbol(scalartemplate, gensym("outlinecolor"),
             x->x_scalar->sc_vec, outline, 0);
-	char buf[MAXPDSTRING];
-	sprintf(buf, "%s_changed", x->x_realname->s_name);
-	x->x_send = gensym(buf);
+        char buf[MAXPDSTRING];
+        sprintf(buf, "%s_changed", x->x_realname->s_name);
+        x->x_send = gensym(buf);
         garray_setsaveit(x, (saveit != 0));
         x->x_joc = joc;
@@ -582,7 +591,7 @@ void garray_arraydialog(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
         x->x_fillcolor = fill;
         x->x_outlinecolor = outline;
         x->x_style = style;
-	//fprintf(stderr,"GARRAY_REDRAW\n");
+        //fprintf(stderr,"GARRAY_REDRAW\n");
         canvas_dirty(x->x_glist, 1);
@@ -624,7 +633,7 @@ void garray_arrayviewlist_fillpage(t_garray *x,
                                    t_float page,
                                    t_float fTopItem)
-	//fprintf(stderr,"garray_fillpage\n");
+    //fprintf(stderr,"garray_fillpage\n");
     int i, xonset=0, yonset=0, type=0, elemsize=0, topItem;
     t_float yval;
     char cmdbuf[200];
@@ -638,13 +647,15 @@ void garray_arrayviewlist_fillpage(t_garray *x,
         error("error in garray_arrayviewlist_new()");
-    if (page < 0) {
+    if (page < 0)
+    {
       page = 0;
       sys_vgui("pdtk_array_listview_setpage %s %d\n",
-    else if ((page * ARRAYPAGESIZE) >= a->a_n) {
+    else if ((page * ARRAYPAGESIZE) >= a->a_n)
+    {
       page = (int)(((int)a->a_n - 1)/ (int)ARRAYPAGESIZE);
       sys_vgui("pdtk_array_listview_setpage %s %d\n",
@@ -762,16 +773,17 @@ static int array_motion_fatten;
     /* LATER protect against the template changing or the scalar disappearing
     probably by attaching a gpointer here ... */
-// this is called when a mouse drag happens inside an array (either scalar or the whole array--this needs to be tested)
+    /* this is called when a mouse drag happens inside an array (either
+       scalar or the whole array--this needs to be tested) */
 static void array_motion(void *z, t_floatarg dx, t_floatarg dy)
     array_motion_xcumulative += dx * array_motion_xperpix;
     array_motion_ycumulative += dy * array_motion_yperpix;
     //fprintf(stderr,"array_motion %f %f %f %f\n", array_motion_xcumulative, array_motion_ycumulative, dx, dy);
-	// used to set up boundaries and update sends accordingly
-	t_glist *graph = NULL;
-	if (array_garray != NULL) graph = array_garray->x_glist;
+    // used to set up boundaries and update sends accordingly
+    t_glist *graph = NULL;
+    if (array_garray != NULL) graph = array_garray->x_glist;
     if (array_motion_xfield)
@@ -821,18 +833,21 @@ static void array_motion(void *z, t_floatarg dx, t_floatarg dy)
                     (t_word *)(((char *)array_motion_wp) +
                         array_motion_elemsize * array_motion_lastx),
-		// here we block scalar from exceeding the array GOP edges
-		if (graph) {
-			if (graph->gl_y1 > graph->gl_y2) {
-				if (newy > graph->gl_y1) newy = graph->gl_y1;
-				if (newy < graph->gl_y2) newy = graph->gl_y2;
-			}
-			else {
-				if (newy < graph->gl_y1) newy = graph->gl_y1;
-				if (newy > graph->gl_y2) newy = graph->gl_y2;
-			}
-		}
-		//fprintf(stderr, "y = %f\n", newy);
+        // here we block scalar from exceeding the array GOP edges
+        if (graph)
+        {
+            if (graph->gl_y1 > graph->gl_y2)
+            {
+                if (newy > graph->gl_y1) newy = graph->gl_y1;
+                if (newy < graph->gl_y2) newy = graph->gl_y2;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (newy < graph->gl_y1) newy = graph->gl_y1;
+                if (newy > graph->gl_y2) newy = graph->gl_y2;
+            }
+        }
+        //fprintf(stderr, "y = %f\n", newy);
         t_float ydiff = newy - oldy;
         if (thisx < 0) thisx = 0;
         else if (thisx >= array_motion_npoints)
@@ -851,15 +866,17 @@ static void array_motion(void *z, t_floatarg dx, t_floatarg dy)
          array_motion_lastx = thisx;
-	//fprintf(stderr, "%f %f\n", graph->gl_y1, graph->gl_y2);
+    //fprintf(stderr, "%f %f\n", graph->gl_y1, graph->gl_y2);
     if (array_motion_scalar)
         scalar_redraw(array_motion_scalar, array_motion_glist);
     if (array_motion_array)
         array_redraw(array_motion_array, array_motion_glist);
-	/* send a bang to the associated send to reflect the change via mouse click/drag */
-	if (graph && array_garray->x_send->s_thing) pd_bang(array_garray->x_send->s_thing);
+    /* send a bang to the associated send to reflect the change
+       via mouse click/drag */
+    if (graph && array_garray->x_send->s_thing)
+        pd_bang(array_garray->x_send->s_thing);
 int scalar_doclick(t_word *data, t_template *template, t_scalar *sc,
@@ -875,7 +892,7 @@ static int array_doclick_element(t_array *array, t_glist *glist,
     t_fielddesc *xfield, t_fielddesc *yfield, t_fielddesc *wfield,
     int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit)
-	//fprintf(stderr,"array_doclick_element linewidth%f xloc%f xinc%f yloc%f xpix%d ypix%d doit%d\n", linewidth, xloc, xinc, yloc, xpix, ypix, doit);
+    //fprintf(stderr,"array_doclick_element linewidth%f xloc%f xinc%f yloc%f xpix%d ypix%d doit%d\n", linewidth, xloc, xinc, yloc, xpix, ypix, doit);
     t_canvas *elemtemplatecanvas;
     t_template *elemtemplate;
     int elemsize, yonset, wonset, xonset, i, incr, hit;
@@ -937,16 +954,16 @@ int array_doclick(t_array *array, t_glist *glist, t_scalar *sc, t_array *ap,
             array_getcoordinate(glist, (char *)(array->a_vec) + i * elemsize,
                 xonset, yonset, wonset, i, xloc, yloc, xinc,
                 xfield, yfield, wfield, &pxpix1, &pxpix2, &pypix, &pwpix);
-			//fprintf(stderr,"	array_getcoordinate %d: pxpix1:%f pxpix2:%f pypix:%f pwpix:%f dx:%f dy:%f elemsize:%d yonset:%d wonset:%d xonset:%d xloc:%f yloc:%f xinc:%f\n", i, pxpix1, pxpix2, pypix, pwpix, dx, dy, elemsize, yonset, wonset, xonset, xloc, yloc, xinc);
+            //fprintf(stderr,"    array_getcoordinate %d: pxpix1:%f pxpix2:%f pypix:%f pwpix:%f dx:%f dy:%f elemsize:%d yonset:%d wonset:%d xonset:%d xloc:%f yloc:%f xinc:%f\n", i, pxpix1, pxpix2, pypix, pwpix, dx, dy, elemsize, yonset, wonset, xonset, xloc, yloc, xinc);
             if (pwpix < 4)
                 pwpix = 4;
-			if (xpix >= (int)pxpix1 && xpix <= (int)pxpix2 &&
-                            ((array_joc) ||
-                                (ypix >= pypix-pwpix && ypix <= pypix+pwpix)))
-                        {
-                            best = i;
-                            break;
-			}
+            if (xpix >= (int)pxpix1 && xpix <= (int)pxpix2 &&
+                ((array_joc) ||
+                 (ypix >= pypix-pwpix && ypix <= pypix+pwpix)))
+            {
+                best = i;
+                break;
+            }
             if (pwpix < 4)
                 pwpix = 4;
@@ -969,23 +986,25 @@ int array_doclick(t_array *array, t_glist *glist, t_scalar *sc, t_array *ap,
                 if (dx + dy < best)
                     best = dx + dy;
-			//fprintf(stderr,"	1st %f %f %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d\n", pxpix, pypix, pwpix, dx, dy, elemsize, yonset, wonset, xonset, i);*/
+            //fprintf(stderr,"    1st %f %f %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d\n", pxpix, pypix, pwpix, dx, dy, elemsize, yonset, wonset, xonset, i);*/
-		//fprintf(stderr,"	best = %f\n", best);
+        //fprintf(stderr,"    best = %f\n", best);
         if (best == -1 && (array_joc == 0)) //this is the arbitrary radius away from the actual object's center, originally 8
-			//fprintf(stderr,"	best > 8\n");
-            if (scalarvis != 0) {
-				//fprintf(stderr,"		array_doclick_element\n");
+            //fprintf(stderr,"    best > 8\n");
+            if (scalarvis != 0)
+            {
+                //fprintf(stderr,"    array_doclick_element\n");
                 return (array_doclick_element(array, glist, sc, ap,
                     elemtemplatesym, linewidth, xloc, xinc, yloc,
                         xfield, yfield, wfield,
                         xpix, ypix, shift, alt, dbl, doit));
-			}
-            else {
-				//fprintf(stderr,"		return 0\n");
-				return (0);
-			}
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                //fprintf(stderr,"    return 0\n");
+                return (0);
+            }
         //best += 0.001;  /* add truncation error margin */
         //for (i = 0; i < array->a_n; i += incr)
@@ -1007,10 +1026,10 @@ int array_doclick(t_array *array, t_glist *glist, t_scalar *sc, t_array *ap,
                     dy = 100;
             else dy2 = dy3 = 100;
-			//fprintf(stderr,"	2nd %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d\n", pxpix, pypix, pwpix, dx, dy, dy2, dy3, elemsize, yonset, wonset, xonset, i);
+            //fprintf(stderr,"    2nd %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d\n", pxpix, pypix, pwpix, dx, dy, dy2, dy3, elemsize, yonset, wonset, xonset, i);
             //if (dx + dy <= best || dx + dy2 <= best || dx + dy3 <= best)
-				//fprintf(stderr, "dy=%f dy2=%f dy3=%f\n", dy, dy2, dy3);
+            //fprintf(stderr, "dy=%f dy2=%f dy3=%f\n", dy, dy2, dy3);
 /* from array-rev */
@@ -1021,22 +1040,23 @@ int array_doclick(t_array *array, t_glist *glist, t_scalar *sc, t_array *ap,
                 hit = dx + dy <= best || dx + dy2 <= best || dx + dy3 <= best;
 /* end array-rev */
-                if (dy < dy2 && dy < dy3) {
+                if (dy < dy2 && dy < dy3)
+                {
                     array_motion_fatten = 0;
-					//fprintf(stderr,"A\n");
-				}
-                else if (dy2 < dy3) {
+                    //fprintf(stderr,"A\n");
+                }
+                else if (dy2 < dy3)
+                {
                     array_motion_fatten = -1;
-					//fprintf(stderr,"B\n");
-				}
-                else if (!array_joc) {
-					array_motion_fatten = 1;
-					//fprintf(stderr,"C\n");
-				}
+                    //fprintf(stderr,"B\n");
+                }
+                else if (!array_joc)
+                {
+                    array_motion_fatten = 1;
+                    //fprintf(stderr,"C\n");
+                }
                 if (doit || (glob_lmclick && array_joc))
                     char *elem = (char *)array->a_vec;
@@ -1055,22 +1075,22 @@ int array_doclick(t_array *array, t_glist *glist, t_scalar *sc, t_array *ap,
                             (char *)(array->a_vec) + elemsize * (i+1),
                                 (array->a_n - 1 - i) * elemsize);
                         //array_resize_and_redraw(array, glist, array->a_n - 1);
-						garray_resize(array_garray, array->a_n - 1);
-						canvas_setcursor(glist_getcanvas(glist), 0);
+                        garray_resize(array_garray, array->a_n - 1);
+                        canvas_setcursor(glist_getcanvas(glist), 0);
                         return (0);
                     else if (shift)
                         /* add a point (after the clicked-on one) */
-						//fprintf(stderr,"add a point\n");
+                        //fprintf(stderr,"add a point\n");
                         //array_resize_and_redraw(array, glist, array->a_n + 1);
                         elem = (char *)array->a_vec;
                         memmove(elem + elemsize * (i+1), 
                             elem + elemsize * i,
                                 (array->a_n - i - 1) * elemsize);
-						garray_resize(array_garray, array->a_n + 1);
-						canvas_setcursor(glist_getcanvas(glist), 0);
+                        garray_resize(array_garray, array->a_n + 1);
+                        canvas_setcursor(glist_getcanvas(glist), 0);
                     if (xonset >= 0)
@@ -1146,9 +1166,10 @@ int array_doclick(t_array *array, t_glist *glist, t_scalar *sc, t_array *ap,
                     return (CURSOR_EDITMODE_DISCONNECT);
-                else if (shift) {
-				}
+                else if (shift)
+                {
+                    return (CURSOR_RUNMODE_ADDPOINT);
+                }
                 else return (array_motion_fatten ?
@@ -1194,7 +1215,7 @@ static void array_getrect(t_array *array, t_glist *glist,
                 y2 = pypix + pwpix;
-	//fprintf(stderr,"array_getrect %f %f %f %f\n", x1, y1, x2, y2);
+    //fprintf(stderr,"array_getrect %f %f %f %f\n", x1, y1, x2, y2);
     *xp1 = x1;
     *yp1 = y1;
     *xp2 = x2;
@@ -1218,8 +1239,9 @@ static void garray_displace(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int dx, int dy)
 static void garray_select(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int state)
-    t_garray *x = (t_garray *)z;	
-	sys_vgui("pdtk_select_all_gop_widgets .x%lx %lx %d\n", glist_getcanvas(glist), x->x_glist, state);
+    t_garray *x = (t_garray *)z;
+    sys_vgui("pdtk_select_all_gop_widgets .x%lx %lx %d\n",
+        glist_getcanvas(glist), x->x_glist, state);
     /* fill in later */
@@ -1234,19 +1256,19 @@ static void garray_delete(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist)
 static void garray_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int vis)
-	//fprintf(stderr,"garray_vis %d\n", vis);
+    //fprintf(stderr,"garray_vis %d\n", vis);
     t_garray *x = (t_garray *)z;
-	gobj_vis(&x->x_scalar->sc_gobj, glist, vis);
-	//if (((t_glist *)z)->gl_isgraph)
-	//	fprintf(stderr,"garray_vis am_graph\n");
+    gobj_vis(&x->x_scalar->sc_gobj, glist, vis);
+    //if (((t_glist *)z)->gl_isgraph)
+    //    fprintf(stderr,"garray_vis am_graph\n");
 static int garray_click(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist,
     int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit)
-	//fprintf(stderr,"garray_click\n");
+    //fprintf(stderr,"garray_click\n");
     t_garray *x = (t_garray *)z;
-	array_garray = x;
+    array_garray = x;
     return (gobj_click(&x->x_scalar->sc_gobj, glist,
         xpix, ypix, shift, alt, dbl, doit));
@@ -1309,7 +1331,7 @@ t_widgetbehavior garray_widgetbehavior =
+    NULL,
 /* ----------------------- public functions -------------------- */
@@ -1321,37 +1343,41 @@ void garray_usedindsp(t_garray *x)
 static void garray_doredraw(t_gobj *client, t_glist *glist)
-	//fprintf(stderr,"garray_doredraw\n");
+    //fprintf(stderr,"garray_doredraw\n");
     t_garray *x = (t_garray *)client;
     if (glist_isvisible(x->x_glist))
         garray_vis(&x->x_gobj, x->x_glist, 0); 
         garray_vis(&x->x_gobj, x->x_glist, 1);
-		/* we do this to reposition objects back where they belong */
-	if (!glist_istoplevel(glist)) {
-		canvas_restore_original_position(glist_getcanvas(glist), (t_gobj *)glist, 0, -1);
-	}
-	if (glist_isselected(glist_getcanvas(glist), (t_gobj *)glist)) {
-		//fprintf(stderr,"garray_doredraw isselected\n");
-		sys_vgui("pdtk_select_all_gop_widgets .x%lx %lx %d\n", glist_getcanvas(glist), glist, 1);
-	}
+    /* we do this to reposition objects back where they belong */
+    if (!glist_istoplevel(glist))
+    {
+        canvas_restore_original_position(glist_getcanvas(glist),
+            (t_gobj *)glist, 0, -1);
+    }
+    if (glist_isselected(glist_getcanvas(glist), (t_gobj *)glist))
+    {
+        //fprintf(stderr,"garray_doredraw isselected\n");
+        sys_vgui("pdtk_select_all_gop_widgets .x%lx %lx %d\n",
+            glist_getcanvas(glist), glist, 1);
+    }
 void garray_redraw(t_garray *x)
-	//fprintf(stderr,"garray_redraw\n");
+    //fprintf(stderr,"garray_redraw\n");
     if (glist_isvisible(x->x_glist))
         sys_queuegui(&x->x_gobj, x->x_glist, garray_doredraw);
-		//garray_doredraw(&x->x_gobj, x->x_glist);
+    //garray_doredraw(&x->x_gobj, x->x_glist);
     /* jsarlo { */
     /* this happens in garray_vis() when array is visible for
        performance reasons */
-	  //fprintf(stderr,"garray_redraw_listviewing\n");
-      if (x->x_listviewing)
-        sys_vgui("pdtk_array_listview_fillpage %s\n",
+        //fprintf(stderr,"garray_redraw_listviewing\n");
+        if (x->x_listviewing)
+            sys_vgui("pdtk_array_listview_fillpage %s\n",
     /* } jsarlo */
@@ -1632,17 +1658,17 @@ static void garray_rename(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s)
     /* } jsarlo */
     pd_unbind(&x->x_gobj.g_pd, x->x_realname);
-	x->x_name = s;
-	x->x_realname = canvas_realizedollar(x->x_glist, x->x_name);
+    x->x_name = s;
+    x->x_realname = canvas_realizedollar(x->x_glist, x->x_name);
     pd_bind(&x->x_gobj.g_pd, x->x_realname);
-	char buf[MAXPDSTRING];
-	sprintf(buf, "%s_changed", x->x_realname->s_name);
-	x->x_send = gensym(buf);
+    char buf[MAXPDSTRING];
+    sprintf(buf, "%s_changed", x->x_realname->s_name);
+    x->x_send = gensym(buf);
-	glist_redraw(x->x_glist);
+    glist_redraw(x->x_glist);
 static void garray_read(t_garray *x, t_symbol *filename)
diff --git a/pd/src/g_bang.c b/pd/src/g_bang.c
index b32be38bc7f6faa81fd7a1a72388a07d080ca6d5..2a403a0d403a2c9ae3d2f8be9ff4614de1e3ee5a 100644
--- a/pd/src/g_bang.c
+++ b/pd/src/g_bang.c
@@ -37,15 +37,17 @@ static t_class *bng_class;
 void bng_draw_update(t_gobj *xgobj, t_glist *glist)
-	t_bng *x = (t_bng *)xgobj;
-	if (x->x_gui.x_changed != x->x_flashed) {
-    if(glist_isvisible(glist))
-	    {
-	        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBUT -fill #%6.6x\n", glist_getcanvas(glist), x,
-	                 x->x_flashed?x->x_gui.x_fcol:x->x_gui.x_bcol);
-	    }
-	    x->x_gui.x_changed = x->x_flashed;
-	}
+    t_bng *x = (t_bng *)xgobj;
+    if (x->x_gui.x_changed != x->x_flashed)
+    {
+        if(glist_isvisible(glist))
+        {
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBUT -fill #%6.6x\n",
+                glist_getcanvas(glist), x,
+                x->x_flashed?x->x_gui.x_fcol:x->x_gui.x_bcol);
+        }
+        x->x_gui.x_changed = x->x_flashed;
+    }
 void bng_draw_new(t_bng *x, t_glist *glist)
@@ -54,45 +56,55 @@ void bng_draw_new(t_bng *x, t_glist *glist)
     int ypos=text_ypix(&x->x_gui.x_obj, glist);
     t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
-	t_scalehandle *sh = (t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_handle;
-	sprintf(sh->h_pathname, ".x%lx.h%lx", (t_int)canvas, (t_int)sh);
-	t_scalehandle *lh = (t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_lhandle;
-	sprintf(lh->h_pathname, ".x%lx.h%lx", (t_int)canvas, (t_int)lh);
-	//if (glist_isvisible(canvas)) {
-		char *nlet_tag = iem_get_tag(glist, (t_iemgui *)x);
-		sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create prect %d %d %d %d -stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_border) -fill #%6.6x -tags {%lxBASE %lxBNG text iemgui border %s}\n",
-		         canvas, xpos, ypos,
-		         xpos + x->x_gui.x_w, ypos + x->x_gui.x_h,
-		         x->x_gui.x_bcol, x, x, nlet_tag);
-		t_float cr = (x->x_gui.x_w-2)/2.0;
-		t_float cx = xpos+cr+1.5;
-		t_float cy = ypos+cr+1.5;
-		sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create circle %f %f -r %f -stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_border) -fill #%6.6x -tags {%lxBUT %lxBNG text iemgui border %s}\n",
-		         canvas, cx, cy, cr,
-		         x->x_flashed?x->x_gui.x_fcol:x->x_gui.x_bcol, x, x, nlet_tag);
-		sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create text %d %d -text {%s} -anchor w \
-		         -font {{%s} -%d %s} -fill #%6.6x -tags {%lxLABEL %lxBNG text iemgui %s}\n",
-		         canvas, xpos+x->x_gui.x_ldx,
-		         ypos+x->x_gui.x_ldy,
-		         strcmp(x->x_gui.x_lab->s_name, "empty")?x->x_gui.x_lab->s_name:"",
-		         x->x_gui.x_font, x->x_gui.x_fontsize, sys_fontweight,
-				 x->x_gui.x_lcol, x, x, nlet_tag);
-		if(!x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able && canvas == x->x_gui.x_glist) {
-		    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create prect %d %d %d %d -stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_nlet) -tags {%lxBNG%so%d %so%d %lxBNG outlet iemgui %s}\n",
-		         canvas, xpos,
-		         ypos + x->x_gui.x_h-1, xpos + IOWIDTH,
-		         ypos + x->x_gui.x_h, x, nlet_tag, 0, nlet_tag, 0, x, nlet_tag);
-		}
-		if(!x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_rcv_able && canvas == x->x_gui.x_glist) {
-		    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create prect %d %d %d %d -stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_nlet) -tags {%lxBNG%si%d %si%d %lxBNG inlet iemgui %s}\n",
-		         canvas, xpos, ypos,
-		         xpos + IOWIDTH, ypos+1, x, nlet_tag, 0, nlet_tag, 0, x, nlet_tag);
-		}
-	//}
+    t_scalehandle *sh = (t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_handle;
+    sprintf(sh->h_pathname, ".x%lx.h%lx", (t_int)canvas, (t_int)sh);
+    t_scalehandle *lh = (t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_lhandle;
+    sprintf(lh->h_pathname, ".x%lx.h%lx", (t_int)canvas, (t_int)lh);
+    //if (glist_isvisible(canvas)) {
+    char *nlet_tag = iem_get_tag(glist, (t_iemgui *)x);
+    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create prect %d %d %d %d "
+             "-stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_border) -fill #%6.6x "
+             "-tags {%lxBASE %lxBNG text iemgui border %s}\n",
+         canvas, xpos, ypos, xpos + x->x_gui.x_w, ypos + x->x_gui.x_h,
+         x->x_gui.x_bcol, x, x, nlet_tag);
+    t_float cr = (x->x_gui.x_w-2)/2.0;
+    t_float cx = xpos+cr+1.5;
+    t_float cy = ypos+cr+1.5;
+    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create circle %f %f -r %f "
+             "-stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_border) -fill #%6.6x "
+             "-tags {%lxBUT %lxBNG text iemgui border %s}\n",
+         canvas, cx, cy, cr, x->x_flashed?x->x_gui.x_fcol:x->x_gui.x_bcol,
+         x, x, nlet_tag);
+    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create text %d %d -text {%s} -anchor w "
+             "-font {{%s} -%d %s} -fill #%6.6x "
+             "-tags {%lxLABEL %lxBNG text iemgui %s}\n",
+         canvas, xpos+x->x_gui.x_ldx,
+         ypos+x->x_gui.x_ldy,
+         strcmp(x->x_gui.x_lab->s_name, "empty")?x->x_gui.x_lab->s_name:"",
+         x->x_gui.x_font, x->x_gui.x_fontsize, sys_fontweight,
+         x->x_gui.x_lcol, x, x, nlet_tag);
+    if (!x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able && canvas == x->x_gui.x_glist)
+    {
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create prect %d %d %d %d "
+                 "-stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_nlet) "
+                 "-tags {%lxBNG%so%d %so%d %lxBNG outlet iemgui %s}\n",
+            canvas, xpos,
+            ypos + x->x_gui.x_h-1, xpos + IOWIDTH,
+            ypos + x->x_gui.x_h, x, nlet_tag, 0, nlet_tag, 0, x, nlet_tag);
+    }
+    if (!x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_rcv_able && canvas == x->x_gui.x_glist)
+    {
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create prect %d %d %d %d "
+                 "-stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_nlet) "
+                 "-tags {%lxBNG%si%d %si%d %lxBNG inlet iemgui %s}\n",
+            canvas, xpos, ypos,
+            xpos + IOWIDTH, ypos+1, x, nlet_tag, 0, nlet_tag, 0, x, nlet_tag);
+    }
 void bng_draw_move(t_bng *x, t_glist *glist)
@@ -101,52 +113,58 @@ void bng_draw_move(t_bng *x, t_glist *glist)
     int ypos=text_ypix(&x->x_gui.x_obj, glist);
     t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
-	if (glist_isvisible(canvas)) {
-		char *nlet_tag = iem_get_tag(glist, (t_iemgui *)x);
-		sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxBASE %d %d %d %d\n",
-		         canvas, x, xpos, ypos,
-		         xpos + x->x_gui.x_w, ypos + x->x_gui.x_h);
-		t_float cr = (x->x_gui.x_w-2)/2.0;
-		t_float cx = xpos+cr+1.5;
-		t_float cy = ypos+cr+1.5;
-		/*sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create circle %d %d -r %d -stroke #%6.6x -tags {%lxBUT %lxBNG %lx text iemgui}\n",
-		         canvas, cx, cy, cr,*/
-		sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxBUT %f %f\n",
-		         canvas, x, cx, cy);
-		sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBUT -fill #%6.6x -r %f\n", canvas, x,
-		         x->x_flashed?x->x_gui.x_fcol:x->x_gui.x_bcol, cr);
-		sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxLABEL %d %d\n",
-		         canvas, x, xpos+x->x_gui.x_ldx, ypos+x->x_gui.x_ldy);
-		if(!x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able && canvas == x->x_gui.x_glist)
-		    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxBNG%so%d %d %d %d %d\n",
-		         canvas, x, nlet_tag, 0, xpos,
-		         ypos + x->x_gui.x_h-1, xpos + IOWIDTH,
-		         ypos + x->x_gui.x_h);
-		if(!x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_rcv_able && canvas == x->x_gui.x_glist)
-		    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxBNG%si%d %d %d %d %d\n",
-		         canvas, x, nlet_tag, 0, xpos, ypos,
-		         xpos + IOWIDTH, ypos+1);
-		/* redraw scale handle rectangle if selected */
-		if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected)
-			bng_draw_select(x, x->x_gui.x_glist);
-	}
+    if (glist_isvisible(canvas))
+    {
+        char *nlet_tag = iem_get_tag(glist, (t_iemgui *)x);
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxBASE %d %d %d %d\n",
+            canvas, x, xpos, ypos,
+            xpos + x->x_gui.x_w, ypos + x->x_gui.x_h);
+        t_float cr = (x->x_gui.x_w-2)/2.0;
+        t_float cx = xpos+cr+1.5;
+        t_float cy = ypos+cr+1.5;
+        /*sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create circle %d %d -r %d "
+                   "-stroke #%6.6x "
+                   "-tags {%lxBUT %lxBNG %lx text iemgui}\n",
+             canvas, cx, cy, cr,*/
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxBUT %f %f\n",
+            canvas, x, cx, cy);
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBUT -fill #%6.6x -r %f\n",
+            canvas, x, x->x_flashed?x->x_gui.x_fcol:x->x_gui.x_bcol, cr);
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxLABEL %d %d\n",
+            canvas, x, xpos+x->x_gui.x_ldx, ypos+x->x_gui.x_ldy);
+        if(!x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able && canvas == x->x_gui.x_glist)
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxBNG%so%d %d %d %d %d\n",
+                canvas, x, nlet_tag, 0, xpos,
+                ypos + x->x_gui.x_h-1, xpos + IOWIDTH,
+                ypos + x->x_gui.x_h);
+        if(!x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_rcv_able && canvas == x->x_gui.x_glist)
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxBNG%si%d %d %d %d %d\n",
+                canvas, x, nlet_tag, 0, xpos, ypos,
+                xpos + IOWIDTH, ypos+1);
+        /* redraw scale handle rectangle if selected */
+        if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected)
+            bng_draw_select(x, x->x_gui.x_glist);
+    }
 void bng_draw_erase(t_bng* x, t_glist* glist)
     t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
-	sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxBNG\n", canvas, x);
-	sys_vgui(".x%lx.c dtag all %lxBNG\n", canvas, x);
-	if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected) {
-		t_scalehandle *sh = (t_scalehandle *)(x->x_gui.x_handle);
-		sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", sh->h_pathname);
-		sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxSCALE\n", canvas, x);
-		t_scalehandle *lh = (t_scalehandle *)(x->x_gui.x_lhandle);
-		sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", lh->h_pathname);
-		sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxLABELH\n", canvas, x);
-	}
+    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxBNG\n", canvas, x);
+    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c dtag all %lxBNG\n", canvas, x);
+    if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected)
+    {
+        t_scalehandle *sh = (t_scalehandle *)(x->x_gui.x_handle);
+        sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", sh->h_pathname);
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxSCALE\n", canvas, x);
+        t_scalehandle *lh = (t_scalehandle *)(x->x_gui.x_lhandle);
+        sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", lh->h_pathname);
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxLABELH\n", canvas, x);
+    }
     sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxBASE\n", canvas, x);
     sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxBUT\n", canvas, x);
@@ -162,26 +180,29 @@ void bng_draw_config(t_bng* x, t_glist* glist)
     t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
-	/*
-	char color[64];
-	if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected)
-		sprintf(color, "$pd_colors(selection)");
-	else
-		sprintf(color, "#%6.6x", x->x_gui.x_lcol);
-	*/
+    /*
+    char color[64];
+    if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected)
+        sprintf(color, "$pd_colors(selection)");
+    else
+        sprintf(color, "#%6.6x", x->x_gui.x_lcol);
+    */
-	if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected && x->x_gui.x_glist == canvas)
-	    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxLABEL -font {{%s} -%d %s} -fill $pd_colors(selection) -text {%s} \n",
+    if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected && x->x_gui.x_glist == canvas)
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxLABEL -font {{%s} -%d %s} "
+                 "-fill $pd_colors(selection) -text {%s} \n",
              canvas, x, x->x_gui.x_font, x->x_gui.x_fontsize, sys_fontweight,
              strcmp(x->x_gui.x_lab->s_name, "empty")?x->x_gui.x_lab->s_name:"");
-	else
-	    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxLABEL -font {{%s} -%d %s} -fill #%6.6x -text {%s} \n",
+    else
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxLABEL -font {{%s} -%d %s} "
+                 "-fill #%6.6x -text {%s} \n",
              canvas, x, x->x_gui.x_font, x->x_gui.x_fontsize, sys_fontweight,
              strcmp(x->x_gui.x_lab->s_name, "empty")?x->x_gui.x_lab->s_name:"");
-    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBASE -fill #%6.6x\n .x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBUT -fill #%6.6x\n",
-			 canvas, x, x->x_gui.x_bcol, canvas, x,
-             x->x_flashed?x->x_gui.x_fcol:x->x_gui.x_bcol);
+    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBASE -fill #%6.6x\n "
+             ".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBUT -fill #%6.6x\n",
+         canvas, x, x->x_gui.x_bcol, canvas, x,
+         x->x_flashed?x->x_gui.x_fcol:x->x_gui.x_bcol);
     /*sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBUT -fill #%6.6x\n", canvas, x,
@@ -192,318 +213,372 @@ void bng_draw_io(t_bng* x, t_glist* glist, int old_snd_rcv_flags)
     int ypos=text_ypix(&x->x_gui.x_obj, glist);
     t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
-	if (glist_isvisible(canvas) && canvas == x->x_gui.x_glist) {
-		char *nlet_tag = iem_get_tag(glist, (t_iemgui *)x);
-		if((old_snd_rcv_flags & IEM_GUI_OLD_SND_FLAG) && !x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able)
-		    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create prect %d %d %d %d -stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_nlet) -tags {%lxBNG%so%d %so%d %lxBNG outlet iemgui %s}\n",
-		         canvas, xpos,
-		         ypos + x->x_gui.x_h-1, xpos + IOWIDTH,
-		         ypos + x->x_gui.x_h, x, nlet_tag, 0, nlet_tag, 0, x, nlet_tag);
-		if(!(old_snd_rcv_flags & IEM_GUI_OLD_SND_FLAG) && x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able)
-		    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxBNG%so%d\n", canvas, x, nlet_tag, 0);
-		if((old_snd_rcv_flags & IEM_GUI_OLD_RCV_FLAG) && !x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_rcv_able)
-		    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create prect %d %d %d %d -stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_nlet) -tags {%lxBNG%si%d %si%d %lxBNG inlet iemgui %s}\n",
-		         canvas, xpos, ypos,
-		         xpos + IOWIDTH, ypos+1, x, nlet_tag, 0, nlet_tag, 0, x, nlet_tag);
-		if(!(old_snd_rcv_flags & IEM_GUI_OLD_RCV_FLAG) && x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_rcv_able)
-		    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxBNG%si%d\n", canvas, x, nlet_tag, 0);
-	}
+    if (glist_isvisible(canvas) && canvas == x->x_gui.x_glist)
+    {
+        char *nlet_tag = iem_get_tag(glist, (t_iemgui *)x);
+        if((old_snd_rcv_flags & IEM_GUI_OLD_SND_FLAG) &&
+            !x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able)
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create prect %d %d %d %d "
+                     "-stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_nlet) "
+                     "-tags {%lxBNG%so%d %so%d %lxBNG outlet iemgui %s}\n",
+                 canvas, xpos,
+                 ypos + x->x_gui.x_h-1, xpos + IOWIDTH,
+                 ypos + x->x_gui.x_h, x, nlet_tag, 0, nlet_tag, 0, x, nlet_tag);
+        if(!(old_snd_rcv_flags & IEM_GUI_OLD_SND_FLAG) &&
+            x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able)
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxBNG%so%d\n", canvas, x, nlet_tag, 0);
+        if((old_snd_rcv_flags & IEM_GUI_OLD_RCV_FLAG) &&
+            !x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_rcv_able)
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create prect %d %d %d %d "
+                     "-stroke $pd_colors(iemgui_nlet) "
+                     "-tags {%lxBNG%si%d %si%d %lxBNG inlet iemgui %s}\n",
+                 canvas, xpos, ypos, xpos + IOWIDTH, ypos+1, x,
+                 nlet_tag, 0, nlet_tag, 0, x, nlet_tag);
+        if(!(old_snd_rcv_flags & IEM_GUI_OLD_RCV_FLAG) &&
+            x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_rcv_able)
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxBNG%si%d\n", canvas, x, nlet_tag, 0);
+    }
 void bng_draw_select(t_bng* x, t_glist* glist)
     t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
-	t_scalehandle *sh = (t_scalehandle *)(x->x_gui.x_handle);
-	t_scalehandle *lh = (t_scalehandle *)(x->x_gui.x_lhandle);
-	//if (glist_isvisible(canvas)) {
-		if(x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected)
-		{
-			// check if we are drawing inside a gop abstraction visible on parent canvas
-			// if so, disable highlighting
-			if (x->x_gui.x_glist == glist_getcanvas(glist)) {
-				char *nlet_tag = iem_get_tag(glist, (t_iemgui *)x);
-				sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBASE -stroke $pd_colors(selection)\n", canvas, x);
-				sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBUT -stroke $pd_colors(selection)\n", canvas, x);
-				sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxLABEL -fill $pd_colors(selection)\n", canvas, x);
-				if (x->x_gui.scale_vis) {
-					sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", sh->h_pathname);
-					sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxSCALE\n", canvas, x);
-				}
-				sys_vgui("canvas %s -width %d -height %d -bg $pd_colors(selection) -bd 0 -cursor bottom_right_corner\n",
-				sys_vgui(".x%x.c create window %d %d -anchor nw -width %d -height %d -window %s -tags {%lxSCALE %lxBNG iemgui %s}\n",
-					 canvas, x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + x->x_gui.x_w - SCALEHANDLE_WIDTH - 1,
-					 x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + x->x_gui.x_h - SCALEHANDLE_HEIGHT - 1,
-					 sh->h_pathname, x, x, nlet_tag);
-				sys_vgui("bind %s <Button> {pd [concat %s _click 1 %%x %%y \\;]}\n",
-					 sh->h_pathname, sh->h_bindsym->s_name);
-				sys_vgui("bind %s <ButtonRelease> {pd [concat %s _click 0 0 0 \\;]}\n",
-					 sh->h_pathname, sh->h_bindsym->s_name);
-				sys_vgui("bind %s <Motion> {pd [concat %s _motion %%x %%y \\;]}\n",
-					 sh->h_pathname, sh->h_bindsym->s_name);
-				x->x_gui.scale_vis = 1;
-				if (strcmp(x->x_gui.x_lab->s_name, "empty") != 0)
-				{
-					if (x->x_gui.label_vis) {
-						sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", lh->h_pathname);
-						sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxLABELH\n", canvas, x);
-					}
-					sys_vgui("canvas %s -width %d -height %d -bg $pd_colors(selection) -bd 0 -cursor crosshair\n",
-					sys_vgui(".x%x.c create window %d %d -anchor nw -width %d -height %d -window %s -tags {%lxLABEL %lxLABELH %lxBNG iemgui %s}\n",
-						canvas, x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix+ x->x_gui.x_ldx - LABELHANDLE_WIDTH,
-						x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + x->x_gui.x_ldy - LABELHANDLE_HEIGHT,
-						lh->h_pathname, x, x, x, nlet_tag);
-					sys_vgui("bind %s <Button> {pd [concat %s _click 1 %%x %%y \\;]}\n",
-						lh->h_pathname, lh->h_bindsym->s_name);
-					sys_vgui("bind %s <ButtonRelease> {pd [concat %s _click 0 0 0 \\;]}\n",
-						lh->h_pathname, lh->h_bindsym->s_name);
-					sys_vgui("bind %s <Motion> {pd [concat %s _motion %%x %%y \\;]}\n",
-						lh->h_pathname, lh->h_bindsym->s_name); 
-					x->x_gui.label_vis = 1;
-				}
-			}
-			sys_vgui(".x%lx.c addtag selected withtag %lxBNG\n", canvas, x);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBASE -stroke %s\n", canvas, x, IEM_GUI_COLOR_NORMAL);
-		    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBUT -stroke %s\n", canvas, x, IEM_GUI_COLOR_NORMAL);
-		    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxLABEL -fill #%6.6x\n", canvas, x, x->x_gui.x_lcol);
-			sys_vgui(".x%lx.c dtag %lxBNG selected\n", canvas, x);
-			sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", sh->h_pathname);
-			sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxSCALE\n", canvas, x);
-			x->x_gui.scale_vis = 0;
-			sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", lh->h_pathname);
-			sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxLABELH\n", canvas, x);
-			x->x_gui.label_vis = 0;
-		}
-	//}
-static void bng__clickhook(t_scalehandle *sh, t_floatarg f, t_floatarg xxx, t_floatarg yyy)
-	t_bng *x = (t_bng *)(sh->h_master);
- 	if (xxx) {
- 		x->x_gui.scale_offset_x = xxx;
- 		x->x_gui.label_offset_x = xxx;
- 	}
- 	if (yyy) {
- 		x->x_gui.scale_offset_y = yyy;
- 		x->x_gui.label_offset_y = yyy;
- 	}
+    t_scalehandle *sh = (t_scalehandle *)(x->x_gui.x_handle);
+    t_scalehandle *lh = (t_scalehandle *)(x->x_gui.x_lhandle);
-    int newstate = (int)f;
-    if (sh->h_dragon && newstate == 0 && sh->h_scale)
+    //if (glist_isvisible(canvas)) {
+    if(x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected)
-		/* done dragging */
-		/* first set up the undo apply */
-		canvas_apply_setundo(x->x_gui.x_glist, (t_gobj *)x);
-		if (sh->h_dragx || sh->h_dragy) {
-			if (sh->h_dragx > sh->h_dragy)
-				sh->h_dragx = sh->h_dragy;
-			else sh->h_dragy = sh->h_dragx;
-			x->x_gui.x_w = x->x_gui.x_w + sh->h_dragx - x->x_gui.scale_offset_x;
-			if (x->x_gui.x_w < SCALE_BNG_MINWIDTH)
-				x->x_gui.x_w = SCALE_BNG_MINWIDTH;
-			x->x_gui.x_h = x->x_gui.x_h + sh->h_dragy - x->x_gui.scale_offset_y;
-			if (x->x_gui.x_h < SCALE_BNG_MINHEIGHT)
-				x->x_gui.x_h = SCALE_BNG_MINHEIGHT;
-			canvas_dirty(x->x_gui.x_glist, 1);
-		}
-		int properties = gfxstub_haveproperties((void *)x);
-		if (properties) {
-			sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
-			sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties, x->x_gui.x_w);
-			//sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
-			//sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties, x->x_gui.x_h);
-		}
-		if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist))
-		{
-			sys_vgui(".x%x.c delete %s\n", x->x_gui.x_glist, sh->h_outlinetag);
-			bng_draw_move(x, x->x_gui.x_glist);
-			iemgui_select((t_gobj *)x, x->x_gui.x_glist, 1);
-			canvas_fixlinesfor(x->x_gui.x_glist, (t_text *)x);
-			sys_vgui("pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x%lx.c\n", x->x_gui.x_glist);
-		}
+        /* check if we are drawing inside a gop abstraction visible
+           on parent canvas -- if so, disable highlighting */
+        if (x->x_gui.x_glist == glist_getcanvas(glist))
+        {
+            char *nlet_tag = iem_get_tag(glist, (t_iemgui *)x);
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBASE "
+                     "-stroke $pd_colors(selection)\n", canvas, x);
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBUT "
+                     "-stroke $pd_colors(selection)\n", canvas, x);
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxLABEL "
+                     "-fill $pd_colors(selection)\n", canvas, x);
+            if (x->x_gui.scale_vis)
+            {
+                sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", sh->h_pathname);
+                sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxSCALE\n", canvas, x);
+            }
+            sys_vgui("canvas %s -width %d -height %d "
+                     "-bg $pd_colors(selection) -bd 0 "
+                     "-cursor bottom_right_corner\n",
+                sh->h_pathname, SCALEHANDLE_WIDTH, SCALEHANDLE_HEIGHT);
+            sys_vgui(".x%x.c create window %d %d -anchor nw "
+                     "-width %d -height %d -window %s "
+                     "-tags {%lxSCALE %lxBNG iemgui %s}\n",
+                canvas,
+                x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + x->x_gui.x_w - SCALEHANDLE_WIDTH - 1,
+                x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + x->x_gui.x_h - SCALEHANDLE_HEIGHT - 1,
+                sh->h_pathname, x, x, nlet_tag);
+            sys_vgui("bind %s <Button> {pd [concat %s _click 1 %%x %%y \\;]}\n",
+                sh->h_pathname, sh->h_bindsym->s_name);
+            sys_vgui("bind %s <ButtonRelease> "
+                     "{pd [concat %s _click 0 0 0 \\;]}\n",
+                sh->h_pathname, sh->h_bindsym->s_name);
+            sys_vgui("bind %s <Motion> {pd [concat %s _motion %%x %%y \\;]}\n",
+                sh->h_pathname, sh->h_bindsym->s_name);
+            x->x_gui.scale_vis = 1;
+            if (strcmp(x->x_gui.x_lab->s_name, "empty") != 0)
+            {
+                if (x->x_gui.label_vis)
+                {
+                    sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", lh->h_pathname);
+                    sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxLABELH\n", canvas, x);
+                }
+                sys_vgui("canvas %s -width %d -height %d "
+                         "-bg $pd_colors(selection) -bd 0 -cursor crosshair\n",
+                    lh->h_pathname, LABELHANDLE_WIDTH, LABELHANDLE_HEIGHT);
+                sys_vgui(".x%x.c create window %d %d -anchor nw "
+                         "-width %d -height %d -window %s "
+                         "-tags {%lxLABEL %lxLABELH %lxBNG iemgui %s}\n",
+                    canvas,
+                    x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix+ x->x_gui.x_ldx - LABELHANDLE_WIDTH,
+                    x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + x->x_gui.x_ldy - LABELHANDLE_HEIGHT,
+                    lh->h_pathname, x, x, x, nlet_tag);
+                sys_vgui("bind %s <Button> "
+                         "{pd [concat %s _click 1 %%x %%y \\;]}\n",
+                    lh->h_pathname, lh->h_bindsym->s_name);
+                sys_vgui("bind %s <ButtonRelease> "
+                         "{pd [concat %s _click 0 0 0 \\;]}\n",
+                    lh->h_pathname, lh->h_bindsym->s_name);
+                sys_vgui("bind %s <Motion> "
+                         "{pd [concat %s _motion %%x %%y \\;]}\n",
+                    lh->h_pathname, lh->h_bindsym->s_name); 
+                    x->x_gui.label_vis = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c addtag selected withtag %lxBNG\n", canvas, x);
-    else if (!sh->h_dragon && newstate && sh->h_scale)
+    else
-		/* dragging */
-		if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist))
-		{
-			sys_vgui("lower %s\n", sh->h_pathname);
-			sys_vgui(".x%x.c create prect %d %d %d %d\
-	 -stroke $pd_colors(selection) -strokewidth 1 -tags %s\n",
-				 x->x_gui.x_glist, x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix, x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix,
-					x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + x->x_gui.x_w,
-					x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + x->x_gui.x_h, sh->h_outlinetag);
-		}
-		sh->h_dragx = 0;
-		sh->h_dragy = 0;
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBASE -stroke %s\n",
+            canvas, x, IEM_GUI_COLOR_NORMAL);
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxBUT -stroke %s\n",
+            canvas, x, IEM_GUI_COLOR_NORMAL);
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure %lxLABEL -fill #%6.6x\n",
+            canvas, x, x->x_gui.x_lcol);
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c dtag %lxBNG selected\n", canvas, x);
+        sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", sh->h_pathname);
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxSCALE\n", canvas, x);
+            x->x_gui.scale_vis = 0;
+            sys_vgui("destroy %s\n", lh->h_pathname);
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxLABELH\n", canvas, x);
+            x->x_gui.label_vis = 0;
-	else if (sh->h_dragon && newstate == 0 && !sh->h_scale)
-    {
-		/* done dragging */
-		/* first set up the undo apply */
-		canvas_apply_setundo(x->x_gui.x_glist, (t_gobj *)x);
-		if (sh->h_dragx || sh->h_dragy) {
-			x->x_gui.x_ldx = x->x_gui.x_ldx + sh->h_dragx - x->x_gui.label_offset_x;
-			x->x_gui.x_ldy = x->x_gui.x_ldy + sh->h_dragy - x->x_gui.label_offset_y;
+    //}
-			canvas_dirty(x->x_gui.x_glist, 1);
-		}
+static void bng__clickhook(t_scalehandle *sh, t_floatarg f,
+    t_floatarg xxx, t_floatarg yyy)
-		int properties = gfxstub_haveproperties((void *)x);
+    t_bng *x = (t_bng *)(sh->h_master);
-		if (properties) {
-			sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
-			sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties, x->x_gui.x_w);
-			//sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
-			//sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties, x->x_gui.x_h);
-		}
+    if (xxx)
+    {
+        x->x_gui.scale_offset_x = xxx;
+        x->x_gui.label_offset_x = xxx;
+    }
+    if (yyy)
+    {
+        x->x_gui.scale_offset_y = yyy;
+        x->x_gui.label_offset_y = yyy;
+    }
-		if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist))
-		{
-			sys_vgui(".x%x.c delete %s\n", x->x_gui.x_glist, sh->h_outlinetag);
-			bng_draw_move(x, x->x_gui.x_glist);
-			iemgui_select((t_gobj *)x, x->x_gui.x_glist, 1);
-			canvas_fixlinesfor(x->x_gui.x_glist, (t_text *)x);
-			sys_vgui("pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x%lx.c\n", x->x_gui.x_glist);
-		}
+    int newstate = (int)f;
+    if (sh->h_dragon && newstate == 0 && sh->h_scale)
+    {
+        /* done dragging */
+        /* first set up the undo apply */
+        canvas_apply_setundo(x->x_gui.x_glist, (t_gobj *)x);
+        if (sh->h_dragx || sh->h_dragy)
+        {
+            if (sh->h_dragx > sh->h_dragy)
+                sh->h_dragx = sh->h_dragy;
+            else sh->h_dragy = sh->h_dragx;
+            x->x_gui.x_w = x->x_gui.x_w + sh->h_dragx - x->x_gui.scale_offset_x;
+            if (x->x_gui.x_w < SCALE_BNG_MINWIDTH)
+                x->x_gui.x_w = SCALE_BNG_MINWIDTH;
+            x->x_gui.x_h = x->x_gui.x_h + sh->h_dragy - x->x_gui.scale_offset_y;
+            if (x->x_gui.x_h < SCALE_BNG_MINHEIGHT)
+                x->x_gui.x_h = SCALE_BNG_MINHEIGHT;
+            canvas_dirty(x->x_gui.x_glist, 1);
+        }
+        int properties = gfxstub_haveproperties((void *)x);
+        if (properties)
+        {
+            sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
+            sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties,
+                x->x_gui.x_w);
+            //sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
+            //sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties,
+            //    x->x_gui.x_h);
+        }
+        if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist))
+        {
+            sys_vgui(".x%x.c delete %s\n", x->x_gui.x_glist, sh->h_outlinetag);
+            bng_draw_move(x, x->x_gui.x_glist);
+            iemgui_select((t_gobj *)x, x->x_gui.x_glist, 1);
+            canvas_fixlinesfor(x->x_gui.x_glist, (t_text *)x);
+            sys_vgui("pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x%lx.c\n", x->x_gui.x_glist);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (!sh->h_dragon && newstate && sh->h_scale)
+    {
+        /* dragging */
+        if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist))
+        {
+            sys_vgui("lower %s\n", sh->h_pathname);
+            sys_vgui(".x%x.c create prect %d %d %d %d\
+     -stroke $pd_colors(selection) -strokewidth 1 -tags %s\n",
+                x->x_gui.x_glist, x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix,
+                x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix,
+                x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + x->x_gui.x_w,
+                x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + x->x_gui.x_h, sh->h_outlinetag);
+        }
+        sh->h_dragx = 0;
+        sh->h_dragy = 0;
+    }
+    else if (sh->h_dragon && newstate == 0 && !sh->h_scale)
+    {
+        /* done dragging */
+        /* first set up the undo apply */
+        canvas_apply_setundo(x->x_gui.x_glist, (t_gobj *)x);
+        if (sh->h_dragx || sh->h_dragy)
+        {
+            x->x_gui.x_ldx = x->x_gui.x_ldx + sh->h_dragx -
+                x->x_gui.label_offset_x;
+            x->x_gui.x_ldy = x->x_gui.x_ldy + sh->h_dragy -
+                x->x_gui.label_offset_y;
+            canvas_dirty(x->x_gui.x_glist, 1);
+        }
+        int properties = gfxstub_haveproperties((void *)x);
+        if (properties)
+        {
+            sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
+            sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties,
+                x->x_gui.x_w);
+            //sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
+            //sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties,
+            //    x->x_gui.x_h);
+        }
+        if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist))
+        {
+            sys_vgui(".x%x.c delete %s\n", x->x_gui.x_glist, sh->h_outlinetag);
+            bng_draw_move(x, x->x_gui.x_glist);
+            iemgui_select((t_gobj *)x, x->x_gui.x_glist, 1);
+            canvas_fixlinesfor(x->x_gui.x_glist, (t_text *)x);
+            sys_vgui("pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x%lx.c\n", x->x_gui.x_glist);
+        }
     else if (!sh->h_dragon && newstate && !sh->h_scale)
-		/* dragging */
-		if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist)) {
-			sys_vgui("lower %s\n", sh->h_pathname);
-			t_scalehandle *othersh = (t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_handle;
-			sys_vgui("lower .x%lx.h%lx\n", (t_int)glist_getcanvas(x->x_gui.x_glist), (t_int)othersh);
-		}
-		sh->h_dragx = 0;
-		sh->h_dragy = 0;
+        /* dragging */
+        if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist))
+        {
+            sys_vgui("lower %s\n", sh->h_pathname);
+            t_scalehandle *othersh = (t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_handle;
+            sys_vgui("lower .x%lx.h%lx\n",
+                (t_int)glist_getcanvas(x->x_gui.x_glist), (t_int)othersh);
+        }
+        sh->h_dragx = 0;
+        sh->h_dragy = 0;
     sh->h_dragon = newstate;
 static void bng__motionhook(t_scalehandle *sh,
-				    t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2)
+                    t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2)
     if (sh->h_dragon && sh->h_scale)
-		t_bng *x = (t_bng *)(sh->h_master);
-		int dx = (int)f1, dy = (int)f2;
-		int newx, newy;
-		if (dx > dy) {
-			dx = dy;
-			x->x_gui.scale_offset_x = x->x_gui.scale_offset_y;
-		}
-		else {
-			dy = dx;
-			x->x_gui.scale_offset_y = x->x_gui.scale_offset_x;
-		}
-		newx = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + x->x_gui.x_w - x->x_gui.scale_offset_x + dx;
-		newy = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + x->x_gui.x_h - x->x_gui.scale_offset_y + dy;
-		if (newx < x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + SCALE_BNG_MINWIDTH)
-			newx = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + SCALE_BNG_MINWIDTH;
-		if (newy < x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + SCALE_BNG_MINHEIGHT)
-			newy = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + SCALE_BNG_MINHEIGHT;
-		if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist)) {
-			sys_vgui(".x%x.c coords %s %d %d %d %d\n",
-				 x->x_gui.x_glist, sh->h_outlinetag, x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix,
-				 x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix, newx, newy);
-		}
-		sh->h_dragx = dx;
-		sh->h_dragy = dy;
-		int properties = gfxstub_haveproperties((void *)x);
-		if (properties) {
-			int new_w = x->x_gui.x_w - x->x_gui.scale_offset_x + sh->h_dragx;
-			int new_h = x->x_gui.x_h - x->x_gui.scale_offset_y + sh->h_dragy;
-			sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
-			sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties, new_w);
-			//sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
-			//sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties, new_h);
-		}
+        t_bng *x = (t_bng *)(sh->h_master);
+        int dx = (int)f1, dy = (int)f2;
+        int newx, newy;
+        if (dx > dy)
+        {
+            dx = dy;
+            x->x_gui.scale_offset_x = x->x_gui.scale_offset_y;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dy = dx;
+            x->x_gui.scale_offset_y = x->x_gui.scale_offset_x;
+        }
+        newx = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + x->x_gui.x_w -
+            x->x_gui.scale_offset_x + dx;
+        newy = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + x->x_gui.x_h -
+            x->x_gui.scale_offset_y + dy;
+        if (newx < x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + SCALE_BNG_MINWIDTH)
+            newx = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + SCALE_BNG_MINWIDTH;
+        if (newy < x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + SCALE_BNG_MINHEIGHT)
+            newy = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + SCALE_BNG_MINHEIGHT;
+        if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist))
+        {
+            sys_vgui(".x%x.c coords %s %d %d %d %d\n",
+                 x->x_gui.x_glist, sh->h_outlinetag, x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix,
+                 x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix, newx, newy);
+        }
+        sh->h_dragx = dx;
+        sh->h_dragy = dy;
+        int properties = gfxstub_haveproperties((void *)x);
+        if (properties)
+        {
+            int new_w = x->x_gui.x_w - x->x_gui.scale_offset_x + sh->h_dragx;
+            int new_h = x->x_gui.x_h - x->x_gui.scale_offset_y + sh->h_dragy;
+            sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
+            sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.w_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties, new_w);
+            //sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent delete 0 end\n", properties);
+            //sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.dim.h_ent insert 0 %d\n", properties, new_h);
+        }
-	if (sh->h_dragon && !sh->h_scale)
+    if (sh->h_dragon && !sh->h_scale)
-		t_bng *x = (t_bng *)(sh->h_master);
-		int dx = (int)f1, dy = (int)f2;
-		int newx, newy;
-		newx = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + x->x_gui.x_w - x->x_gui.scale_offset_x + dx;
-		newy = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + x->x_gui.x_h - x->x_gui.scale_offset_y + dy;
-		sh->h_dragx = dx;
-		sh->h_dragy = dy;
-		int properties = gfxstub_haveproperties((void *)x);
-		if (properties) {
-			int new_x = x->x_gui.x_ldx - x->x_gui.label_offset_x + sh->h_dragx;
-			int new_y = x->x_gui.x_ldy - x->x_gui.label_offset_y + sh->h_dragy;
-			sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.label.xy.x_entry delete 0 end\n", properties);
-			sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.label.xy.x_entry insert 0 %d\n", properties, new_x);
-			sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.label.xy.y_entry delete 0 end\n", properties);
-			sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.label.xy.y_entry insert 0 %d\n", properties, new_y);
-		}
-		if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist)) {
-			int xpos=text_xpix(&x->x_gui.x_obj, x->x_gui.x_glist);
-    		int ypos=text_ypix(&x->x_gui.x_obj, x->x_gui.x_glist);
-    		t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(x->x_gui.x_glist);
-			sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxLABEL %d %d\n",
- 		    	canvas, x, xpos+x->x_gui.x_ldx + sh->h_dragx - x->x_gui.label_offset_x,
- 		    	ypos+x->x_gui.x_ldy + sh->h_dragy - x->x_gui.label_offset_y);
-		}
+        t_bng *x = (t_bng *)(sh->h_master);
+        int dx = (int)f1, dy = (int)f2;
+        int newx, newy;
+        newx = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix + x->x_gui.x_w -
+            x->x_gui.scale_offset_x + dx;
+        newy = x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix + x->x_gui.x_h -
+            x->x_gui.scale_offset_y + dy;
+        sh->h_dragx = dx;
+        sh->h_dragy = dy;
+        int properties = gfxstub_haveproperties((void *)x);
+        if (properties)
+        {
+            int new_x = x->x_gui.x_ldx - x->x_gui.label_offset_x + sh->h_dragx;
+            int new_y = x->x_gui.x_ldy - x->x_gui.label_offset_y + sh->h_dragy;
+            sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.label.xy.x_entry delete 0 end\n", properties);
+            sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.label.xy.x_entry insert 0 %d\n", properties,
+                new_x);
+            sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.label.xy.y_entry delete 0 end\n", properties);
+            sys_vgui(".gfxstub%lx.label.xy.y_entry insert 0 %d\n", properties,
+                new_y);
+        }
+        if (glist_isvisible(x->x_gui.x_glist))
+        {
+            int xpos=text_xpix(&x->x_gui.x_obj, x->x_gui.x_glist);
+            int ypos=text_ypix(&x->x_gui.x_obj, x->x_gui.x_glist);
+            t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(x->x_gui.x_glist);
+            sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords %lxLABEL %d %d\n",
+                 canvas, x,
+                 xpos+x->x_gui.x_ldx + sh->h_dragx - x->x_gui.label_offset_x,
+                 ypos+x->x_gui.x_ldy + sh->h_dragy - x->x_gui.label_offset_y);
+        }
 void bng_draw(t_bng *x, t_glist *glist, int mode)
     if(mode == IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_UPDATE)
-    	sys_queuegui((t_gobj*)x, x->x_gui.x_glist, bng_draw_update);
+        sys_queuegui((t_gobj*)x, x->x_gui.x_glist, bng_draw_update);
         //bng_draw_update(x, glist);
     else if(mode == IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_MOVE)
         bng_draw_move(x, glist);
-    else if(mode == IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_NEW) {
+    else if(mode == IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_NEW)
+    {
         bng_draw_new(x, glist);
-		sys_vgui(".x%lx.c raise all_cords\n", glist_getcanvas(glist));
-	}
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c raise all_cords\n", glist_getcanvas(glist));
+    }
     else if(mode == IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_SELECT)
         bng_draw_select(x, glist);
     else if(mode == IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_ERASE)
@@ -516,7 +591,8 @@ void bng_draw(t_bng *x, t_glist *glist, int mode)
 /* ------------------------ bng widgetbehaviour----------------------------- */
-static void bng_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2)
+static void bng_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int *xp1, int *yp1,
+    int *xp2, int *yp2)
     t_bng *x = (t_bng *)z;
@@ -525,7 +601,7 @@ static void bng_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2,
     *xp2 = *xp1 + x->x_gui.x_w;
     *yp2 = *yp1 + x->x_gui.x_h;
-	iemgui_label_getrect(x->x_gui, glist, xp1, yp1, xp2, yp2);
+    iemgui_label_getrect(x->x_gui, glist, xp1, yp1, xp2, yp2);
 static void bng_save(t_gobj *z, t_binbuf *b)
@@ -615,7 +691,8 @@ static void bng_bout1(t_bng *x)/*wird nur mehr gesendet, wenn snd != rcv*/
         clock_delay(x->x_clock_lck, 2);
-    if(x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able && x->x_gui.x_snd->s_thing && x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_put_in2out)
+    if(x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able && x->x_gui.x_snd->s_thing &&
+        x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_put_in2out)
@@ -651,7 +728,7 @@ static void bng_bang2(t_bng *x)/*wird immer gesendet, wenn moeglich*/
 static void bng_dialog(t_bng *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
-	canvas_apply_setundo(x->x_gui.x_glist, (t_gobj *)x);
+    canvas_apply_setundo(x->x_gui.x_glist, (t_gobj *)x);
     t_symbol *srl[3];
     int a = (int)atom_getintarg(0, argc, argv);
@@ -666,28 +743,33 @@ static void bng_dialog(t_bng *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
     (*x->x_gui.x_draw)(x, x->x_gui.x_glist, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_IO + sr_flags);
     //(*x->x_gui.x_draw)(x, x->x_gui.x_glist, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_MOVE);
     //canvas_fixlinesfor(glist_getcanvas(x->x_gui.x_glist), (t_text*)x);
-	iemgui_shouldvis((void *)x, &x->x_gui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_MOVE);
+    iemgui_shouldvis((void *)x, &x->x_gui, IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_MOVE);
-	/* forcing redraw of the scale handle */
-	if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected) {
-		bng_draw_select(x, x->x_gui.x_glist);
-	}
+    /* forcing redraw of the scale handle */
+    if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_selected)
+    {
+        bng_draw_select(x, x->x_gui.x_glist);
+    }
-	//ico@bukvic.net 100518 update scrollbars when object potentially exceeds window size
+    //ico@bukvic.net 100518 update scrollbars when object potentially
+    //exceeds window size
     t_canvas *canvas=(t_canvas *)glist_getcanvas(x->x_gui.x_glist);
-	sys_vgui("pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x%lx.c\n", (long unsigned int)canvas);
+    sys_vgui("pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x%lx.c\n", (long unsigned int)canvas);
-static void bng_click(t_bng *x, t_floatarg xpos, t_floatarg ypos, t_floatarg shift, t_floatarg ctrl, t_floatarg alt)
+static void bng_click(t_bng *x, t_floatarg xpos, t_floatarg ypos,
+    t_floatarg shift, t_floatarg ctrl, t_floatarg alt)
-static int bng_newclick(t_gobj *z, struct _glist *glist, int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit)
+static int bng_newclick(t_gobj *z, struct _glist *glist, int xpix, int ypix,
+    int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit)
-        bng_click((t_bng *)z, (t_floatarg)xpix, (t_floatarg)ypix, (t_floatarg)shift, 0, (t_floatarg)alt);
+        bng_click((t_bng *)z, (t_floatarg)xpix, (t_floatarg)ypix,
+            (t_floatarg)shift, 0, (t_floatarg)alt);
     return (1);
@@ -825,10 +907,15 @@ static void *bng_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
         x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able = 0;
     if (!strcmp(x->x_gui.x_rcv->s_name, "empty"))
         x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_rcv_able = 0;
-    if(x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style == 1) strcpy(x->x_gui.x_font, "helvetica");
-    else if(x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style == 2) strcpy(x->x_gui.x_font, "times");
-    else { x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style = 0;
-        strcpy(x->x_gui.x_font, sys_font); }
+    if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style == 1)
+        strcpy(x->x_gui.x_font, "helvetica");
+    else if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style == 2)
+        strcpy(x->x_gui.x_font, "times");
+    else
+    {
+        x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_font_style = 0;
+        strcpy(x->x_gui.x_font, sys_font);
+    }
     if (x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_rcv_able)
         pd_bind(&x->x_gui.x_obj.ob_pd, x->x_gui.x_rcv);
@@ -849,7 +936,7 @@ static void *bng_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
     x->x_clock_lck = clock_new(x, (t_method)bng_tick_lck);
     outlet_new(&x->x_gui.x_obj, &s_bang);
-	/* scale handle init */
+    /* scale handle init */
     t_scalehandle *sh;
     char buf[64];
     x->x_gui.x_handle = pd_new(scalehandle_class);
@@ -859,28 +946,28 @@ static void *bng_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
     pd_bind(x->x_gui.x_handle, sh->h_bindsym = gensym(buf));
     sprintf(sh->h_outlinetag, "h%lx", (t_int)sh);
     sh->h_dragon = 0;
-	sh->h_scale = 1;
-	x->x_gui.scale_offset_x = 0;
-	x->x_gui.scale_offset_y = 0;
-	x->x_gui.scale_vis = 0;
-	/* label handle init */
-	t_scalehandle *lh;
-	char lhbuf[64];
-	x->x_gui.x_lhandle = pd_new(scalehandle_class);
-	lh = (t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_lhandle;
-	lh->h_master = (t_gobj*)x;
-	sprintf(lhbuf, "_h%lx", (t_int)lh);
-	pd_bind(x->x_gui.x_lhandle, lh->h_bindsym = gensym(lhbuf));
-	sprintf(lh->h_outlinetag, "h%lx", (t_int)lh);
-	lh->h_dragon = 0;
-	lh->h_scale = 0;
-	x->x_gui.label_offset_x = 0;
-	x->x_gui.label_offset_y = 0;
-	x->x_gui.label_vis = 0;
-	x->x_gui.x_obj.te_iemgui = 1;
-	x->x_gui.x_changed = 0;
+    sh->h_scale = 1;
+    x->x_gui.scale_offset_x = 0;
+    x->x_gui.scale_offset_y = 0;
+    x->x_gui.scale_vis = 0;
+    /* label handle init */
+    t_scalehandle *lh;
+    char lhbuf[64];
+    x->x_gui.x_lhandle = pd_new(scalehandle_class);
+    lh = (t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_lhandle;
+    lh->h_master = (t_gobj*)x;
+    sprintf(lhbuf, "_h%lx", (t_int)lh);
+    pd_bind(x->x_gui.x_lhandle, lh->h_bindsym = gensym(lhbuf));
+    sprintf(lh->h_outlinetag, "h%lx", (t_int)lh);
+    lh->h_dragon = 0;
+    lh->h_scale = 0;
+    x->x_gui.label_offset_x = 0;
+    x->x_gui.label_offset_y = 0;
+    x->x_gui.label_vis = 0;
+    x->x_gui.x_obj.te_iemgui = 1;
+    x->x_gui.x_changed = 0;
     return (x);
@@ -894,19 +981,21 @@ static void bng_ff(t_bng *x)
-	/* scale handle deconstructor */
+    /* scale handle deconstructor */
     if (x->x_gui.x_handle)
-		pd_unbind(x->x_gui.x_handle, ((t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_handle)->h_bindsym);
-		pd_free(x->x_gui.x_handle);
+        pd_unbind(x->x_gui.x_handle,
+            ((t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_handle)->h_bindsym);
+        pd_free(x->x_gui.x_handle);
-	/* label handle deconstructor */
-	if (x->x_gui.x_lhandle)
-	{
-		pd_unbind(x->x_gui.x_lhandle, ((t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_lhandle)->h_bindsym);
-		pd_free(x->x_gui.x_lhandle);
-	}
+    /* label handle deconstructor */
+    if (x->x_gui.x_lhandle)
+    {
+        pd_unbind(x->x_gui.x_lhandle,
+            ((t_scalehandle *)x->x_gui.x_lhandle)->h_bindsym);
+        pd_free(x->x_gui.x_lhandle);
+    }
 void g_bang_setup(void)
@@ -925,23 +1014,30 @@ void g_bang_setup(void)
                     A_GIMME, 0);
     class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_loadbang, gensym("loadbang"), 0);
     class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_size, gensym("size"), A_GIMME, 0);
-    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_delta, gensym("delta"), A_GIMME, 0);
+    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_delta, gensym("delta"),
+        A_GIMME, 0);
     class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_pos, gensym("pos"), A_GIMME, 0);
-    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_flashtime, gensym("flashtime"), A_GIMME, 0);
-    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_color, gensym("color"), A_GIMME, 0);
+    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_flashtime, gensym("flashtime"),
+        A_GIMME, 0);
+    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_color, gensym("color"),
+        A_GIMME, 0);
     class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_send, gensym("send"), A_DEFSYM, 0);
-    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_receive, gensym("receive"), A_DEFSYM, 0);
-    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_label, gensym("label"), A_DEFSYM, 0);
-    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_label_pos, gensym("label_pos"), A_GIMME, 0);
-    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_label_font, gensym("label_font"), A_GIMME, 0);
+    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_receive, gensym("receive"),
+        A_DEFSYM, 0);
+    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_label, gensym("label"),
+        A_DEFSYM, 0);
+    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_label_pos, gensym("label_pos"),
+        A_GIMME, 0);
+    class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_label_font, gensym("label_font"),
+        A_GIMME, 0);
     class_addmethod(bng_class, (t_method)bng_init, gensym("init"), A_FLOAT, 0);
     scalehandle_class = class_new(gensym("_scalehandle"), 0, 0,
-				  sizeof(t_scalehandle), CLASS_PD, 0);
+                  sizeof(t_scalehandle), CLASS_PD, 0);
     class_addmethod(scalehandle_class, (t_method)bng__clickhook,
-		    gensym("_click"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
+            gensym("_click"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
     class_addmethod(scalehandle_class, (t_method)bng__motionhook,
-		    gensym("_motion"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
+            gensym("_motion"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
     bng_widgetbehavior.w_getrectfn = bng_getrect;
     bng_widgetbehavior.w_displacefn = iemgui_displace;