#N canvas 181 28 507 650 10;
Jonathan Wilkes
#X obj 348 51 cnv 15 250 117 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X obj 366 -26 preset_hub k12 %hidden% %node% 2 7 18 %preset% 0 0 %node%
2 9 4 %preset% 0 a0 %node% 2 9 4 %preset% 0 a0 %node% 2 10 4 %preset%
0 2 %node% 2 11 4 %preset% 0 10 %node% 2 12 4 %preset% 0 4 %node% 2
13 7 %node% 2 14 7 %node% 2 15 7 %node% 2 16 7 %node% 2 17 8;
#X obj 124 218 cnv 15 479 320 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017
Jonathan Wilkes
-66577 0;
#X obj 112 -3 cnv 3 501 3 empty empty empty 5 14 0 20 -260097 -191407
#X obj 112 -31 cnv 15 501 28 empty empty Arduino/Connect 5 14 0 20
-139274 -262144 0;
#X obj 583 0 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png 0;
#N canvas 534 463 389 163 META 0;
#X text 6 5 DESCRIPTION This is used to connect the Arduino to the
patch. Connect the Arudino to the computer via USB wire and then enter
device number to connect.;
#X text 6 97 OUTLET_0 Connect this to one of the Arduino input objects
(Analog or Digital);
#X text 6 57 INLET_0 Connect one of the Arduino output objects (Analog
or Digital) to this inlet;
#X restore 557 1076 pd META;
Jonathan Wilkes
#X obj 131 225 K12/arduino_connect;
#X obj 360 910 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/images/arduino_uno.png 0;
#X obj 239 560 K12/arduino_analog_in;
#X obj 131 560 K12/arduino_digital_in;
Jonathan Wilkes
#X obj 239 111 K12/arduino_analog_out;
#X obj 131 111 K12/arduino_digital_out;
#X obj 131 25 K12/math_number;
#X obj 239 25 K12/math_number;
#X obj 131 674 K12/math_number;
#X obj 239 674 K12/math_number;
Jonathan Wilkes
#X obj 500 69 K12/preset;
#X text 354 72 Recall leftmost preset to start the example. Please
note you need to have Arduino Uno connected for the example to work.
, f 23;
#X obj 242 393 pddplink;
#X text 230 225 The Arduino Connect object allows you to connect the
Jonathan Wilkes
Arduino Uno board to pd-l2ork (Mega and other boards are accessible
in regular \, non-K12 pd-l2ork mode). Simply plug in the USB cable
for the Arduino and select the device number (-1 means off \, 0 is
first device \, 1 is second \, etc.). The icon will turn bluish-green
when the Arudino board is connected.IMPORTANT! In order for connection
to work \, you will need the Firmata (Standard) firmware uploaded to
the Arduino Uno board. The firmware ships by default with the Arduino
software IDE. For more info \, please consult the Arduino website:Connect
the outlet to other Arduino digital and analog input objects. For digital
and analog output \, connect Arduino Digital and Analog output objects
to Arduino Connect's input.You can have more than one Arduino Connect
object by specifying different device numbers. As usual \, all settings
can be saved using the Preset object.;
Jonathan Wilkes
#X connect 7 0 10 0;
#X connect 7 0 9 0;
#X connect 9 0 16 0;
#X connect 10 0 15 0;
#X connect 11 0 7 0;
#X connect 12 0 7 0;
#X connect 13 0 12 0;
#X connect 14 0 11 0;