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Event settings for edit mode

1) No box - normal editmode behavior
   * moving/selecting
   * setting a bounding rect
   * mouse cannot select text
   * text is not editable
   * clicking a box triggers #2 below
2) Editing a box in place
  * x/y is set
   * can type inside box
   * can select text with the mouse
   * mouse motion doesn't change box position
   * applies to all boxes which already exist and are being edited
3) Editing a new box before it's anchored
   * x/y follows mouse
   * can type new text into the box
   * a click in the box will anchor the box and trigger #2 above

*need to be able to tell the difference between new obj and retexted

HTML5 which may not be standard yet:
1) mouse.pageX/pageY -- exist in Chromium but maybe not in FF et al.
2) svg 'overflow' attribute -- probably doesn't work in other browsers
3) document.body.scrollTop (might be Chromium-specific, not sure)
4) document.body.scrollLeft (might be Chromium-specific, not sure)

Problems to put off until all (or most) sys_vgui calls are eliminated:
[x] gui-side parser inside -- pdgui.js
[ ] Semicolons -- currently the parser can't tell the difference between
    semicolons inside symbols and semicolons that end statements. Again,
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
    this will be easy to solve once we eliminate naked sys_gui altogether

Node-webkit stuff:
1) popup API
2) new window API
3) window menus
4) (probably) present working directory
5) command line argv

Everything else: (A [x] means we've fixed it)
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[ ] packaging as app, setting correct appname, etc
[ ] get -unique to work (relied on tcl [send] command)
[ ] check if patch windows with screenposition (0,0) get stuck underneath
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    OSX menu.
[x] check if patch windows with screenposition (0,0) get stuck underneath
    Ubuntu menu.
[x] choosing the same directory multiple times doesn't work
    (see dialog API page)
[x] "Save As" on an overwrite doesn't seem to clear the dirty flag
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] figure out why there is a "pd_opendir" global var
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[ ] pass k12 mode arg
[ ] implement recent files (using Pd's prefs loading mechanism instead of
    reimplementing gui prefs)
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] implement verifyquit
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[ ] save and saveas dialogs aren't defaulting to the present working directory
[x] implement automatic scrollbars and svg canvas resizing
[x] add 'x' type to gui_vmess for saving canvas names, etc., as hex values
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[x] destroy (or, more likely, hide) selection rectangle when not needed
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] change gui_text_select to gui_gobj_select
[ ] make it possible to have the inner cells of hradio change color with the
    selection, as the border currently does.  Tk just uses the non-hierarchical
    tags and appends the word "BASE".  (Maybe use an inner <g> to do this.)
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[x] make mycnv use its own selection logic
[ ] abstract away appendChild
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] font-size should be set as css property for a class of text, rather than
    per each gobj in svg
[ ] remove the "fudge_factor" kludge in g_rtext.c, and handle fonts in a sane
    manner.  In doing so we must decide whether or not we want to be able to
    fetch the bounding box of objects from within a Pd patch.
    (Currently [canvasinfo] and [objectinfo] are the only objects that can
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    do this, though there might also be)
[x] replace things like gui_select_color with css
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] find a better approach to escaping characters for the gui than
    escape_double_quotes kludge (and handle any other problematic chars)
[x] look into using <def> and <use> for scalars. (Looked into it-- doesn't
    seem necessary or helpful...)
[x] in draw_vis, make circle and ellipse radii attr floats instead of ints
[x] should stroke-dasharray values be floats? (Yes.)
[ ] once garrays are drawn inside a <g> we won't have to individually erase
    each child of a scalar
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] clean up svg_sendupdate -- put a single gui_vmess at the end (not necessary for now)
[x] svg_sendupdate -- make sure there aren't arbitrary %d's that should actually be %g's
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] svg_sendupdate -- need a gui interface for stuff like stroke-dasharray
    (and garrays)
[x] ibid., for path data, points
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[ ] make pdgui function names more consistent
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
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[ ] in draw_vis, move tags to front of function call so they don't have to
    be in an array
[ ] in draw_vis, remove all the coords logic and let svg_togui do that work.
    In svg_new, leverage the "d", "points", etc. methods to do the same.
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[ ] remove the draw_vis warning/code about needing 2 points to draw
[ ] need to clean up dead windows inside patchwin object (on close)
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] make gui_menu_close filename less hacky (currently includes patch args in
    the middle) 
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[ ] figure out why -nrt flag causes Pd to bail on the GUI (it wasn't doing this
    on the amd_64 virtual Jessie machine, nor on my 32-bit machine).
[ ] make dialogs with [yes/no] instead of [cancel/ok]
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] make a gui_mess interface for the edge cases that don't require args
    (similar to sys_gui) (not necessary)
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[ ] make sure we're breaking down the socket properly from the GUI side on quit
[ ] looks like nwworkingdir isn't working for open/save dialogs atm
[ ] nwworkingdir only works on the second file open
[ ] implement the stuff at the end of saveas_callback (recentfiles et al)
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] make an "export" menu command for max patch saving.  That way we can accept
    a single extension for saving (.pd), and the native save dialog will warn
    us on potential file overwrites (even when the user neglects to type an
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[ ] draw graph inside gobj group
[ ] merge gui_text_select and gui_text_deselect
[ ] in function gui_cord_inspector_update, use parameter "moved" to flash text
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] cord_inspector_flash doesn't seem to be deterministic-- if you move among
    several cords very fast it will try to flash a non-existent svg item.
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    (Probably want to either make a permanent item in the pd_canvas.html for it,
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
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    or hard-code a separate div.)
[x] for data structure demos, change "" to 'none'
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] fix "Reselect" <ctrl-Enter> Keybinding.  It doesn't work atm because nw.js
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    cannot bind to Enter. But canvas_events should make this pretty easy.
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] fix bug where Reselecting a floating text doesn't stop it from floating
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[ ] keyup doesn't register autokeypresses, but keyname and key do
[ ] text_set doesn't work when a numbox is first created (but works otherwise)
[ ] clean up nw_create_window (doesn't need so many parameters)
[x] make a nice window API in C.  Window "foo-bar" type maps to "foo-bar.html"
[ ] implement the crappy iemgui color dialog presets
[x] find a simple translation API
[ ] use underscores for iemgui dialog element names
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] revisit the x_thick logic in g_slider.c.  It thickens the indicator when
    it's in the middle of the slider, but it's pretty obscure in the current
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] for as many items as possible, hide them instead of removing from DOM
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[ ] fix iemgui_font so it doesn't use tcl list syntax
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] change all the gui color char[MAXPDSTRING] junk to simple int, and do the
    conversion to hex html string in the gui.
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[ ] implement iemgui labels and its ascetic font chooser
[ ] think about scaling the svg instead of the page, and making the selection
    rectangle a div above that
[ ] change 'visible-width' to 'cnv-width'
[ ] in dialog_iemgui.html, use an object to store all the prop/value pairs that
    got sent.  That way we don't have to use all those awful tricks to
    conditionally fill the slots
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] look into the font metrics, see if we can use floating point fonts to
    simplify things
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[ ] iemgui font configuration -- de-tcl-ize the {fontface fontsize} tcl list,
    then make it work
[x] do msg box click animation in css
[x] tgl 'X' doesn't show up
[ ] gui_graph_fill_border: use css class selectors instead of configuration
[ ] standardize javascript function names
[x] in gui_plot_vis, we have to check for gobj existence.  For some reason, at
    very fast drawing rates we end up with two svg elements if we don't check
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    for this.  This would be simplified if gop stuff was just children of
    parent <group>
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[x] add garray_update for changing the path coords without having to recreate
    the entire scalar edifice
[ ] remove gui_text_select_color (css takes care of this)
[ ] add a canvas message to set a transform on the patchsvg.  Good for:
    * obscure display needs (zooming past the browser limits)
    * rotating for a display
    * transforming or scaling all scalars on a patch at once
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
    However: This will require more math on the mousemotion.
    So this should probably wait until
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    moving a lot of the editing code out of C and into the GUI
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] change 'array_element_fill' to 'element_fill', array_outline to
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[ ] either nw_create_window should take fewer parameters or it should take an
    object with name: value pairs
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[ ] getting the sense that glist_isselected should _always_ have
    glist_getcanvas(x) as its first parameter
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[x] get rid of the old tcl specific sys_get_audio_apis
[x] have a single function to set t_svg_attr
[ ] t_svg: change x_x1..y2 to simple x_bbox[4], and change current x_bbox to
    x_cachebbox (or something like that)
[x] figure out why gatom_retext sends a fill color to GUI
[ ] look into changing 'x' format specifier from \"x%.6lx\" to more generic
    \"%.6lx\". (Not exactly sure what good the "x" does there.)  It's only
    specified in s_inter and in editor_new, so it should be easy to amend
    if need be.
[ ] make "rtext" textarea <div> static, and turn display on/off
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] what to do about character sets other than utf-8 that come from Pd
    side? Example: ISO-8859 from the string posted by hexloader.c
[ ] for the clipboard shortcut keys inside pd_canvas.html keydown, not sure
    what code should be sent to Pd on keyup...
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] revis message box after updating the text in the editor. We didn't have
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    to do this with the old API because it updated the box on every keystroke.
    But we're doing an end-run around that entire edifice so we need to
    force it, probably inside text_setto
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] abstract out multi-line text loop, use for text_new and text_set
[ ] think about translating the undo/redo actions as they appear in the menu.
    (Might be tricky to do)
[ ] set svg viewBox/width/height to the window size when window gets created
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[ ] revisit pdtk_check_scroll_on_motion.  It's not implemented in the port
    yet.  Perhaps there's a better way to do it, without triggering a bunch
    of layouts.
[ ] implement pdtk_canvas_editval and magicglassval
[ ] move crispEdges value to CSS
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] look into problems with object z-order on the C side when deleting objects
    and then undoing the delete
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] implement magicglass edit menu indicator
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] clip garray to gl_x1 and gl_x2 by:
    a) checking if we're in a gop, and
    b) if so, only render if element number is > gl_x1 and < gl_x2
[ ] fix bug where utf_8 snowmen in an object box can cause a buffer overflow
    in the lib loading routine
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] Fix layout on dialogs so that height/width of the document doesn't
    reflow when the window gets resized
[ ] ds-demos unit-circle node throws an "unexpected string" error when
    trying to open it
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] gui_canvas_getscroll isn't called upon patch load
[ ] sprite-game character tears when moving around
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] look into using requestAnimationFrame
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] when mapping inside a new nw window, sometimes it stops rendering
    the svg, or the svg becomes corrupted.
    * when you drag the nw window, it will update the svg contents
    * sometimes parts of the window aren't rendered
    * sometimes the rendering is buggy (part of a gobj rect
      appears/disappears mysteriously)
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] sometimes straight control cords are pixel-aligned, sometimes they aren't. (If not pixel-aligned, try nudging
    one pixel to the right and they become non-aligned.)
[ ] autopatch creates a new box, but if you try to instantiate the empty box
    you have to click twice to get it to leave text entry mode
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] look into pasting only text inside text entry
[ ] canvas_check_geometry doesn't seem to do the right thing for canvases that are far to the right
    of the screen. Can't think of anything except maybe a bug in nw.js Window.x?
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] work on resizing dialog windows to the document content (currently some do, some don't)
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] add Mac support by changing evt.ctrlKey to evt.ctrlKey||evt.metaKey
[ ] when editing message box contents, the background svg image is hardcoded with a border color of blue.
    look into using mask-image in order to make this background color theme-able
[ ] integrate the inlet mouseover animation with a change of fill color
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] make a css entry for colors for the new_object_textentry border, background, and cursor
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] control main object font color from css
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[x] check new_object_textentry on editmode change
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] check if [key] and [keyup] handle autorepeat the same way
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] gui_vmess: should it look like this:
        (void *x, "msg", "arg_format", ...)
    or as it currently looks, like this:
        ("msg", "arg_format", ...)
Jonathan Wilkes's avatar
Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] figure out difference between deb install location /usr
    vs tarball /usr/local
[ ] port the bug fix from pd-l2ork git repo in commit
    "*fixed bug reported by Gilberto in..."
[ ] same for 50719c4c455291be3ac679486f7e4d72706bd9e4
[ ] same for a620228554d1662bacd0f2f8cfc65259049164ec
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] same for "*fixed spaces in old UI objects that were converted to \t..."
[ ] same for "*fixed font positioning on 14.04+ releases"
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] same for "*fixed copying dialog text and pasting it onto a canvas crasher"
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] same for "*revamped arduino connectivity to use Firmata firmware and allow for"
    (NB: this should be relatively painless... it's just that github
     wouldn't load the patch in the browser)
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Jonathan Wilkes committed
[ ] same for "*additional clean-up and improvements to the K12 library"
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Differences in Purr Data and Pd

When editing box content, you cannot currently trigger xlet highlight when
mousing over xlets.  This is a consequence of the current iteration of moving
gui behavior from the core to the GUI.

When editing box content, the text will wrap if it gets close to the right
border of the window.  (Probably same for the bottom of the window.) But
when you activate the box the svg text still gets rendered in the correct
location.  (I see this as an improvement over the old behavior.)