All of this needs to be done as root, using either `sudo` or `su`.
The following goes into /etc/pacman.conf:
SigLevel = Never
Server =$arch
Then just run:
pacman -Sy
pacman -S purr-data
#### Debian
All of this needs to be done as root, using either `sudo` or `su`. Use "Debian_9.0" instead if you're running Debian Stretch rather than Buster; likewise if you're running Unstable or Testing.
You should import the repository key first, so that the packages can be updated automatically (this only needs to be done once):
**NOTE:** This creates the source in a separate file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:aggraef.list. You can just remove this file when you don't need the repository any more.
All of this needs to be done as root, using either `sudo` or `su`. Use "Raspbian_9.0" instead if you're running Raspbian Stretch rather than Buster.
This is where the packages first come out as soon as Jonathan Wilkes releases them. The same packages can also be dowloaded (usually shortly after release) on Albert Gräf's mirror, which also provides a website, wiki, additional documentation, and an up-to-date mirror of the source code repository:
sudo su
You should import the repository key first, so that the packages can be updated automatically (this only needs to be done once):
Packages for various Linux distributions (including Arch, Debian, Ubuntu, and openSUSE) are available through the JGU package repositories maintained by Albert Gräf on the OBS (Open Build System). Detailed instructions can be found [here](
Then add the repository to your apt sources as follows:
**NOTE:** The openSUSE builds are somewhat experimental right now. In particular, the flite external is not supported, because the required dependencies are not available. Also note that some of the multimedia functionality (Gem video, in particular) will require proprietary media codecs and thus won't work in stock openSUSE. You will need to add third-party repositories like [Packman]( to make these work.
We take Tumbleweed as an example here, if you're running Leap then replace "Tumbleweed" with "Leap_15.1" or whatever version you use.
You can also just go to the [OBS Download](, pick your Linux system, and follow the instructions.
### Build Guide
**NOTE:** The instructions for Windows and OSX below talk about running the `` build
script, which is still the recommended way to build Purr Data right now.
However, Purr Data also has a new (and experimental) toplevel Makefile so that
just typing `make` will build the package. You may find this easier. The
Makefile also offers the customary targets to clean (`make clean`, or
`make realclean` to put the sources in pristine state again) and to roll a
self-contained distribution tarball (`make dist`). Please check the comments
at the beginning of the Makefile for more information.
Purr Data is usually built by just running `make` in the toplevel source directory after checking out the sources from its git repository. This works across all supported platforms (Linux, Mac and Windows at this time). The Makefile also offers the customary targets to clean (`make clean`, or `make realclean` to put the sources in pristine state again) and to roll a self-contained distribution tarball (`make dist`), as well as some other convenience targets (please check the comments at the beginning of the Makefile for more information).
However, to make this work, you will most likely have to install some prerequisites first: *build tools* such as a C/C++ compiler and the make program itself, as well as *dependencies*, the libraries that Purr Data needs. Detailed instructions for each of the supported platforms are given below.
#### Linux
Time to build: *10 minutes light install, 45 minutes to 1.5 hours full install*
Hard drive space required: *roughly 2.5 GB*
1. Install the dependencies
1. Install the dependencies (please note that the packages may be named
slightly differently for different Linux distributions; the given names are