=================== Installing pd-l2ork =================== To install pd-l2ork, you need to type somethings on the command line. Open Terminal, xterm, Console, or whatever its called on your machine, and type in the commands listed below. To install: tar xjf PACKAGE_NAME.tar.bz2 cd PACKAGE_NAME make install To uninstall: cd PACKAGE_NAME make uninstall A preferences file is embedded into this distro. It loads the default set of libraries, and sets a couple of other things. If you save the preferences within Pd, it will override these embedded preferences. Installing the needed dependencies ---------------------------------- You will need to install other libraries to make sure that things like MP3, video, etc work properly. ___Debian/Ubuntu___ If you want to save room, then don't install the "-dev" packages. http://puredata.org/docs/developer/Debian ___Fedora Core___ If you want to save room, then don't install the "-devel" packages. http://puredata.org/docs/developer/Fedora Installing in a different location ---------------------------------- You can install this package elsewhere, but its been compiled to run in /usr/local. If you install it somewhere other than /usr/local, you will only be able to run pd-l2ork like this: cd /path/to/bin/pd-l2ork && ./pd-l2ork Here's how to install it elsewhere: To install: make install prefix=/path/to To uninstall: make uninstall prefix=/path/to ================= Building pd-l2ork ================= To build everything and create an generic installer for linux, do this: Download and run the script from CVS which will download all the sources from anonymous CVS: scripts/checkout-developer-layout.sh Now you will have all of the sources in a directory called "pure-data". Next, run these commands to build in the package: cd packages/linux_make make install It will then compile and install everything into packages/linux_make/build. The default installation prefix is "/usr/local". Pd-l2ork will need to be installed into that directory in order for it to find all its externals and docs. You can compile everything to use a different prefix like this: make install prefix=/usr After you have everything built, you can make a tarball with a generated Makefile which will install and uninstall everything: make tarbz2 For debian packages do: make deb PACKAGE_TYPE=deb You can generate just the Makefile used for installation using: make installer_makefile
Forked from
Jonathan Wilkes / purr-data
1514 commits behind the upstream repository.
Albert Gräf