#N canvas 38 28 462 293 10;
#X text 310 50 Inlets;
#X text 310 100 Outlets;
#X text 310 150 GUI;
#X text 310 170 - Click on it;
#X text 310 70 - Bang / File name;
#X text 310 120 - Message;
#X msg 22 50 bang;
#X text 120 80 Takes the file string;
#X msg 32 80 filename.ext;
#X text 60 50 Opens up dialog;
#X text 92 120 <- Or click on it;
#X text 111 160 Message;
#X obj 22 120 datei-w;
#X text 12 6 [datei-w] - Sends the message "write ../../";
#X obj 22 160 print Datei_W;
#X text 12 237 (C) 2006 Joo Pais -;
#X text 12 257 Released under the BSD License;
#X text 12 207 Related objects: [datei-o] [datei-r];
#X connect 6 0 12 0;
#X connect 8 0 12 0;
#X connect 12 0 14 0;
#X coords 0 0 1 1 62 17 0;