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Commit 0cbaa337 authored by Jonathan Wilkes's avatar Jonathan Wilkes
Browse files

ported: "*further cleaned up documentation and removed sarcduino references."

from pd-l2ork: 7e3f0fd109b3c726acfdb75a19f4c83a838670ce
parent 45e5a4d3
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#N canvas 199 24 502 556 10;
#X obj 218 -69 preset_hub k12 %hidden% %node% 2 2 14 %preset% 0 100
%node% 2 2 28 %preset% 0 1 %node% 2 9 5 %node% 2 11 10 %preset% 0 2
%node% 2 12 7 %preset% 0 72 %node% 2 14 8;
#X obj 82 316 cnv 15 468 101 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#N canvas 169 14 502 669 10;
#X obj 218 -69 preset_hub k12 %hidden% %node% 2 2 14 %preset% 0 40.5349
%node% 2 2 28 %preset% 0 0 %node% 2 9 5 %node% 2 11 10 %preset% 0 2
%node% 2 12 7 %preset% 0 72 %node% 2 14 8 %node% 2 8 5 %node% 2 8 10
%preset% 0 1 %node% 2 9 7 %preset% 0 64 %node% 2 11 8 %node% 2 13 17
%preset% 0 0 %node% 2 14 4 %preset% 0 A0 %node% 2 14 0 %node% 2 15
15 %node% 2 15 16 %node% 2 14 7 %preset% 0 1 %node% 2 15 0 %preset%
0 240 %node% 2 15 4 %preset% 0 1 %node% 2 16 5 %preset% 0 60 %node%
2 16 9 %preset% 0 72;
#X obj 81 412 cnv 15 468 101 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X obj 90 434 K12/output;
#X obj 88 529 K12/output;
#N canvas 1094 127 450 514 META 0;
#X text 9 35 INLET_0 Connect any audio signal here;
#X text 11 5 DESCRIPTION Use this to make it sound like the sound is
being played in a big hall or a small room;
#X text 13 58 OUTLET_0 Connect this to the sound object or another
yellow effect;
#X restore 510 512 pd META;
#X restore 510 608 pd META;
#X obj 61 -48 cnv 3 501 3 empty empty empty 5 14 0 20 -260097 -191407
#X obj 61 -76 cnv 15 501 28 empty empty FX/Reverb 5 14 0 20 -139274
-262144 0;
#X obj 532 -45 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png;
#X text 184 328 The Reverb effect makes the sound sound like it's in
a room or other space. The default reverb object has 4 settings \,
ranging from less effect to more effect. Connect any signal to the
inlet. The input sound plus the effect will be sent out of the outlet.
#X obj 88 91 sarcduino_analog;
#X obj 88 208 K12/instr_sustained1;
#X obj 89 321 K12/fx_reverb;
#X obj 199 90 K12/math_number 0;
#X obj 532 -45 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png 0;
#X obj 88 304 K12/instr_sustained1;
#X obj 88 417 K12/fx_reverb;
#X obj 200 221 K12/math_number 0;
#X obj 304 -11 cnv 15 243 107 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017
-66577 0;
#X obj 449 -2 K12/preset 0;
#X text 311 50 Recall leftmost preset to start the example.;
#X obj 88 -18 K12/sarcduino_connect;
#X connect 8 0 9 0;
#X connect 9 0 10 0;
#X connect 10 0 2 0;
#X connect 11 0 9 1;
#X connect 15 0 8 0;
#X text 184 427 The Reverb effect makes the sound sound like it's in
a room or other space. The default reverb object has 4 settings \,
ranging from small to really spacious reverb. Connect any signal to
the inlet. The input sound plus the effect will be sent out of the
outlet., f 59;
#X obj 88 221 K12/math_number 0;
#X obj 200 -10 K12/logic_metronome;
#X obj 200 104 K12/math_random;
#X connect 7 0 8 0;
#X connect 8 0 2 0;
#X connect 9 0 7 1;
#X connect 14 0 7 0;
#X connect 15 0 16 0;
#X connect 16 0 9 0;
#X coords 0 0 1 1 181 81 0;
#N canvas 359 41 501 456 10;
#N canvas 349 31 501 456 10;
#X obj 269 -24 preset_hub k12 %hidden% %node% 2 3 14 %node% 2 3 28
%node% 2 14 25 %node% 2 16 10 %node% 2 17 7 %node% 2 8 7 %node% 2 9
7 %node% 2 10 7;
%node% 2 14 25 %node% 2 16 10 %node% 2 17 7 %node% 2 7 7 %node% 2 8
7 %node% 2 9 7;
#X obj 32 162 cnv 15 479 105 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X obj 39 169 K12/math_add;
......@@ -17,14 +17,15 @@ the inlets;
#X obj 18 -31 cnv 15 501 28 empty empty Math/Add 5 14 0 20 -139274
-262144 0;
#X obj 489 0 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png;
#X text 141 182 The Math Addition object works with non-signal numbers.
Send the number you want to be added into the right inlet. It will
be added to whatever number you connect to the left input and the result
will be sent out of the outlet.;
#X obj 489 0 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png 0;
#X obj 39 33 K12/math_number;
#X obj 145 34 K12/math_number;
#X obj 39 297 K12/math_number;
#X connect 2 0 10 0;
#X connect 8 0 2 0;
#X connect 9 0 2 1;
#X text 137 178 The Math Add object works with non-sound data only.
Send the number you want to be added into either inlet. It will be
added to whatever number you connect to the other input and the result
will be sent out of the outlet. The default value for both inlets is
#X connect 2 0 9 0;
#X connect 7 0 2 0;
#X connect 8 0 2 1;
#N canvas 363 50 501 501 10;
#X obj 354 -31 preset_hub k12 %hidden% %node% 2 7 7 %node% 2 8 7 %node%
2 9 7 %node% 2 6 5 %node% 2 7 7;
#X obj 133 241 cnv 15 479 188 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017
#N canvas 353 40 507 614 10;
#X obj 354 -31 preset_hub k12 %hidden% %node% 2 6 7 %node% 2 8 7 %node%
2 9 7 %node% 2 6 5 %node% 2 7 7 %node% 2 8 7 %node% 2 9 7;
#X obj 133 190 cnv 15 479 301 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017
-66577 0;
#X obj 123 -7 cnv 3 501 3 empty empty empty 5 14 0 20 -260097 -191407
......@@ -18,20 +18,28 @@ set inside the object whenever a non-zero value is sent;
through this object;
#X text 6 99 OUTLET_0 Connect this to any math or instrument object
#X restore 566 439 pd META;
#X obj 138 135 K12/sarcduino_analog;
#X obj 138 244 K12/math_number;
#X text 239 245 The Math Number object simply displays the current
#X restore 572 551 pd META;
#X obj 138 194 K12/math_number;
#X text 239 195 The Math Number object simply displays the current
value of the numbers passing through it. You can set the value of the
number by clicking the number and dragging the mouse up or down. The
outlet outputs the same number that is connected to the inlet \, unless
you change it by clicking on the number box and dragging to a different
number. In that case \, the output will be whatever you set the number
#X text 238 345 You can also use its right inlet to transform any NON-ZERO
value into the value currently stored inside the number object.;
#X obj 138 26 K12/sarcduino_connect;
#X text 238 390 The number can also output continuous values via blue
outlet that can be used in manipulating audio.;
#X connect 6 0 7 0;
#X connect 10 0 6 0;
#X obj 138 71 K12/math_number;
#X obj 248 71 K12/math_number;
#X text 238 295 You can also use its right inlet to transform any NON-ZERO
value (e.g. 1 \, 50 \, or -27) into the value currently stored inside
the number object.;
#X text 238 340 The number can also output continuous values via blue
outlet that can be used in manipulating sound.;
#X text 238 373 IMPORTANT! Like any other control data \, the number
data is sent only in that moment when the number is entered and the
user has pressed enter and not continuously \, like audio signal does.
This means if you change a value inside a number and connect that number
to an object afterwards \, the receiving object will have never received
entered value unless you re-enter such value and send it through the
newly formed connection.;
#X connect 8 0 6 0;
#X connect 9 0 6 0;
#N canvas 228 31 502 510 10;
#N canvas 278 81 508 510 10;
#X obj 470 -236 preset_hub k12 %hidden% %node% 2 1 16 %preset% 0 0
%node% 2 8 8 %preset% 0 440 %node% 2 10 8 %preset% 0 2 %node% 2 13
9 %node% 2 2 14 %preset% 0 100 %preset% 1 0 %node% 2 7 7 %preset% 0
79 %preset% 1 79 %node% 2 8 4 %preset% 0 783.991 %preset% 1 783.991
%node% 2 9 7 %preset% 0 0 %preset% 1 0 %node% 2 10 4 %preset% 0 8.1758
%preset% 1 8.1758 %node% 2 11 8 %node% 2 2 28 %node% 2 14 8;
%preset% 1 8.1758 %node% 2 11 8 %node% 2 2 28 %node% 2 13 8;
#X obj 221 33 cnv 15 468 104 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X obj 229 160 K12/output;
......@@ -14,25 +14,25 @@
#X text 11 5 DESCRIPTION This multiplies two signals together;
#X text 10 84 OUTLET_0 This outputs the product of the two audio signals
#X restore 656 243 pd META;
#X restore 658 238 pd META;
#X obj 209 -215 cnv 3 501 3 empty empty empty 5 14 0 20 -260097 -191407
#X obj 209 -243 cnv 15 501 28 empty empty Signal/Multiply 5 14 0 20
-139274 -262144 0;
#X obj 680 -212 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png;
#X obj 680 -212 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png 0;
#X obj 228 -179 K12/math_number;
#X obj 228 -81 K12/signal_sine;
#X obj 342 -179 K12/math_number;
#X obj 342 -81 K12/signal_sine;
#X obj 228 40 K12/signal_multiply;
#X text 326 51 The Signal Multiply object multiplies two signals together.
One way to think of it is that the wave at the right inlet controls
the loudness of the wave at the left inlet. The result is the multiplication
of the two signals. Recall leftmost preset for an example.;
#X obj 446 -179 cnv 15 243 107 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017
-66577 0;
#X obj 591 -170 K12/preset 0;
#X text 453 -118 Recall leftmost preset to start the example.;
#X text 450 -109 Recall leftmost preset to start the example.;
#X text 323 54 The Signal Multiply object multiplies two signals together.
One way to think of it is that the wave at the right inlet controls
the loudness of the wave at the left inlet. The result is the multiplication
of the two signals.;
#X connect 7 0 8 0;
#X connect 8 0 11 0;
#X connect 9 0 10 0;
#N canvas 105 55 502 410 10;
#N canvas 95 45 508 417 10;
#X obj 443 -181 cnv 15 246 101 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017
-66577 0;
#X obj 593 -175 K12/preset;
#X obj 225 -62 cnv 15 464 102 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017
#X obj 225 -62 cnv 15 471 101 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017
-66577 0;
#X obj 470 -236 preset_hub k12 %hidden% %node% 2 1 16 %preset% 0 0
%node% 2 1 8 %preset% 0 440 %preset% 1 440 %preset% 2 440 %preset%
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
%node% 2 9 7 %preset% 0 60 %preset% 1 62 %preset% 2 63 %preset% 3 65
%node% 2 10 4 %preset% 0 60 %preset% 1 62 %preset% 2 63 %preset% 3
65 %node% 2 4 28;
#X obj 230 63 K12/output;
#X obj 231 63 K12/output;
#N canvas 635 172 450 514 META 0;
#X text 33 12 DESCRIPTION This generates a sine wave;
#X text 33 37 INLET_0 Send values between 0 and 127 to set the pitch
......@@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ object \, signal math object \, or the sound object;
#X obj 680 -212 ggee/image @pd_extra/K12/icons/l2ork.png 0;
#X obj 231 -180 K12/math_number;
#X obj 231 -57 K12/signal_sine;
#X text 326 -43 The Signal Sine object is a sound generator that generates
a sin wave. Use the left inlet to set the frequency with a signal.
Connect the outlet to any signal math objects \, any effects \, or
the sound output object.;
#X text 451 -123 Recall leftmost preset to start the example.;
#X text 325 -52 The Signal Sine object is a sound generator that generates
a sine wave. Use the left inlet to set the pitch or enter it in the
number box. The pitch is expressed in MIDI compatible format with normal
pitches being between 0 and 127 Connect the outlet to any signal math
objects \, any effects \, or the sound output object.;
#X connect 9 0 10 0;
#X connect 10 0 4 0;
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