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Commit c1826e24 authored by Ivica Bukvic's avatar Ivica Bukvic
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added one more tutorial to new ds-tutorials

parent c71ac41e
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#N struct working-man-scalar float x float y;
#N canvas 0 19 895 618 10;
#N canvas 695 40 671 300 template 0;
#X obj 115 -2451 loadbang;
#X obj 115 -2409 draw path M 41.184 453.06 C 18.504 453.06 0 434.556
0 411.804 C 0 404.532 1.872 397.476 5.544 391.212 L 219.528 20.628
C 235.44 -6.876 274.968 -6.876 290.88 20.628 L 504.864 391.212 C 508.464
397.476 510.336 404.604 510.336 411.804 C 510.336 434.556 491.976 452.988
469.224 453.06 L 41.184 453.06 L 41.184 453.06 z;
#X obj 119 -2313 loadbang;
#X obj 119 -2271 draw polygon 52.2 405.468 458.136 405.468 255.168
53.892 52.2 405.468;
#X msg 119 -2292 fill #feb82f;
#X obj 123 -2174 draw path M 419.4 378.396 L 419.4 384.444 L 90.648
384.444 L 91.368 381.564 C 92.448 377.388 93.672 373.356 95.04 369.468
C 96.048 366.3 97.56 363.06 99.36 360.108 C 100.584 358.092 101.736
356.292 102.888 354.42 C 103.032 354.204 103.32 353.988 103.68 353.772
L 104.4 352.548 L 107.064 346.716 C 107.712 345.204 108.576 343.764
109.44 342.468 C 110.304 341.244 111.168 340.092 112.104 339.012 C
113.904 336.852 115.56 334.548 117 332.172 C 118.44 329.652 120.168
327.42 122.184 325.332 C 122.976 324.468 123.912 323.676 124.92 323.1
C 126.144 322.308 127.08 321.3 127.728 320.076 C 129.168 317.268 131.04
314.604 133.128 312.228 C 135.936 308.988 140.328 307.62 144.504 308.7
C 146.664 309.276 148.752 310.068 150.696 311.004 C 154.296 312.804
157.608 315.036 160.56 317.7 L 162.576 316.692 C 171.648 312.3 180.144
307.476 188.352 302.22 L 192.024 303.66 L 196.488 299.916 L 198.936
297.252 L 203.616 293.868 C 209.304 289.692 215.424 286.164 221.832
283.284 L 225.576 279.972 L 231.48 274.428 C 232.128 273.78 232.56
272.988 232.776 272.196 C 233.496 269.892 233.928 267.516 234.072 265.212
C 234.288 261.828 234.432 258.732 234.576 255.564 C 234.648 253.116
234.864 250.668 235.152 248.22 C 235.584 244.98 235.728 241.884 235.728
238.644 C 235.728 237.996 235.728 237.42 235.728 236.7 C 235.728 236.196
235.656 235.116 235.656 233.964 C 235.584 232.02 235.368 231.228 234.936
230.58 L 230.976 222.084 L 225.576 212.868 C 224.424 210.852 223.704
208.548 223.56 206.172 C 223.416 203.796 223.632 201.42 224.136 199.116
C 224.352 198.18 224.64 197.316 225 196.452 C 225.144 196.164 225.216
195.804 225.216 195.444 C 225.216 194.94 225 194.436 224.712 194.004
C 224.424 193.572 223.92 193.356 223.416 193.356 C 223.272 193.356
223.128 193.356 222.984 193.428 C 221.4 193.788 219.744 193.428 218.52
192.348 C 215.712 189.972 213.768 186.804 212.832 183.276 C 212.472
181.98 212.04 180.612 211.608 179.244 C 211.32 178.236 210.744 177.444
209.952 176.796 C 208.44 175.5 207.36 173.772 206.856 171.9 C 206.352
169.812 206.352 167.724 206.856 165.636 C 207.432 163.332 208.656 161.172
210.528 159.588 C 212.4 158.004 214.56 156.78 216.864 155.988 C 219.384
155.196 221.976 154.548 224.568 154.188 C 225.936 153.972 227.376 154.188
228.6 154.836 C 230.184 155.7 231.696 156.636 232.992 157.788 C 234.36
158.868 235.368 160.38 235.944 162.108 C 236.52 163.764 237.024 165.42
237.384 167.076 C 237.672 168.156 237.888 169.164 238.032 170.172 C
238.464 172.548 239.328 174.78 240.552 176.868 C 241.488 178.596 242.28
179.892 243.144 181.188 C 243 180.972 244.152 181.836 245.52 182.268
C 246.24 182.484 247.104 182.628 247.896 182.628 C 248.544 182.628
249.12 182.556 249.696 182.412 C 252.072 181.908 254.376 181.62 256.752
181.404 C 258.696 181.26 260.64 180.9 262.44 180.324 C 266.112 179.1
269.712 178.092 273.384 177.012 C 275.4 176.436 277.704 176.292 279.936
176.652 C 291.456 178.452 302.4 182.34 312.336 188.172 C 313.344 188.748
314.352 189.324 315.288 189.972 C 316.728 190.908 317.88 192.204 318.528
193.788 C 319.32 195.588 319.752 197.46 319.968 199.332 C 320.472 204.732
321.048 209.556 321.768 214.38 C 322.2 217.548 323.784 220.86 326.304
223.524 C 326.952 224.244 327.744 224.892 328.608 225.396 C 330.336
226.404 331.776 227.844 332.856 229.572 C 333.36 230.292 333.576 231.156
333.576 232.02 C 333.576 233.388 333 234.756 331.92 235.62 C 330.912
236.412 329.832 237.204 328.752 237.852 C 327.888 238.428 326.952 238.716
325.944 238.86 C 325.44 238.932 325.08 239.292 325.008 239.796 L 325.944
260.604 L 326.088 277.74 L 325.8 285.948 L 325.944 293.076 L 325.512
299.556 L 324.72 307.332 C 324.432 309.708 324.288 312.156 324.288
314.532 C 324.288 318.132 324.576 321.66 325.08 325.188 C 325.44 327.42
325.656 329.868 325.656 332.172 C 325.656 332.892 325.584 333.54 325.584
334.188 L 325.728 343.548 L 325.512 354.276 L 325.224 364.212 L 325.368
368.964 C 325.44 370.692 326.88 372.06 328.608 372.06 L 329.328 371.988
L 333.576 368.532 C 334.224 368.028 334.584 367.236 334.584 366.444
C 334.584 366.228 334.584 366.084 334.512 365.868 C 334.368 365.004
334.224 363.996 334.224 363.06 C 334.152 362.196 334.44 361.404 335.016
360.756 C 335.448 360.324 335.952 359.892 336.6 359.532 L 339.264 358.38
L 342.144 356.796 C 344.664 355.428 347.04 353.844 349.2 351.972 C
349.776 351.468 350.28 351.036 350.784 350.676 C 351.576 349.884 352.872
349.452 354.168 349.524 C 355.824 349.524 357.48 350.028 358.92 350.964
C 360.072 351.756 361.008 352.836 361.584 354.132 C 365.328 362.772
371.016 370.26 378.216 376.164 C 379.584 377.244 381.24 377.964 382.896
378.252 L 419.4 378.396 z;
#X obj 123 -2216 loadbang;
#X obj 123 -1115 loadbang;
#X msg 123 -1094 fill #feb82f;
#X obj 123 -1073 draw path M 247.248 264.636 C 247.32 264.708 247.392
264.708 247.536 264.708 C 247.824 264.708 248.112 264.636 248.328 264.348
C 249.768 262.692 251.064 261.108 252.288 259.452 C 253.224 258.3 254.016
257.076 254.88 255.852 C 255.528 254.844 256.176 253.764 256.896 252.756
C 257.616 251.748 258.264 250.668 258.84 249.588 C 259.776 247.86 260.64
246.276 261.504 244.62 C 262.08 243.468 262.584 242.028 262.8 240.516
C 263.016 239.724 263.16 238.86 263.376 237.996 C 263.52 237.636 263.592
237.132 263.592 236.628 L 263.592 236.628 C 263.592 235.908 263.304
235.188 262.8 234.612 L 261 232.596 L 258.84 230.94 C 258.408 230.508
257.904 230.292 257.328 230.292 C 256.608 230.292 255.888 230.724 255.528
231.372 L 254.088 233.748 C 253.8 234.468 253.584 235.188 253.512 235.98
C 253.512 237.348 253.368 238.716 253.08 240.084 C 252.936 240.732
252.504 242.604 252.144 244.476 C 251.136 249.3 250.056 253.044 248.904
256.572 L 248.04 259.02 L 247.032 261.972 C 246.816 262.476 246.672
263.052 246.672 263.628 C 246.672 263.772 246.672 263.916 246.744 264.06
C 246.744 264.348 246.96 264.636 247.248 264.636 z;
#X obj 148 -160;
#X obj 148 -139;
#X obj 125 -796 loadbang;
#X msg 125 -775 stroke black \, stroke-width 0.216;
#X obj 125 -754 draw line 246.744 263.988 247.176 264.636;
#X obj 126 -723 loadbang;
#X msg 126 -702 fill #feb82f;
#X obj 126 -681 draw path M 291.96 199.836 L 295.488 199.908 L 298.584
200.268 L 303.408 201.204 C 303.624 201.276 303.912 201.42 303.984
201.708 L 305.28 204.516 L 306.216 206.604 L 306.864 208.404 L 307.872
210.78 L 309.528 214.092 L 310.536 215.892 L 311.688 218.7 L 312.768
221.94 L 313.344 224.388 L 313.56 225.324 C 313.632 225.468 313.632
225.684 313.632 225.828 C 313.632 226.836 312.768 227.7 311.76 227.7
C 311.76 227.7 311.76 227.7 311.688 227.7 C 311.328 227.7 310.896 227.556
310.536 227.34 L 308.232 225.036 L 305.784 222.444 L 304.344 220.86
L 303.192 219.132 L 302.328 217.476 C 301.68 216.108 301.032 214.74
300.528 213.3 L 297.288 209.628 L 293.256 205.164 L 290.016 201.996
C 289.8 201.78 289.8 201.492 290.088 201.348 L 291.024 200.196 C 291.24
199.98 291.6 199.836 291.96 199.836 z;
#X obj 127 -476 loadbang;
#X msg 127 -455 fill #feb82f;
#X obj 127 -434 draw path M 254.304 371.484 L 263.16 365.436 L 263.592
365.148 L 265.248 364.644 L 268.56 363.852 L 274.968 360.036 L 274.608
358.74 C 274.104 356.508 273.024 354.348 271.656 352.476 C 270.504
350.82 269.424 349.092 268.56 347.22 C 267.84 345.78 267.48 344.34
267.408 342.756 C 267.12 337.788 266.256 332.82 264.96 327.924 C 263.448
322.596 261.648 317.124 259.704 311.652 C 258.696 308.988 258.192 306.468
257.976 304.02 C 257.904 303.444 257.832 302.868 257.904 302.292 C
257.904 301.932 258.048 301.572 258.264 301.284 L 260.208 299.484 L
262.512 297.684 L 264.672 295.74 L 267.336 293.364 L 268.992 291.636
L 276.264 283.716 L 277.2 282.492 L 277.632 281.844 C 278.064 281.196
278.568 280.548 279.072 279.9 C 279.36 279.54 279.648 279.324 280.008
279.108 L 282.96 277.308 L 285.12 276.516 C 285.84 276.228 286.704
276.3 287.28 276.804 C 288.216 277.524 288.864 278.676 289.152 279.828
L 289.512 283.716 L 289.944 287.532 L 291.024 295.164 C 291.24 297.036
291.384 298.836 291.384 300.636 C 291.384 302.364 291.24 304.02 291.024
305.676 C 290.952 306.324 290.952 306.972 290.952 307.62 C 290.952
309.492 291.24 311.364 291.888 313.092 C 292.392 314.388 292.968 315.612
293.616 316.764 C 295.272 319.86 296.496 323.1 297.36 326.484 C 297.936
328.86 298.296 331.236 298.368 333.684 C 298.512 337.644 299.016 341.604
299.88 345.492 C 300.384 347.796 300.744 349.668 301.176 351.684 C
301.248 352.188 301.896 352.692 302.616 352.692 C 302.76 352.692 302.904
352.692 303.048 352.62 L 304.776 352.692 C 305.136 352.692 305.496
352.98 305.568 353.34 C 306.072 355.068 306.288 356.796 306.288 358.524
C 306.288 360.18 306.072 361.836 305.64 363.42 C 305.28 365.004 304.128
366.228 302.616 366.732 C 301.32 367.164 299.952 367.524 298.584 367.668
C 297.288 367.884 296.208 368.82 295.992 370.044 C 295.848 370.62 295.776
371.124 295.776 371.628 L 295.776 371.7 L 295.776 371.7 C 295.776 372.924
294.984 373.86 293.904 374.148 C 292.824 374.508 291.672 374.724 290.592
374.796 C 288.936 374.94 287.28 375.156 285.552 375.444 L 280.296 375.588
L 274.176 375.3 L 269.28 374.508 L 266.184 373.788 L 261.432 372.852
L 258.192 372.204 L 254.304 371.484 z;
#X obj 131 88 loadbang;
#X msg 131 109 fill #feb82f;
#X obj 131 130 draw path M 163.224 321.372 L 165.096 321.012 L 170.064
319.932 C 173.448 319.212 176.688 318.204 179.856 316.836 C 182.592
315.684 184.68 314.82 186.768 313.956 C 189.288 312.948 191.808 311.292
194.04 309.204 L 197.568 306.252 L 200.592 303.228 L 202.536 301.572
L 204.768 299.916 L 206.856 298.404 L 209.448 296.82 L 211.32 295.812
L 213.336 294.804 L 215.424 293.796 L 217.656 292.644 L 219.312 291.78
L 220.824 290.844 L 222.264 290.052 L 225.36 288.756 L 231.48 305.46
L 231.624 306.108 L 231.768 306.756 L 234.144 314.676 L 236.16 322.812
L 237.672 327.996 L 238.68 331.884 L 240.84 341.676 L 241.416 344.772
C 241.776 346.356 242.496 347.796 243.648 349.02 C 244.08 349.452 244.584
349.812 245.088 350.028 C 246.312 350.676 247.608 350.964 248.976 350.964
C 249.192 350.964 249.48 350.964 249.696 350.892 C 250.632 350.82 251.568
351.18 252.144 351.9 C 253.44 353.412 254.232 355.212 254.52 357.156
C 254.52 357.228 254.52 357.372 254.52 357.444 C 254.52 357.804 254.448
358.164 254.304 358.452 L 251.64 362.7 L 251.136 363.492 L 245.16 366.876
C 244.728 367.092 244.44 367.596 244.44 368.1 C 244.44 368.172 244.44
368.244 244.44 368.316 L 244.944 370.26 L 242.928 369.828 C 240.336
369.18 237.672 368.892 234.864 368.892 C 233.28 368.892 231.624 368.964
230.04 369.18 C 226.944 369.612 223.776 370.188 220.536 370.98 C 217.224
371.772 213.84 372.204 210.312 372.276 C 207.936 372.348 205.56 372.06
203.328 371.412 C 202.392 371.196 201.312 370.908 200.304 370.692 C
198.216 370.332 196.344 369.324 194.976 367.812 C 193.968 366.804 192.744
365.436 191.448 364.212 L 188.208 359.604 L 186.408 356.724 L 184.464
353.916 L 182.736 351.396 L 180 347.22 L 178.704 345.132 L 176.832
341.316 L 175.464 338.292 L 174.528 336.42 L 173.736 334.908 C 171
329.94 167.544 325.332 163.296 321.372 L 163.224 321.372 z;
#X obj 121 -2492 struct working-man-scalar float x float y;
#X msg 123 -2195 fill black;
#X obj 246 -2434 draw group;
#X msg 115 -2430 fill #ed171f;
#N canvas 725 143 450 300 init 0;
#X obj 88 67 line;
#X obj 88 -19 loadbang;
#X msg 88 135 transform matrix -1 0 0 1 510.336 0 translate 200 200
scale \$1 translate -200 -200;
#X obj 88 112 pow 3;
#X msg 186 41 0.7 400;
#X obj 88 169 outlet;
#X obj 186 20 del 750;
#X msg 88 23 0.2 \, 0.9 750;
#X msg 41 68 0.5;
#X obj 88 2 del 750;
#X connect 0 0 3 0;
#X connect 1 0 8 0;
#X connect 1 0 9 0;
#X connect 2 0 5 0;
#X connect 3 0 2 0;
#X connect 4 0 0 0;
#X connect 6 0 4 0;
#X connect 7 0 0 0;
#X connect 8 0 3 0;
#X connect 9 0 7 0;
#X connect 9 0 6 0;
#X restore 246 -2464 pd init;
#X connect 0 0 27 0;
#X connect 2 0 4 0;
#X connect 4 0 3 0;
#X connect 6 0 25 0;
#X connect 7 0 8 0;
#X connect 8 0 9 0;
#X connect 10 0 11 0;
#X connect 12 0 13 0;
#X connect 13 0 14 0;
#X connect 15 0 16 0;
#X connect 16 0 17 0;
#X connect 18 0 19 0;
#X connect 19 0 20 0;
#X connect 21 0 22 0;
#X connect 22 0 23 0;
#X connect 25 0 5 0;
#X connect 27 0 1 0;
#X connect 28 0 26 0;
#X restore 443 6 pd template;
#X scalar working-man-scalar 218 -11 \;;
#X text 13 0 Still under heavy development!;
#X text 43 160 * stroke and fill methods;
#X text 43 40 Stable methods of the new [draw] object are:;
#X text 43 120 _Close_ to stable (won't change unless some big problem
is revealed):;
#X text 43 190 Wish I could figure out a better way to do them:;
#X text 43 80 * stroke-opacity \, fill-opacity \, transform \, stroke-width
\, stroke-miterlimit \, rx \, ry \, and stroke-dasharray methods.;
#X text 43 330 * [draw group]. This will probably change to [group]
and feature a subpatch so that you can do svg group nesting.;
#X text 43 300 Unstable (will probably change):;
#X text 43 470 Experimental:;
#X text 43 220 * fill-rule \, stroke-linejoin \, stroke-linecap. The
problem is that they take symbolic arguments in the svg standard \,
but with data structures a symbolic argument represents a variable
field. So I just use a float argument. I could use quotes around a
symbol to specify a constant string \, but that would be obscure and
at odds with the rest of Pd.;
#X text 43 370 * [draw shape] pattern \, [drawsprite] name \, [drawimage]
names. They are inconsistent. I don't particularly like the two word
naming scheme of [draw shape] \, but [drawpolygon] is already taken
and has a different interface. So I'll either change [draw shape] to
some one-word selector or change [drawsprite] to make it more consistent
with what I have so far.;
#X text 43 490 * mouse-dragging hotspots. This currently works like
old-school scalars \, and it even works with transforms. It's original
design is too limiting \, and with ds arrays the element hotspot may
even conflict with the coordinate hotspot. A more expressive way is
needed \, maybe something ported or inspired by Raphael.;
#X text 43 570 * scalar bbox caching. All that code is essentially
a duplication of tkpath and needs to happen in the GUI.;
#X text 480 333 Upcoming:;
#X text 480 353 * data method and x \, y \, etc. method for changing
shape coordinates on the fly;
#X text 480 393 * methods to better control mouse interaction. Something
like the old "-x" flag but allowing separate control of edit-mode displacement
and hotspot dragging. (Just because the drawing data contains a variable
doesn't mean it should be draggable.);
#X text 480 463 * [draw image] instead of [drawimage] \, so that it's
transformable. (Maybe the same with drawsprite \, not sure...);
#X text 480 513 * [draw text] for scalable svg text.;
#X text 480 543 * better [draw group] inheritance. Currently drawing
a shape gives it a bunch of default attributes which you have to manually
turn off to inherit attributes from a group.;
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