- Mar 02, 2012
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
removed selection from the undo queue as it precludes selecting older stuff and pasting it into new stuff (undo -> select old would purge the queue ahead of that undo, so -> redo -> paste would be impossible)
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
fixed automatic resizing of the gop when changing font sizes, complete overhaul of the tooltip engine. TODO: add proper nlet tags to iemgui objects...
- Mar 01, 2012
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
added support for tooltips (based on the http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2838176&group_id=55736&atid=478072)
- Feb 26, 2012
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
by tag in which case gop will fall back to the old way of redrawing
Ivica Bukvic authored
- Feb 25, 2012
Ivica Bukvic authored
fixed all iemgui objects to conform to the new model of gop selection (no highlighting of objects inside gop unless they are toplevel objects)
Ivica Bukvic authored
altered behavior of gop objects so that internal elements are not visibly selected. Also reworked the way array and scalar selection is dealt with fixing segfault and making a more fool-proof way of selecting them.
Ivica Bukvic authored
improved logic for moving gop objects by checking if the gop has any legacy objects inside it that don't support displacefnwtag
- Feb 24, 2012
Ivica Bukvic authored
improved out of focus typing behavior by including focused window information to the canvas_key function
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
further refined calculating size of g_mycanvas (when inside GOP getrect returns full size, whereas when on the toplevel canvas, it returns only the selectable rectangle)
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
fixed recreation of abstraction after saving it in its own independent root instance due to stale canvas_undo call that is not being used any more.
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
made gop resize and move hooks visible only when nothing else is selected on that canvas to minimize possible overlap of selection hooks
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
fixed bug where gop element with hidden text still did not allow resizing below the width of the text
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
added ability to deselect currently selected objects from the canvas if focusing outside the said canvas window
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
added automatic focus of the root window at start-up and fixed copying text from the console window into the clipboard using ctrl+c shortcut
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
- Feb 17, 2012
Ivica Bukvic authored
implemented free() calls as part of the pd_quit() call from the following sourceforge bugtracker: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1502860&group_id=55736&atid=478072
- Feb 16, 2012
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
fixed confirming saving changes on an abstraction hidden inside another patch (currently invisible) whose prompting failed...
- Feb 15, 2012
Ivica Bukvic authored
made openpanel and savepanel open by default in the folder where the original patch was opened from.
- Feb 11, 2012
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
Improved logic for intelligent asking when to save abstractions. No longer is it necessary to check whether to save an abstraction after it has been changes and only displaced on parent. this is because objects are "activated" when selected which potentially means that abstractions would be recreated as soon as they are deselected essentially making user lose anything they changed in the abstraction and did not save. However, in pd-l2ork we check when objects are activated whether their rtext (and therefore also its arguments) have changed and only recreate object if they did.
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
fixed three regressions that crept in due to implementation of moving gop objects by tag. one of them manifested itself when an object was altered as gop and a sub-patch pops up asking to discard changes made to it. upon returning on the main window with the said gop, due to redraw objects were not reselected so dragging the object would not redraw properly even though it could be displaced, resulting in a seemingly stale gop object (in actuality it was simply displaced by being dragged while its visual content did not displace). Also, excessive stdout errors regarding redrawing gop resize handles and possible menu edit update has been dealt with.
- Jan 26, 2012
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
Fixed segfault when creating undo for array apply (e.g. when changing array size). Also expanded moving by tag to arrays and scalars. Now, the entire array even with a ton of points is moving like knife through the butter :-)
- Jan 21, 2012
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
Added support for moving GOP objects via tag and disabled showing of resize handles on iemgui objects when displayed inside a gop window (this became an issue due to new way of selecting gop objects which now also includes all objects inside it).
- Dec 17, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
- Dec 16, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
finished implementation and debugging of infinite undo. removed debugging statements from stderr, vastly improved pasting from external script.
- Dec 15, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
finished undo implementation, added consistency to how canvas properties window is handled in undo situations, removed debug output.
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
added comments that suggest UCUT_TEXT is now obsolete and replaced by a much better undo_recreate (action 10).
Ivica Bukvic authored
more improvements to the cut mechanism. implemented rename function (11th undo action proved unnecessary and is serviced by 10). improved logic of retexting objects so that only those that have changed trigger an undo snapshot.
- Dec 14, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
removed rendundant memory hack and found potentially real and permanent fix to the double-entry bug (see g_canvas.c inside canvas_free() function). Many thanks to Krzysztof Czaja for his incredibly helpful hint!