new [table] don't display a graph by default
create a new [table] objet has no graph displayed inside. Right-click-> going to properties and changing the draw to point creates the graph.
Purr Data RC2, OSX 10.9.5
create a new [table] objet has no graph displayed inside. Right-click-> going to properties and changing the draw to point creates the graph.
Purr Data RC2, OSX 10.9.5
Yes, this affects the put menu arrays as well. It seems that as long as the array/table only has zero values, it isn't shown in the polygon and Bezier modes, whereas it is rendered fine in the point and bargraph modes. Upstream pd-l2ork doesn't have this defect. Jonathan, is this intentional or a bug in the polygon and Bezier rendering routines?
Definitely a bug.
Status changed to closed by commit b59f40f5
Mentioned in commit aggraef/purr-data@b59f40f5