is osx dmg from gitlab ci loading external libdirs?
Can someone check if the OSX dmg adds the external libdirs to the global path?
Can someone check if the OSX dmg adds the external libdirs to the global path?
I'm running that version. And no, they aren't loaded if I launch after doing a rm ~/Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pd-l2ork.plist
. However, once any older defaults exist, they're updated properly.
RC4 still does this correctly, so it's probably a regression caused by !61 (merged) or !62 (merged). Oops. I'll look at it tomorrow.
Great, thanks.
mentioned in merge request !66 (merged)
Well spotted, Jonathan. :) In !62 (merged) I inadvertently got rid of all the checks used to determine which prefs to load if the user prefs don't exist yet. !66 (merged) will fix that blunder.
closed via commit 656f9aac
closed via merge request !66 (merged)