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dropdown menu improvements

Jonathan Wilkes requested to merge fix-dropdown into master

These are improvements based on some feedback from user "sensn" on the Pd forum:

one good thing about [dropdown] ... if you got a lot of entries it will automatically create a scrollbar. But this scrollbar doesn't work as expected.

Works now with !104 (merged)

If you left-click the scrollbar to do some scrolling - dropdown will collapse and select one of the first entries. clicking the up-down buttons will do the same.

Fixed in !104 (merged)

Using the mousewheel to scroll down (when mouse is over the scrollbar) will work but if you move the mouse to the left to select an entry on the bottom of the list, dropdown will scroll up again.

Fixed in !104 (merged)

If your patch-canvas has scrollbars and the dropdown-object has scrollbars and you try to select an entry with your up/down-arrow keyboardkeys, both the canvas and the dropdown will scroll. Moreover the selection of dropdown will jump 2 entries on one keypress.

Fixed in !104 (merged)

Another thing i noticed: If you place the drop down on the bottom of a patch-window and you try to do a selection, the dropdown object doesn't "drop-up" so it's hard to select something.

Fixed in !104 (merged)

It's nice to have mousewheel in a gui object now. would be cool for sliders too. Any chances we could have mousewheel for the ds-draw command? (just like mouseover 1..)

Separate issue: #337 (closed)

Tof/ menubutton worked differently, it would open up the drop down list independently from the parent window.

This would be possible by using <select>. But then we'd give up control of the display of the object-- exactly how wide and high. Additionally styling would be determined by the OS. One could get around this by making that element invisible and stacking it on top of the SVG. But then you'd have to also disable it in Edit Mode-- otherwise the menu would trigger on an Edit Mode click which isn't the desired behavior. More of a pain for a small usability improvement.

Thus, all relevant items have been addressed. Now we just need to test-- especially under Windows and OSX. Then this can merged.

Edited by Jonathan Wilkes

Merge request reports