add hex symbol color syntax for iemgui colors
This replaces !423 (closed) with a squashed version.
- old syntax saved for now, will update when we hit Vanilla 0.51 compatibility level
- unlike Vanilla, we use the shorthand "#fff" syntax from the web. Vanilla accepts that-- and any other number of hex characters-- but doesn't choose the correct color. (Also, Purr rejects hex syntax that doesn't have 3 or 6 hex digits)
- unlike Vanilla, we check for errors and report them
- unlike Vanilla, we use the old
[color bg label(
format IFF those colors are the old lossy int colors. That way old patches will "just work" without the user having to know to put Pd in a compatibility mode - like Vanilla, we still save the old syntax. Unlike Vanilla, we give a warning on save to explain the situation and how to save the new hex syntax if desired.
Also-- once the change is made to save to the new hex syntax, all the interim versions past 2.12.0 will be able to read the new format.
Merge when CI finishes...