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Update the translations after the recent GUI changes. (TODO: French translations.)

Albert Gräf requested to merge aggraef/purr-data:translation-updates into master

As the title says. Ico and Guillem updated the English translations alright, but didn't add the new entries to the other two translations we have. There were also two earlier entries missing in the German translations. I added all of those now, the French translations still need actual translation, though. :)

@Joseph, could you please provide the French translations for the following items?

diff --git a/pd/nw/locales/fr/translation.json b/pd/nw/locales/fr/translation.json
index 05bdfaf7..404829d3 100644
--- a/pd/nw/locales/fr/translation.json
+++ b/pd/nw/locales/fr/translation.json
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-  "hello": "world",
   "iem": {
     "prop": {
       "heading": {
@@ -145,6 +144,8 @@
     "reselect_tt": "Rétablir la sélection précédente",
     "find":    "Rechercher",
     "find_tt": "Rechercher un texte dans la sortie de la console",
+    "encapsulate": "Encapsulate",
+    "encapsulate_tt": "Encapsulate automatically the current selection into a subpatch",
     "tidyup":    "Arranger",
     "tidyup_tt": "Aligner la sélection d'objets en lignes et colonnes strictes",
     "clear_console":    "Effacer la Console",
@@ -271,7 +272,8 @@
   "pd_window": {
     "find": {
-      "placeholder": "Chercher dans la Console"
+      "placeholder": "Chercher dans la Console",
+      "highlight": "Highlight All"
   "canvas": {
@@ -285,6 +287,16 @@
       "cancel":    "Annuler",
       "cancel_tt": "N'enregistrer aucune modification et ne pas fermer le patch"
+    "abstract_dialog": {
+      "prompt": "Would you like to turn the identical subpatches into abstractions?\nCandidates found in the subpatch tree, from root canvas: ",
+      "note": "Note: this can't be undone all at once – any changes made in subpatches can be undone from that subpatch",
+      "single": "Only this one",
+      "single_tt": "Replace the subpatch you just saved with the corresponding abstraction",
+      "all": "All candidates",
+      "all_tt": "Replace all subpatches in the subpatch tree identical to the one you just saved with the corresponding abstraction",
+      "none": "None",
+      "none_tt": "Do not replace any subpatch"
+    },
     "find": {
       "placeholder": "Chercher dans le Canevas",
       "search":    "Chercher",
@@ -294,6 +306,7 @@
     "menu": {
       "props": "Propriétés",
       "open":  "Ouvrir",
+      "saveas": "Sauvegarder comme",
       "help":  "Aide",
       "front": "Envoyer au Premier plan",
       "back":  "Envoyer à l'Arrière plan"

Note that I already did "saveas", that was easy enough. ;-) If you need help with any of the other options, I'm happy to explain what they are about.

Edited by Albert Gräf

Merge request reports