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Backport of vanilla signalin fixes

Albert Gräf requested to merge aggraef/purr-data:vanilla-signalin-fixes into master

As discussed on the pd-l2ork mailing list. This backports some bugfixes related to signal inlets from the 0.47.0 vanilla release.

  • The crucial one, which fixes the "signal inlets without a main signalin" issue, is in rev. 65e3cfab. (Note that I didn't attempt to backport Miller's entire work on the clone~ object which this was part of. I think that we should keep that separate, we can always do that later.)

  • IOhannes' commit d7432e4a deals with some corner cases of the "signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet" error. I added that simply because it's obviously related to the aforementioned issue. Note that we also had some corresponding code in there, but IOhannes' solution seems simpler and cleaner, so I'd say that we should go with it. Also, this puts our d_ugen.c in perfect sync with vanilla again. (In fact I just copied the vanilla version over, that's how this commit came about.)

  • Rev. dc897de6 isn't directly related, but it's part of the same release, and it also fixes an issue with signal inlets, so IMHO it would be good to merge this as well while we're at it.

Tested on Linux, will test on Mac next. As always, it would be nice if you could try a test build on Windows so that we know that we're good there, too.

Merge request reports