Repo cleanup
- Mar 31, 2017
Jonathan Wilkes authored
fix up Windows-specific build script to just rsync the pd/doc directory. At some point we need to use for Windows just like Linux and OSX do...
- Mar 30, 2017
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
keep in pd/doc/media, but remove all the copies of external media files. There aren't any references to those copied files in any of the docs, so they are useless. This means the root "doc" directory is now gone.
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
- Mar 27, 2017
Jonathan Wilkes authored
- Mar 26, 2017
Jonathan Wilkes authored85be0fc4
Jonathan Wilkes authored
remove patches from "messageoddness" directory that were either fixed earlier in Pd-l2ork or are misleading/wrong
Jonathan Wilkes authored
repo cleanup: remove tcl/tk build infrastructure and scripts, old patches, automated build scripts for pd-extended, old gui plugins, and unnecessary install-time dependencies