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/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette.
* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution.  */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>      /* for read/write to files */
#include "m_pd.h"
#include "g_canvas.h"
#include <math.h>

static void garray_select(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int state);
static void garray_doredraw(t_gobj *client, t_glist *glist);
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/* jsarlo { */
#define ARRAYPAGESIZE 1000  /* this should match the page size in */
/* } jsarlo */

/* see also the "plot" object in g_scalar.c which deals with graphing
arrays which are fields in scalars.  Someday we should unify the
two, but how? */

    /* aux routine to bash leading '#' to '$' for dialogs in
    which can't send symbols starting with '$' (because the Pd message
    interpreter would change them!) */

static t_symbol *sharptodollar(t_symbol *s)
    if (*s->s_name == '#')
        char buf[MAXPDSTRING];
        strncpy(buf, s->s_name, MAXPDSTRING);
        buf[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
        buf[0] = '$';
        return (gensym(buf));
    else return (s);

/* --------- "pure" arrays with scalars for elements. --------------- */

/* Pure arrays have no a priori graphical capabilities.
They are instantiated by "garrays" below or can be elements of other
scalars (g_scalar.c); their graphical behavior is defined accordingly. */

t_array *array_new(t_symbol *templatesym, t_gpointer *parent)
    t_array *x = (t_array *)getbytes(sizeof (*x));
    t_template *template;
    template = template_findbyname(templatesym);
    x->a_templatesym = templatesym;
    x->a_n = 1;
    x->a_elemsize = sizeof(t_word) * template->t_n;
    x->a_vec = (char *)getbytes(x->a_elemsize);
        /* note here we blithely copy a gpointer instead of "setting" a
        new one; this gpointer isn't accounted for and needn't be since
        we'll be deleted before the thing pointed to gets deleted anyway;
        see array_free. */
    x->a_gp = *parent;
    x->a_stub = gstub_new(0, x);
    word_init((t_word *)(x->a_vec), template, parent);
    return (x);

/* jsarlo { */
void garray_arrayviewlist_close(t_garray *x);
/* } jsarlo */

void array_resize(t_array *x, int n)
    //fprintf(stderr,"array_resize %d\n", n);
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    int elemsize, oldn;
    t_template *template = template_findbyname(x->a_templatesym);
    if (n < 1)
        n = 1;
    oldn = x->a_n;
    elemsize = sizeof(t_word) * template->t_n;

    x->a_vec = (char *)resizebytes(x->a_vec, oldn * elemsize, n * elemsize);
    x->a_n = n;
    if (n > oldn)
        char *cp = x->a_vec + elemsize * oldn;
        int i = n - oldn;
        for (; i--; cp += elemsize)
            t_word *wp = (t_word *)cp;
            word_init(wp, template, &x->a_gp);
    x->a_valid = ++glist_valid;

static void array_resize_and_redraw(t_array *array, t_glist *glist, int n)
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    t_array *a2 = array;
    int vis = glist_isvisible(glist);
    while (a2->a_gp.gp_stub->gs_which == GP_ARRAY)
        a2 = a2->a_gp.gp_stub->gs_un.gs_array;
    if (vis)
        gobj_vis(a2->a_gp.gp_un.gp_gobj, glist, 0);
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    array_resize(array, n);
    if (vis)
        gobj_vis(a2->a_gp.gp_un.gp_gobj, glist, 1);
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void word_free(t_word *wp, t_template *template);

void array_free(t_array *x)
    int i;
    t_template *scalartemplate = template_findbyname(x->a_templatesym);
    for (i = 0; i < x->a_n; i++)
        t_word *wp = (t_word *)(x->a_vec + x->a_elemsize * i);
        word_free(wp, scalartemplate);
    freebytes(x->a_vec, x->a_elemsize * x->a_n);
    freebytes(x, sizeof *x);

/* --------------------- graphical arrays (garrays) ------------------- */

t_class *garray_class;
static int gcount = 0;

struct _garray
    t_gobj x_gobj;
    t_scalar *x_scalar;     /* scalar "containing" the array */
    t_glist *x_glist;       /* containing glist */
    t_symbol *x_name;       /* unexpanded name (possibly with leading '$') */
    t_symbol *x_realname;   /* expanded name (symbol we're bound to) */
    char x_usedindsp;       /* true if some DSP routine is using this */
    char x_saveit;          /* true if we should save this with parent */
    char x_joc;             /* true if we should "jump on click" in a graph */
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    char x_listviewing;     /* true if list view window is open */
    char x_hidename;        /* don't print name above graph */
    int x_style;            /* so much simpler to keep it here */
    t_symbol *x_send;       /* send_changed hook */
    t_symbol *x_fillcolor;       /* color for filled area of the are */
    t_symbol *x_outlinecolor;    /* color of the outline around the element */
t_pd *garray_arraytemplatecanvas;
t_pd *garray_floattemplatecanvas;
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static char garray_arraytemplatefile[] = "\
#N canvas 0 0 458 153 10;\n\
#X obj 43 31 struct _float_array array z float float style\n\
float linewidth float color symbol fillcolor symbol outlinecolor;\n\
#X obj 43 70 plot z color linewidth 0 0 1 style fillcolor outlinecolor;\n\
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static char garray_floattemplatefile[] = "\
#N canvas 0 0 458 153 10;\n\
#X obj 39 26 struct float float y;\n\

/* create invisible, built-in canvases to determine the templates for floats
and float-arrays. */

void garray_init( void)
    t_binbuf *b;
    if (garray_arraytemplatecanvas)
    b = binbuf_new();
    glob_setfilename(0, gensym("_float"), gensym("."));
    binbuf_text(b, garray_floattemplatefile, strlen(garray_floattemplatefile));
    binbuf_eval(b, 0, 0, 0);
    garray_floattemplatecanvas = s__X.s_thing;
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    vmess(s__X.s_thing, gensym("pop"), "i", 0);
    glob_setfilename(0, gensym("_float_array"), gensym("."));
    binbuf_text(b, garray_arraytemplatefile, strlen(garray_arraytemplatefile));
    binbuf_eval(b, 0, 0, 0);
    garray_arraytemplatecanvas = s__X.s_thing;
    vmess(s__X.s_thing, gensym("pop"), "i", 0);

    glob_setfilename(0, &s_, &s_);
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/* create a new scalar attached to a symbol.  Used to make floating-point
arrays (the scalar will be of type "_float_array").  Currently this is
always called by graph_array() below; but when we make a more general way
to save and create arrays this might get called more directly. */

static t_garray *graph_scalar(t_glist *gl, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *templatesym,
    t_symbol *fill, t_symbol *outline, int saveit)
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    t_garray *x;
    t_template *template;
    if (!(template = template_findbyname(templatesym)))
        return (0);
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    x = (t_garray *)pd_new(garray_class);
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