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Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
---------------- dolist --------------------
exp~, abs~ fixes
pd~ -ninsig 0 bug fixed

Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
compile on various versions of linux
  modal dialogs confuse watchdog
  check the right-click-on-empty-canvas
  MIDI I/O (inc. sysex)
  "-audiodev" with no args in registry can't start up?
  clicking on windows seems sometimes not to open them
  what does OSX do when jack is compiled into Pd but not installed??
  turn on paMacCore_ChangeDeviceParameters for mac (pa_mac_core.h)
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
Gnome: why don't windows pop up when clicked on?

pd~ "start" followed by messages gives race condition because of "fromgui" biz
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
get rid of remaining -export-dynamic in makefiles
saving as "x.pd" on mac writes to "x.pd.pd" (can't reproduce this.)
find asdf$1 (e.g.) doesn't work
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
check real-time gaps in writesf~
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
fix declare to update current patch when changed
objects on GOP don't erase if you edit the GOP while they're showing
add -stack option to make 'regular' stack larger
TK menu on Windows says "wish"
help browser broke on Panurge
offer both new and old help browser style
look again at array vis/invis conundrum, g_template.c
TK commands to nonexistent windows? (occasionally still happens)
still can't detect when a window is moved or resized
open_via_path call in d_soundfile.c isn't threadsafe
floor, ciel functions in expr misdeclared
graph names don't appear until graph moved? (invis/vis on new array/rename)
don't filter locked click() through getrect
should linux stop grabbing focus on vis?  Is there a way to detect whether
    the mouse is in a window when it opens?
arrays that don't fit in bounds don't update (same as red rectangle problem?)
patcher inlets don't deal with scalars (zbug.pd)
check if there's a problem loading libs on startup if superuser
read xx.txt in "bad" gives warnings
Krzysztof's qlist_next reentrancy bug
don't draw in/outlets on gui objects in graph-on-parent
get rid of messages causing renaming; try to prevent patches closing themselves.
scofo reports error on reading score1.txt
loading e-mailed patches without removing headers crashes pd
check if _vsnprintf with zero argument in windows works any better...
detect adc~ and dac~ reblocking
wierd bug: help doesn't work if pd is started in 5.reference directory
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed

more demonstration patches:
vibrato using variable delay
real-time spectrum grapher
document ||, |, etc, better

'route' object to sprout inlet if no args (like sel)
optionally suppress leading "." directories and files on "open"
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
change config.h to #ifdef _MSC_VER (include MSW fake) else include a real one
stick snprintf alias in the MSW fake.
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
"installation mode" - turn off Pd window, accelerators, menu bars, scrollbars
flag to prevent unlocking patches
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
messages to suppress menus&accelerators, and invisibilize Pd window
machine-independent fonts
sigmund~: sort by pitch; one-shot
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
expr to parse exponential notation
pipe to handle symbols&pointers (just takes floats now???)
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
grab new ALSA midi code from devel
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
mem alignment for SSE
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
replace gatom_escapit with a quoting mechanism (handle '[', spaces, etc.)
unicode in filenames???  How does this work?  (bug report about windows)
sprout inlet for "route", "sel" if one arg
more list functions (see x_list.c)
poly inlet to turn stealing on/off, plus mode to handle note-with-duration
integrate video into tilde objects
fix copyright notices
pixel font sizes
pd to find running ones (pd -new to defeat)
    if there's just one array, don't do stringent hit check.
    array click protection (Krzysztof's suggestion)
    make graph labels persistent and add to dialog
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
    graph "hide name" flag controllable from dialog
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
    object to get/set table size; random; quantile
    flag to hide array names 
think of a way to embed abstractions in a patch
make watchdog work for MACOSX
delete-in-rectangle message to Pds
put serial object in main dist (see rat@telecoma, Apr. 25; winfried May 22)
open/save panel to take messages to init directory, and to set extent list
flags to defeat pre-loading specified classes
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
    pasting should look at current mouse location
    clickless connection (hit 'c' key? see Bouchard paper)
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
    tab to jump to a connected object (first one?) (shift-tab to back up?)
    arrow keys to shift connections left and right
    menu item to connect selected objects
    highlight connections (and I/Os) on mouse motion
    select line and hit "insert" to interpolate an object
    option-drag an outlet to make a new, connected object
    (also, a way to make multiple connections?)

Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
add -x [-n?] flag to drawnumbers
flag to disable edits for arrays
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
make a 2-pass proecss for finding hot spot closest to any given click
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
replace list element with binbuf??
hooks for table mousing, other changes (scalars?)
data to save as succession of "list" messages that textfile can store, etc.
implement list field (GOP or subwindow, perhaps GOP could suppress bounds rect?)
data copy/paste doesn't check templates aren't changed
arrays of non-existent templates crash
vget, vset traversal objects, pointer == and select equivalents
cursor to show (x, y) location
improve typing at drawnumbers
sublists should display on parent if desired? (new drawing instruction)
test and debug list elements of templates
sublists seem not to handle canvas allocation right (get.pd->pointer.pd bug)
append doesn't do symbols yet.
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed
non-clickable arrays (plus arrays that respond more easily than default)
Miller Puckette's avatar
Miller Puckette committed

more features:

clean out IRIX stuff
"-march=pentium4 -O2 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -mmmx" ?
try to improve for AMD - try "-march=athlon-xp -msse2"
search for -mcpu=cpu-type in man gcc.
-Wno-unused to -Wno-unused-paramter and clean up unused automatic variables
security module system in 2.6 - see the kernel module replacing jackstart
signal inlets to sense signals; fix +~ etc, vcf~, biquad~, other filters
try to reduce startup time
investigate gcc 3.3 warnings; try to reinstate -fstrict-aliasing
message dialog not to disappear
why does changing the name of an explode in jupiter patch take so long?
close-subwindows menu item
show results of opening audio and MIDI on dialogs
windows escape from control-C
new: abs~, nexttick~, extend threshold~ and snapshot~ (vthreshold~ etc)
incorporate pddp doc
try again to fix the font scene
look at prctl(2) for FP exception handling
??? have a way to disambiguate externs from different libs???
netsend separate thread
netreceive (and netsend?) message to set port number
graph_vis() to decorate graphs when they're toplevel (parent_glist == 0)
in glist_delete, consider why this can't be just "vis 0" -- why do we need it?
check that -blocksize really reflects in audiobuf calc for Hammerfall
makefile to have make install depend on make local.
put in something for tilde order forcing
extensible "toolbar" so people can add external GUI objects
variable send and receive -- check how max/MSP does it?
number boxes to darken for typing and/or received messages
new message box look
figure out what to do when "pd sym" conflicts with window title as in Pluton?
bonk~ file path handling
dialog to give values of $1, ... for the canvas
bang at end of line~, tabwrite~, etc.
recording to part of a table
should sys_bail kill all "threads" on the way out?
check a_valid usage
allow backslashes (or else really disallow them)
icon & desktop integration
flash menu when accelerator hits?
fix edit mode menu item
fancier text editing
tools (reassigns meaning of primary click)
get gui to notice early EOF
rewrite t_getbytes properly (m_newmemory.c in pd/attic)
obj_new should do a longjmp on out-of-memory