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  • Ivica Bukvic's avatar
    *added tkdnd module to the build process · 3fce3b79
    Ivica Bukvic authored
    *enabled drag'n'drop in the main window/console, as well as patches
    *implemented properly supported horizontal touchpad scroll (in addition to vertical and shift+vertical, which is being handled as horizontal)
    *pd-gui fails to start (missing pd-l2ork in the $lib/bin/ directory)
    *added tkdnd module to the build process
    Ivica Bukvic authored
    *enabled drag'n'drop in the main window/console, as well as patches
    *implemented properly supported horizontal touchpad scroll (in addition to vertical and shift+vertical, which is being handled as horizontal)
    *pd-gui fails to start (missing pd-l2ork in the $lib/bin/ directory)
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.