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Ivica Bukvic authored
*fixed cord redrawing when objects got resized due to cut/paste of object's text *ctrlleft,ctrlright, and shift variants all now properly navigate messages during editing, including single character atoms *fixed regression where clicking on iemgui labels of gop-embedded iemgui objects also counts as a click on the object itself (e.g. toggle being toggled on/off) *fixed regression when dynamically changing iemgui properties within gop as to when to hide and when to show it *proper redrawing and reordering logic for arrange and dynamic changes to iemgui objects inside gop *committed
Ivica Bukvic authored*fixed cord redrawing when objects got resized due to cut/paste of object's text *ctrlleft,ctrlright, and shift variants all now properly navigate messages during editing, including single character atoms *fixed regression where clicking on iemgui labels of gop-embedded iemgui objects also counts as a click on the object itself (e.g. toggle being toggled on/off) *fixed regression when dynamically changing iemgui properties within gop as to when to hide and when to show it *proper redrawing and reordering logic for arrange and dynamic changes to iemgui objects inside gop *committed