Pd externals by Iain Mott (iain.mott@bigpond.com) The makefile for this collection is configured for Linux only - Linux binaries included. Each external has a demonstration Pd patch (*.pd) associated with it. Source contents: polygate~ - switch between multiple signal inputs - variable fade rate both linear & equal power shuffle - a no-repeat random generator - outputs numbers within a set range pan~ - equal power stereo panning system - sends a system message to the console ln~ - natural log + inverse rec2pol~ - convert rectangular coordinates to polar eg. can be used to convert sine & cosine rfft~ output to phase & magnitude pol2rec~ - inverse of rec2pol~ getenv - Sends value of an environment variable argument on bang. Use a 'set <NAME>' message to reset the variable name. two other related patches: polvoc.pd - example of pol2rec~ etc noisegate~.pd - simple noisegate used in above See also 'sqlsingle.tar.gz' archive for the 'sqlsingle' eternal. This object allows communication and data retrieval from a PostgreSQL database in Pd.
Forked from an inaccessible project.
Jonathan Wilkes