- May 22, 2014
pokergaming authored
- May 12, 2014
Ivica Bukvic authored
*improved draw sprite so that it works within a group
- May 09, 2014
Ivica Bukvic authored
*patch to add [group] data structure and supporting fixes (work in progress with lingering bug of being unable to display data structure arrays properly, see tiger.pd demo patch in data structures)
Ivica Bukvic authored
- Apr 15, 2014
Ivica Bukvic authored
*partial backport of a fix to allow subpatches to be renamed with no arguments without losing their inner content (see g_text setto call). Thanks to Jonathan Wilkes for the bug report.
- Apr 10, 2014
Ivica Bukvic authored
- Apr 02, 2014
Ivica Bukvic authored
*improved comment resize bar (made it into a dashed box) *improved invalid object outline (box) into a dashed box and made such boxes solid when being edited to distinguish them from comments.
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
*restructured pdsend messages used by sys_gui object so that they are forward and backward compatible.
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
*fixed pd~ regression where instantiation within another instance of pd~ failed to start due to expectation of the new -unique flag without which all patches are opened within the existing instance.
- Mar 22, 2014
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
- nested plots display properly - plot is vis'd and unvis'd properly when deleting plot or struct - commented out ugly plot_displace hack-- multiple plots should work just fine - separated out garray dependencies into class "old_plot". This way the changes I made don't affect garrays. _Very_ ugly hack, but it was pretty simple to implement and will be easy to remove later. - no crashes when non-existent arrays are entered into a [struct] that has scalars hanging around - template_cancreate ported from 0.45 - added a function to get the offending struct (to use with "Find last error"). Not using it yet, though. + For creating scalars using an object box: - scalar must have initial "float x float y" fields, in that order. This means you can't accidentally type the name of the hidden garray structs and create a scalar. (Nor any other structs that only have a "y" field, etc.) - broken object box returned if the struct has a bogus array template. (Although currently I'm just refusing to create such a struct.)
- Mar 20, 2014
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
- Mar 19, 2014
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
- Mar 18, 2014
Ivica Bukvic authored
improved installer to avoid install of Gem libraries when doing incremental install (should significantly shorten incremental installs)
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored