This will clone the repository into the directory "purr-data"
6. We need to add a directory for the ASIO SDK. Issue the following command:
<code>mkdir purr-data/pd/lib</code>
6. Download the ASIO SDK [here]( and extract it.
7. Navigate to the place you extracted the directory `asiosdk2.3`. Inside it is another directory named `ASIOSDK2.3`. Copy that inner directory `ASIOSDK2.3` to C:\msys2\home\YOUR-USER-ACCOUNT\purr-data\pd\lib.
8. Issue the following commands:
7. Download the ASIO SDK [here]( and extract it.
8. Navigate to the place you extracted the directory `asiosdk2.3`. Inside it is another directory named `ASIOSDK2.3`. Copy that inner directory `ASIOSDK2.3` to C:\msys2\home\YOUR-USER-ACCOUNT\purr-data\pd\lib.