- Jan 21, 2016
Jonathan Wilkes authored
*added lyon to default path (ported manually, left out control file since it was ported in a previous manual port...)
Jonathan Wilkes authored
*added git module lyonpotpourri
Jonathan Wilkes authored
*updated dependencies that reflect rtcmix~ external needs
Jonathan Wilkes authored
*used better output~ abstraction
Jonathan Wilkes authored
updated tar_em_up.sh from pd-l2ork git. Note: this probably includes changes from later commits
Jonathan Wilkes authored
*added rtcmix~ and autotune external to l2ork_addons, updated tar_em_up.sh script to include them in future pd-l2ork builds (needs testing, autotune needs better help file)
Jonathan Wilkes authored
*updated cwiid (failed to do this in the last commit)
Jonathan Wilkes authored
*added cwiid as a submodule repo (and removed it from the pd-l2ork source) *added rtcmix-in-pd submodule repo
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
made text positioning more legible
- Jan 20, 2016
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
add gui_x for sending hex value inside an array to the gui. Not sure if this is really necessary, but it makes it easy to send a list of open windows for one of the extant interfaces