- Jan 26, 2012
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
Fixed segfault when creating undo for array apply (e.g. when changing array size). Also expanded moving by tag to arrays and scalars. Now, the entire array even with a ton of points is moving like knife through the butter :-)
- Jan 21, 2012
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
Ivica Ico Bukvic authored
Added support for moving GOP objects via tag and disabled showing of resize handles on iemgui objects when displayed inside a gop window (this became an issue due to new way of selecting gop objects which now also includes all objects inside it).
- Dec 17, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
- Dec 16, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
finished implementation and debugging of infinite undo. removed debugging statements from stderr, vastly improved pasting from external script.
- Dec 15, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
finished undo implementation, added consistency to how canvas properties window is handled in undo situations, removed debug output.
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
added comments that suggest UCUT_TEXT is now obsolete and replaced by a much better undo_recreate (action 10).
Ivica Bukvic authored
more improvements to the cut mechanism. implemented rename function (11th undo action proved unnecessary and is serviced by 10). improved logic of retexting objects so that only those that have changed trigger an undo snapshot.
- Dec 14, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
removed rendundant memory hack and found potentially real and permanent fix to the double-entry bug (see g_canvas.c inside canvas_free() function). Many thanks to Krzysztof Czaja for his incredibly helpful hint!
Ivica Bukvic authored
added more improvements to the infinite undo and reworked existing undo actions to conform to the infinite undo model. fixed per-window undo menu updating, finalized undo actions 1,2,3,4,5,9, and 10. Still need 6,7,8 and a new action 11 (namely apply, canvas apply, to front/back, and rename). Also improved paste behavior to make it more user friendly, particularly within the context of infinite undo.
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
added redundant memory remapping when creating new embedded canvases to avoid double-entry bug which has resurfaced since the introduction of the infinite undo.
- Dec 13, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
major overhaul of existing undo actions to conform to the infinite undo format, changed how undo create functions, started undo recreate, reformatted undo index, a number of minor bug fixes, implemented undo actions index 1,2,4,5, and 9 and started working on 10.
- Dec 12, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
implemented first layer of infinite undo (type 8, create only, at this point in time), other undo/redo actions are currently broken until they are implemented accordingly. still need to do repointer and purge_abstraction_actions. Also fixed a small lingering bug in canvas_undo_set_create.
Ivica Bukvic authored
- Dec 11, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
fixed memory leak for invisible 2 canvases with templates. they are now being freed when closing pd as they should be.
- Dec 09, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
added proper repositioning of objects after they have been cut/deleted followed by an undo/redo which always places them at the end and thus makes redoing of cut buggy as it originally relied on whatever selection one had as opposed to the proper original selection.
- Dec 07, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
- Dec 02, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
- Dec 01, 2011
Deba Saha authored
- Nov 30, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
Fixed nasty bug where doubly-embedded pd canvases (not abstractions) did not redraw properly (affects all known versions of pd) plus additional clean-up and improvements on the gop redrawing/apply logic including ability to limit minimum size on gop-enabled objects without parents that also do not have hidetext enabled.
- Nov 29, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
Further refined auto-resizing logic and improved redrawing of the gop rectangle to account for object text size
Ivica Bukvic authored
Ivica Bukvic authored
- Nov 23, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
added gop move/resize via gui, improved logic on autoresizing objects to accomodate space for nlets (GOP-ed objects with hidden text can be of just abuot any size)
- Nov 19, 2011
Ivica Bukvic authored
Cleaning up code plus attempts at improving script-based dynamic closing/opening of patches (as per Jonathan's request).